Page 1: INSPIRE - Mannofield · If you use the church's Wifi, are you receiving God's signal? atheists. Can an atheist get insurance for ... Team at Crosshouse Hospital in Kilmarnock for

Vol.LVII No. 6 October 2019


MANNOFIELD CHURCH OF SCOTLAND ABERDEEN Great Western Road AB10 6UZ Scottish registered charity SC 001680 Tel 01224 310087

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,

Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;

Conspiring with him how to load and bless

With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;

To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees,

And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;

“To Autumn” by John Keats: Written on 19 September 1819

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Flower Calendar

October 6 Mrs P. Stalker 13 Mrs R. Wright 20 Mrs E. Greig 27 Mrs S. Taylor

November 3 Mrs N. Anderson


Sun 6 10am

Morning Worship Sacrament of Communion

Wed 9 10.30am Midweek Service

Sun 13 10am Morning Worship

Wed 16 10.30am Midweek Service

Sun 20 10am Morning Worship

Wed 23 10.30am Midweek Service

Sun 27 10am 3.15pm

Morning Worship Craigielea Service Songs of Praise led by Kirk Session

Wed 30 10.30am Midweek Service

Marigold October’s



God, who knows us fully, we turn our face towards You, where all pretence is exposed, all hiding denied and all of life laid bare. And before we update any status or present a different face to the world, we look to You, Your word and world, to remind and mould us into who and whose we are. May we reflect, even dimly, the wonder that it is to be fully known. Amen Acknowledgement :This extract is taken from "Stories of Encounter : Pray Now " and is used with permission. "Word of Life" publications are available from


There will be a retiring collection for Poppyscotland on Sunday 10 November.

Funny Christian Quotes

If you use the church's Wifi, are you receiving God's signal? If there is no God there would be no atheists. Can an atheist get insurance for Acts of God?

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THE MANSE Rev. Keith Blackwood

Dear Friends

October is going to be an interesting month! Politically speaking that’s an understatement. At this point we do not really know what is going to happen. Will we leave Europe on 31

October – ‘deal or no

deal’? Will we remain in Europe and have the prospect of a General Election to look forward to later in the Autumn? This uncertainty causes many problems for people, and the tension between the views of people who hold different principles on whether Brexit should happen or not, has migrated into widespread areas of life and leaves many bitter and angry.

In terms of the Church in Aberdeen Presbytery, October will see the publication of the Draft Plan for Presbytery reorganisation going forward. The Radical Action Plan brought into being at the General Assembly reveals a real need for decisive action when it comes to reducing the Church‘s expenditure and the need for downsizing the number of congregations and church buildings we have in order to better keep costs within a manageable budget. We must place the Church on a more appropriate footing to serve the people of Scotland for this and future generations. Locally in Aberdeen the Draft Plan will mean a reduction of church buildings in the city and a closer working relationship between congregations working together as part of Hubs and/ or in new Unions. In some places this will mean sharing a Minister or being part of a Team Ministry.

October will be a landmark month in both civic, national and European Union terms and in terms of the shape of the Church in Aberdeen and Scotland.

With all of this going on there is, I feel, a very real need for the members and adherents of our church, along with brothers and sisters in other congregations, to be active in prayer, reflection and discussion. It is important for us to open the channels for God’s Spirit to infuse all those with a role to play in civic and ecclesiastical discussions. It is incumbent on all of us to maintain not just an active interest in all that is going on, but also to dig deep into what we know from Faith and hold onto Gospel values as we determine the role we can play in influencing the direction of travel. As followers we have values given to us in the Gospel and it is these values that we pray to see in our civic society and in the work and mission of the Church.

In the next InSpire magazine I will be writing to you from the backdrop of new landscapes both politically and within the Church. For some there will be disappointment and some will be very fearful of what happens next. While recognising such feeling and supporting people feeling let down, perhaps as the followers of God, the crucial requirement will be on us to take a positive, optimistic view and show commitment to working in whatever landscapes materialise and to purposely further the values of God in our society, Church and world as our primary motive.

God Bless


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A Quiet Day for Jean in the Church Office

25 July 2018 was the quietest day I’ve experienced in the church office since joining you nearly seven years ago. Although I had worn a hearing aid in my right near for some years (being totally deaf in the left) that was the day my hearing suddenly went. It was scary, it was disturbing, it was confusing, but I needed help. That calm assistance came from Kirsty in Café Connect who took the situation in hand and drove me to Ear Nose and Throat where I got an emergency appointment.

ENT carried out tests that morning and in the afternoon Rev. Keith came to Woodend to pick me up offering great support and much needed calmness and comfort. Over the next few days I had some hearing restored. Audiology gave me a different hearing aid which gave me sound but little clarity of words and speech and they are doing all they can to support my hearing loss.

Keith offered to attend and came with me to the hearing clinic at Audiology a few months ago which is exceptional support from an employer and he has been extremely supportive to gain an understanding of hearing loss. Next for me is to see the Cochlear Implant Team at Crosshouse Hospital in Kilmarnock for an assessment by them.

Awareness of hearing loss from the church community and members of the public who call in to the church office has been good and people have been really patient and understanding. Quite a journey this last twelve months but I am really proud of myself that I have maintained my high standard of work in all the many jobs demanded of me in the very busy church office and although I can’t use the phone, the office answer machine helps out there.

A JOURNEY OF DISCOVERY….. Over the last twelve months I’ve quickly had to research and obtain tools to assist me in my work. Here are the ones I have found and use :

Roger Pen

The Roger Pen is a wireless microphone with a receiver direct into my hearing aid which allows me to understand speech a bit more clearly. The Roger Pen was acquired through the Government’s Access to Work Grant Scheme.

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If all else fails!

A couple of weeks ago a Church Elder came into the office, smiled, waved hello and handed me this little note along with an A4 flyer. I was fair chuffed, understood the request and the job was completed in 5 minutes. Smiles all round!

Live Transcribe is an app for android phones which has been developed for the deaf and hard of hearing.

It captures your spoken words which then appear as text for me to read on my mobile phone.

I attend Lip Reading and Hearing Loss Management classes at NESS in John Street NESS provided information and support with the Access to Work Grant and all of their staff are extremely knowledgeable and supportive. We are so fortunate to have such a first class charity in Aberdeen. They have also given me an alarm clock with a vibrating pad which goes under my pillow - to wake me up for work!

Things hearing people can do to help Get my attention Stand still and face me Slow your speech a little and speak clearly Pause between sentences so that I can keep up with you Use fewer words If the office is busy find a quiet place to talk Write me a note, send me an email As a hard of hearing person what can I do You will always get all of my attention as I’m always figuring out what

you’re saying! If I don’t get it I will ask you to say it a different way or give me a ‘clue’

word I’ll ask you to repeat anything I’m not sure about

A life changing App for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

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Presbytery News- A Radical Action Plan At the General Assembly earlier this year a ‘Radical Action Plan’ was approved. This required the Church-121 George Street, presbyteries and individual churches-to have a critical examination of their role, their work and ways of working. In our city we have churches without ministers, churches requiring a lot of money spent on repair and upkeep, churches in the wrong place, churches with small congregations that fall below practical sustainability and churches with financial pressures. Mannofield Church is one of thirty four churches coming under the umbrella of the Presbytery of Aberdeen. In line with other parts of Scotland, and recognising the above challenges for the church, Aberdeen Presbytery is conducting a major review to encourage and enable congregations to ‘re-imagine and renew their life and work for mission in the 21

st century by worshiping in a sustainable and

mutually supportive network of Christian communities, using well equipped spaces strategically located across the city’. The new Plan is not yet ready but should be available to members of Presbytery and Kirk Sessions from October 7

th 2019. The Plan will be formally presented to

Presbytery at a special meeting called for that purpose in High Church Hilton on Saturday 23

rd November. Following this meeting there will then be a period of

consultation up to the 14th January 2020 when Presbytery’s Planning and

Deployment Committee will meet to consider any representations from Kirk Sessions. The final Plan will be presented to Presbytery at its meeting on Tuesday 4

th February for approval. Congregations can appeal against decisions

in the Plan which affect them after the Plan has been approved by the Ministries Council Presbytery Planning Task Group. It is impossible to know what the implications are for Mannofield, if any. The purpose of this article has been to make members of Mannofield aware of the planning process and the timescales. No doubt the local press will get hold of the information as soon as it is published. Whilst the next few months may be unsettling for churches across Aberdeen, it is hoped that at the end of the process, Presbytery will arrive at a Plan for the future that can help launch the Church of Scotland into a renewed sense of mission and ministry and to better serve the people of our city. Presbytery is undertaking this work in faith, with great hope and in the promised guidance of the Holy Spirit. Iain Hunter Presbytery Elder

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Mannofield Church Balmanno Hall Saturday 19 October Saturday 23 November 10am - 12 noon Admission Free Contact: Sandy 01224 311261

Prayer Breakfast Mannofield Parish Church Saturday 5 October

As we move closer to the publication of the Draft Presbytery Plan and subsequent discussions that will take place, we recognise that the ‘uncertainty’ of the current time is naturally a burden that weighs heavy for many.

Noting the importance of encouraging ministers, office-bearers and congregations to seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance during this time a series of prayer breakfasts has been arranged. These meetings will give people the chance to come together in a supportive atmosphere, to enjoy some fellowship, participate informally in discussion around tables and bring our concerns and excitement before God in prayer. The first of these events will be held in Mannofield Parish Church on Saturday 5 October. Doors open at 9am with breakfast served until 9.30 and discussion and prayer following.

The future events will be on 7 December in Mastrick Parish Church and on 1 February 2020 in Ferryhill Parish Church.

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September 2019 answer: Eton; note, nuts; stun, brag; garb, ante; Etna, laid; dial, draw; ward, loop; pool, dual; laud, snip; pins, edit; tide.

Unscramble these 5 letter words and rearrange them correctly. The middle column from top to bottom will spell the name of a well known animal.

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In Psalm 34 we “Taste and see that the Lord is good”. As you go through this puzzle from LORD to GOOD write the solution in the word ladder. Change only one letter of the previous word.

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Can you fit these words into their correct squares? 3 Letters: hen, owl, ewe 4 Letters: wolf, dove hawk 5 Letters: camel, sheep, stork, eagle 6 Letters: pigeon, weasel, hornet, rabbit 7 Letters: swallow, roebuck, sparrow, leopard, ostrich 8 Letters: behemoth

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SOME ECO QUESTIONS When we arrived at our holiday self-catering accommodation this year, we were presented with a small cardboard box containing some wash-ing up liquid and other odds and ends. A Family Eco Quiz was printed on the outside of the box. Here it is (translated from French).

The amount of plastic pollution found in the Indian Ocean, known as “The Plastic 7

th Continent”, is:

The same size as France (643,800 km2)

3 times the size of France (2 million km2)

6 times the size of France (4 million km2)

How many times can a glass bottle be recycled? Ten times 100 times Infinitely

The oceans absorb: 5% of carbon dioxide (CO2) caused by human activity 15% of CO2 caused by human activity 30% of CO2 caused by human activity

What may steel or aluminium cans be made into when recycled? a fleece jumper a high-speed train a car a corkscrew

The answers are on page 14. Some are surprising, others a bit scary. Alistair Stark, Convenor, Eco Congregation Committee

Crossreach News For many people life is difficult. Faced with various physical, emotional and social challenges, we aren't always equipped to cope on our own. However, through the work of Crossreach, the Church of Scotland’s social care arm, people are receiving the right support, at the right time with the result that many flourish and every life can be fulfilling. CrossReach offers support to: • Older People • People with Dementia • Children and Families • People with Learning Disabilities • People who are Homeless • People with Substance Misuse problems • People who require Counselling and Support • People linked to Criminal Justice • People with Mental Health problems The work of CrossReach has spanned 150 years. To commemorate its many years in social care, a large scale exhibition was launched at the General Assembly earlier this year. The main exhibition is going on a journey across Scotland and Mannofield Church has been lucky enough to be one of the stopping off points on that journey. Throughout October Mannofield Church will host the Crossreach@150 Exhibition. Take time to view this exhibition and learn how the Church of Scotland is today one of the largest independent providers of social care in Scotland. Remember to invite your friends! Iain Hunter

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Following the success of the past two years St John Scotland, Aberdeen and North East Committee, are having a Lessons and Carols Service on Thursday 5th December 2019 at 6.30pm in St Nicholas Uniting Church at the City Churchyard.

The Priory of Scotland Choir will be conducted by the world famous composer Professor Paul Mealor. An invitation is open to all and there will be a collection to be shared with the church and the Eye Hospital in Jerusalem.

Joe Mackie, Chairman, St John Scotland, Aberdeen and North East Committee

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ADVENT CALENDARS Mannofield kids, teens, families!

We are getting ready for Christmas – you too?

Dörte and the Mannofield Guild Craft Group would love to make some

advent calendars with you to make the wait for Christmas fly by…

We meet every Sunday in November, starting on 3

rd November at 3pm,

with lots of ideas how your advent calendars could look like.

Just come along and enjoy the pre-Christmas spirit at Mannofield Church!

All materials and fillings for the calendars will be provided.

Please let us know if you’re coming!

[email protected]

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Mannofield Church Lunch Club

17 October

Lunch is served at 1pm

Entertainment 2 - 3pm

Come and join us

A cup of tea before you leave! Cost -- £6

Need transport?

Contact: Lynn Allan 01224 323206 We look forward to welcoming our regular friends and meeting new ones.

Mannofield Guild Balmanno Hall, 7.30pm, Fortnightly on Tuesdays

OCTOBER 8 Tales of Torry - John Dunn 22 A Gardener’s Tales - Jimmy McRae NOVEMBER 5 From Corsets to Communism- Jennifer Robertson 19 Antique, Vintage & Modern

Buttons - Martha Brown

Coffee Mornings 3 October, 7 and 30 November

The deadline for the next issue of InSpire is


Material for InSpire should be deposited in the Church Office

or emailed to:

[email protected] [email protected]

MANNOFIELD CHURCH INDOOR BOWLING CLUB The new session starts on Friday 27 September.

The club meets on Friday afternoons in the Balmanno Hall from 2-4pm.

New members will be made very welcome.

Flat shoes should be worn and bowls could be supplied for beginners.

For further information contact: Yvonne Allan, 01224 326840

Answers to Eco Quiz 1. 6 times France (equal to 1,300 times Scotland or 1/3 of Europe). It’s composed of plastic waste deposited at sea or dumped on land and washed out to sea by rain and rivers. 2. Infinitely. Paper can be recycled 7 times. 3. 30% of CO2 due to human activity. In this respect it performs better than forests. On the other hand, the absorption of CO2 acidifies the oceans and threatens marine species. 4. A high-speed train, a car, a corkscrew and many other things. A fleece jumper can be made from 27 plastic bottles.

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Disjunctions: Mr G. and Mrs M. Farquharson Mrs Julie Bisset Mrs Aileen Simpson

Death: Miss Ruby Smith, 21 August


Minister Rev Keith Blackwood [email protected] 01224315748

Children & Family Worker Dörte Griesse [email protected] 07494863137

Secretary Jean Sharman [email protected] 01224310087

Church Officer Nick Youngson [email protected] 01224322239

Session Clerk Bob Anderson [email protected] 01224743484


Mannofield Church Great Western Road

Saturday 9 November 10.00am – 4.00pm

A feast for the eye and

gifts to buy

Come along with friends


Finish off the outing in our lovely café for coffee, tea or lunch

Put the date in your diary




Mannofield Church 2.00 – 3.30pm, Cost £3.00

Thursday 10 October

Enjoy Garry Seagraves, our local magician

Thursday 14 November Be amazed by Bob’s owls

Thursday 12 December

Our very popular Christmas Sing Along

All the entertainment is followed by tea, coffee, cakes and lots of chat

We look forward to seeing you.

Remember, to organise a lift call 01224 315144

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Volunteers required

Please join us on Sunday 17 November

From 11.30am - 1pm

We are looking for people who would be willing to go out (in small teams) into the streets and public areas around Mannofield Church, picking up litter and leaves for approximately an hour and a half. At 1pm, once all the hard work is over, we meet back at Café Connect for some food and fellowship.

For catering purposes, it would be greatly appreciated if you would

add your name to the sign up sheet in the Welcome Area.

InSpire by Email Apologies to those who have added their names to the email list for the magazine but we are still resolving technical issues.

Hopefully we will be up and running next month!!
