
Instructor/TCF Renewal Information—2016

Winter 2016/2017

Inside This Edition:

PALS Update Information…...………..….....…..Page 2

Dispatcher Assisted CPR………….…... ….…...Page 2

Overview of AHA CPR Courses………..…........Page 2

Renewal Form…………………………………….Page 3

Instructor Responsibilities……………………….Page 4

Renew only if your Instructor/TCF Card(s) Expire in 2016. The Renewal Checklist form is included in this newsletter. Please complete form and return with your check for the cost of your instructor/TCF card(s) before December 31, 2016.



Instructor CD: Megacode

Testing Checklists 4, 7 & 10

On the Instructor CD included

with the ACLS Instructor Manual,

“recognize symptoms due to gun-

shot wound” is listed erroneously

on Megacode Testing Scenarios 4,

7 and 10. Please disregard this

reference and please use only the

version of these Testing Check-

lists that is included in the printed

Instructor Manual. The Instruc-

tor CD will be corrected in

future printings.

ACLS Instructor Course Interim

Materials Now Available Materi-

als include: ACLS Interim Faculty

Guide, Training Bulletin: ACLS

Instructor Course Interim Mate-

rials (this bulletin provides guid-

ance on using interim materials,

requirements for Faculty and curent

Instructors, and requirements for

ACLS Instructor candidates),

ACLS Instructor Candidate

Workbook ), Sample Agenda for

ACLS Instructor Course and

ACLS Course Roster . Contact

Training Center for Materials.

2015 Guidelines HeartCode ACLS Now Available

The AHA’s new blended learning

course, HeartCode ACLS, is now

available through OnlineAHA and

our AHA Distributors. HeartCode

ACLS is a self-directed eLearning

program that uses eSimulation

technology to allow students to

assess and treat patients in virtual

healthcare settings. To enter the

online portion, students must com-

plete a precourse self-assessment.

Students are then presented with a

team dynamics lesson and 10 In-

hospital patient cases, including a

BLS case and 2 megacode cases.

Upon successful completion of all

the patient cases, students must

pass the written exam with a score

of 84%. Students then must attend

an Instructor-led hands-on session

with an AHA ACLS Instructor for

full course completion. Where

available, students may also com-

plete the hands-on portion with a

voice-assisted manikin.

Guidance for ACLS Instructors – The following resources are

available to ACLS Instructors to

prepare for and conduct HeartCode

ACLS hands-on sessions.

HeartCode ACLS Sample Agenda, located in the new ACLS Instruc-

tor Manual

*HeartCode ACLS Lesson Maps, located in the new ACLS Instructor


*HeartCode ACLS DVD, included in ACLS Course DVD Set

*Free Resources posted on the AHA Instructor Network:

o HeartCode ACLS Training

Memo o ACLS Product & Course Orien-

tation (blended learning sections)

o HeartCode ACLS Skills Testing


o HeartCode ACLS Frequently

Asked Questions (coming soon).

Before conducting hands-on

sessions for HeartCode ACLS,


*Must have completed their 2015 Guidelines Instructor Update.

*Must have a current copy of the ACLS Instructor Manual and ACLS

Course DVD Set

*Are strongly encouraged to com-plete the ACLS Product & Course

















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Update Information: Instructors

who need an update this year, those

whose instructor card(s) expire

December 31, 2016, may be up-

dated through the newsletter again

this year. To update you must

have: 1)Taught a minimum of

four classes over a two-year

period(1/1/2015-12/31/2016) for

each discipline you teach. 2)

Must pass the written exam and

be checked off on skills compe-

tency (within the 2-year period);

(Check off date, test score and

listing with dates of classes

taught, must be included on your

renewal form.) If you would like

to receive a Provider Card also,

please indicate on the renewal-

form. Costs for the card is listed

on the renewal form. Your train-

ing site will have the test for

your renewal and also provide

you with times for skills check

offs. Tests and skills check off

forms are maintained at the

Training Site. Renewal form

along with your check, for the

cost of your card(s), must be

returned to Mid-Carolina AHEC,

Inc. no later than December 31,

2016. If your employer pays for

your instructor card(s), give the

update form with completed

information to your Education

Director.and he/she will

forward to us by the deadline.

Renewal forms will not be accepted if postmarked after December 31, 2016.

Written test and/or skills check offs

may be performed at Mid-Carolina

AHEC, Inc by appointment at the

cost of $20/person. Please contact :

Julie Ghent at:

[email protected]

Or Imogene Grubbs at:

[email protected]

to schedule.

WINTER 2016-2017 Page 2

PALS Update Information We are pleased to announce materials

for the AHA’s Pediatric Advanced

Life Support (PALS) Instructor-

Led Training (ILT) Course, up-

dated to reflect the 2015 AHA Guide-

lines Update for CPR and ECC, is

available from our AHA Distributors.

eBooks and digital materials are

available on since

October 6.

Materials for the PALS ILT Course

include the following:

Student Materials: 15-1058 PALS Provider Manual

15-1046 PALS Pocket Reference

Card Set

15-3120 PALS Provider Manual


15-3121 PALS Digital Pocket Ref-

erence Card Set

Instructor Materials:

15-1051 PALS DVD Set

15-1047 PALS Instructor Manual

15-3122 PALS Instructor Manual


15-1048 PALS Instructor Package

Supplemental: 15-1049 PALS Poster Set

15-1050 PALS Emergency Crash Cart


PALS Interim Instructor Course Mate-

rials: The AHA will not be creating in-

terim materials for conducting PALS In-

structor Courses. This is because we are

currently developing new 2015 Guide-

lines Instructor Course materials, which

will begin to be introduced in late 2016/

early 2017.

If you have a PALS Instructor course

scheduled prior to the new instructor ma-

terials being released you can use

* 2013 PALS Instructor exam until new one are released

*New PALS Instructor Manual is out – you should use that book with the new

provider manual and establish an agenda

per the new recommended outline

*Use old evaluations until new ones are released

ECC Announces Standards to Improve

Dispatcher-Assisted CPR, Open Public

Comment Period: AHA CPR & ECC pub-

lished recommendations September 16, that

set standards for timely and high quality deliv-

ery of dispatcher-assisted CPR, also known as

telephone CPR (T-CPR). The recommenda-

tions include performance goals to measure

successful implementation by first responders.

To generate discussion among professionals

engaged in improving survival from cardiac

arrest, the program and associated metrics are

open for public comment. The AHA will be accepting comments from interested parties

through the website

PublicComment until November 16, 2016.

The AHA recognizes the need for emergency

response dispatchers to be trained to provide T

- CPR instructions prior to the arrival of EMS

in the 2010 AHA Guidelines for CPR and

ECC, and was reiterated in the Guidelines

most recently updated in 2015. After the pub-

lic comment period, the AHA will update the

program / performance recommendations. The final document will be published online with a

comprehensive guide to implementing T-CPR

at the community level.

Dispatcher Assisted CPR

BLS - Instructor-Led Training

BLS Courses:

BLS, Instructor Led Training. The

AHA’s new BLS Course has been

updated to include science and edu-

cation in the 2015 Guidelines Update

for CPR and ECC. It teaches both

single rescuer and team basic life

support skills for application in both

prehospital and in-facility environ-

ments, with a focus on high quality

CPR and team dynamics. In the In-

structor-led course, students partici-

pate in simulated clinical scenarios

and learning stations. Students work

with an AHA BLS instructor to com-

plete BLS skills practice and skills

testing. Students also complete a

written exam.

HeartCode BLS uses a variety of

eLearning assets such as dramatiza-

tions, eSimulations, animations, self-

directed learning, and interactive

activities to teach students BLS

knowledge and skills. After complet-

ing the online portion, students attend

a structured BLS Hands-On Session

with an AHA Instructor. This session

focuses on meaningful skills practice,

debriefing, team scenarios, discus-

sions of local protocols, and skills

testing. Where available, students

may also complete the hands-on

session with a voice-assisted manikin


HeartCode BLS is for healthcare profes-

sionals seeking an alternative method for

completing an initial or renewal BLS


AHA’s Heartsaver courses are designed

to prepare students to provide first aid,

CPR, and use an AED in a safe, timely,

a n d e f f e c t i v e m a n n e r .

Heartsaver Instructor-led training is con-

ducted in a classroom setting and features

group interaction and hands-on coaching

and feedback from an AHA Instructor.

Heartsaver blended learning courses in-

clude an online portion that can be com-

pleted either at work, home, or wherever

students have Internet access. Upon suc-

cessful completion of the online portion,

students attend a hands-on skills session

with an AHA Instructor .

ACLS Medical professionals who re-

spond to cardiovascular emergencies in

and out of the hospital enhance their treat-

ment knowledge and skills through

AHA’s ACLS training courses. AHA’s

ACLS offerings highlight the importance

of team dynamics and communication,

systems of care and immediate post-

cardiac arrest care. They also cover air-

way management and related pharmacology.

ACLS-EP The goal of the ACLS EP Course

is to improve outcomes in complex cardio-

vascular, respiratory and other (eg, meta-

bolic, toxicologic) emergencies by expanding

on core ACLS guidelines and encouraging

critical thinking and decision making strate-

gies. Through instruction and active partici-

pation in case-based scenarios, learners en-

hance their skills in the differential diagnosis

and treatment of prearrest, arrest and postar-

rest patients.

PALS. The AHA’s PALS Course is for

healthcare providers who respond to emer-

gencies in infants and children. The goal of

PALS is to improve the quality of care pro-

vided to seriously ill or injured children, re-

su l t in g in i mp ro ved o u tco mes .

PEARS® helps healthcare providers develop

the knowledge and skills needed for emer-

gency evaluation and treatment of seriously

ill infants and children. PEARS teaches pro-

viders how to recognize respiratory distress,

shock and cardiac arrest, and provide appro-

priate lifesaving interventions within the ini-

tial minutes of response until the child is

transferred to an advanced life support pro-

vider. The goal of PEARS is to improve the

quality of care provided to seriously ill or

injured infants and children, resulting in im-

proved outcomes.


WINTER 2016/2017 Page 3

Instructor/TCF Renewal Checklist — Renew only if your card expires in 2016

American Heart Association Emergency Cardiovascular Care Program

Instructor/TCF Renewal Checklist

Instructions: This checklist may be used to document successful completion of Instructor/TCF renewal requirements

and contact information. The completed form is kept in the Instructor’s file at the Training Center.

Instructor/TCF Contact Information (Please Print Legibly)

Name:__________________________________________________Instructor ID #:_________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Phone: ________________________ Fax: ____________________ E-Mail:_______________________________________

Other contact Information:________________________________________________________________________________

Discipline: ___BLS ___ACLS ___ PALS ___ACLS EP ___Heartsaver __Heartsaver First Aid Expiration Date:_________

___BLS TCF ____ACLS TCF ____PALS TCF Expiration Date: ______________________________

Do you wish to receive a new provider card? _____Yes ____ No ____BLS _____ACLS ____PALS Card costs below

If TCF and your card expires and you wish to be reappointed as TCF please indicate discipline. ____BLS ___ACLS ___PALS

Primary TC: Mid-Carolina AHEC, Inc. Training Center ______________________________________________________

Instructor/TCF Card Costs: Consortium Members: $15.00/discipline Non-Consortium Members: $25.00/discipline

***Provider Card Costs: Consortium Members: BLS $ 3.00 ACLS/PALS: $ 7.00***

***Non-Consortium Members: BLS: $5.00 ACLS/PALS: $12.00***

Name of TC Coordinator: _Julie Ghent

Renewal Checklist

___ Provider skills successfully demonstrated. Date:___________________ Method:____________________________

___ Provider/Instructor examination completed with a score of 84% or higher. Date: _________ Score:______________

___ At least 4 Provider Courses taught in past two years for each discipline you instruct. (List below)

___ Training Center Faculty (TCF) one Instructor/Instructor Renewal Course taught in past two years. (List below.)

Please note: If you requested a provider card, see card costs above. Additional cost for Provider card.

Teaching Activity

Course Name Date Location (TC/Site) Station/Module





Instructor/Instructor Renewal Course (For TCF Renewal)


Additional courses may be attached or listed on the back of this form.

Training Center Use Only:

___ New Instructor Card issued. Date:_________ TCF status maintained. Date: _____________

___ New Provider Card issued. Date: ________

Our Training Center is a success

because of our great instructors!

Thank You!!

Mid-Carolina AHEC, Inc

Training Center

1824 Hwy 9 By-Pass West

PO Box 2049

Lancaster SC 29721


Fax. 803-286-4165

Remember: Renew only if your card expires in 2016.

Training Center Guidelines

As an instructor with our Training Center your responsibilities include:

Possess a working knowledge of the

current course materials.

Provide ECC training following guide-

lines and curriculum of the AHA and Mid-Carolina AHEC TC.

Be evaluated/monitored by the TC

Coordinator, a designated regional Faculty Member or the MC AHEC BLS/TCF monitor.

Attend an Update at least once every

two years, when indicated by ECC.

Participate in public training.

Keep copies of rosters sent to MC-

AHEC along with the exams.

Notify the TC prior to each course

for BLS courses

Send course roster with appropriate

fees to the TC within 14 business days after the course date. All names and addresses must be printed clearly. Completion cards will be sent to the course direc-tor/coordinator. No blank cards will be issued. All checks are to be made payable to Mid-Carolina AHEC, Inc.

Instructors are not to give class

participants the TC phone number. Should there be questions/concerns about rosters, classes or cards, instructors are to contact the TC.

Instructors may teach for other

Training Centers, but should send

a roster to MC AHEC for inclusion

in their teaching record.

Card Fees

Consortium Members

$3/each: BLS, Heartsaver,

First Aid, AED provider

$7/each: ACLS, ACLS EP,

PALS provider

$15/each: Instructor & TCF

Non-Consortium Members

$5/each: BLS, Heartsaver,

First Aid, AED provider

$12/each: ACLS, ACLS-EP,

PALS provider

$25/each: Instructor and TCF

When teaching instructor classes, instructor candidate workbooks, training center faculty guides and forms may be requested from

the Training Center.

The Training Center must receive notification of new instructors prior to them applying to join our Training Center to be able to approve

them on the Instructor Network. In the future instructor candidate students will be denied access to the Training Center if we do not have

prior notice. The training Center will no longer track down these students through their e-mails based on their application to the AHA In-

structor Network nor with TCF who may have taught a class.

WINTER 2014/2015 Page 4

TC Faculty

Notice to all Instructors: Check the AHA Instructor Network periodically for new and or updated information.
