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Instant Video Scripts:

Make Million-Dollar Marketing Videos in No Time at All

Hosted by Daniel Hall

Presented by Jim Edwards

Follow-Along Notes For…

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© Copyright 2014 Daniel Hall. All Rights Reserved. This guide may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the publisher. Every effort has been made to make this guide as complete and accurate as possible. Although the author and publisher have prepared this guide with the greatest of care, and have made every effort to ensure the accuracy, we assume no responsibility or liability for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Before you begin, check with the appropriate authorities to insure compliance with all laws and regulations.

Every effort has been made to make this report as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this report contains information on online marketing and technology only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this report should be used as a guide – not as the ultimate source of Internet marketing information.

The purpose of this report is to educate. The author and publisher does not warrant that the information contained in this report is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this report, nor do we make any claims or promises of your ability to generate income by using any of this information.

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents 3 ............................................................................................

Introduction 4 ...................................................................................................

Making Optimal Sales Videos on Your Own 7 ...............................................................

Introducing the Instant Sales Video Scripts Wizard 18 ....................................................

Questions & Answers 33.......................................................................................

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Welcome to Million Dollar Marketing Blueprint! There’s a lot of great video software out there, but they don’t do you any good unless your videos get clicked on, viewed, shared, etc. So, in this lesson you are going to learn exactly what you need to create profitable sales video scripts that will help you to sell more, grab more subscribers, and build your business.

The information in this training was originally presented by Jim Edwards. He began his presentation with some statistics that were resourced by reliable sources. They were:

• According to the Online Publishers Association, website visitors are 64% more likely to buy a product after watching a video online.

• According to Digital Sherpa, 80% of your online visitors will watch a video, while only 20% will actually read content in its entirety.

• According to Digital Sherpa, your website is 50 times more likely to appear on the first page of a search engine results page if it includes video.

• According to Nielsen ratings, YouTube reaches more US adults ages 18-34 than any cable network. (YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world.)

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• According to Forbes Magazine, 75% of executives watch work-related videos on business websites at least once a week. Of those, 50% watch business-related videos on YouTube and 65% visit the marketer’s website after view a video.

• According to Visible Measures, 20% of your viewers will click away from a video in 10 seconds or less.

Now what does this mean for you? It means that:

• Customers prefer video over text

• People take action after watching video

• Video works to make sales and drive traffic

• If you want success, your videos need to be fast and professional, and you need to make every word and second in your videos count.

Before we begin, let’s take a moment to learn a little bit about the man sharing his expertise herein. Jim started selling online back in 1997. It took about 4 years to really figure everything out, but in 2001, he turned a $29 eBook into a full-time income. In fact, he recalls that this eBook made him enough money to make a house payment, two car payments, and an electric bill payment. He was very proud at the time, as he still is. It was his first eBook, and it was about how to sell your house yourself.

Since the release of this first book, Jim went on to become a #1 bestselling author of both fiction and non-fiction books. He also spent 10 years as a syndicated newspaper columnist, and he has gained personal and financial freedom through copywriting, video marketing, speaking, writing, and internet sales. However, he says that his best accomplishment is being a Grandpa, Dad, and Husband. Jim considers himself one of the “cool grandpas”. Jokingly, he says that he would be the grandpa that you wished you could have.

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Some of Jim’s books are shown above. The screenshot above shows about 20 of them, but he has published a lot more than this. He has written books on everything from self-improvement, to marketing, to books about book writing. He even had a #1 bestselling zombie book. It’s still selling well to this day. In this lesson, however, his focus is teaching you how to better market products using videos. Specifically, the following topics will be covered:

• The #1 reason why people struggle to put together great sales videos

• The top critical 7 elements to include in every single sales and marketing video you ever make

• The critical element that’s missing from all of the great video software that is flooding the market, such as Easy Sketch Pro, Explaindio, and similar programs.

• The fastest, easiest way to help you write video sales letters, video scripts, video ad copy, or video sales stories using a revolutionary new tool

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Making Optimal Sales Videos on Your Own

You’re here to learn about video marketing, so it’s probably safe to say that you are reviewing this material for a reason. One might also guess that you own a piece of video software or two. So, what is your biggest question, concern, or roadblock when it comes to using video to build your business? When asked this question, other audience members replied:

• Copy is hard

• Focus and persistence

• What works?

• Don’t know where to start

• Production

• Keeping up with the updates

• Don’t have software or equipment

• Too many recommendations

• Writer’s block

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• Too many shiny buttons

• What to include content-wise

Obviously, people are having all sorts of issues, but many of them are centered on getting it done. Most people don’t know what script to use and don’t know what software to use, while others are getting distracted while trying to learn the software or they just can’t keep up with the constant updates. Difficulties such as these are holding a lot of people back, but Jim breaks it down so that it’s easy, so no worries. He says that you only need three things to make an effective video. You need to:

1. Make the video

2. Show the video

3. Say the right things

It’s amazing how these have changed as different technologies emerged. Back in 2004 or 2005, it was a real hassle to get video online. So, if you could get it uploaded and on a site, you were ahead of like 95% of the other people. If your website had any videos at all on it, even if they were crappy, something was better than nothing. Now there are all kinds of video software to choose from. It’s kind of hard to know what to use sometimes, but at least the software exists and it’s easier to make, upload, and edit your videos. Anyone can create a video and get in online nowadays. In fact, now it’s one of the simplest things in the world to do.

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Back in the day, it was also challenging to show your videos. This was a challenge when it came to bandwidth, and even if you got it up online, how would you get people to see it? It was hard to distribute your videos, even online. Now you have sites like YouTube, Vimeo, WordPress, and Facebook at your disposal. All of these tools not only make it possible for you to host your videos, but it’s easy to get it posted in a way that tons of people can see it. In fact, there are more places out there for you to post your videos than could even be listed here.

The third part of this process is figuring out what to say. This is really where people usually fail. People either stop making their videos altogether or they do make them but they suck. Even if a video is decent, it’s tough sometimes to actually make a video that will convert. You need to convey the message quickly, and get that message across in a way that will make people take action. Jim has outlined seven critical elements that a video must have in order to become a million dollar video. In order to achieve success, you have to have a video that:

1. Grabs attention immediately

2. Tells a story that moves the viewer along a path

3. Offers them real transformation

4. Promises a specific result

5. Answers the question of “when?”

6. Gives the viewer a reason to act

7. Gives a specific call to action

Let’s take a look at each one of these elements individually.

1. Grabs Attention Immediately

You may remember that it is known 20% of viewers will click away from a video in 10 seconds or less. Also, 45% of viewers will stop watching a video after a minute, and 60% of viewers will stop after two minutes. These statistics are from Visible Measures, which is a company that measures the performance of videos and other visible items on the Internet.

To keep a viewers attention, you need to begin by calling out to your target audience. You can call them by name, by group, by benefit, or by result. In any case, you need to call out to them in such a way that makes them say “Oh wow!

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This is for me.” So, you might say something like “Attention Kindle authors!” or “Attention wanna-be video marketers!” or “Attention anyone who has bought video software in the last six months!”

This takes two seconds to do, and it’s not hard. However, a lot of people simply don’t think to do this. You can bet that any of these videos that are getting abandoned within the first 10 seconds don’t have a callout to the target audience. This is one of the simplest problems to fix, but the absence of this element is one of the biggest problems with most people’s videos.

2. Tells a Story that Moves the View Along a Path

After grabbing your viewer’s attention, you want to move them along a page. In fact, you want to move them from where they are now to where they want to be. The easiest way to do this is to use a story that shows them how they can go from being unhappy to being happy. You might also use a story that moves them from ignorant to competent or from unable to able, depending on who your audience is and what they are really looking for.

If your video is meant to speak to internet marketers who are miserable because they are having trouble making sales, you’ll want to show them how they can get from having no sales to making tremendous amounts of sales. You can literally use a story, meaning a tale about a person or an event. It can also be the story of a product, meaning that you elaborate on what a product does and what results it can help a person achieve.

3. Offer them Real Transformation

A million dollar video is going to offer its viewer real transformation. What does that mean? It means that people want change. Nobody is happy at the moment if they are looking at your video, your ad, or the offer on your webpage. There’s something that they want to change. They either want to change themselves or their situation. A person might want to change their skill level at something, for example, or they may want to change their financial situation. They may want to change their looks, or they may want to change who they are working for.

Whatever the case may be, you want to let them know that you are the agent that can bring about that change. You have the answer to what they are searching for. You’ll need to portray the idea that transformation is possible, and you or your

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product can give them the solution that they want. Here’s an example. You might say something like “This training will take you from being an accidental book marketer to being a super-competent, consistent bookseller.” This would appeal to anyone who has written a Kindle book but isn’t selling very many copies. That’s the transformation that someone in this group would be looking for.

4. Promises a Specific Result

Your video needs to promise a specific result to your viewers. You’ve got to narrow down what your very specific audience is actually wanting, and it has to be one singular thing. It might be more sales, it might be more money, it might be more subscribers, or it might be more time, or it might be more happiness. These are just a few examples. Now, a Kindle author would probably want any one of these things, and this is true for a number of different audiences.

Everyone in business wants more sales, and everyone in the world wants more money. Everybody wants more time and more happiness as well. You have to promise specific results in your videos and in the sales copy. In order to do that, you have to figure out exactly what it is that your target audience truly desires.

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5. Answers the Question “When?”

This is probably THE element that nobody gets right. That’s a real shame because this is what just about anyone watching a sales video wonders about. You’re offering them a result, right? Well, the next natural step is for them is to say to themselves “Sounds good! When can I expect to start getting results?” In fact, they are saying this so loud in their heads, that they can’t even hear you anymore.

When you watch a video that is making a promise to deliver a specific result that you want or need, there are only going to be two questions on your mind. They are “How much is it going to cost?” and “How long is it going to take me to get the result I want?” It’s guaranteed that this is what people will be wondering 99% of the time. That’s just how it works.

6. Gives the Viewer a Reason to Act Now

The reality is that people will always wait if you let them, and they won’t take action unless you give them a reason to. Imagine that someone is sitting at their computer watching the “Loading” image on their screen. People will wait forever if there is a promise of something better to come. Once you get them interested, you have to tell them to act now. Otherwise, they are just going to sit there and wait for something to happen.

There are four main ways that you can go about getting people to act. The first is price. You can offer someone a discount, for instance. Let’s say that you offered someone a 33% discount over the regular price, and you demonstrated that it was indeed a real discount, that would be something that people would take interest in. Bonuses are also great, but what makes them even better is if they are combined with a limited-time offer. In other words, you might say “You can get this special price and these bonuses, but only for the next week because this is a limited-time offer.”

There’s only one problem with having a limited-time offer, and that is if it works really well, your offer still has to end when you say it does. There are some marketers that won’t stick to what they say, and people catch onto them and it ruins their credibility. You don’t ever want to do that. If you don’t want to make it a limited-time offer, one thing that you can do is point out the pain of not changing instead. In other words, you can show them the consequences that might come about if they do not take action. This works really well too, but a lot of people don’t use it.

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At the end of your video, you might say “I want you to think about all of the work that you put into writing that book. Think about all the hopes and dreams you had tied up in it. If you don’t do something about that, all of that will have gone to waste. Luckily, we have the Kindle Marketing Machine (or whatever you may be promising).” Anytime you can tie in pain, you can make people take action. It really comes down to the same thing with the limited time offer; it’s just that in that case, the pain is in missing out on the bonuses, the price, or the offer itself.

Using the “Pain of not changing” is a strategy that people don’t use enough in Jim’s opinion. Here’s another example of what you might say:

“I know a lot of the reasons why a lot of you are here is because you’ve bought some of that video software and haven’t used it, or maybe you used it once or twice, but you realized ‘It’s going to make a good video. It’s got all of these graphics and stuff built into it, but I have no idea what I’m going to say during the video.’ I’ve got something here that can help. If you just do what I tell you to, you’ll be able to salvage the investment you made in that product. If you don’t learn how to write a good video script, the money that you spent on the software has been totally wasted, and you’re probably past the refund period anyway. So, now you’re really screwed.”

Do you see how this works? So many people miss out on this because they see other people use price, bonuses, and limited-time offers to sell their products so offer. Using the “pain of not changing” can be just as effective, if not more so.

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7. Give a Specific Call to Action

You have to tell people to do whatever it is that you want them to do, and you need to tell them to do it right now. Plus, you need to tell the in a way that will make them actually do it. Some examples are:

• Do THIS Now

• Click the link below

• Sign up now to the right

• Enter your name and email and click the button

• Pick up the phone and dial

You need to reduce it down to a single action. One of the things that people lose sight of, especially when it comes to video, is that there is one purpose for putting that video up in the first place. That is to get them to take the call to action that you have put in the actual video. So, if the purpose of the video is to get them to buy, but you don’t just say “Buy Now”, you say “Click the Link Below to Buy Now”. You need to tell them exactly what action they need to take, in other words. This alone will massively improve the results of your video.

Take a look at some of the videos that are out there. You’ll likely find that most of them are missing most, if not all, of these elements. No matter what type of video promotion you have, whether it’s a sales video, book trailer, etc., you need to do the following:

• Define your topic

• Define your audience

• Define your ideal customer

• Define the money cost

• Define the time cost

• Define their #1 need

• Identify the villain they face

• Identify the #1 hurdle

• Define the pain they feel

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• Identify their #1 misconception

• Identify the results they want

• Define why they should act now

• Assemble all of the parts and combine them into a “story”

• Add a call to action

• Edit the script to the right length for your purpose

First, you need to define your topic. What exactly are you going to be covering in your video? Next, you need to define your audience so that you can convey your information in a way they will understand. After that, you need to define your ideal customer. Out of that sea of people in your audience, who is the ideal person that’s going to be buying from you?

You need to define how much money this is going to cost your customer, and define the time it’s going to cost them as well when it comes to what you’re actually going to be selling them. Then, define their #1 need, and identify the villain that they face. This will help you to craft a story that’s actually going to work. You also need to identify the #1 hurdle. There’s always a hurdle that people think is holding them back. You might remember that at the beginning of this very presentation you were

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asked what was holding you back. For some people, it’s too many choices, for others it was not knowing what to say, and for others it was not knowing where to begin.

You have to figure out what is the #1 hurdle that is stopping the majority of your audience. On top of this, you need to figure out exactly what pain they are feeling. For some, it will be the pain of losing money, and for others it may be missing out on the sales they thought they were going to make. For instance, you might say “Because you didn’t take action, you’re missing out on all of the sales of your Kindle book that you could be making.” To Kindle book authors that aren’t making money, this is going to strike them right to the heart, but that’s what you want because you want them to take the steps they need to be successful.

The next thing that you need to do us identify your audience’s #1 misconception. This will allow you to sweep the legs out from what they think is actually stopping them. For some of you, the misconception that you had was that you couldn’t make a video because you didn’t know how to use a piece of software. Now you know that the success of your video isn’t really dependent upon how perfect it looks. You can make a million dollar video just by using PowerPoint and Camtasia. You don’t really need expensive software and equipment to make your videos. What you really need is a script that’s going to lead people into taking the action that you want them to take.

You need to identify the results they really want. That’s another thing that people miss. People will talk about features and benefits instead of truly connecting with their prospects’ feelings and figuring out what they are really looking for. The fact of the matter is, people don’t really care about features and benefits anymore; they care about results. People nowadays are so strapped for time that they don’t even think, or care about, how a product does what it does. All they care about is whether or not it does what they need it to do so that they can achieve the results they are looking for.

Again, some people will want to make more sales, and some people will want more subscribers. Others will want more money, and then other people are going to want more freedom. Whatever it is that your target audience really wants, you need to show them that you can help them get it. In order to do that, you’re going to have to move beyond features and benefits. The cool thing is that when you talk about results, rather than try to list off a bunch of features and benefits, you can get your message across faster.

You need to define why they should act now. In fact, it’s imperative that you give them a good reason to act right away. Jim recommends not using the limited-time offer if at all possible, and he says this because nothing is worse than having an offer that’s converting well because of your video and having to shut it all down. If you do

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use the limited-time offer strategy, at least use it in combination with other strategies, such as offering bonuses, because you don’t want people buying solely because the offer was going to end. In any case, give people a good reason to act right away. Maybe they’re going to miss out on bonuses they could get if they don’t, or something like that.

Finally, you assemble all the parts and combine them into a story, you add a call to action, and you edit the script so that your video is at the right length for your purpose. You’ll probably agree that this is a lot of stuff to do and keep in mind as you make your video. It would take a 10 hour course to cover all of this stuff in any detail. Luckily, there’s a way that you can do this faster and easier using a brand new tool. It’s called the Instant Sales Video Scripts Wizard.

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Introducing the Instant Sales Video Scripts Wizard

The Instant Sales Video Scripts Wizard is shown above. This tool will help you to do everything that has been discussed in about 20 minutes. How it works is you answer a series of questions, and this helps you to drill into all the different required elements. During his presentation, Jim used the audience to come up with the answers. So, the first question was “What is the name of your company?”, but Jim entered in a volunteer’s full name, which was Mike Grafstein. The next was “What is your favorite name for a guy?”, and Jim entered “Bill”.

The third question is “What is the top of your product, service, book, etc. in 2-3 words?” Mike had a book about soccer. So, Jim entered “Play better soccer”. Then, the men answered the question “What is the name of your product, service, software, book, etc.?” The name of the book was Elite Soccer Power, so that was entered. After that, they answered the question “How much does your product, service, software, book, etc. cost in terms of money?” The answer to this was “just $27”. The rest of the questions and answers were:

Q: How much time does it take to START getting results with your product, service, book, etc.?

A: Less than a couple of weeks

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Q: WHO is your target niche audience? (2-3 words, singular)

A: A parent of a soccer player

Q: How would you describe your typical, ideal customer AND what they want?

A: A soccer parent who want to see their child get stronger and faster

Q: What is your ideal customer’s main pressing need?

A: Needs a personal trainer for the child but can’t afford one

Q: What’s the main solution your product gives your audience on a silver platter?

A: How to work out effectively at home

Q: What NEGATIVE person, thing, or circumstance (hurdle) do they believe is working against them?

A: The belief that working out causes growth plate damage in children

Q: WHY is this hurdle such a huge deal for your target audience?

A: If you keep your child from training effectively, it could prevent them from getting a scholarship to a university.

Q: HOW does this hurdle hurt them or keep them from getting results they want?

A: Your child won’t get recognized by Division 1 coaches

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Q: What’s an idea your target audience believes is true, but is actually completely WRONG? (VERB)

A: Working out will cause your child to lose flexibility and get big and bulky

Q: What is the absolute #1 COOLEST RESULT your target audience gets from your product / service / book? (Starts with a VERB)

A: Get faster and more successful on the soccer field

Q: What’s the 2nd coolest RESULT your solution gives your target audience? (Starts with a VERB)

A: Lose fat and gain muscle

Q: What’s ANOTHER great RESULT your product or service gets for people? (Starts with a VERB)

A: Increase stamina and endurance

Q: And what is yet another incredible RESULT your product or service gets for people? (Starts with a VERB)

A: Improves self confidence in sport and other areas

Q: What is one more awesome RESULT your product or service get FOR your target audience? (Starts with a VERB)

A: Encourages and reinforces better eating habits

Q: What’s the #1 biggest reason your target audience should act on this now?

A: Your child will get left behind if they don’t start training now

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Q: What’s another really important thought about why now is the best time for them to take action?

A: You need to know how to train correctly so your child doesn’t get injured

Q: What’s one last big reason you want to leave your audience about why to act now?

A: As your child gets more comfortable doing the exercises, it gets easier sooner and they’ll see the benefits

When you are done entering your answers into the tool, you’ll want to click on the ‘Save’ button to save your work. After you have saved it initially, you’ll be presented a ton of different options for outputting it. You can output it as a Word doc or as a PowerPoint, for example. There are a lot of other options for this. Jim decided to generate a Word doc. A listing of the questions and answers that were put together in the software is now shown in the Word document above. If you see something that isn’t to your liking, simply go back into the software, edit it, and render it again.

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You want to look through the file you have generated and make sure that everything is to your liking. Once you have made sure that everything is right, you can output it as a sales letter. There are a great number of different types of scripts that you can generate. For instance, you can output it as a commercial script. There are 20 different versions of this.

Let’s say that Jim wanted to make a demonstration video. One of the hardest things to do is to go from providing your audience with information to the pitch. This program will create a script that helps you to transition in this way easily. A script that was generated in the case study is shown above. You could read through this yourself, or you could send this over to someone on Fiverr and get them to do a voice-over for your video. The script in the picture above says:

Attention parents of soccer players!

If you need a personal trainer for your child but can’t afford to have one, then there’s great news for you.

Click Here on This Video Now / Click the Link below Now for all the details

Introducing “Elite Soccer Power” from Mike Grafstein

“Elite Soccer Power” helps You:

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Get faster and more successful on the soccer field

Lose fat and gain muscle

Increase stamina and endurance

…and much, MUCH more!

And best of all…you’ll start seeing results in less than a couple of weeks

So, if you want to get faster and more successful on the soccer field, Get Onboard with Elite Soccer Power from Mike Grafstein Now!

Click Here on This Video Now/ Click the Link Below for all the details.

As you can probably tell, you can use this script as a guide to make sure that your video includes all of the elements that are going to get your prospect interested, motivated, and make them take action. You may have to do a bit of editing prior to reading it because the scrip doesn’t generate perfectly. However, the important thing is that the tool creates a script that will cause you to take your prospect through the right line of though, and you don’t have to figure out how to implement all of these elements yourself. By just answering some simple questions about your product or service, you can have a converting script in no time!

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Mike was asked if he could use this script at the end of a video in which he was demonstrating something. To this he replied “Absolutely, this is awesome!” Now, let’s say that Mike wanted to create a teaser for your Kindle book, and he wanted to record it as a PowerPoint presentation. Instead of having to create a PowerPoint presentation, he could use the tool to convert it into this type of presentation. It only took the program a moment to do so. The presentation generated is shown in the screenshot above. Now, if Mike wanted to, he could simply use some screen capture software to record himself presenting his information.

Again, the rendering might not be perfect at first. So, you might need to go through and edit it. However, editing something that already has all of the pieces put together is much easier than writing something from scratch and trying to make sure that your presentation contains all of the points that you want it to have. In other words, the software gets you 90% of the way there, and then all you have to do is polish things up.

After Mike’s PowerPoint was created, Jim applied a simple theme that would compliment what Mike described his website to look like. At this point, all Mike would have to do is add some graphics to the presentation to make it an effective teaser for his book. Then, he could make a simple video demonstrating these points and place it on his website.

The software will tailor your script to whatever kind of presentation you would like to make. Originally, Jim wanted the software to create stories, which it still does. This

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is why the program asks what you’re favorite name for a guy is. It inserts that name into a set storyline. Furthermore, these stories use proven elements that you find in stories that sell, such as “The Hero’s Journey” which is a form of story plot that has been used in storytelling for centuries and, for some reason, has always had an impact on people all over the planet. Anyway, you have a boatload of options in this tool for making different kinds of scripts. They are fun to play with, but it’s even more fun to use them to make money. Here’s an example of one of the stories that this program can generate:

“The Friend”

Bill has a serious problem. He feels alone and trapped. You see, Bill’s a soccer parent who wants to see their child get stronger and faster. He really Needs a personal trainer for his child but can’t afford to hire one.

He was having coffee last week with his friend, Marcia, and telling her about his troubles. He told her how the belief that working out causes growth plate damage in children was keeping him from having his son practice at home. Bill told Marcia that he felt like giving up.

Marcia told Bill she used to feel the exact same way. In fact, when Marcia was in a similar situation as a parent of a soccer player, she felt like her child wouldn’t get recognized by Division 1 coaches. She also felt that if you keep your child from training effectively, it could prevent them from getting a scholarship to a university. But then, Marcia told Bill she found “Elite Soccer Power” and everything changed.

Marcia discovered how her child could work out effectively at home. In fact, “Elite Soccer Power” helped Marcia with a lot more than just that. She explained to Bill how it helped her child:

• Get faster and more successful on the soccer field

• Lose fat and gain muscle

• Increase stamina and endurance

• Improve self confidence in sports and other areas

• Encourage and reinforce better eating habits

Marcia also told Bill that she started seeing results with “Elite Soccer Power” in less than a couple of weeks and it cost just $27. And again, most importantly, Marcia was thrilled to see her son get faster and have

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more success on the soccer field. After Marcia got done sharing her experiences with Bill, he realized:

• Your child will get left behind if they didn’t start training now

• You need to know how to have your child train correctly so that they don’t get injured

• As your child gets more comfortable doing the exercises, it gets easier sooner and you’ll begin to see the benefits

Bill immediately signed up with Mike Grafstein so he could help his child get faster and have more success on the soccer field. Now it’s your turn. Go ahead. Click the link below and grab your copy of “Elite Soccer Power” now so your child can get faster and more successful on the soccer field too, just like Bill and Marcia’s kids.

Again, the software used the information to generate this product momentarily. It didn’t read perfectly at first, but with a few tweaks you could have a high-converting story like this in minutes. There are seven different stories like this within the program, and they all convert quite well. This particular story, using different keywords, was one that Jim used himself one time. It increased his profits by 32% when he used it.

The sales copy and stories that this program generates are very powerful because they have the ability to increase you profits in this way. To reiterate, the reason that these work so well is because they include all the proper elements that will cause a prospect to take action and become a customer. Since the program can combine these elements in so many different way, you could come up with scripts for, say 10 different videos, and put them all up on YouTube to begin driving traffic to your product.

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The best part about this is that you only have to answer the questions in the tool one time for each product that you’re trying to promote. After that, you will have an endless amount of effective sales copy and/or stories that apply to that product to use in your videos. All of these good elements of copywriting are built into these scripts. This is essentially like having a professional copywriter on call 24/7. Here is another example of a script that this program was able to generate using the same details Mike and Jim inputted:

Are you a parent of a soccer player who feels like working out will cause your child to lose flexibility and get big and bulky? If so, then here’s great news for you! Click here on This Video Now / Click the Link below Now for all the details.

Introducing “Elite Soccer Power” from Mike Grafstein. “Elite Soccer Power” helps your child lose fat and gain muscle. This will help you out, especially if he/she needs a personal trainer, but you can’t afford to hire one. And best of all…you’ll start seeing results in less than a couple of weeks. So if you’re a parent of a soccer player who wants to get faster and have more success on the soccer field, Click Here on The Video Now / Click the Link Below Now for all the details.

There are two types of calls to action in this example, and the program will generate both for you as well. You need to choose the one that fits what you want the viewer to do next. Hopefully, you can see, however, that with some simple editing, you end

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up with some very intense sales copy. This particular example applies more to pain that people are feeling in order to get them to take action. Not only can you generate different kinds of scripts with this software, you can easily create both presentations and simple scripts to follow along with in your videos. All of the different versions contain high-converting sales copy, and you would have to pay a person a lot of money to write effective scripts like this out for you.

Mike was an audience member who only volunteered to help in the presentation. He wasn’t hired to do so, and they did not pay him for his assistance. He had to jump in and do this without any prior rehearsal, but he did a great job and Jim was very thankful for his help. In turn, Mike was very pleased to see what the program could do to help him promote his information product. If nothing else, he ended up with some great ideas for sales copy he could use to promote his book.

When you purchase the Instant Sales Video Scripts Wizard package, you receive get the software that makes all of these different scripts for you and converts them into PowerPoints, Word Documents, and other kinds of text documents. This includes:

• Two (2) Full-Length Video Sales Letter Scripts

• Twenty (20) Unique 30-45 Second “Commercial” Scripts

• Seven (7) Different “Story” Scripts – Both Short and Long Versions (Total 14)

• New: Two (2) Kindle / Book Trailers

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• Generate ALL the scripts from the same input

o In other words, fill out the form once and you can generate dozens of UNIQUE and DIFFERENT video scripts at one time. Amazing!

Basically, there are tons of options that allow you to create dozens of customized scripts. This works on both PC and Mac computers, and it is downloadable in both cases. These video scripts are proven to sell. They are not just rehashed internet marketing scripts. These are real copywriting scripts. You can use this tool again and again for as many products as you want to promote. It’s got a flexible output, meaning that you can use this to create both PowerPoint or Keynote presentations and text scripts. All you have to do is enter your details once and you can get professional-level results. Furthermore, it’s really to outsource your videos when you have these scripts available for the worker you hire.

With this software, you can create 30+ unique, money-making video scripts and video sales letters that work with any video creation software, including:

• Video Maker FX

• GoAnimate

• Explaindio

• Easy Sketch Pro

• PowerPoint

• PowToon

• Whiteboard Mega Bundle

• ANY other video creation software!

There are some cool bonuses that you get with the software. First of all, you’re going to get a video lesson on how to professionally storyboard your scripts in 10 minutes or less. You’ll also learn how to use these instant video sales scripts with PowToon in another video training that you’re going to receive. So, you’re going to be walked through the process of creating a video using one of these scripts. Then finally, you’re going to receive a special Q&A webinar replay that was held when the original beta group was trying to learn to use this software. If enough people take advantage of this offer right now, Jim will hold another Q&A webinar for this group as well.

You’re also going to get a video lesson on how to use these instant sales scripts with PowerPoint in order to create screen capture videos using Camtasia. Jim is also going

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to provide you with a bonus video lesson on how to use these scripts in combination with Easy Sketch Pro. This way, you can see how these scripts can be utilized in various ways, which will help you to understand the process to follow no matter what software you are using. Can’t wait to get started? You can get your software and bonuses simply by visiting

Since Daniel Hall has been nice enough to share this software with his own group, there were some bonuses added for them. You can take advantage of this now as well. This offer includes an “Enterprise” License. This means that you can use this software to create video scripts for other people, such as clients, customers, and JV partners. You can post jobs on, or even add this to your own consulting services.

You can use this software in any way that you wish to create videos for others as a service, bonus, or even a complete business. This license is NON-transferable, but this bonus carries a value of $197. Just think about this for a moment. How much could you charge for a great video script or book trailer? Other people are charging anywhere from $350 - $35,000 to write a video script, book trailer, sales letter or explainer video.

Jim is also offering a 48-hour “Act Now” bonus. This is a complete PowerPoint training. You will get his entire suite of PowerPoint training classes to help you turn into a “PowerPoint Ninja” really fast. This includes:

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• “PowerPoint Hacks, Secrets, and Shortcuts” (2-Part Training)

• “How to Create a Killer PowerPoint Presentation…in 60 Minutes or Less!”

This also carries a value of $197 by itself. Jim considers himself a master at PowerPoint, and in these video, he shows you everything that he knows about PowerPoint. If you make your purchase right now, you’re also going to receive Jim’s custom PowerPoint themes. These themes give your sales videos and instant jump from vanilla to “spicy” with just a couple of clicks of your mouse. He designed these to give your PowerPoints a great polish without distracting the viewer from your sales message. There are 36 variations that work in both regular and widescreen format. This adds another $47 in value to your package.

The regular price for this software is $147. In other words, you can go to right now and purchase the software for $147. However, you have the chance to purchase it for much less today. By visiting right now, you are going to get $50 off the regular website price. So, you can go ahead and get the software and all of the extra bonuses that were added on today for just $97. This is a special offer, but it won’t last forever. Again, by acting fast, you’re going to be able to receive:

• “Instant Sales Video Scripts” Wizard Software including the NEW “Kindle Book Trailer” Scripts

• $50 Instant Discout

• Enterprise License ($197 Value)

• Complete PowerPoint Training ($197 Value)

• Jim’s Custom PowerPoint Themes ($47 Value)

• Other Bonuses, including:

o Storyboarding in 10 Minutes

o Using ISVS w/PowToon

o Using ISVS w/Easy Sketch Pro

o Using ISVS w/PowerPoint and Camtasia

o Special Q&A Webinar Replay

You can get all of this for just $97 by visiting Daniel also added a special bonus to the mix. He has a really awesome

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graphics package that great to use for sales letters, PowerPoint presentations, and much more. This package is called “Gotta Have Em Graphics”. He constantly sells this package for $27. You can buy them at that price right now, in fact, at However, by taking advantage of this special offer today, you can get them as part of the package you are paying just $97 for. You’ll receive them within a week of purchasing this overall package.

Did you notice how that story drew you in? It makes you want to follow it through until the end. That’s how we are hardwired as humans to take in information. This is another powerful component to these scripts. The other scripts work in drawing people’s attention and curiosity as well. Plus, they appeal to people’s emotions, pretty much forcing them to take action. For $97, this is really a no-brainer. There is just so much that you can do with this program; you could easily make your investment back in no time by applying these scripts in the right ways. On top of that, you have the added value of all the bonuses, and most of them are valued more by themselves than the entire price of this package.

When Daniel looked over this software, he knew that he had to share it with his group. He states “I’ve never seen something as good as this, particularly for the price.” Daniel recalls paying $2,000 once for a similar piece of software, and he would even argue that Jim’s software is better than the previous one he bought. If you have ever wanted to sell anything with video, this is a very good move to make. By the way, getting good at video marketing should be a goal of anyone who wants to promote products online nowadays because it’s such a big part of how people buy products in this day and age. Sign up now by visiting

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Questions & Answers

I use Open Office. Will this work with that software?

Yes. It will work with any software that you can open .docx files with.

Is there a time limit on the license?


Do I have to pay for upgrades and updates?

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Jim’s plan is not to ever have to charge for that. He has already upgraded this software three times, and he has never had to charge for any of the upgrades or updates.

Are the bonuses delivered immediately?

Yes, with the possible exception of Daniel’s graphic package. It may take up to a week for you to receive this.

If I don’t have PowerPoint, will this work with OpenOffice?


Can we use this on more than one computer?

If you want to do that, it’s fine. However, you need to email in and let Jim know because they need to make an adjustment in the tracking in that case.

Can this software benefit fiction writers?

It is of limited value to fiction writers because it was built for tangible products, information products, and different types of services. That being said, it can help you to come up with sales copy on your own by allowing you to evaluate the sales elements that you want to include. It’s just not perfectly tuned for a fiction books. Jim is thinking about implementing something later for fiction writers.

Can you use these videos on your landing page?

Absolutely. That’s what these scripts were originally designed for.

Are there any upsells?

No. There aren’t any OTOs either. Some of the bonuses that are being given would typically be used for upsells, but they aren’t in this case.

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Will this work for promoting my eCard site or my quotes site?

Yes. In any case where you are promising a specific result to a particular group of people, this will work. If what you’re selling has no benefit or value other than entertainment, it won’t help you. You’re eCard site and quote site fulfill a purpose and help people to get a specific result; so yes, the software will work for you.

Does this include the stories that were demonstrated?


What about support and updates?

Jim’s team will provide support, and anytime the software is updated, you’ll get that too. You won’t be charged for either. In fact, Jim wants you to let him know anytime you think of something that would make the software better. That way, he can make it better for you and future customers. The Kindle scripts, by the way, were added because of suggestions that Jim got.

Will this work for one problem/one solution products?

Yes. Even though it’s one problem/one solution, you still have to sell it.

Will it work for a lawyer?

Yes. It will work for just about anyone providing a service. In this case, however, your focus wouldn’t be on who you are, but what you can offer others. What this really comes down to is calling out to your target demographic and immediately engaging them with your solutions. The scripts help you to show how you can help your target audience solve their particular problems.

Is there a monthly subscription cost to the video tool itself that is separate from the purchasing price?

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No. There’s no monthly charge.

Are we going to get the graphics package right away?

No, you won’t get immediate access. Jim is going to send Daniel a list of buyers after the special is over, and then Daniel will upload all of the buyers and send you an email with the link to register for them.

Can we use this awesome software with Screenflow?

Absolutely. You can use it with Screenflow and Keynote in essentially the same way you would with PowerPoint and Camtasia.

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