

Region I

50-277/79-18Report No. 50-278/79-20

50-277Docket No. 50-278

DPR-44 C

License No. DPR-56 Priority -- Category C

Licensee: Philadelphia Electric Comoany

2301 Market Street

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19101

Facility Name: Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3

Inspection at: Delta, Pennsylvania

Inspection conducted: July 1 - July 31, 1979

Inspectors: rj w,_ - JO->-7fE. G. Greenman, Resident Reactor Inspector date signed

date signed

date signed

0 b ! '- GA \L to/2[7]AApproved by: f

E. C. McCabe, Jr., Chief, Reactor Projects date signed

Section No. 2, RO&NS Branch

Inspection Summary:

Inspection on July 1 - July 31, 1979 (Combined Inspection Report Nos. 50-277/79-18c.nd 50-278/79-20)Arcas Inspected: Routine, onsite regular and backshift inspection by the residentinspector (44 hours Unit 2; 44 hours Unit 3). Areas inspected included accessibleportions of the Unit 2 and Unit 3 facilities, physical security, plant operations,facility tours, control room inspections, IE Bulletin and Circular followup, LERreviews onsite and in-office, radiation protection, and review of periodic reports.Results: No items of noncompliance were identified in eight areas and one item ofnoncompliance was identified in one area related to physical security barriercontrol - (Infraction, Detail 8). ]

D1 0S 001

R:gion I Form 12(Rev. April 77)

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1. Persons Contacted

C. E. Andersen, Operations EngineerJ. Austin, Engineer - Maintenance DivisionW. Barley, Health Physics

* R. S. Fleischmann, Assistant Station SuperintendentS. Roberts, Results EngineerS. Tharpe, Security Supervisor

* W. T. Ullrich, Station Superintendent

Other licensee employees were contacted during this inspection.These included engineering personnel, administrative personnel,reactor operators, shift supervision, maintenance personnel, healthphysics personnel, and security personnel.

* denotes those present at entrance and exit interviews.

2. Previous Inspection Item Update

(Closed) Unresolved item (79-11-01 and 79-12-01) - Valve positioninconsistency between PCID (M-361, Sheets 1 and 2) and Check-OffList (S.3.2.A.1.A.2 and S.3.2.A.1.A.3) for RHR pressurizing toshutdown cooling header outer valve (Units 2 and 3). The inspectorreviewed revised check lists dated June 5, 1979 which correctedinconsistencies. The inspector had no further questions regardingthis item.

(Closed) Infraction (79-11-02 and 79-12-02) - Failure to followprocedures in maintaining valve positions as required. The inspectorconfirmed that instructions to shift personnel had been provided.Corrective action was verified as specified in licensee's responseto NRC Region I dated May 10, 1979. The inspector had no furtherquestions regarding this item.

(Closed) Deficiency (79-12-03) - Failure to properly review andapprove a temporary procedural change for testing changes regardingMain Steam Line Drain MO-74. The inspector confirmed that PORCsignatures had been obtained by the licensee and that PORC minutesdated April 18, 1979 contained documentation of PORC review forthis change. The surveillance test was verified to now containrequired signatures. The inspector also verified that revisionsto A-3 were in processing, which classify temporary procedure changes.Corrective action was verified as described in licensee's response toNRC Region I dated May 10, 1975. The inspector had no furtherquestions regarding this item.

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3. Logs and Records

The following logs and records for the periods indicated werereviewed pursuant to the licensee's administrative requirements.Management review was evidenced by frequent log book initialing.

a. Shift Supervision Log - July 1-31, 1979b. Unit 2 Jumper Log - Current entriesc. Unit 3 Jumper Log - Current entriesd. Reactor Operators Log Book Unit 2 - July 1-31, 1979e. Reactor Operators Log Book Unit 3 - July 1-31, 1979f. ACO Log Book - July 1-31, 1979g. Round Sheets Sampling Audith. Night Order Book - All current entriesi. Maintenance Request Forms Units 2 and 3 - Sampling Audit

July, 1979j. Security Records

4. Facility Tours

a. During the course of this inspectica, which also includedbackshifts, the inspector conducted daily tours of accessiblefacility areas and made observations of:

Control Room (daily)--

-- Turbine Building (all levels)-- Reactor Building (all accessible areas)-- Diesel Generator Building

Yard area and perimeter exterior to the power block--

Security Building and Control Points including power block--

-- Maintenance Shop-- Security Fencing-- Lighting


Vehicular control--

-- Drum Shipping AreasPersonnel--

b. The following observations were made by the inspector. Theinspector frequently confirmed that selected instruments wereoperational and indicated values were within TechnicalSpecification limits. Specific examples included ECCS controllerpositions, flow setpoints and proper valve positioning, inertingstatus, suppression pool limits, PCIS status, nuclear instrumen-tation, radioactive effluent indication drywell temperatures,and diesel generator operability. No unacceptable conditionswere identified.

Valve Positions. The inspector verified that selected--

valves in safety related systems were maintained locked asrequired and were properly positioned. Exterior pit lockedvalves were also examined. No unacceptable conditions e e96254identified.




Radiation Controls. The inspector verified by direct obser---

vation that access and control point procedures and postingrequirements were being followed. Observations also includedadherence to RWP requirements, including the correct use ofprotective clothing. The inspector also confirmed that highradiation areas were being maintained locked based on weeklychecks of numerous locked doors. Personnel were observed toproperly curvey using " friskers", portal monitors, whenexiting the power block and upon leaving the facility. Theinspector also performed sampling audits of personnel withinthe protected area and radiological control area to verifythat proper dosimetry and badging requirements were beingdisplayed and worn. The inspector also confirmed that surveyinstrumentation calibrations were maintained current forinstrumentation in use. No unacceptable conditions wereidentified.

Plant Housekeeping and Fire Protection. The inspector--

observed housekeeping conditions, fire hose station status,and extinguisher checks conducted by the license- cndobserved the licensee's fire protection procedures andpractices as well as observations of plant conditionsincluding firewatch controls. No unacceptable conditionswere identified.

-- Fluid Leaks. No significant fluid leaks were observed whichhad not been identified by the licensee nor for whichnecessary corrective action had not been initiated.

-- Piping Vibration. No significant piping vibrations orunusual conditions were observed.

Anchor plates, bolts, and seismic restraints were observed--

and no unusual conditions were noted. Specific anchor boltfailures disclosed pursuant to IE Bulletin 79-02 have beenreported by the licensee (Detail 5).

-- Annunciated Alarms. Selected annunciators known to constituteoff normal conditions were discussed with control roomoperators to verify that operators and shift supervision wereknowledgeable of plant conditions and that corrective action,if required, was being taken.

-- Control Room Manning. On frequent occasions during thisinspection, the inspector confirmed that requirements of10CFR50.54(k) and Technical Specifications for minimumstaffing requirements were satisfied.

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5. Non-Routine Event Review

The inspector reviewed the following non-routine event onsite andin the NRC site office for safety significance, circumstances, andrelationship to Technical Specification protective limits. Thelicensee's PORC review, evaluation, and corrective action was alsoverified.

LER Number Title

2-79-33/IP Anchor Bolt Inspection Program conductedpursuant to IE Bulletin 79-02 identifieda failure in one support associated withthe emergency cooling water lines in theemergency cooling tower valve room.

The inspector reviewed Concrete Expansion Bolt Situation Reportdated July 10, 1979. Two 3/4 inch shell type bolts failed therequired torque test and pulled out during testing. The bolts havebeen replaced with one and one quarter inch Hilti Wedge type anchors.Bolts were relocated at different locations on this support platesubsequent to engineering review. The inspector determined thatthe specific piping being supported would be placed in serviceduring a flood or a loss of the Conowingo Pond. Loss of a singlepiping support may not have resulted in piping failure coupled witha seismic event occurring simultaneously with flood / loss ofConowingo Pond. Based upon completion of the licensee's correctiveaction, the inspector concluded that the safety hazard from anchorbolt failure was minimal after repairs were completed.

6. IE Bulletins, Circular, and Information Notice Review

Incpection was p aformed for the following IE Bulletins and Circularsto verify whether: the Bulletins and Circulars were received bylicensee management; review for applicability was performed;corrective action (if any) was initiated and/or evaluated; whetherresponses, as required, were submitted in the necessary time frameand supporting documentation evidencing the licensee's review wascontained in PORC minutes. Findings were as follows:

IE Bulletin 78-12 " Atypical Weld Material in Reactor PressureVessel Welds" dated November 22, 1978.

IE Bulletin 78-12A " Atypical Weld Material in Reactor PressureVessel Welds" dated November 24, 1978.

IE Bulletin 78-12B " Atypical Weld Material in Reactor Pressure-Vessel Welds" dated March 19, 1979.

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The licensee's responses to this Bulletin dated November 22, 1978and May 23, 1979 were reviewed. The licensee has submitted a reportto the NRC dated April 24, 1979, certifying that no deviations hadbeen identified for the reach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 2 andUnit 3 reactor vessels. Additionally, the licensee has archive welddeposit material in storage in the event any verification tests arerequired. The inspector had no further questions on this item.Final PORC review is documented in PORC Minutes 79-69 dated July 5,1979.

IE Circular 79-02 " Failure of 120 Volt Vital AC Power Supplies"dated January 16, 1979.

The inspector reviewed the results of the licensee's engineeringreview which determined that time delay circuitry is not used inPeach Bottom inverter units and that DC input voltage is limitedby the circuitry in the battery chargers. Additionally, an alternate120 volt source is not used in the design.

IE Information Notice 79-18 " Skylab Re-entry" dated July 6, 1979.

The inspector verified that PORC members had received this noticeand that the licensee's contingency plans had been reviewed.

7. In-Office Review of Monthly Operating Reports

The following licensee reports have been reviewed in office. PeachBottom Atomic Power Station Monthly Operating Reports for:

June, 1979 dated July 10, 1979

This report was reviewed pursuant to Technical Specifications andverified to determine that operating statistics had been accuratelyreported and that narrative summaries of the month's operatingexperience were contained therein. No unacceptable conditions wereidentified.

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9. Exit Interviews

During the period of the inspection, licensee management asidentified in Detail 1, was periodically notified of the preliminaryfindings by the resident inspector as documented elsewhere withinthis report. A summary was also provided to the licensee at theconclusion of the report period. The licensee acknowledgedinspection findings.

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