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Vol. LVIII No. 3 March 2014


The IIPA fraternity extends its greetings to all its readers Holi and Chaitra Sukhladi

Workshop on Gender Budgeting

Organised by the Ministry of Women and ChildDevelopment and IIPA, the captioned programme wasconducted at the Institute for officers of gender budgetcells of Central ministries/departments on February 6-7. Inaugurating the programme, Dr. TishyarakshitChatterjee, Director of IIPA, highlighted the importanceof focusing on the outcome of the schemes andprogrammes that are especially designed for womenand for socially sensitive budgeting. The objectives ofthe programme were to: (i) enhance conceptual claritywith regard to gender budgeting related concepts andtools; (ii) facilitate the implementation of the 12th Plancommitment to strengthen and institutionalise genderbudgeting in all Central ministries/departments; (iii)enable cross-learning regarding initiatives taken andchallenges faced in implementing gender budgeting;(iv) identify the way forward for improved integration ofwomen’s needs and priorities in the budget and relatedpolicy documents. Prof Aasha Kapur Mehta coordinatedit.

Programme on Climate Change Adaptation withEmphasis on Water Sector

Sponsored by National Institute of DisasterManagement, Besides acquainting the participants withthe different perspectives of climate change which alsohelps in focusing on the problem area to mainstreamclimate change, the programme was designed to enablethem to: (i) explain the main causes of global climatechange and the likely impacts on their region andcommunity; (ii) state how climate change adaptationand mitigation are linked to disaster risk reduction: (iii)

identify ways in which they can reduce their householdand community vulnerability to climate change; (iv)identify and apply tools to develop a community-climatechange adaptation plan; (v) outline the key elements ofa plan for participatory monitoring and evaluation ofcommunity responses to climate change; and (vi) statethe cross-cutting issues involved with special referenceto water, land and agriculture. Dr. Shyamli Singh andProf. V.K. Sharma coordinated it.

Programme on Incorporating Gender Concerns inPublic Policy

Sponsored by the Ministry of Personnel, PublicGrievances and Pensions, the programme wasconducted at IIPA from February 10-14. The programmeprovided an overview of the state of gender in India, acritical analysis of existing policy responses of thestate and problems with policy-making, including thoserelated to data, analysis and implementation. It alsoexamined the civil society responses to the genderquestion and their bearing on overall state of gender.Programme faculty comprised guest speakers and theprogramme coordinators, Prof. Dolly Arora and Prof.Aasha Kapur Mehta.

Programme for the Presidents and Members of theDistrict Consumer Forums

Sponsored by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs,Food and Public Distribution under the guidance of theNational Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission,the programme was conducted at IIPA by its Centre forConsumer Studies from February 17-21. Apart fromelaborating and integrating the various provisions ofthe Consumer Protection Act and other legislation

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The mother of revolution and crime is poverty — Aristotle

having a bearing on consumerprotection, the programme wasdesigned to enable the participantsto: (i) appreciate the intricacies ofjudicial procedure in general andthe requirements of fairness andreasonableness in the functioningof quasi-judicial bodies such as theconsumer disputes redressalagencies in particular; (ii) effectivelymake use of the art of judgement-writing in delivering the orders ofthe consumer courts; (iii) appreciatethe legal dimensions of the caselaws developed in the area ofconsumer protection; and (iv)develop effective leadership forbetter administration of consumerjustice. The faculty comprised guestspeakers and in-house faculty. Prof.Suresh Misra and Dr. SapnaChadah coordinated it.

Advancing the BPA Curriculum:Coaching of Core Courses andImproving Academic Skills

Under the project “Strengtheningof Public Administration inAfghanistan”, the captionedprogramme was jointly organisedby Deutsche Gasellschaft fürInternationale Zusammenarbeit(GIZ), Postdam Center for Policyand Management (PCDM),University of Postdam and IIPA fromFebruary 15-28. The SPA WinterAcademy 2014 provided theparticipants with knowledge inteaching methods and didactics aswell as the basic of researchmethodology. Together with theexperts from Germany and Indialearning materials were developedfor selected courses of the Afghanpublic administration curriculum. Itoffered an opportunity to discussand further develop the jointcurriculum of the Afghan faculties ofpublic administration. It also

provided insights into highereducation teaching experiences forpublic administration in India.

Workshop on ConsumerProtection and Consumer Welfare

Sponsored by the Ministry ofConsumer Affairs, Food and PublicDistribution, the programme wasconducted at IIPA by its Centre forConsumer Studies for officers ofstate department of consumer affairson February 24-25. The programmewas designed to enable theparticipants to: (i) understand thevarious policy measures to protectthe consumers; (ii) explain thevarious provisions of the ConsumerProtection Act and other legislations;(iii) appreciate the need andimportance for consumer educationand awareness; and (iv) highlightthe implications of consumerprotection law and policy for goodgovernance. Prof. Suresh Misra andDr. sapna Chadah coordinated it.

Faculty News

� Prof. Aasha Kapur Mehta,Professor of Economics(Economic Policy), has beennominated by CabinetSecretariat to serve in the CoreGroup of the Adhoc Task Force,2014-15 for reviewing theResults Framework Documentsof Ministries and Departmentsof Government of India.

� Prof. P.K. Chaubey, Professorof Economics (EconomicAdministration): (i) delivered alecture on “Political System andPolitical Party Management inIndia” for Chinese delegationfrom Shanghai AdministrationInstitute, PRC on December 13;(ii) delivered the inauguraladdress in the National Seminaron “Environment andSustainable Development”,

organised by the ChaudharyCharan Singh University onDecember 17; (iii) chaired apanel discussion on “Growthand Beyond” in the NationalConference on “Challenges ofDevelopment: Revisit toInclusiveness”, organised by theZakir Husain Delhi College onJanuary 17; and (iv) chaired atechnical session on “Public-Private Partnership in Educationand Health” in the GoldenJubilee International Conferenceon “Public-Private Partnership:The Need of the Hour”,organised by the Institute ofPublic Enterprise, Hyderabad incollaboration with InternationalCenter for Promotion ofEnterprises, Slovenia onJanuary 24.

� Dr V N Alok presented KeynoteAddress on Experiences ofIndian States: Lessons forKerala in a three dayInternational Conference onDeepening Democracyorganized by the Governmentof Kerala at Trivandrum during19-21 January 2014. ShriOommen Chandy, ChiefMinister, Government of Keraladelivered the inaugural addressand Shri Jairam Ramesh, UnionMinister of Rural Developmentspoke at the valediction. A threeday National Workshop on Stateand Local Finances wasorganized with PRS LegislativeResearch for Members ofLegislative Assembly (MLAs)during 28-30 January 2014 atIIPA, New Delhi. 23 MLAs fromten States participated. FromIIPA, Dr V N Alok organized theworkshop and delivered the talkin two sessions.

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Better be wise by the misfortunes of others than by your own — Aesop

Bihar Regional Branch

The branch jointly with Shri GuruGobind Singh College, Patnaorganised a UGC-sponsorednational seminar on “Public SectorBanking and Indian Economy” onJanuary 21-22. Dr. Balbir SinghBhasin, former Vice-Chancellor ofMagadh University; Dr. S.R. Singh,Director of Education, Governmentof Bihar; and Shri Qamar Ahsan,former Vice-Chncellor were amongthe participants. Dr. Navanit Sinha,Secretary of the branch, gave voteof thanks.

Delhi Regional Branch

The branch organised a lecture-meeting on February 21, in whichDr. K.D. Kanodia, Sr. Vice-Presidentof Delhi Homeopathy MedicalAssociation, spoke on “Life TimeExperiences in Quick and EffectiveResult through Homeopathy andSecret Of Happiness in Life”. ShriT.N. Chaturvedi, Chairman of IIPA,presided over the programme.

Jammu and Kashmir RegionalBranch

The branch organised first ShriRam Sahai Memorial Lecture on“GST: A Comprehensive TaxReform” on February 15. KhawajaBashir Ahmad, Advisor to Chairman,Empowered Committee of StateFinance Ministers, delivered the key-note address; and Dr. S.S. Bloeria,Vice-Chancellor of Central Universityof Jammu, presided over theprogramme. Khawaja Ahmad in hisaddress traced back the history oftax reforms in India and highlightedsome of the key issues pertainingto goods and services tax. Dr.Bloeria focused on four issues of


tax policy—tax regime, tax collectionapparatus, exemption mechanismand tax avoidance. Earlier, Dr. AshokBhan, Chairman of the branch, paidrich tribute to late Shri Ram Sahairecalling his contribution to the IIPA,Chamber of Commerce andIndustries and many otherorganisations.

Karimnagar Local Branch

The branch organised a seminaron “RTI Act” on February 3, in whichProf. M. Sridhar was the ChiefGuest. He appealed to the activiststo use the Act for betterment ofsociety.

Karnataka Regional Branch

The Government of Karnataka(GoK) has sanctioned an annualgrant of Rs. five lakh for starting aCentre for Consumer Studies in thebranch, which would act as a nodalagency to the State Department ofFood, Civil Supplies and ConsumerAffairs. The Centre would organiseworkshops and seminars to createawareness among consumers; buildthe capacity of voluntary consumerorganisations through sharing ofinformation, development ofadvocacy skills and networking;conduct research and publishstudies on various issues relating toconsumers; act as a voice for theconsumers; and assist consumersin redressal of grievances. Amonitoring committee for monitoring,advising and supervising the workingof the Centre has been constitutedwith the Chairman of the branch asits Chairperson and theCommissioner of Food, CivilSupplies and Consumer Affairs andfour others as members. In another

development, the GoK hassanctioned an annual grant of Rs.27 lakh to the branch for organisingcoaching classes for civil serviceaspirants belonging to SC/ST/BC/OBC, minorities and generalcategory candidates. The branch iscollaborating with St. Joseph’sCollege, Bangalore for organisingthe classes. Applications are beinginvited from civil service aspirantsbelonging to the afore-mentionedcategories. Students will be impartedcoaching for the preliminaryexamination for All India Serviceconducted by the UPSC. Successfulcandidates in the Preliminaryexamination will be coached for themain examination.

Madurai Local Branch

The branch jointly with TheAmerican College, Maduraiorganised a panel discussion on“The Crises of Indian Economy” onJanuary 30. Dr. P.P. Chelladurai,HoD of Youth Empowerment,Madurai Kamaraj University,inaugurated the programme; and Dr.M. Davamani, Principal of theCollege, offered felicitations. Dr.Vijayarajan, Dean, Asia e University,Madurai; Dr. B. Parthiban, Professorof Agricultural Economics,Agricultural College, Madurai; andMs. Soma Basu, Assistant ChiefEditor of The Hindu, were thepanelists. Dr. C. Muthuraja of TheAmerican College moderated theprogramme.

Odisha Regional Branch

The branch collaborated withthe Indian Institute of MassCommunication, Dhenkanal inorganising a seminar on “Media and

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Necessity never made a good bargain — Benjamin Franklin

Governance” on February 1. Prof.Mrinal Chatterji, Director of IIMC,spoke on the relevance of the topic.Shri Bipin Bihari Mishra, Chairmanof the branch, presided over theprogramme. Earlier, the branchorganised a seminar on “EconomicReforms in India: Mass Politics, ElitePolitics and Political Skill” onJanuary 17. Prof. AmartyaMukhopadhyay, Professor of PoliticalScience, Kolkata University, focusedon economic reforms and masspolitics. Shri Bipin Bihari Mishrapresided over the programme.

Rajasthan Regional Branch

The branch in collaboration withManagement DevelopmentAcademy organised the followingprogrammes: (1) On February 3,Shri H.L. Chauhan, Vice-Chairmenof the branch, delivered a talk on“Combating Corruption”. He focusedon the causes of corruption and the

multi-pronged strategy to combat it.(2) On February 4, Prof. Ramesh K.Arora, Chairman of the branch,reviewed a book entitled India atTurning Point: the Road to GoodGovernance written by T.S.R.Subramanian. The book highlightsthe significance of transparency,accountability, participation,responsiveness and administrativeeffectiveness and discusses theissues pertaining to education,health and infrastructuraldevelopment. (3) On February 6,Dr. Sushila Pareek, AssociateProfessor Psychology, University ofRajasthan, delivered a talk on“India’s Gross National Happiness”.She dwelt upon the sources ofmacro level happiness in India andthe approaches to its enhancement.(4) On February 13, the branch incollaboration with Rajasthan StateProductivity Council organised alecture on “Lean Management for

Productivity Enhancement” by Prof.Rajesh Kothari, Professor ofManagement, University ofRajasthan at Prakrat BhartiAcademy. Dr Kothari stressed uponthe need to enhance the productivityof every member and unit of allorganisations—whether public orprivate. Shri H.L. Chauhan presidedover the programme. The branchelected the following office-bearersfor a two-year term: Chairman: Prof.Ramesh K. Arora; Vice Chairmen:Shri H.L. Chauhan and Dr. SatishK. Batra; Secretary: Dr. Anil Mehta;Joint Secretary: Shri R.K. Mathur;Treasurer: Dr. Meena Sogani;Members: Shri I. C. Srivastava, ShriG.D. Sharma, Dr. Asha Hingar, ShriArvind Jain, Shri K.K. Khanna, Dr.N.H. Gupta and Dr. T.K. Jain; Co-opted Members: Dr. Mamta Bhatia,Dr. Geeta Chaturvedi and Dr. MannaLal Meena.

Senior Appointments

The Union Government hasapproved the following seniorappointments/promotions/transfers /extensions: • Shri Sumit Bose asFinance Secretary, Ministry ofFinance • Ms. Vandana Kumari Jenaas Secretary, Department of LandResources • Shri Hrusikesh Pandaas Secretary, Ministry of Tribal Affairs• Ms. Kusumjit Sidhu as Secretary,Department of Public EnterprisesShri Arvind Ranjan as DirectorGeneral, Central Industrial SecurityForce • Shri Jayanto NarayanChoudhury as Director General,National Security Guard • ShriShaktikanta Das as Secretary,Department of Fertilizers, Ministry


of Chemicals and Fertilizers • ShriAshok Lavasa as Secretary, Ministryof Civil Aviation • Shri N.RaviShanker as Administrator, USOFunder Department ofTelecommunications in the rank andpay of Secretary • Shri Kapil DevTripathi as Secretary, CentralVigilance Commission in the rankand pay of Secretary • Shri AshokKumar Angurana as ManagingDirector, TRIFED, in the rank andpay of Secretary • Shri AmitavaBhattacharya as Chairman, StaffSelection Commission in the pay ofSecretary • Shri Jagan NathChamber National Commission forScheduled Castes in the pay ofSecretary • Shri Satyanarayan

Mohanty as Director General,DGS&D, Department of Commercein the rank and pay of Secretary •Shri V.P. Baligar as CMD, HUDCOunder the Ministry of Housing andUrban Poverty Alleviation in the payof Secretary Shri Amitabh Kant, asCEO, DMICDC in the rank and payof Secretary • Shri V.K. Subburaj asSpecial Secretary and FinancialAdviser, Department of Fertilizers •Shri Rajeev Kher as SpecialSecretary, Department of Commerce• Ms. Anita Agnihotri as SpecialSecretary & Financial Adviser,Department of Commerce • ShriSanjay Kumar Srivastava as SpecialSecretary and Financial Adviser,Ministry of Health and Family

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Candor is the brightest gem of criticism — Benjamin Disraeli

Welfare • Shri SudarsanamSrinivasan as Special Secretary andFinancial Adviser, Department ofSpace • Shri Prabhudayal Meenaas Special Secretary, Departmentof Land Resources • Ms. NanditaChatterjee as Member Secretary,National Commission for Women,in the rank and pay of AdditionalSecretary • Shri V. R. Sadasivamas Additional Secretary (Finance),Department of Atomic Energy, onin-situ basis • Shri H. Pradeep Raoas Additional Secretary andFinancial Adviser, Department ofExpenditure, Ministry of Finance •Shri Binoy Kumar as AdditionalSecretary and Finacial Adviser,Ministry of External Affairs • Ms.Meenakshi Gupta as Joint Secretary& Financial Adviser, Ministry ofLabour & Employment • ShriUmakant Lal as Chief VigilanceOfficer in Dedicated FreightCorporation of India Limited(DFCCIL), Ministry of Railways •Shri Jivesh Nandan as JointSecretary Ministry of Defence • ShriS. Shiva Kumar as CVO in BharatElectronics Limited (BEL), Bangaloreunder the Department of DefenceProduction • Shri N.K. Mishra asMinister (Personnel & CommunityAffairs) (Joint Secretary level) in theEmbassy of India, Washington,under Ministry of External Affairs •Shri Manoj Joshi as Joint Secretary,Department of Economic Affairs •Ms. Rita Chatterjee as Secretary(Joint Secretary level), NationalCommission for Minority EducationalInstitutions under the Departmentof Higher Education.

Sustainable Development inNorth-east India

NERCORMP, a jointdevelopment project of IFAD andGovernment of India, works towards

the objective of creating livelihoodfor vulnerable groups whilecontributing to environmentalconservation. The North EasternRegion Community ResourceManagement Project (NERCORMP)aims to address the existing issuesof inefficient government servicemechanism in the livelihood sectorand the absence of idealdevelopment projects in the north-east region of India. The project,implemented jointly by theInternational Fund for AgriculturalDevelopment and the Governmentof India represented through theNorth Eastern Council, bringstogether the knowledge, expertiseand ideologies of the government,IFAD, local civil societies and thecommunities to unleash thepotentials for development tappedin the backward areas. This casestudy captures the impact of theproject in Meghalaya, and describesthe bottom-up model as the projectemphasises on active communityparticipation in the planning andimplementation processes. Further,NERCORMP assists in generatingvarious livelihood options focusedon agriculture and forest based,such as organic agriculture,sustainable shifting cultivation,livestock and fisheries, forestry, Non-Timber Forest Produce (NTFP),medicinal and aromatic plants, andnon-farm enterprises such as eco-tourism, handloom and handicrafts.While creating these livelihoodopportunities, efforts are made toconserve the rich biodiversity in theregion. A major endeavour in thisdirection has been the awarenesscampaigns that were taken up todemonstrate effective environmentfriendly ways of managing shifting

cultivation. While the absence ofefficient local NGOs is identified asits major challenge, its sustainablesuccess in the conflict areas ishighlighted as the project’s majorimpact in the region. Nevertheless,positive response to the initiativesin two hilly districts of the Meghalayahas encouraged the Government ofIndia to launch its second phase in2012. The Planning Commission,the Ministry of DoNER and the NorthEastern Council will be supportingthe activities of this phase.

Quality Education for theUnderprivileged

Teach For India is a uniqueinitiative that provides promisinggraduates and young professionalsan opportunity to teach in low-income schools in pursuance ofeducational equity. In India, the highabsenteeism rate of teachers,increased drop-out rates andunderstaffed government schoolsimpact the overall educationalscenario. With the aim to addressthis growing gap in the capacity ofservice delivery betweengovernment and private educationalinstitutions in India, the Teach ForIndia organisation has introduced atwo-year Fellowship programme foryoung talented individuals betweenthe age of 20 and 35, to teach full-time in low-income schools utilisinginnovative teaching tools andtechniques. The Fellowship providesresources and training, andencourages youth to developleadership skills. In the short run,TFI envisages to create a pool ofdedicated teachers who workdiligently to impart quality educationto underprivileged children, and inthe process become sensitive toresolve problems in public education

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RPSC e-Governance

Rajasthan Public Servicecommission (RPSC) is aconstitutional body just like PublicService Commissions in other statesof India, established to take uprecruitments for various governmentpositions. But RPSC has a uniqueposition as it has been delegatedadditional responsibilities forrecruitment for those posts, whichare usually not mandated byConstitution. This leads a hugeworkload and also a mode, whichmust be transparent and responsive.Prior to this system, more than 100posts were pending foradvertisement and 150 forexaminations. Thus the OnlineApplication System was initiated inyear 2011 to cope up thesechallenges. Though the OnlineApplication System is not new andhas already been adopted byseveral institutions in differentmodes and patterns, yet the RPSCOnline Application System is uniquein the sense that it is the OnlyOnline Application System of India,which has “Single Window” OnlineApplication System. In this system,a candidate does not need to visit


banks and fill-up any additional formfor bank challan to deposit therequired examination fee. So it isan “One go System”, since theapplicant does not break the processin between. RPSC utilises theservices of e-Mitra and CSCs forexam fee deposition and online formsubmission. These e-Mitra kiosks/CSCs are fairly high in numbersi.e., more than 3500 centres, whichis almost 10 times to the branchesof any commercial bank in the State.They also provide other facilitiesconcerned with examination processi.e. providing print-outs of admitcards, mark sheets, results, etc.RPSC has strived to make thissystem responsive. Candidatesneed different information at eachstage of recruitment process suchas submission of application,notification of exam schedules,declaration of results,recommendation of selectedcandidates, etc. They are also beinginformed through SMS and email, ifrequired. RPSC also promotesinformation through socialnetworking sites, so that applicantsshould not only be properlyacknowledged, but easily informed.Since the commencement of thissystem, 20 lakh candidates have

already applied for more than 100exams. It has saved almost Rs. 1.5crore within one year, whichrecovered its project costs.


Human Resource ManagementSystem

The General AdministrationDepartment of Odisha hasdeveloped a modern personnelmanagement system that makeseffective use of the latest informationtechnology. The Human ResourcesManagement System (HRMS) hasbeen successful in computerisationof personnel details in 38administrative departments, with 102heads - a total of 4, 50,000employees in 6543 offices across30 districts. Prior to itsimplementation, mismanagement,combined with an unclearmanagement structure createddelays in recruitment andpromotions. Pensioners also faceddifficulties in claiming their pensionsbecause they were not sanctionedon time. Moreover, there was nomechanism for redressal ofemployee grievances. HRMS hasimproved productivity by allowingpublic sector managers to havegreater freedom and discretion in

system. Further, the long-term goalis to utilize this sensitivity, to build apowerful and ever-growing networkof alumni who will continue to worktowards creating equality ineducational opportunities throughvarious avenues. Starting with 87

Fellows teaching in 35 schools inMumbai and Pune in 2009, today250 TFI Fellows are teaching across130 schools in Mumbai, Pune andDelhi. TFI is reaching out to about12,000 students, providing them anopportunity to be exposed to a

quality of education which they haveso far been devoid of. At the sametime, the presence of young, vibrantFellows in the public educationsystem is bringing a fresh outlooktowards addressing the urgent needfor educational reforms.

The Newsletter, published in the first week of every month, generally covers news of the previous thirty days. While all reasonable precautionsare taken regarding the authenticity of the items included, IIPA is not responsible for any error or inadequacy therein – Editor.

Man’s greatness lies in his power of thought — Blaise Pascal

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managing their staff. They are nowin a position to enhance meritocracyand strengthen the process ofperformance monitoring andevaluation and finally improve thequality and skills of the workforce.With HRMS, personnel informationcan be shared by departments,establishment offices and fieldoffices easily which was impossiblewhen it was manually managed. Itprovides accurate and timelyinformation on the size andcomposition of the civil service. Ithas achieved success in ensuringefficiency and increased employeeproductivity across the statedepartments and district offices.HRMS has improvedcommunications and cross-functional integration. Theefficiencies created by the tool hasmaximised employee satisfaction.


Pancha Tantra Online

The efficacy of an online systemsuch as Pancha Tantra lies in itsinnovative use of information andtechnology to improve thefunctioning of gram panchayats inthe state. The effective delivery ofservices of most gram panchayatswas greatly affected by pooraccounting and maintenance of ruralexpenditures. The traditional systemwas based on a single entryaccounting process. Cash basedentries were managed throughinadequate and inefficient bookkeeping methods resulting inincorrect entry of details, nonreliability and lack of authenticity ofdata, outdated entries and suchothers. Under the 2007 amendments

to the Panchayat Raj Act 1993, thestate government enforced the newKarnataka Panchayat Raj Rules.The amendment made it mandatoryfor all gram panchayats to follow aDouble Entry Accounting System.However, most gram panchayatswere ill equipped to understand andimplement the new accountingmethod effectively. In response tothese challenges, the stategovernment introduced the PanchaTantra web based application toassist gram panchayats in fulfillingthe basic requirements of a DoubleEntry Accounting System. It has

enabled all gram panchayats inKarnataka to enter and monitor allactivities at the village level in amore efficient, accountable andtransparent way. The Pancha Tantrasystem has several unique built infeatures that make the applicationuser friendly and citizen centric.Moreover, it ensures effectivemonitoring of gram panchayatsthrough a workflow system thatensures all the procedures andprocesses prescribed by the systemare fulfil led in a timely andtransparent manner. The informationgenerated by the system can be

Statement of Ownership and other particulars about IIPANewsletter


(See Rule 8)

1. Place of Publication: The Indian Institute of Public Administration, NewDelhi

2. Periodicity of Publication: Monthly

3. Printer’s Name: Sunil Dutt

Nationality Indian

Address: Indian Institute of Public Administration New Delhi

4. Publisher’s Name: Sunil Dutt

Nationality Indian

Address: Indian Institute of Public Administration New Delhi

5. Editor’s Name: Tishya Chatterjee

Nationality Indian

Address: Indian Institute of Public Administration New Delhi

6. Name and addresses of Indian Institute ofindividuals who own the Public Administrationnewspaper and partners I.P. Estateor shareholders holding Ring Road,more the one per cent of New Delhi-110002the total capital

I, Sunil Dutt, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the bestof my knowledge and belif.

Sd/-(Sunil Dutt)

Dated: February 28, 2014

Learning is a kind of natural food for the mind — Marcus Tullius Cicero

Edited by Dr. Tishya Chatterjee and printed and published by Sunil Dutt for the Indian Institute of Public Administration, I.P. Estate, Ring Road,New Delhi - 110 002. Printed at Dee Kay Printers, 5/37A Kirti Nagar Indl. Area, New Delhi - 110 015, Ph. (011) 2538138.

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Quotable Quotes:

� Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a littletemporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety—Benjamin Franklin

� In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of.In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of—Confucius

� It is safe to tell the pure in heart that they shall see God, for only thepure in heart want to—C.S. Lewis

� Who so neglects learning in his youth, loses the past and is dead forthe future—Euripides

� Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth,faithfulness the best relationship—Buddha

� Nothing can have value without being an object of utility—Karl Marx


Asstt. Editor : SUNIL DUTT


DELHI POSTAL REGD. NO. DL (C)-01/1230/12-14

(Date of Posting 10-11 of every month)Published on 7-8 every month)

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accessed by the public and thegovernment in real time. In all, thePancha Tantra Online System hasbeen designed to facilitate greateraccountability and transparency inlocal governance. In view of itscontributions in the field ofgovernance through ICT-basedsolutions, it has been awarded theNational e-Governance Gold Award2010.


Radical Improvement inGovernment School Systems

Improvised mechanisms weredesigned in Delhi GovernmentSchools through I-schooling to make

the administrative machineryefficient and accountable in a wayto reduce the burden of routine,repetitive and monotonous workboth for faculty and students. TheDelhi Government schoolsunderwent a progressive change interms of enhanced capacity buildingof the teachers and overallimprovement in the performance ofthe students through the innovativepublic school strategy known as I-schooling. A web-based MIS and aDecision Support System weredeveloped to assess poorperformance, fix accountability,provide feedback and institutedeadline based improvements.

Measures were taken to motivateteachers through upgradation ofsubject knowledge, strengthening oftheir pedagogical skills; anddeveloping positive attitude towardstheir profession. Efforts were alsotaken to make learning joyful,interesting and meaningful forstudents, with curricular and extra-curricular enhancements. Stepswere taken to improve schoolinfrastructure and reform theexamination system. As a result,the Delhi Government schoolsperformed better than privateschools in many subjects in theboard examinations.
