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Issue OnePlease mention Inspire Magazine when responding to advertisements.

It’s our business to inspire your business

Issue one • October 2013

BUSINESS AWARDSWhat’s in in for you?Answer: plenty!

NETWORKINGWho’s meeting who?Find out here.

NO PLACE LIKE HOMEOur guide to buying commercial property.

“I followed my dream” Billy Schwer tells it like it is on page 5.

Welcometo the region’s newest and best


Mobile safety.How secure is your phone?Read our report on page 13.

CrowdfundingWhy this could be the ideal solution to grow your business. Turn to page 7.

Luton, Dunstable and Bedfordshire's FREE community magazine


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4 Advice is available

5 Billy Schwer

7 Crowdfunding

8 Entering awards

11 Focusonfinance

12 Networking

13 Mobile security

14 Commercial property


In this issue4



WelCOMe tO the fIrst edItIOn OfInspire BUsIness MAGAZIne

We aim to do what it says on the cover and inspire your business.

This doesn’t just mean us telling inspiring stories of individual people who have overcome

the odds to set up in business. It means giving you the help and advice you need to turn

your idea into a success. You are not alone, there are places and organisations to turn to for

advice and practical help.

This is an exciting time to be going into business. Government figures show a record

number of companies being formed. That’s great for the economy and it’s great for us.

Whatever your reason for reading Inspire; whether you’re already in business, whether

you’ve just taken the plunge or whether your plans are coming together, we hope you will

find something of use to you.

If not, we welcome your feedback. We’re not about standing still but want to make sure

we’re producing a brilliant magazine that means something to our readers.

As well as keeping in touch, we would also urge you to consider using the services of our

advertisers. In that way, we can continue to inspire you and the generations that follow us to

go for it in business.

Here’s to an inspiring and successful future...Follow us on TwiTTer@INSPIReBIzmAG

Publisher:Community Communications, 12 Alexandra Avenue, Luton Beds, LU3 1HG

Editor:[email protected]

Advertising: Mostaque [email protected]

Design:Heather [email protected]

Printed by:Bartham

DisclaimerAny views expressed in Inspire Business Magazine are those of the individual authors and not necessarily those of the publisher.

No part of the magazine should be copied or distributed without the prior consent of the publisher and remains the property of the publisher.

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we arelistening

We want to hear from you: perhaps your expertise would be of help to others, or our advertising opportunities are perfect for you or you simply

want to give us some feedback.

[email protected]

We’re listening.

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October 2013 Editorial and advertising enquiries: [email protected] | 07931 973967

Advice available advice

Perhaps sales have been dropping, your cashflow is tight or competition is hotting up.

Richard Cooper, a Dunstable-based

board director at Bedfordshire Chamber

of Commerce, recently advised a

manufacturing firm that left asking for help

too late.

“There are lots of places for people to go

to seek advice,” said Richard.

SUPPORT“Many companies have no idea but

there are sources of support through local

councils, Chambers of Commerce, the

Growth Accelerator or manufacturing

Advisory Service for starters.”

Councils in Central Bedfordshire and Luton

Borough, for example, run a Timebank

Scheme where business professionals and

experts like accountants, solicitors and

business advisors give free time to give


STANDING STILL“Things can change for companies that

have been doing well for years and they

don’t know how to handle it, standing still

in business is not an option” said Richard,

who runs his own business consultancy


Richard adds that business leaders should

be able to rely on their accountant for


“If you are not getting the support and

service from your accountant, then change

them,” said Richard.

“They won’t like me for saying it but it’s

about your business.”


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Box clever for a lifeof your dreams

luton boxing legend Billy Schwer knows where motivation to starta business comes from.

During a 20-year ring career in the lightweight division he overcame defeat at the highest level to, at last in 2001, achieve his dream of being world champion.

Then his life fell apart.

He’d faced the possibility of death in the ring, he’d been defeated and

come back to do it again. And won. It was all he knew.

It was a staggering achievement for the lad from Luton’s Irish community.

But then another battle began for the ex Challney Boys School pupil.

The battle to find a new purpose in life.

He plunged into depression, split up with his wife and lost touch with

friends. He even spent all his money and became bankrupt.

It took Billy at least 18 months to find his purpose in life again. But Billy,

aged 44, is now a motivatonal speaker, finding fulfilment in helping others

to find that spark of inspiration to find direction and motivation.

Anyone who hasn’t been to see Billy speak is in for a treat. He takes

his audience on a no-holds-barred description of his world title fights, so

much so that you’ve simply got to cheer when he wins and holds that

championship belt aloft.

Like a warrior in olden times Billy passes on the lessons he learned not

only from his fights but his personal life, too. Like when his two older sisters

pinned him to the floor when he was a kid. He couldn’t get them off and

thought this meant he was weak. When he found boxing, that became a

way to prove to the world he was not a weakling.

Billy is now the author of Mental Boxing - The Science of Success. He takes

his message to businesses and organisations, schools and young offender


Basically it’s about creating a mental state of discipline, dedication and

desire to expect success and create world class results.

Billy’s message includes knocking out fears that stunt personal and

business growth. He admits that he feels fear when just about to speak, in

the same way he used to when about to step into the ring. But it’s about

conquering those fears to create the future you want.

For details visit

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Crowded housefinance

A new kind of business funding is becoming popular as a way for firms to get the money they need to start or grow.

Crowdfunding is where a large group of people contribute money

to support a business idea.

Crowdfunding is usually arranged online on websites where

businesses explain their reasons for needing funding. If investors like

it, they chip in with the necessary cash.

For investors the benefits can include the reward of being involved

in a project as it develops or to support a local initiative, friends or


The returns could also be greater for investors than traditional


Pros and consFor the businesses involved, they could find investors are more

likely to take risks than more traditional lenders like the banks.

Money regulators the Financial Conduct Authority (

says there are risks to be aware of for investors including a risk of

fraud. Almost all crowdfunds are not authorised by the FCA, the

regulator says.

There are also other pros and cons to consider with crowdfunding.

While it is a way of increasing public profile for a business or a

project, that can be a double-edged sword if the idea fails to reach

its target. It can be a very public way of failing.

But Crowdfunding is a growing way to access funding for


Inspire business magazine takes a look at a growing form of funding

BUSINeSS ISBoomING!Make sure you’re part of it.Advertise with Inspire.

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October 2013 Editorial and advertising enquiries: [email protected] | 07931 973967

the award goes to...

if you’re running a business a vital part of bringing in new customers is to promote yourself and your services. entering awards either in the local community or within a sector can be a cost-effective way of standing out from the crowd.

Here Inspire business magazine takes a look at some of the awards local companies should look at entering and the reasons for doing so.

business awards


SPECIAL OFFERSole traders only! £1 per slot.

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Pictures from the FSB Bedfordshire Awards 2013

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There are a host of awards that forward thinking businesses can look to enter to raise their profile – and for other reasons, too.

All the local awards are free to enter... but there’s normally a cost

associated with attending the ceremony if you are shortlisted.

Businesses have to make a judgement whether it is worth paying

for and attending such events. But the kind of people who go

along are sponsors and other forward thinking contacts with

powerful networks of their own.

The act of applying for an award is one way of forcing you to

review a business plan and take a close look at where you are


Often business people are incredibly focused on the day to day

running of their company and paying the bills.

But it’s worth taking time out and a deep breath sometimes to

look at where you are and where you want to be.

Valuable exerciseEven if you’re not shortlisted that is a valuable exercise in itself.

Businesses with staff also use awards as a way of saying thank you

to their teams.

A good night out, letting your hair down and cheering your

achievements can do wonders for morale and team bonding.

People who work as sole traders from home might see such

events as a way to see some human company!

Businesses that are shortlisted t0o win can take advantage of the

public relations opportunity. The organisers will have a logo that

you can put on your website.

It’s all about the power that testimonials have. A set of judges

neutral to your business have taken a long, hard look and decided

that you are worthy of an award. That’s a powerful marketing


Then there is the kudos getting shortlisted or winning can give.

Press releases sent to local newspapers and radio stations can get

coverage seen and heard by a wider audience. Even if press releases

aren’t used they can still raise your profile and get you known

among local journalists.

So, those are the reasons for entering awards, how about the


All kinds of organisations hold awards schemes.

Newspapers and their websites have events departments that

organise various awards and opportunities for firms to raise their

profile. They are looking for income from sponsors and ticket sales so

are keen to encourage entries.

Local councils, too, often organise awards to celebrate achievements

in communities.

Membership organisations like the Federation of Small Businesses

(FSB) and Chambers of Commerce also organise awards - open to all -

to promote their services.

Community groups like

and are also worth looking at for

opportunities to promote business successes.

business awards

Member Benefits Include:


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Are you prepared?nearly 60% of Bedfordshire

and luton businesses are not prepared for any kind of disaster a survey by the Bedfordshire and luton local resilience Forum (BllrF) has found.

Conducted earlier this year as part of

Business Continuity Awareness Week nearly

100 companies completed the survey about

preparing for incidents affecting their


One in five were so complacent about the

chances of a serious incident occurring that

they were doing nothing at all to protect


Yet incidents as simple as a delivery vehicle

being stolen, a key supplier going bankrupt

or something devastating like a fire or flood

could potentially put them out of business

altogether, while preparing for crisis could

save them.

However the survey also found that 40%

of Bedfordshire and Luton businesses have

realised the business benefits of being

prepared and have a recovery plan.

business case“There’s an appetite for information and

a real need for Bedfordshire and Luton

businesses to recognise the commercial

benefits of planning for disaster,” said

Emergency Planner Amie McGrory, the

Vice Chair of the BLLRF Business Continuity

Group. “There is a clear business case for

preparing for something like your computer

hard drive failing, a leaking water tank

putting your call centre or office out of action

or a fire wrecking your business.

“We found only half of businesses are

registered to receive alerts and warnings of

local disasters, a majority with their local

council, the Met Office or the Environment

Agency. So 50% will have no warning of

severe weather or similar threats.

“Few currently follow BLLRF on social media

despite our frequent updates on local issues

like bad weather and transport problems.”

BLLRF’s survey found that only a quarter

of businesses had received any training in

business continuity and that one third of

companies would welcome help in starting to

develop their own plan.

Planning“We are now looking at ways to both

help those businesses who want to survive

should disaster strike,” says McGrory, “and

encourage those who think it won’t happen

to them”

Begin planning your recovery plan by

listening to BLLRF’s PodCast about Business

Continuity, just go to


Visit the BLLRF website,

their Facebook page,

whatwouldyoudoif and follow on Twitter:


disaster recovery

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Cashflow is king

If you’re good enough, you’re old enough!

Business often quietens in holiday times of the year, having an impact upon routines, says John wright, pictured, of stoten Gillam in Dunstable.

This can lead to problems for businesses

which do not properly control cashflows.

Cashflow is the balance of monies flowing

into and out of your business.

controlMany profitable businesses run into

problems because they are unable to properly

control cashflow.

Some bad habits can lead to problems:

• Failing to put in place an effective

credit control system.

• Failing to undertake cashflow


• Undertaking significant speculative

work without a firm order

Credit control is critical in maintaining

healthy cashflows.

Positive practices include obtaining a credit

rating for new customers and agreeing

payment terms before accepting an order.

If there is a gap between customer and

supplier payment terms, consider whether

finance is available to bridge the gap.

After you have provided goods or services

ensure you raise invoices promptly and

accurately. Have a process for chasing

invoices and dealing with disputes.

You need to consider your suppliers and

treat them as you would like to be treated.

Not paying suppliers on time is a bad

business habit and it may result in a drop in

your credit rating. • Ensure you advise suppliers of disputes

as soon as they occur

• Pay on time and keep your suppliers up

to date with any issues you have with

paying on time.

Cashflow forecasting is important to

anticipate and deal with peaks and troughs

of cash. Accounting software can assist as

should your accountant.

Young people can do inspirational things in business when given the chance.

We all know people who aren’t confident

living an academic life or who would rather

be out in the world making money.

Business is a way of firing up the

enthusiasm of people who don’t want to

follow the traditional route of school-college

and university.

The Prince’s Trust charity focuses its efforts

on those people who need the most help

- the unemployed, those underachieving in

education, those leaving care and young

offenders and ex-offenders.

The Trust’s website at www.princes-trust. includes stories of inspirational

achievement from across Bedfordshire,

Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire that we

aim to bring you in future editions of Inspire.

Young Enterprise, another charity, takes

business into the classroom by helping

225,000 young people learn about enterprise

and the world of work.

A network of volunteers from companies

give teams of young people guidance in

setting up their own firms. Some of them

make serious money.

Young Enterprise offers something for every

year of education from the age of four

to 25. The movement argues that an

excessively narrow focus on academic

skills and exams risks sidelining other

approaches to learning and can fail to

give young people the employability

skills they need.

For more information on Young

Enterprise, visit the website www.

Some education establishments, such

as Milton Keynes College, have teamed

up with the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy

to put learning about being an entrepreneur

front and centre of the educational


If you have an inspiring story about a young

person who has started their own business,

email us:

[email protected]

in business

Young people are encouraged to start their own businesses, Inspire takes a look.

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October 2013 Editorial and advertising enquiries: [email protected] | 07931 973967

Meet and greeteven in these days of social media like Twitter and

Facebook and the power of websites like eBay to reach customers around the world, there’s still plenty to be said for making face-to-face contact.

There are scores of networking breakfasts, lunches and evening events

to attend, each group with its own particular focus.

Some groups have a more hard-nosed, disciplined focus than others.

Many hope to generate long term relationships based on regular


There are also groups based on subjects like social media or

membership of organisations like the Chambers of Commerce or even

the love of curry and football. There are also groups specifically for

women entrepreneurs.

The crucial thing is to think of what businesses want to achieve and

pick a group to suit that.

If you Google “networking groups” plus the name of your town,

plenty of options will pop up.



Luton, Dunstable and Bedfordshire's FREE community magazine


Community: It’s what we’re all about and we’re there, right at the heart of it.Community: Giving local stories the coverage they deserve. Providing businesses big and small with the opportunity to reach their customers.Community: Are you part of it?

Noun1. A group of people living together in one place.2. All the people living in a particular area or place.

Contact [email protected] all advertising and editorial enquires.




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eVeRyONe kNOwS The ImPORTANce Of SecURITy ON cOmPUTeRS, bUT whAT AbOUT mObILeS? Inspire TAkeS A LOOk.

Why advertise with Inspire?

handset safe?Mobile phones are increasingly important

for business.They aren’t just text and voice communication machines, they

are powerful handheld computers.

Mobile phones now are a huge database of information

about us, our businesses, our customers and our contacts.

But how many of us pay as much attention to security on our

phones as we do to our PCs, laptops and tablets?

DefenceFree antivirus apps like Avast! can provide a first line of defence against mobile

data breaches. Phones and tablets with internet connection are just as vulnerable to

hacking attacks as desktops.

Phones can also be made more secure by setting a password to unlock the

screen. And there are also tracking apps for mobiles which can locate them if they

are lost or stolen.

Better safe than sorry!


targeted distribution• We’ll be targeting (and attending!) a rich plethora of networking

groups and expo events.• We’ll be a visible presence in the region’s business centres, schools,

universities and colleges.• We’ll be ever present in receptions at key businesses including those

of our advertisers and also accountants, solicitors, libraries, doctors’

surgeries and hotels.

Growing and vibrant marketplaceStatistics show that business in this area is flourishing and schemes on

both a local and national scale support this.Dacorum Borough Council has put the economy as its number one

priority and councils in Luton and Central Beds organise Timebank schemes to help companies form, whilst the government is setting an enterprise agenda and seeks to encourage people to start their own businesses through a campaign called Business Is Great.

As our marketplace continues to grow so will our distribution and we’ll be there at grassroot level inviting new business owners to join our growing readership.

This is our ‘taster’ edition is just a 16 page edition however this will rise significantly for Issue Two with a target distribution of 5000 copies.

Informative and engaging editorialThe quality of our editorial is paramount. As well as the commercial

knowledge and experience within our own editorial team we’ll be inviting well-known and well-respected business managers, such as mentoring expert Richard Cooper and accountant John Wright to offer their advice.

• Free A4 bi-monthly full colour magazine

• High quality print and production

• supported by positive and relevant editorial

• Discounts for repeat insertions

• Full design service available

Inspire Business Magazine affords its advertisers the opportunity to reach a new and valuable customer base. Whether via our comprehensive but affordable advertising packages or through featured editorial, Inspire wants to help businesses to work together to support the drive for success of all those involved.

Whatever your size, trade and even budget, we’re confident that advertising in Inspire will bring positive and long-lasting results.

FOR ALL EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISING ENqUIRIES PLEASE CONTACT US ON:Telephone: 07931 973967 Email: [email protected]

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October 2013 Editorial and advertising enquiries: [email protected] | 07931 973967

Location LocationLocationMaking the right choice when going for business

premises is absolutely vital.As with choosing a home, location is everything, says government

advice service

If your customers or employees can’t get to you, your business may


If you depend on passing trade, then being in a busy area is a must.

But there are other considerations, too. The availability of parking

and public transport are key considerations for employees as well as


As for the building itself, key questions to ask could include disabled

access and having power, water and enough room to be able to grow.

Those are just some of the issues to consider before taking the

plunge and making an appointment with a commercial property


Happy hunting!


Inspire business magazine looks at important factors when choosing premises.

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