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  • 1. What did it mean to be Healthy in the 18th Century?HEALTHY, a. Being in a sound state; enjoying health; hale; sound; as ahealthy body or constitution.1. Conducive to health; wholesome; salubrious; as a healthy exercise; ahealthy climate; healthy recreations.

2. State - STATE, n. [L., to stand, to be fixed.]1. Condition; the circumstances of a being or thing at any given time. These circumstances may beinternal, constitutional or peculiar to the being, or they may have relation to other beings. We say, the body isin a sound state, or it is in a weak state; or it has just recovered from a feeble state. . . . So we say, the stateof public affairs calls for the exercise of talents and wisdom. . . . ( . . .; Superfluous . . . 2. More thansufficient;)4. Estate; possession. [See Estate.] (More on Estates and Freeholds in The Path presentation.)5. A political body, or body politic; the whole body of people united under one government, whatever may be theform of the government. . . .6. A body of men united by profession, or constituting a community of a particular character; as the civil andecclesiastical states in Great Britain. But these are sometimes distinguished by the terms church and state. Inthis case, state signifies the civil community or government only. . . .9. Dignity; grandeur.10. A seat of dignity.11. A canopy; a covering of dignity. . . .13. The principal persons in a government.14. The bodies that constitute the legislature of a country; as the states general.15. Joined with another word, it denotes public, or what belongs to the community or body politic; as state affairs;state policy.States - STATES, n. plu. Nobility.Hale - HALE, a. Sound; entire; healthy; robust; not impaired; as a hale body. 3. Constitution - CONSTITUTION, n.1. The act of constituting, enacting, establishing, or appointing.2. The state of being; that form of being or peculiar structureand connection of parts which makes or characterizes a systemor body. Hence the particular frame or temperament of thehuman body is called its constitution. We speak of a robust orfeeble constitution; a cold, phlegmatic, sanguine or irritableconstitution. We speak of the constitution of the air, or other substance; theconstitution of the solar system; the constitution of things.3. The frame or temper of mind, affections or passions.4. The established form of government in a state, kingdom or country; a system of fundamentalrules, principles and ordinances for the government of a state or nation. In free states, theconstitution is paramount to the statutes or laws enacted by the legislature, limiting andcontrolling its power; and in the United States, the legislature is created, and its powersdesignated, by the constitution.5. A particular law, ordinance, or regulation, made by the authority of any superior, civil orecclesiastical; as the constitutions of Justinian and his successors.6. A system of fundamental principles for the government of rational and social beings.The New Testament is the moral constitution of modern society. 4. WholesomeWHOLESOME, a. [G.]1. Tending to promote health; favoring health; salubrious; as wholesome air or diet; awholesome climate.2. Sound; contributing to the health of the mind; favorable to morals, religion or prosperity; aswholesome advice; wholesome doctrines; wholesome truths.3. Useful; salutary; conducive to public happiness, virtue or peace; as a wholesome law.4. That utters sound words.A wholesome tongue is a tree of life. Prov 15.5. Kindly; pleasing; as a wholesome answer.SafeSAFE, a. [L. salvus, from salus, safety, health.]1. Free from danger of any kind; as safe from enemies;safe from disease; safe from storms; safe from the malice of foes.2. Free from hurt, injury or damage; as, to walk safe over red hot plowshares. We brought thegoods safe to land.3. Conferring safety; securing from harm; as a safe guide; a safe harbor; a safe bridge.4. Not exposing to danger. Phil 3.SalubriousSALUBRIOUS, a. [L. saluber,salubris, from salus. See safe.]Favorable to health; healthful;promoting health; as salubriousair or water; a salubrious climate. 5. HEALTHY systemsrequireHEALTHYHuman Capital and Human Resources.From Websters 1828 Dictionary:CAPITAL, a.Capital stock, is the sum of money orstock which a merchant, banker ormanufacturer employs in his business;either the original stock, or that stockaugmented. Also, the sum of money orstock which each partner contributes tothe joint fund or stock of thepartnership; also, the common fund orstock of the company, whetherincorporated or not.CAPITAL, n.3. A stock in trade, in manufactures, or inany business requiring the expenditure ofmoney with a view to profit.RESOURCE, n.1. Any source of aid or support; anexpedient to which a person may resortfor assistance, safety or supply; meansyet untried; resort. An enterprising manfinds resources in his own mind.2. Resources, in the plural, pecuniarymeans; funds; money or any propertythat can be converted into supplies;means of raising money or supplies. Ournational resources for carrying on warare abundant. Commerce andmanufactures furnish ample resources. 6. Self appraisals and reality checks.Vocation - VOCATION, n. [L. vocatio, from voco, to call. See Voice.]1. Among divines, a calling by the will of God; or the bestowment of Gods distinguishing graceupon a person or nation, by which that person or nation is put in the way of salvation; as thevocation of the Jews under the old dispensation, and of the Gentiles under the gospel.2. Summons; call; inducement.3. Designation or destination to a particular state or profession.4. Employment; calling; occupation; trade; a word that includes professions as well asmechanical occupations. Let every divine, every physician, every lawyer, and everymechanic, be faithful and diligent in his vocation.Career - CAREER, n.1. A course; a race, or running; a rapid running; speed in motion.2. General course of action or movement; procedure; course of proceeding.3. The ground on which a race is run.4. In the manege, a place inclosed with a barrier, in which they run the ring.5. In falconry, a flight or tour of the hawk, about 120 yards. 7. An effective communicator?Are your natural attributes:A Leader?If so, what is your style? 8. Have you considered your vocational objectives andgoals? If so, in which of the 7 identified systems areyour talents best suited? For a personal appraisal, usethe vocational exercise that follows or locate it atSherman Institute, oron the IntegrityTraining blog.Talent - TALENT, n. [L. talentum; Gr. to bear, alliedto L. tollo. The word is said to have originallysignified a balance or scales.]1. Among the ancients, a weight, and a coin. The truevalue of the talent cannot well be ascertained, but itis known that it was different among differentnations. . . .2. Talent, among the Hebrews, was also a goldcoin, the same with a shekel of gold; . . .3. Faculty; natural gift or endowment; a metaphoricalapplication of the word, said to be borrowed fromthe Scriptural parable of the talents. Mat 25.4. Eminent abilities; superior genius; as, he is a manof talents.5. Particular faculty; skill. He has a talent at drawing.6. [Sp. talante, manner of performing anything, will, disposition.] Quality; disposition. 9. The title ofthe job I didwas:My tasks andduties were:What I likedbest was:What Idisliked was:I learned theAbout my self:following:About other:Last job/career:Nextjob/career:Nextjob/career:Etc., (as manyas youve had.)First job: 10. Fill in the blanks.If you need additional choices, click on the links provided.1. I enjoy working with (people, concepts, data, things, etc.) ____________.2. My interests are (realistic, investigative, artistic, social enterprising,conventional) ____________.3. I want to be regarded by my employer as a (planner, influencer, coordinator, etc.)____________.4. I work best when I am (problem solving, structured, unstructured, behind thescenes, etc.) ____________.5. My abilities are (list as many as apply; cognitive, physical, psychomotor, sensory)____________, ____________, ____________, ____________, ____________.6. My motivational payoff is (money, power, respect, prestige, impact, etc.)____________. 11. My objective may be to work with ______1 ______where I am free to pursue my _____2_______interests and operate as a _____3_______ in a_____4_______ capacity using my_____5_______, ______5______, and ______5______abilities which leads to _____6_______.From the exercise on the previous page;I learned that: 12. This presentation has been compiled byRetired CRC, Veronica Niki Hannevig, MS Rehabilitation CounselingThe information contained herein has been gleaned from ProfessionalJournals, Trainings, etc.
