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Intelligent and Converged Networks Intelligent and Converged Networks

Volume 1 Number 1 Article 5


Wireless recommendations for internet of vehicles: Recent Wireless recommendations for internet of vehicles: Recent

advances, challenges, and opportunities advances, challenges, and opportunities

Tan Li the Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon 999077, China City University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen 518057, China.

Congduan Li the School of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China.

Jingjing Luo the School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), Shenzhen 518055, China.

Linqi Song the Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon 999077, China City University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen 518057, China.

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Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Tan Li, Congduan Li, Jingjing Luo et al. Wireless recommendations for internet of vehicles: Recent advances, challenges, and opportunities. Intelligent and Converged Networks 2020, 1(1): 1-17.

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Intelligent and Converged Networks ISSN 2708-62402020, 1(1): 1–17 01/06 pp1–17 DOI: 10.26599/ICN.2020.9070005

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Convergence of mobile broadband and broadcast services:a cogni ve radio sensing and sharing perspec ve

Internet of radio and light: 5G building network radioand edge architecture

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Wireless recommenda ons for internet of vehicles: Recent advances, challenges, and opportuni es

Intelligent cogni ve spectrum collabora on: convergence ofspectrum sensing, spectrum access, and coding technology


Tan Li, Congduan Li, Jingjing Luo, and Linqi Song�

Abstract: Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is a distributed network of connected cars, roadside infrastructure, wireless

communication networks, and central cloud platforms. Wireless recommendations play an important role in the

IoV network, for example, recommending appropriate routes, recommending driving strategies, and recommending

content. In this paper, we review some of the key techniques in recommendations and discuss what are the

opportunities and challenges to deploy these wireless recommendations in the IoV.

Key words: Internet of Vehicles (IoV); wireless recommendations; interactions between communication and

computation; edge computing

1 Introduction

Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is a distributed network thatconsists of connected cars, roadside infrastructures,wireless communication networks, and central serversto support data transmission, content sharing, andinformation provision.

IoV is regarded as an important scenario for Internetof Things (IoT)[1, 2] and is intended to play an essentialrole in the next generation Intelligent TransportationSystem (ITS)[3, 4]. IoV enables us to collect real-timeinformation of vehicles on the road, to enhance on-time delivery rate, and to optimize the dispatch andfleet management aiming at improving the operatingperformance and reducing manpower and fuel costs.

� Tan Li and Linqi Song are with the Department of ComputerScience, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon 999077,China, and also with City University of Hong Kong ShenzhenResearch Institute, Shenzhen 518057, China. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected].

� Congduan Li is with the School of Electronics andCommunication Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510275, China. E-mail: [email protected].

� Jingjing Luo is with the School of Electronic and InformationEngineering, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen),Shenzhen 518055, China. E-mail: [email protected].

�To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Manuscript received: 2020-02-11; revised: 2020-05-11;accepted: 2020-05-25

Recent advances in wireless communications, distributedsystems, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cyber PhysicalSystems (CPS), including electronic vehicles, andautonomous cars, are key enablers of the developmentof IoV. Gathering and exchanging information and dataamong different vehicles, roadside units, and centralcloud platforms, IoV has the potential to create newvaluable applications, such as the automatic navigation,the content caching and sharing among vehicles andthe cloud, the accident alert, and the automatic fleetmanagement. An overview of the IoV network is shownin Fig. 1. The ultimate objective of the IoV is to achievea more efficient, safe, and green world of transportation.

1.1 Key enabler

In this subsection, we discuss the key enablers of theIoV.

� Wireless communicationThe recent development of wireless communication

technologies[5], such as 5G, edge computing, and IoT,will offer more connectivity options for the vehicle toenable real-time communication with human drivers,pedestrians, other vehicles, roadside infrastructures,and central management systems. The future IoV isexpected to support various Vehicle to Everything(V2X)[6] communications. Several V2X communicationsare listed as below.

– Intra-vehicle communication can monitor the

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Fig. 1 An overview of the IoV network.

vehicle’s internal performance through On Board Units(OBUs) and a number of equipped sensors.

– Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V)[7] communication allowsexchange of information between vehicles. Informationmay include the speed, surrounding environment, andposition of nearby vehicles.

– Vehicle to Network (V2N) communication supportsthe wireless exchange of information between a vehicleand the Internet. Vehicles are enabled access to diverseInternet services.

– Vehicle to Internet (V2I)[8] communication enablesthe vehicle to access additional information from theinternet through wireless networks such as 5G.

– Vehicle to Pedestrian (V2P)[9] communicationsupports awareness for vulnerable road users likepedestrians and cyclists.

� Distributed systemThe IoV network is in essence a distributed system.

Vehicles, roadside units, sensors are regarded asdistributed nodes. These distributed nodes not onlyhave communication capability, but also are able toperform local computations. Thus, the development ofdistributed systems, such as edge computing framework,interactions between communication and computation,will enhance the deployment of IoV[10]. For example, theproliferation of cloud and edge computing[11] capabilitieswill enable an easy and seamless way of using the vehicleas an integrated part of the cloud and-edge based services.

Understanding the interactions between communicationand computation could help to build a fundamentalframework for IoV.

� Artificial intelligenceIn the past decade, artificial intelligence grows

extremely fast. Artificial intelligence refers to machinesthat can mimic cognitive functions that humans associatewith, such as learning and problem-solving. Artificialintelligence is a main driving force of IoV. When dataare gathered in the IoV network, from sensors equippedon the vehicles or roadside units or from driver generateddata (such as mobile apps), one immediate challenge ishow to process and utilize the data. Artificial intelligenceis a vital tool to process the data. For example, how todetect an anomaly and send an alert; how to analyze thesensor data and make decisions/suggestions on how todrive; and how to incorporate vehicles’ data to predictthe road congestion status and navigate to an appropriateroute[12, 13].

� Cyber-physical systemCyber-physical systems comprise digital, physical,

and human components engineered for function throughintegrated physics and logic. Examples of CPS includesmart grids, autonomous automobile systems, medicalmonitoring, industrial control systems, and roboticssystems. In the IoV network, physical components(such as sensors and cameras), data, humans, andcomputational components need to be deeply intertwined

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and coordinated[14, 15].

1.2 Application scenario and major benefit

The IoV network brings a great number of benefits tothe entire society and our daily lives. Some of the majorbenefits are as follows.

� Safe drivingIn each year, millions of casualties are caused by

road accidents due to human errors, such as fatigue ornegligence of potential danger. The implementation ofIoV has the potential to correct errors and make vehicletransportation safer.

The IoV network can use sensors and cameras togather data and information from various vehicles androadside entities, such as the lamp post and traffic lights,to detect and predict possible collisions and accidents.This will then trigger a warning and an alert will be sentto the drivers[16].

With the help of the IoV network, periodical messagesabout the vehicle’s information and notifications ofpossible emergencies can also be generated, such astraffic jams, dangerous road conditions, or accidents[17].

� Remote vehicle serviceIoV can connect, access, and control vehicles

remotely. This enables the driver to control the vehiclewithout approaching it. More convenient servicesbecome available, like remote door lock, tracking thetrail of vehicles[18], finding the vehicle in a parking lot[19],and tracing a stolen vehicle. For example, a logisticcompany can track the fleet in real time, such that it canprovide a more accurate estimation of the good deliverytime.

With the help of GPS signals and other sensors’ data,the transportation agencies are able to get information ofthe real-time traffic, transit, and parking lot, making iteasier to manage transportation systems to improve theefficiency of transportation.

� Emergency responseIoV can bring some fundamental changes to urban

emergency response and accident management. Inthe IoV, when an emergency occurs, for example, caraccidents, dangerous road conditions, the connected cars,or roadside units can automatically send real-time datavia IoV about the emergency along with the location

information to the emergency management system[20, 21].The emergency management system can automaticallyrespond to this (for example, send a warning to nearbyvehicles) or make a request for human emergency teaminvolvement (for example, human emergency team willask police and ambulances to handle the case). This canreduce the emergency response time and save lives in anemergency scenario.

� EntertainmentIoV can also bolster the advanced information systems.

Connected cars and roadside infrastructures can getaccess to the wireless communication networks, suchas 5G, and thus, can provide entertainment content andonline services, and can enable live streaming music,media, or other information[22] through the dashboard.These can be shared among the connected vehicles.

To provide all these services and realize theaforementioned benefits, wireless recommendationtechniques are a core component of the system; whilethe IoV network serves as the fundamental infrastructureto support the wireless recommendations, and hencevarious applications related to traffic, vehicles, drivers,and passengers. Multi-dimensional data are collectedfrom different sensors, including traffic information,vehicle positions, and trajectories. Leveraging such data,wireless recommendation systems can provide routerecommendations, driving strategy recommendations,and content recommendations. The major benefits of IoV,such as safe driving, remote vehicle services, emergencyresponse, and entertainment, would be realized via thesedata-intensive applications, for example, recommendingappropriate driving strategies could help to improvethe safety in driving, recommending new routes inan emergence situation could help to reduce thecommute time, or recommending popular music/moviesto neighboring vehicles could entertain the driversand passengers. In a word, IoV networks collect theunderlying data, based on which the recommendationsystems could make decisions; and as a result, thecombination of the two will bring a number of benefits.Table 1 shows the possible benefits of deploying wirelessrecommendation systems in the IoV.

In this paper, we will review some of thekey techniques in recommendations, how wireless

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Table 1 Benefits of recommendation systems in the IoV.

Category Benefit

IoV system


-Traffic/road information

-Vehicles’ speed, direction, and position


-Users’ historical trace

-Users’ content requests information



-Route recommendation

-Parking pot search

-Warnings or alerts for dangers

-Music/video recommendation



-Safe driving

-Reduced traffic congestion

-Remote vehicle services

-Emergency response

-Personalized entertainment

recommendations are used in IoV networks, and themain challenges and opportunities.

Recommendations have become fundamental toany modern information processing systems — ineffect, they allow users to find various contents,options, strategies, etc. based on their intent ratherthan explicitly searching for pre-specified ones. Theapplications of recommendation range from multimediarecommendations (e.g., movies, music, and news),product recommendations, ads recommendations,tourism recommendations, and transportationroute recommendations, to healthcare diagnosticrecommendations. With content almost in majorityconsumed over wireless devices and the increasingtrend of pushing computation to edge devices, wirelessrecommendations become very important.

In wireless recommendation systems for IoVnetworks, there are many wireless features to be takeninto account. For example, bandwidth constraints canaffect the user experience and the performance of therecommendations; the data are kept locally in distributedservers and federated recommendations may need to bemade; and the content and vehicles are time-varying withhigh dynamics.

Unlike most traditional learning or communicationsystems, where the focuses are on how to learn somespecific parameters or communicate at a maximumrate, the IoV network is a joint framework that

spans across the areas of machine learning andinformation theory/communications, which brings manynew challenges and opportunities at the same time. Inthis paper, we will discuss these aspects.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2,we review some classic and advanced techniques ofrecommendations. In Section 3, we talk about thewireless recommendation application scenarios in IoVnetworks. In Section 4, we discuss the key challengesand opportunities of deploying wireless recommendationsystems in the IoV network. In Section 5, we presentour first results. In Section 6, we conclude the paper.

2 Review of the recommendation technique

In this section, we will review several classical andadvanced recommendation techniques and discuss theirstrengths and weaknesses.

Usually, in a recommendation system, there are users,items, and ratings. The recommendation system willrecommend items to users based on their interests, whichare reflected as the ratings. In the IoV network, the usersmay be vehicles and drivers; the items may be the routes,driving strategies, and content; and the ratings may bethe preference or reward of users on each route, drivingstrategy, or content.

We will focus on some widely used recommendationsystem techniques, which are summarized as Table 2,and give examples about how they can be used in theIoV as well as the possible challenges they face.

2.1 Classical collaborative filtering and matrixfactorization

Collaborative filtering is the mainstream techniquein recommendation systems. In a general sense,collaborative filtering refers to methods that can makepredictions about the preferences of a user on items(filtering) by learning knowledge from global user-iteminteractions (collaborating).

The first category of collaborative filteringis heuristic methods, such as user-based[23] orcontent/item-based[24--26] models. In user-basedmodels[23], collaborative filtering algorithm aims atfiltering out items that a user might like on the basisof reactions by similar users. In content/item-based

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Table 2 Summary of recommendation system techniques.

Category Method Advantage Disadvantage



-Collaborative filtering

User-based method[23]

Item-based method[24--26]

-Similarities evaluation[27--29]

-Ability to recommend similar items

-Ability to learn from similar users

-Personalized recommendation



-Lack of diversity[30]

-Matrix factorization[31, 32]

SVD++[33], SVD[34], and FM[35]

-Feedback and side information[36, 37]

-Better representations with

dense embeddings and better rating

estimation with the inner product

-Poor inner-product-based

predication[38, 39]

-Ambiguous representations[40]

Deep learning-

based technique

-Neural CF[40--43]

-Deep neural network[44]

-GNN and graph embedding[45, 46]

-Better representation ability for

high dimensional features

-Require large amounts of

samples and hardware

resources for training



based technique

-Contextual MAB[47--49]

-Markov Decision Process[50]

-Upper Confidence Bound[51--53]

-Thompson Sampling[54]

-Online learning

-Diverse recommendation

-Reasonable exploration

-Solving the cold-start problem

-Unstable training

-Difficult to converge

-Low learning efficiency

models[24--26], collaborative filtering algorithm tries topredict a user’s interest on an item based on the user’sinterests on similar items/contents.

One key question is how to evaluate the similaritiesbetween users or items. Usually when calculating thesimilarities between two users or item, we commonlyused similarity measures, like cosine-similarity orPerson-correlation-based similarity[24], which are studiedand shown a good performance. To further enhance thesimilarity accuracy, Ref. [27] used tags as features incomputing similarities; Ref. [28] utilized trust networkto enhance the model. Sometimes, explicit ratings(feedback) are not available or costly to the system. Inthis case, implicit feedback[29] can be estimated/learnedto yield personalized rankings.

These heuristic methods form the rudiment of therecommendation system. However, there are a numberof problems for the simple models, for example, sparsity,cold-start, inaccuracy, and lack of diversity[30]. A moresophisticated method is the Matrix Factorization (MF)technique, which shows a great performance raise inthe Netflix Recommendation Contest[31] and has made adeep impact on the industry.

Formally, the MF technique can be described asfollows. Let R denote the m � n incomplete user-itemrating matrix. Here, each row represents a user; eachcolumn represents an item; and each entry representseither the rating of the corresponding user given to the

corresponding item or it is an unknown value indicatingan unrated user-item pair. Usually the number of usersand items m; n are large, so each user and each item arerepresented by a large vector (i.e., a row or a columnin the matrix). The MF technique tries to map eachuser/item into a low-dimensional (d � m; n) vectorspace, which is also referred to as latent space. Byconvention, pu stands for a user latent factor and qi

stands for an item latent factor. Then the goal of MFis to minimize the mismatch between pT

uqi and thecorresponding real rating ru;i aggregated among all ratedelements in the rating matrix R.

For instance, a music recommendation system hasbeen deployed in the IoV using collaborative filtering[32].The MF method is also widely used in the field ofsignal processing and representation learning. Thereare also many variants of the MF algorithms, such asSVD++[33], SVDFeature[34], and FM[35], which furtherboost performances by adding implicit feedback andside information[36, 37].

MF models provide a better solution for buildingCF models, because (1) dense embeddings are moreexpressive than simple sparse representations; and (2)the inner product is shown to be a better rating estimationfunction than simple weighted sum or similaritycalculation. However, in recent years, researchershave pointed out several problems in the MF models:difficulty of maximizing inner-product[38], inaccuracy

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in inner product-based predication[39], and ambiguousrepresentations[40].

2.2 Deep learning-based technique

In recent years, deep learning has made a greatimprovement in the field of computer science.Researchers of recommendation system have startedto pay more attention to deep learning techniques soas to achieve better performance in recommendationtasks. As discussed in previous subsections, we can seethat the deficiencies in user, poor item representationability, and lack of good estimation functions restrictthe ability of traditional Collaborative Filtering (CF) andMF models. Deep learning is a promising alternative tosolve these problems.

From the perspective of deep learning, MF methodscan actually be viewed as a two-layer shallow neuralnetwork: inputs are the sparse one-hot encoding of usersand items; the first embedding layer transforms sparsevector into low-dimensional embedding vectors; outputsare the inner product of user and item vectors to predictthe rating. Thus, we can stack more neural layers afterembedding layer to approximate sophisticated non-linearrating functions instead of inner products.

Following this idea, Ref. [40] proposed a NeuralCollaborative Filtering (NCF) model and a combinedmodel of NCF and MF, by replacing the innerproduct function with a multi-layer tower-shaped deepstructure as the prediction function, which achievesa much better performance than conventional works.Similarly, Ref. [41] achieved outstanding performancegain over conventional methods, by adding embeddingtransformation layers before user/item embedding layersfor a fine modeling of features. References [42, 43]also showed promising results by applying deepneural networks in recommendations. In Ref. [44], anintelligent vehicle audio system in the IoV was proposedto make driving strategy recommendations based on deeplearning techniques. More recently, graph embedding[45]

and graph neural networks[46] have also attention in thedesign of recommendation systems due to that they aremore suitable to capture discrete or sequential inputs.

By utilizing powerful neural structures, the predictionfunctions have a strong ability in handing non-linear

relations and can capture user-item interactions far betterthan simple inner product function. We can see thatthe application of deep learning has greatly helped toimprove the conventional CF or MF models and hasbecome recent advances in the industry, for example,being applied by YouTube, Amazon, and Facebook.

2.3 Reinforcement learning-based technique

Reinforcement learning, such as contextual banditalgorithms[47--49] and Markov decision process[50], issuitable for online learning tasks in which data becomeavailable in a sequential order. For recommendationtasks, it is used to update the best recommendationresults for users at each step, as opposed to batch learningtechniques which generate the best results by learningon the entire training dataset at once. Reinforcementlearning is also a major optimization approach todiversified recommendation[48]. Among that, contextualbandits play a crucial role, with applications rangingfrom news[47], ads, to movie recommendations[48], andcan diversify results by balancing the tradeoff betweenexploration (recommending seemingly suboptimal itemsbut learning new knowledge about user preference)and exploitation (recommending the best possible itemsbased on the knowledge so far).

Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) problem is a maturesequential decision making model and please refer to Ref.[51] for a general description of the MAB problem andalgorithms. The contextual bandit problem is a variationof the conventional MAB problem by taking into accountcontexts that can influence the user preference over items,such as the time, location, user profile, and browsinghistory. Various techniques have been proposed tosolve the contextual bandit problem: Upper ConfidenceBound (UCB)-based (such as LinUCB)[52, 53], ThompsonSampling[54], epoch-based, etc.

Noted that it is not easy to directly deploy thosetechniques that we have introduced in this sectionin the IoV system, whether the classic CF/MF orthe advanced deep learning-based recommendationtechnologies. There are a number of challenges thatneed to be addressed when the proposed strategiesare being implemented in the IoV. One key challengeis the high dynamics of vehicles. When a vehicle is

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moving across areas covered by different Road-SideUnits (RSUs), multiple RSUs will need to cooperateto deliver the content. One straightforward solutionis to predict the vehicle’s trajectory so as to assist thecontent delivery and caching at different RSUs. Anotherchallenge is the noisy communication environment ofvehicles, which may result in erasures or errors whendelivering the content. To tackle the above challenges,wireless communication techniques and specificallytailored algorithms may need to be proposed. In thenext section, we will introduce several scenarios to showhow wireless recommendations are deployed in the IoVsystem.

3 Wireless recommendation for internet ofvehicles

In this section, we talk about several applications ofrecommendations over wireless on the IoV network.

3.1 Route recommendation

Route recommendation is an important part of theIoV and intelligent transportation systems since routenavigation becomes a basic requirement for people. Itplays a positive role in alleviating urban congestion andimproving travel efficiency. In this section, we willdiscuss several examples of route recommendations. Anillustration of route recommendation is shown in Fig. 2.

3.1.1 Personalized route recommendation

Traditional route recommendation services generallyconsider a certain metric, such as the shortest distanceor traveling time, and provide the shortest or quickestpath between an origin and a destination. However,

Fig. 2 Route recommendation strategy.

these methods ignore some factors, such as road safetyand traffic jam, thus cannot make a comprehensiveconsideration of the route situation. On the otherhand, traditional route planning does not take thedrivers’ preferences into consideration but only providegeneric recommendations. In practice, different driversmay select different routes between the same sourceand destination because they may have differentdriving preferences (e.g., time-efficient driving orfuel-efficient driving). Reference [32] proposed twopersonalized route recommendation methods. Bothof them utilize collaborative filtering techniques toestimate users’ behavior from Global Positioning System(GPS) trajectories. Then a route with the maximumprobability generated by the Naive Bayes model will berecommended. Similarly, Ref. [55] also studied howto recommend personalized routes using big trajectorydata. They recommend the shortest route in the smallgraph, that is constructed with appropriate edge weightsreflecting how the driver would like to use the edgesbased on the selected trajectories.

3.1.2 Machine learning-based routerecommendation

More and more artificial intelligence and deep learningmethods are applied to this route recommendationproblem. Convolution Neural Network (CNN), whichis widely used in image processing, is utilized to detectand recognize road surface for route recommendation[56].Rrecurrent Neural Network (RNN)[57] based default logicis proposed for route planning to improve the accuracyof default reasoning in a dynamic environment. Besides,reinforcement learning is proved to be an effective wayfor decision-making problem. Interaction between thevehicles and the environment can be formulated asa Markov Decision Process (MDP), then Q-learningalgorithm[58, 59] can be performed to optimize the routerecommendation results for real-time navigation.

3.1.3 V2X communication based cooperative routerecommendation

In addition to route recommendation for single vehicle,cooperative route recommendation can benefit fromongoing V2X communication techniques in IoV system.The V2V communication system proposed in Ref. [60]

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can gather information regarding of other vehicles andreal-time traffic information, then a genetic algorithmis adopted to an appropriate route. In Ref. [61], thevirtual vehicle concept was applied which adapts thecooperation approach via strategic concession game,trying to minimize both the individual and global drivingtime.

3.2 Driving strategy recommendation

Driving strategy is another emergent requirementfor drivers. At present, early warning systems havemade positive contributions to avoiding accidents.Appropriate driving strategy (such as distance alarms,automatic braking according to sensing and monitoringsurrounding environments) recommendations andreminders can help drivers respond in time to reducethe probability of accidents. In this section, we willdiscuss a variety of driving strategy recommendationsworks. Reminders can help drivers respond in time toreduce the probability of accidents. An illustration ofthe driving strategy recommendation is shown in Fig. 3.

3.2.1 Review of driving control strategies

Common driving control strategies include functions,such as forward-collision warning, blind-spot warning,lane-departure warning, lane-change or merge warning,intersection collision warning, pedestrian detectionand warning, backup warning, rear-impact warning,and rollover warning for heavy vehicles[62]. A specialcategory of collision warning is driver monitoring, todetect and warn of drowsiness or other impairments thatprevent the driver from safely operating the vehicle.

3.2.2 Drivers’ characteristics based drivingstrategy recommendation

Individual driving style may vary considerably among

users. Some users might prefer driving with highaccelerations, others might prefer a more stable style.Typically, a large number of parameters, such asacceleration profiles, distances to other cars, speedduring lane changes, etc., characterize a driver’s style.To capture these features, Ref. [63] modeled theindividual style as a cost function and performed feature-based inverse reinforcement learning to find the modelparameters which fit the style well. Other deep learningtechniques, like deep sparse auto-encoder[64], is also usedto extract hidden features for visualization of drivingbehavior. Once the behavior model has been learned, itcan be used to compute and recommend adaptive drivingstrategies[65--67].

3.2.3 V2X communication based collaborativedriving strategy recommendation

The driving strategy recommendation will be moreaccurate using information of other vehicles. Reference[68] investigated the V2V communications and real-timedatabases to decrease collision risks and enhance safety.Similarly, a V2V based lane change warning system hasbeen studied in Ref. [69]. Artificial intelligent methodsare also utilized for cooperative decision-making ina decentralized way[70, 71]. Moreover, Ref. [72] firstconsidered secure and privacy preserving in 5G fogbased IoV, which is another emergent as we must faceprivacy leaks when collaboratively solve problems.

3.3 Content recommendation

With the increasing demand for vehicle travel,entertainment information services have received moreand more attention in IoV. Such emerging applicationsimprove user experience while also greatly increase thepressure on storage and transmission of IoV systems. In

(a) Blind intersection and vulnerable road user alserts (b) Lane charge warning and deceleration warning for vehicles ahead

Fig. 3 Examples of driving strategy recommendation.

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the cellular access network, content requests fromvehicles must transfer to the base station firstly, thenenter the Internet. However, the physical locationbetween the vehicle and the content server will causea large transmission delay. In practical scenarios, alarge number of vehicles often request for popularcontents in the same hot-spot areas, which willcause huge pressure on the network. In addition, therepeated transmission of the same content will wastecommunication resources. In this section, we willdiscuss the content recommendation in IoV system.An illustration of content recommendation is shown inFig. 4.

3.3.1 Vehicle content recommendation

Reference [73] first considered the in-vehicle multimediarecommendation for group users by taking careof personalized preferences. User identification andprofile aggregation and merging are performed beforegenerating recommendation strategy. Reference [74]proposed a weighted interest degree recommendationalgorithm using association rules for intelligence in theIoV. User interest score is predicted by establishingan association between user interests and recommendpersonalized service. With assistant of social networkingand big data analysis, Ref. [75] proposed a reliablerecommendation system model for IoV. Reference [76]also made use of social big data studies how to combineboth the physical and social layer information forrealizing content dissemination in Device-to-Device

Fig. 4 Content recommendation.

Vehicle-to-Vehicle (D2D-V2V)-based IoV networks.

3.3.2 Vehicle content delivery

Content delivery is a key functionality for developing theIoV and there have been huge number of studies in thisarea. Different delivery strategies are designed underdifferent network architectures, such as Content DeliveryNetworks (CDN)[77], Information-Centric Networks(ICN)[78], content-centric networks[79], Named DataNetworks (NDN)[80], etc. From a big data perspective,the vehicular data can be classified into location-centric,user-centric, and vehicle-centric[81]. Then different typesof information can be used for different tasks throughdata analysis. Reference [82] proposed a content deliverysolution based on vehicular cloud and aimed to takeadvantage of the name-based mechanism to reduce thecontent delivery cost and latency. Except for vehicularcloud, vehicular edge computing[83, 84] is also a promisingparadigm to enable massive multimedia content to becached in proximity to vehicles, aiming to minimizecontent delivery latency in IoV.

3.3.3 Vehicle content C3

Communication, caching, and computing (C 3) problemsare always jointly considered for optimal operation invehicular networks. In Ref. [85], a new cooperativeedge caching architecture for 5G networks was proposed.Smart vehicles are taken as collaborative caching agentsfor sharing content cache tasks with base stations.Reference [86] proposed a cross-entropy-based dynamiccontent caching scheme to cache the contents at theedge of VCNs based on the requests of vehicles and thecooperation among the RSUs. AI-based algorithms aremade full use of to improve system utility facing highmobility of vehicles. For example, deep reinforcementlearning methods were used to dynamically orchestrateedge computing and caching resources in Refs. [87, 88].Blockchain techniques[89] were used to address securityissues since the vehicles may not be willing to cachecontent to their untrusted vehicles.

4 Challenge and opportunity

As we have discussed, there are numerous benefits andapplications of recommendation systems to assist theIoV. In this section, we will discuss the challenges and

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opportunities.As the number of sensors on vehicles and roadside

units grows rapidly, these wireless nodes become amajor information acquisition and processing points. Assuch, the conventional cloud computing infrastructurefor information processing is moving towards edgecomputing infrastructure where more data are keptlocally and more computations are processed in closeproximity to end users. This new paradigm brings manynew challenges for computation tasks. As an importantinformation filtering application, edge computing-basedwireless recommendations need to be specificallyredesigned and to address the new challenges thatemerge. Some of the key challenges and opportunitiesare organized as follows.

� Distributed operationRecommendation systems are starting to pervade

IoV applications, such as vehicles collaborativelyrecommending trajectories to peers, or vehicles in closeproximity running crowd sourcing tasks. We cannotnecessarily rely on a central server storing all content,learning all preferences, and making all decisions.Instead, we need distributed operations. Also givendelay constraints, power constraints, storage constraints,computation constraints, and communication constraints,how can we perform tasks in IoV efficiently in adistributed manner is a big challenge.

To tackle this challenge, we may need tocombine knowledge and tools from different domains,such as distributed computing, artificial intelligence,communication, and embedding systems, to jointly solvethe problems and optimize the system performance[90].

� Wireless challenges that restrict data transmissionThere are many wireless challenges on the road

conditions, such as noise, interference, dynamicnetwork structures, and limited bandwidth[91]. Howto successfully design corresponding data processingschemes over wireless remain a significant challenge.The possible solutions may include wireless coordinateddecision making, federated reinforcement learning.

� High dynamics and uncertaintyIn many wireless recommendations in the IoV

network, the user information can be unknown andfast changing (unknown vehicles passing-by as opposed

to long-term Netflix subscribers) and the featureinformation is harder to get, compared with the staticscenario where user profile and item features can beobtained by the server. The network topology is changingrapidly overtime when vehicles are moving; and alsothe network size is changing from time to time[92],as different time in a day the road condition variesdramatically.

Thus, we may need to explore the unobserved latentstructures of users and items, for example, we knowthat users/items have similarities and they can beclustered into different types. We may need to usedynamic graphs or just neighboring information to makerecommendations.

� Security and privacyIn IoV networks, one immediate challenge is

the security and privacy problem[93--95]. In traditionalcentralized systems, we can apply security measuresto defend the system against various attacks. In starkcontrast, in the IoV, there are a number of wirelessnodes involving in the communication and computationprocess and some of them are vulnerable and may beprone to get attacked (e.g., security software was notinstalled on all edge devices)[5, 96]. It is often hard to takeuniform measures to ensure that all distributed nodes arefully protected against attacks. Therefore, we may tryto solve this problem from a different perspective, byactively designing robust algorithms that can address theadversary attack problem.

Another big concern is the privacy on individual userdata[97, 98]. In the IoV, each vehicle has its own personaldata and may not want to share with other vehicles,roadside units, or the central platforms. The secrecyattacks often steal data by eavesdropping or interception.To protect user privacy, we may need to actively takemeasures, such as encryption, transmitting parametersinstead of raw data, etc. to design algorithms that aresuitable in the IoV network. Some promising techniques,like Intrusion Detection System (IDS)[99], Honeypot[100],and Secure Routing Protocols[101] have been shown to beeffective.

Such challenges bring to the forefront the need forbridging artificial intelligence with communications /information theory. Although designing recommendation

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systems and data transmission networks hasattracted significant research efforts in separatecommunities, understanding the optimal design ofboth recommendations and how we utilize the wirelessmedium can be a good opportunity.

5 First attempt in wireless recommendationsfor IoV

In this section, we will talk about our first attempts of ourrecent works in wireless recommendations for the IoV. Itis a noteworthy that this is a pretty new field and we onlyscratch the surface. There are huge opportunities in thisarea from both the academic and industrial perspectives.

� Bandwidth-aware wireless recommendationIn wireless recommendations for the IoV network,

bandwidth is usually a very scarce resource. Thus,a straightforward question is how should we makerecommendations in wireless IoV networks in view ofthe limited bandwidth. Traditional recommendationsonly take into account the user preference. In starkcontrast to this, in Ref. [102], we considered to jointlyoptimize the user preference and data transmissionefficiency, as it is the case over IoV networks.

We formulated the bandwidth-aware recommendationproblem over IoV networks in the context of indexcoding�.

In the bandwidth-aware recommendation problems,we consistently found that although the optimizationproblems are in general Non-deterministic Polynomal(NP)-hard, significant bandwidth savings are possibleeven when restricted to polynomial time algorithms[102].We also found that there is a tradeoff between userpreference and bandwidth usage, as shown in Fig. 5.

In addition, we had two more works that considerthe tradeoff behavior between the user preferencelearning and the broadcasting bandwidth[104, 105] for IoVnetworks. In Ref. [104], we proposed a bandwidth-awarereinforcement learning based algorithm to efficientlylearn user preference given a limited broadcast

�Index coding is a canonical problem in broadcasting networkswhere a transmitter aims to make broadcast transmissions tomultiple receivers, each with different requests and/or sideinformation[103].

Fig. 5 Trade-off between bandwidth and benefit (userpreference) in Ref. [102], where the bandwidth is describedby the number of transmissions (horizontal axis); and thebenefits are aggregated by summing up all users preferences(vertical axis). The three arrows in the middle point to thethree points of the red line, representing the best, average,and worst cases obtained after multiple simulations. Theother points and red lines reflect the interval of valuesobtained after multiple simulations.

bandwidth. In Ref. [105], we proposed a graph theorybased coded reinforcement learning technique to balancethe user preference learning rate and bandwidth.

� Wireless content caching and deliveryIn our second category of work, we studied the

wireless content caching, delivery, and recommendationsbased on user preferences[106, 107].

Content caching and delivery at the network edgeof the IoV, such as wireless caching stations equippedon the roadside unit, are important techniques toprovide content-based services (such as music, video,and radio). The spatial-temporal diversity of contentpopularity requires different contents to be cachedin different Wireless Caching Stations (WCSs) andperiodically updated to adapt to temporal changes anduser preferences. In Refs. [106, 107], we proposedreinforcement learning and content caching schemesto learn the user preference for different contents andrecommend caching strategies on wireless cachingstations. In addition, we showed a tradeoff between theuser preference changing speed and the communicationcost, as shown in Fig. 6. In Ref. [108], we designedcaching strategies for mobile users when the networkscale is large and content popularity is arbitrary.

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Fig. 6 Performance comparison under different userpreference changing speeds (represented by the driftingparameter) in Ref. [107]. It shows that more communicationcost (bandwidth) is needed when the user preference ischanging faster.

� Privacy and security for IoVIn our recent work, we have studied the privacy issues

and security issues in wireless distributed systems[109--113].

In Ref. [109], we proposed a coding based frameworkto protect the privacy of users when many users are inthe same broadcast domain. In Ref. [110], we studiedan anomaly detection problem in the federated learningframework where many distributed nodes are trying toprotect the privacy of their local data against others. Weproposed a corresponding privacy protection scheme andshowed the tradeoff between learning performance theprivacy protection level at each node, as shown in Fig. 7.XGboost is a common classification algorithm, and F1-score is an metric used to measure the classificationresults. Higher F1-score means higher classificationaccuracy.

In Refs. [112, 113], we studied how to combat theByzantine attacks for wireless distributed systems, suchas the IoV. Since wireless distributed nodes are usuallyprone to be attacked due to many nodes and non-uniformprotection schemes, we would like to design a strategy tomake the distributed computation robust, even with theexistence of Byzantine attackers, namely, those nodesthat can send arbitrarily bad intermediate messages toothers when performing some computation tasks. Weproposed a coding based scheme to tackle this problemand showed the effectiveness in theory and practice. InRef. [111], we studied the Byzantine attack problem

Fig. 7 F1-score of federated XGBoost framework foranomaly detection in Ref. [110], where the commonly usedF1-score (the harmonic mean of the precision and recall)is used to measure the performance (vertical axis) of theanomaly detection, with a higher F1-score representing abetter performance; and the dimension of mapping is used todescribe the level of privacy protection, with a less number ofdimensions representing a higher level of privacy protection.We can see a tradeoff behavior between the level of privacyprotection and the performance of the anomaly detection.

in a game theory framework and a defending strategywas proposed to defend corresponding distributed nodeswhen many wireless nodes performing a joint task areprone to be attacked.

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we have reviewed the wirelessrecommendation applications in the IoV network,for example, recommending appropriate routes,recommending driving strategies, and recommendingcontent. We have analyzed several key challengesand opportunities for the deployment of wirelessrecommendation systems in the IoV. We believe thatincorporating knowledge and tools from differentdomains, such as artificial intelligence, communications,distributed systems, and cyber-physical systems, willhelp to tackle emerging system problems and improvethe system performance.


This work was supported in part by the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)(Nos. 61901534 and 61702205), the GuangdongBasic and Applied Basic Research Foundation(No. 2019B1515120032), the Science, Technology and

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Innovation Commission of Shenzhen Municipality (No.JCYJ20190807155617099), and the Hong Kong RGCECS (No. 21212419).


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Tan Li received the BS degree from CentralSouth University, Changsha, China in 2016,and the MS degree from University ofScience and Technology of China, Hefei,China in 2019. She is currently workingtoward the PhD degree at the Department ofComputer Science, City University of Hong

Kong. Her research interests lie in the edge computing, distributedcomputing, and machine learning for wireless communication.

Congduan Li received the BS degreefrom University of Science and TechnologyBeijing, China in 2008, the MS degreefrom Northern Arizona University, AZ,USA in 2011, and the PhD degree fromDrexel University, PA, USA in 2015, all inelectrical engineering. From Oct 2015 to

Aug 2018, he was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Instituteof Network Coding, Chinese University of Hong Kong and theDepartment of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong.He is currently an associate professor at the School of Electronicsand Communication Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, China.His research interests lie in the broad areas related with networks,such as coding, security, wireless, storage, and caching.

Jingjing Luo is currently an assistantprofessor at the School of Electronic andInformation Engineering, Harbin Instituteof Technology (Shenzhen), China. Shereceived the BS and PhD degrees fromHuazhong University of Science andTechnology, Wuhan, China in 2010 and

2015, respectively. From 2016 to 2018, she was a post-doctoralfellow at the Department of Information Engineering, ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong. Her research interests lie in the broadareas related with wireless networks, such as edge computing,caching, and machine learning.

Linqi Song is an assistant professor atthe Department of Computer Science, CityUniversity of Hong Kong. He receivedthe BS and MS degrees in electronicengineering from Tsinghua University,China in 2006 and 2009, respectively, andthe PhD degree in electrical engineering

from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA in2017. After that, he was a postdoctoral scholar at the Electricaland Computer Engineering Department, University of California,Los Angeles, USA. He received a UCLA fellowship for hisgraduate studies. His research interests are in coding techniques,algorithms, big data, and machine learning.
