



AI will be integrated in 50% of business software.

IDC Research.

Many people become uneasy when artificial intelligence is mentioned. These days, not a week goes by that the online media picks up on the topic and discusses potential changes in our work environment. What if machines end up controlling humans?

Fear of change: A hundred years ago, motorised cabs had to be secured by a person running in front of them. The concerns surrounding the new technology were too great to ignore. At that time, horse-drawn carriages dominated the streets, and people harboured great distrust toward motor vehicles.

But at the end of the day, we are simply plagued by fear of change. As soon as we realise that technology makes our daily life easier, we recognise its benefits and accept its use. In the past, there were a number of examples – the most prominent one was certainly the triumph of the smartphone. Of course, initially there were many skeptics, but today the smartphone is the central information and communication medium of the networked consumer. And the motor cabs evolved into cars – you know the rest. Today, we have 1.3 billion of them.

In 2018

Artificial intelligence: The backgroundMan has always been intent on making his work as easy as possible. From stone age-tools to modern robotics, the industrial revolution enables modern society to remove the constraints of human work.

In the 1970s, we started automating industrial production processes. In particular, we eliminated manual operations by humans in structured, rules-based intermediate work steps within a production process. Machines, after all, are able to perform similar, repetitive tasks much faster, more cost-efficient and more precise than humans. They do not require any type of intelligence for this. Instead, they are controlled by a programming software that contains all relevant information and statuses and respective responses to these – we hope. Because if a status has no anticipatory programming, the process will fail. The machine ceases operations.

At the same time, scientists started discussing how to give machines an “artificial intelligence” which might go beyond the limited rules-based horizon and enable them to make independent decisions. The objective: Machines should be able to make independent decisions accounting for and considering a theoretically unlimited number of parameters – and learn from the experience. In this respect, the “artificial intelligence” project was long restricted by physical limitations. The computing capacity that would give machines the ability to consider the required volume of data in a timely manner was simply not available.

Things have changed since the new millennium started. Due to increased computation capacity, available data sets and advanced methods, we were able to equip machines with cognitive skills. The breakthrough with regard to applicability in businesses and private homes has already been achieved in practice.

Machines learn how to make decisions.

Ever since the beginning of the industrialisation, humans have been transferring physical labour to machines. Today, we trust them with making decisions. They are to learn from us and think for us. Many of us do not even realise how often we encounter learning systems in everyday life. We have conversations with assistants on our smartphones as a matter of course, online mapping services guess where we would like to go and give us information about which route to drive and how long it will take us to get there. Our smartphone learns our “writing style” when we create messages – and also how to spell the names of people that we are close to. Intelligent services have started assisting us with everyday things. The development is faster than you may think, believe me.

With Artificial Intelligence as the connecting element, we may be facing the most significant step in the development of our modern industrial society: overcoming intellectual and creative limits.

The discussion about the societal and economic impact of artificial intelligence is characterised by a number of concerns.

Artificial intelligence imitates how experts think, detects connections,

and dynamically reacts to changes.

But even from a technical viewpoint, the discussion is insufficiently differentiated because we lack a definition and reference model with which artificial intelligence and its embodiments could be classified: in terms of its significance, benefits and impact on the economy, society and ethics.


Reference ModelFull: The system functions completely autonomously.

Deep: The system integrates implicit and explicit user reactions into its knowledge base. The system learns.

Conditional: The system is trained with examples and is able to make independent decisions within the set framework (partial automation).

Partial: The system is able to provide pre-defined responses under certain conditions (suggestive answers).

Assisted: The system provides contextual references to the user (proposals).

What is Artificial Intelligence: A surprising number of enterprise software providers claim that their solutions are based on AI. Taking a closer look here might be a good idea: Is the solution able to learn from human-machine interactions?







No Automation








Application areas for artificial intelligenceAlgorithms are always used when it is necessary to provide a reliable prognosis for the present or the future based on a multitude of available historical information (past experience). This occurs during autonomous driving or flying, but also in medical diagnostics. An individual surgeon, an individual pilot, an individual employee can only fall back on their own experience. An artificial intelligence is able to base its decisions on a theoretically unlimited experience base: Thousands of recorded mammographies, hazardous situations, and documents provide a suitable projection of the highest probability.

Adaptive AI algorithms capable of learning are of central importance in the networked service economy.

IDG Connect AI Report, 2014.

In a company, artificial intelligence-based software is of particular advantage in environments where the assessment and processing of information is required. In such environments, traditional, rules-based processes are simply not enough – particularly if unstructured contents are recorded and processed: emails, documents, contracts and descriptions.

Our colleague, the robot, takes on the following tasks: in customer service and administration AI software takes on routine tasks based on the Pareto principle: 80 percent automated, 20 percent through manual employee operations. In which format (voice or text) and via which touch point (messaging or email) is no longer relevant. The system‘s learning capability is the decisive factor. The cooperation of employees and machines is critical for the training of AI software. AI is able to determine relevant action options from a multitude of available pieces of information and parameters – and can thus assist employees with their decision-making in real time.


Input Management: Understand customer correspondence

Extract technical data: Record and transfer process data

Validate and enhance with context information

Repsond automatically to recurring questions

Coordinate and confirm (service) appointments

Carry out (master) data changes

Recognise false entries, fraud attempts

Robotic Process Automation: transfer unstructured contents

Recognise age, level of education, life circumstances and mood

Predictive analytics: Capacity and topic planning

Put together customised content

Recognise and address up-selling potentials

Create multi-dimensional reports

Real-time topic monitoring




Why is training so important? How do you train AI?A simple comparison with human evolution makes it obvious: Humans are not born geniuses or losers. The impact from our education, influences, and experiences is decisive. As we grow, we learn to successfully utilise these influences in the right context. As children, we learn how to use knife and fork or ride a bicycle by watching our parents. We are not programmed to do this and we are not equipped with a rulebook. We learn. And the more frequently we repeat processes the higher the precision with which we will perform them.

A precondition for intelligence is appropriate training. The more time we spend on training exercises with our own kids, the higher the probability that they will later appropriately utilise their experiences. The process is similar when dealing with artificial intelligence (AI). Relevant training sources are also decisive for AI.

In traditional AI processes in the past, problems were defined and entry and output values determined. The availability of adequate learning and training volumes was considered one of the key challenges on the path to the most “autonomous” AI processes. A decisive advantage of the new AI generation is: learning and training sets are continuously available.


2013 201420142003until 1996

Rules-based systems

Improved (voting process)

Self-developing semantic networks

Neutral networks

Statistical processes

The evolution of methods

What you should know about the Virtual Customer Assistants (chatbots)

Do you remember Anna from ‘ABC Company’? Or have you ever had any contact with the chatbots at ‘XYZ Solutions’? Those were first-generation chatbots, and they have meanwhile all been switched off. Naturally, traditional chatbots were based on complex scripts; they were very costly due to the continuous maintenance they required and rarely very helpful when in operation. But first, let‘s clarify what virtual service assistants really do and how they work.

Traditional chatbots are by no means a new invention. Companies have used text-based dialog systems on their websites for years and recently also in apps. In combination with an avatar (an artificial person), they are able to answer easy standard questions.

They are rules-based and thus technically not much more than an FAQ list with full-text search. For bots to react perfectly, the IT team has to continuously reprogram “scripted” dialogs.

And this is where we see the limits of static chatbots: Their functioning is always linked to a higher use of personnel resources since they only function perfectly, if they are continuously re-programmed. Every new customer query might open up a new gap in knowledge that will need to be closed manually.

Static chatbots maintain the status quo, they are not capable of learning.





Chatbots are often not very smart: If you are planning to invest in a virtual assistant, you will need to differentiate between traditional chatbots and their intelligent successors. Otherwise, the assistant will just turn into an expensive “toy” which will neither provide a positive service experience nor will it save costs.


Sustainable quality improvements in customer service can hardly be expected if static chatbots are used. They also show their limits if customers have individual and more complex questions. In times of cognitive software which knows the difference between routine and individual questions, they are no longer up to date.

Modern service assistants are capable of learning and based on artificial intelligence. Their knowledge is no longer just based on trivial or conversational information (What is your name? Who are you? What time is it?). Instead, they are trained with historical dialogs, access the company’s specific knowledge and learn from the reactions of their human colleagues. They continuously improve their knowledge.

IBO, the chatbot of Toshiba’s AI Platform is a second-generation chatbot. IBO’s primary job is to support the staff in customer service. IBO follows the live chats in customer service and actively gives responses that its human colleagues release with a mouse click. IBO automatically processes up to 80% of the chat queries in this manner. Soon, IBO will even be able to accept customer orders and autonomously carry out workflows in the company systems.

IBO will be able to do all this because it is equipped with intelligent robotics which can execute the CRM & Co. control in the background. IBO is thus on a path to soon independently take over all the routine tasks of a human customer service advisor in the background.

“These “second generation” virtual assistants support the knowledge workers’ tasks in service organisations.

They react in a personalised way.”

The benefits of second generation virtual assistants:

• They take care of customer contacts on the website / via messenger 24/7

• Customers get a personalized 24/7 experience

• Chat staff is supported with response options

• The chatbot continuously learns from dialogs it observes (no programming)

• A future-oriented interface for customer communication develops

• They generate a productivity advantage over competitors

Welcome to Toshiba.

My name is IBO.

What you should know about intelligent content recognition (IDR) Do you still sort and copy? Or are you already automated? Many companies fight with a flood of customer messages in paper and digital form. Recording, distribution and processing takes much time, is error-prone and requires comparatively high expenditures. Old concepts and rules-based processes are not scalable. Customer correspondence in analogue format is an endless chain of media breaks.

Companies also fight with a flood of paper and email. Recording, distribution and processing takes much time, is error-prone and requires comparatively high expenditures.


A company‘s “input management” or “correspondence management” refers to the digital recording of these text-based messages from various sources with the objective of providing the respective contents in information systems. The challenge hereby is: to uniformly process incoming messages regardless of the channel used (letter, email, chat) and content structure (continuous text, form). In reality, this is done by employees who read the respective messages and manually “retype” the content required for processing.

AI software offers enormous possibilities by employing fully automated processing to largely eliminate the highly manual portion of processing.

Artificial intelligence performs fully automated processing – documents, emails, web & social media: Service companies are daily hit with a wave of text-based messages. Traditional, rules-based processes only allow transforming a fraction of those into useful information. The result: manual work steps, missing integration, continuous media breaks. Modern AI software understands the message content with high precision, extracts relevant technical data (customer identification, process identification) and automatically triggers follow-up processes in existing systems. Between 80 and 95 percent of the text-based customer communication is thus automatically allocated to the appropriate application case.



AUTOMATE CUSTOMER CORRESPONDENCEIn many large corporations, AI software already supports the recording of customer correspondence content and its processing. It is able to detect patterns even in unstructured text passages (emails, letters or fax messages) and to compare it with successfully completed processes from the recent past. This makes manual sorting and transfer into the company‘s existing systems unnecessary. AI software gets “trained” on examples to make the right decision with regard to a customer query (What does the customer want?) and its further processing (Who does what?).

Through implementation of artificial intelligence, organisations can achieve a significantly higher quality processing of customer queries. The AI Platform independently decides which customer queries are allocated to which follow-up process and which technical and personal data must be automatically extracted from the primarily unstructured correspondence content for processing. This relieves employees of routine tasks. Manual “retyping” of information is no longer necessary. Operational expenditures will significantly decrease.

GET ROUTINE TASKS DONE VIA CHAT AND EMAILArtificial intelligence is also used for processing service requests via a company‘s website. The AI software is highly precise when deciding which queries are routine and which are special cases. AI software can be used to quickly distribute email and customer chat contents to the appropriate service specialist in a prioritised way. AI also decides what priority to give to the customer request and who should be processing the request. This has a positive impact on customer satisfaction.

INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION DECISIONS:AI solutions are employed to reduce the manual processing share in customer service and back office to a minimum. The effective costs per process are thereby reduced by at least 30 percent.

1FOCUS ON YOUR EXPERTISE.It would be silly to believe that you could independently and strategically develop AI software. Do not ask yourself whether to “make or buy.” Focus your internal resources instead on improving those elements of your IT- and communications infrastructure that form the core of your value creation, meaning systems that are relevant for process workflows, ERP and data management. You have to ensure that these systems are linked to the standardised systems in order to create a modern, intelligent infrastructure.






What you should do now Intelligent automation is one of the core disciplines for modernising company processes and should thereforebe given top priority. In your company‘s digital strategy, data is the fuel and artificial intelligence isthe motor. A regular, interdisciplinary exchange between the operational departments, IT and companymanagement is of the utmost importance.

DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN “GENERALISED” AND “FOCUSED”If you are planning to use AI solutions, you should focus on specific applications. Avoid a “generalised” approach by investing in platforms for which you would need to develop your own applications first. In these cases, development times and capital expenditures risk spinning out of control. Think comprehensively, but only act if you can achieve a clear business benefit.

BETTING ON MATURE SOLUTIONS AND A SUSTAINABLE APPLICATIONNo question: AI is able to improve a multitude of processes in your business and support customers and employees at the same time. Intelligent automation, however, may also be counterproductive if its benefit is doubted. You should not employ a chatbot that creates excessive user expectations which it will not be able to meet. Do not introduce a service desk which is meant to automate processes, but starts making errors in practice that are expensive to correct. Place your trust in systems in service and administration that require a step-by-step introduction and which your staff needs to gradually train and optimise. “Acceptance” is the key for improvements.

APPROACHING THIS PROCESS IN THE RIGHT ORDERAI is of the greatest use in those areas that so far have been resistant to automation. This, for example, includes automated, direct topic reporting (Which questions and issues are reported by customers?) and contextual help during processing (Where is the information to be found that supports employees during processing?). Focus on AI that sustainably assists you in the recording, analysis and interpretation of contents.

CREATE THE RIGHT ENVIRONMENTArtificial intelligence will help you find the right information to arrive at the right decisions. AI in service processes is not meant to be a “job killer”, on the contrary, it is supposed to assist employees during cumbersome, repetitive work steps. Conversations about AI and educating your staff about opportunities for service and process excellence is equally important.

Copyright ©2018 TOSHIBA TEC. Intelligent Automation with AI - White Paper


Toshiba TEC are an authorised sales partner of ITyX Solutions.

ITyX is a specialist for Intelligent Automation in customer service an d back office processes. A Pioneer in Artificial Intelligence: Founded in Germany in 1996, the company is aninternationally recognised specialist for intelligent automation for input management, robotic process automation and chatbots with installations in 24 countries.

Author: Andreas Klug, CMO, ITyX AG, is considered the Godfather of digital transformation and regularly speaks and writes about the topic in lecture series, articles in industry magazines and blogs. He leads the study group “Artificial Intelligence” of the ITC association Bitkom and is co-founder of the i-Service Initiative and the think-tank “AI Experts.”
