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Social Media: Beyond Engagement


By Selina Power

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ROI = Return on Ignoring

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How to Set Realistic Expectations

• Have it link back to your business goals.

• How will it be measured? It has to be a number!

• Don’t set your self up for failure.

• Think of the “Why” this goal is important.

• Have a monthly goal and track its success weekly.

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Client Goal Example – Food industry

Specific – Increased customer satisfaction

Measurable – positive sentiment vs. negative sentiment (For every 1 negative comment we want there to be 20) 1 / 20

Attainable- Current positive sentiment vs. negative sentiment is at 1/ 7.

Relevant – Yes, it is one of three company goals for the year.

Time-Bound- This is measured monthly and once the goal has be obtained it will increase.

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What Social Media Goals are Good

Monthly – Aim for at least a 20% growth in both Twitter and Facebook.

Virality per post – This is percentage based on the total number of stories creating from one post and the number of unique people who have seen it. Aim for a 3%

Talking about you – If 10% of your total community.

Unlikes or Unfollowers – This very much based on the industry you are in but no higher than a 2% of the total community per month

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How to Measure DataFacebook – For a nice overall summary look at Facebook Insights.

However for a more thorough view download your full data.

Google Analytics – Social media traffic. – Track how many click throughs have come from Facebook or Twitter.

Hotspot Timing – download post level data to gauge the optimum time to post content and to see what content is really working.

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The 5 Key Metrics for CEO’s

1. Followers • Social credibility + Trust

• B2C = direct sales

• B2B = the money is in the list

• Market place size and growth

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2. Retweets /Talking About This • People talking about your brand

• Generating remarkable content your fans like

• Relevance of the content that is being shared

• Can assist identifying brand influencers

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3. Sentiment • Positive or negatively?

• This should be the heart of your strategy.

• Sentiment can offer key information about how fans online can affect sales.

• Can define content creation,

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4. Competitor Analysis

• What results are your competitors seeing

• Consider likes, content, posting frequency, fan engagement with posts.

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5. Value of a Like • $ figure

• Potential ROI figure

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How many Value of a Like formula’s are there?

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1M impressions x 2 posts x 30 days = 60M impressions

60M impressions / 1000 x $5 CPM = $3000,000

$3000,000 x 12 months = $3.6M

$3.6M / 1M = $3.60

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L / UpM (LpD x 30) x (C / L) x CR x ACV = Value of a Like

L = Total LikesUpM = Unlikes-per-Month

LpD = Links-per-Day

C = Average Clicks

CR = Conversion RateACV = Average Conversion Value

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The Issue with This Metric

Fan value vs. Cost of acquisition

Direct value

Indirect value

Fan unique value

Fan value is elastic

Fan value varies from product to product

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