
Inspire, Engage, Lead: Service Learning Pedagogy and Gifted Students

Kristen R. Stephens, Ph.D.Alissa Griffith

IB MissionThe International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring,


and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful

world through intercultural understanding and respect.

To this end the organization works with schools, governments and

international organizations to develop challenging programmes of

international education and rigorous assessment.

These programmes encourage students across the world to become active,

compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people,

with their differences, can also be right.

“We encourage a positive attitude to learning by encouraging students to ask challenging questions, to reflect critically, to develop research skills, and to learn how to learn. We encourage community service because we believe that there is more to learning than academic studies alone.”


What’s the Difference?• Community Service

• Community-Based Learning

• Service Learning

What is it?Elementary students were learning about plants and trees. They were collecting leaves and making a leaf book. The class went to the local Audubon center and was taken on a scavenger hunt to learn about the plants and trees. They later went in the woods behind their school and identified plants/trees with a local forester.

Scenario 1

What is it?Students organized a weeklong food drive at their school to benefit the local food bank. They put up posters around the school to advertise the drive. They read announcements over the school intercom in the mornings to remind the students about the drive. At the end of the week, several students brought the collected food to the food bank.

Scenario 2

What is it?Students in a science class were concerned with the impact on air quality of buses idling in front of their school. They worked with the Dept. of Environmental Protection to monitor the air and collect data. They found that the air quality was polluted because of the idling buses. They presented their findings to the school board and were able to get the district to change the policy.

Scenario 3

A good service learning programme will help:

– Knowledge development– Social development– Civic development– Personal development



S-L Components

Characteristics of Gifted Students

Authentic Experience

Demonstrate leadership; Exhibit a wide range of interests; Venturesome; Entrepreneurial and resourceful; Able to extend learning to other areas; Interest in fairness and justice; Seek and value assistance from experts

Problem-Based Learning

Solve problems in unique ways; Inquisitive about the world; Enjoy exploration; Ask many questions; Generate multiple solutions; Fluid in elaborating ideas; Sense when problems exist; Employ higher level thinking skills

Investigates from a Variety of Perspectives

Understand how people feel and groups function; Interest in cause/effect relationship; Perceptually open to the environment; Exhibit a broad perspective; Embrace being different or expressing unique ideas

Fosters Teamwork and Collaboration

Stimulate others’ interests; Organize others; Recognize and articulate group goals; Adopt non-leadership roles in a group; Support others in a group when recognized; Coordinate the work of others

Links to Curriculum and Standards

Explore areas of interest; Voluntarily spend time beyond ordinary assignments; Flexible thinking patterns; Extend learning from key areas to other areas; Pursue innovation; Demonstrate superior judgment in evaluating; Learn rapidly, efficiently, and easily

Encourages and Models Citizenship

Possess a keen sense of justice; Ask questions of a provocative nature; Globally aware; Understand how groups function; Listen to others empathetically; Strive to adapt and improve conditions; Curious about the world

Human Rights Project

Students were studying about human rights. Through discussions, they agreed

that bullying and harassment were issues in their own school. With the help of

their guidance counselor, they conducted surveys of the entire student body

and found that bullying was a concern to all students. Students created

research teams to investigate the issues related to bullying. As a result of their

research, they decided to organize a series of roundtable discussions with the

whole school around bullying and bullying prevention. They also presented

skits to younger students about ways to prevent bullying. They lobbied the

school board to infuse their research into lessons to be taught through healthful

living in their school district.

Harvest Project

When third grade students learned that many people living in their school community were unable to supply their families with healthy food, they decided to take action. They researched to find out what types of plants would grow in their area. They researched to find which foods of these crops had the best food value. With the help of parents, teachers, and community partners, the students built and planted a garden on their school property. Students researched and created a book of recipes to align with the harvest from their garden. When harvest time came, students advertised their products, hosted an “open kitchen”, and distributed recipes and food to families in the community who needed them. Season after season, these students provided food and information about planting and maintaining to members of their school community.

History Project

As part of a unit, “Change over Time”, students became interested in the history of their school community. How had the community changed over time? They decided to interview local residents, alumni from the school, local business owners, and the firefighters at the local fire station. Students researched to find photographs of the community as it changed over time. They analyzed the changes in business and residential areas in the community. They looked at the change in streets and traffic. They analyzed the impact of the changes over time. Students created a history of the community using their research. They created a Powerpoint and slide show which they donated to the History of the Community museum. The curator of the museum asked them to present their history during a celebration of the museum.

Global Engage• The IB community focuses on

five issues:– Education for all

– Peace and conflict

– Global infectious diseases

– Digital divide (access to technology)

– Disasters and emergencies


Kristen R. Stephens, Ph.D.

[email protected]

Alissa Griffith

[email protected]