Download pdf - Insight 2012T4W01

Page 1: Insight 2012T4W01

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

WelcomeWelcome back to the start of Term 4. I especially welcome new members of staff and students who join our community this week, including:

Mrs Sharon Hargrave and Mr David Beinke who have been on leave overseas.

There are a number of new staff joining us this term. We welcome:

• Mrs Jayne Gaynor who is our new school counsellor and will be working on both campuses

• Mr Stephen Clohesy replacing Mr Josh Cubillo

• Mrs Teresa Conte replacing Mrs Ann Hamilton who is on leave in Term 4

• Mrs Jessica Obushak replacing Mr Paul Hicks who is on Family Leave

• Mr Robert Transini replacing Mr Gary Jalleh on leave for weeks 1-4

• Mr Steve Kirk newly appointed Assistant Director of OSHC (Out School Hours Care)

• Mr Aaron Keal, Ms Isabelle Ngeru and Mrs Krystyna Placanica casual OSHC staff

We also wish Mrs Angela Barry a restful two week long service break.

New students are Brody Moylan (Year 5), Mohammed Qorbani (Year 10), Mason Bruns (Year 4), Matthew Lun (Year 9) and Jack McDonald (Year 9).

Principal’s SabbaticalI have returned to the College after engaging in sabbatical overseas. During my time abroad I joined 35 other leaders in Australian Education and together we visited many schools and universities in Finland, Scotland and the UK. I also visited Universities and teacher training establishments, a leadership college for school leadership and the STEM Centre (Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology Centre) in the UK. I also had the opportunity to meet with Directors of Catholic Education, Colleague Principals, students and staff in the host schools. One highlight of the trip was participation in a teaching and learning festival in

Scotland attended by over 6,000 educators from around the world. Throughout the term I will share some of the findingsandlearningfromthistripinnewsletterarticles,staffbriefingsandvariouspapers.

I take this opportunity to thanks EREA and Catholic Education for their support in undertaking this venture. I especially congratulate Acting Principal Mr Shaun Clarke, Acting Deputy Br John Ahern and the College community who worked tirelessly in my absence.

Edmund Rice Education Australia a Public Juridic Person EdmundRiceEducationAustraliahasnowofficiallybeenrecognised by Rome as an entity within the Catholic Church separate from but still related to the Christian Brothers. Edmund Rice Education Australia can now be the church stewards of schools and educational facilities in its own name.

Br Paul Oakley referring to this announcement which is attached in this newsletter writes:

You will find the official announcement that Edmund Rice Education Australia has become a Public Juridic Person of pontifical right. This announcement is from the Congregation Leader of the Christian Brothers Brother Philip Pinto and the Province Leader of the Christian Brothers in Oceania Brother Vince Duggan. The announcement coincides with the fifth anniversary

Term 4, Week 1 | Friday October 12, 2012

Justice and SolidarityWe are committed to justice and peace for all, grounded in a spirituality of action and reflection that calls us to stand in solidarity with those who are marginalised and the Earth itself.

From The Principal

Mr Flynn with the Social Action Group (L-R): Liam Peterson, Joshua Grant, Daniel Callisto, and Andreas Ktoris Chris Binyon and Hamish Richardson

Christian Brothers College Newsletter214 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8400 4200 F 08 8400 4299

324 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8400 4222 F 08 8400 4220

178 East Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8223 5469 F 08 8223 7803

[email protected]

Senior Campus

Junior Campus

CBC Community Children’s Centre

Email Website

Faith Excellence Community Compassion

A Birth-12 Catholic College for boys in the Edmund Rice Tradition

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The Uniform Shop is operating from 227 Flinders Street, Adelaide. For more information, please call 8400 4249.

Normal trading hours:Monday 8 :30am to 5pm* Wednesday 12pm to 5pm* Friday 12pm to 5pm*

(*During school terms - extra trading hours are advertised for school holiday trading)

Mrs Claire SummertonUniform Shop Manager


of the commissioning of EREA by the Christian Brothers.

On behalf of the Council members I thank all those who have contributed to the gaining of this recognition and who continue to ensure that EREA is the best that it can be for the young people and their families in our schools and educational facilities.

Let’s thank God and celebrate this achievement and all that it can mean for those we serve and those we will serve in the future.

Summer Uniform Parents are reminded that students are expected to attend school in their Summer Uniform which includes a wide brim CBC hat for all students in all three campuses Birth to year 12. Please note the wearing of caps in the place of wide brimmed hats including in PE classes is not acceptable as this does not meet statutory requirements for child safety and protection.

In a memo to staff this week Deputy Principal Mr Shaun Clarke wrote:

All students are now required to wear their summer uniform this term. This includes wearing blue socks and black leather shoes. No student is permitted to wear the black canvas shoes. Any student who is wearing canvas shoes are to be sent home.

All students are also required to wear a wide-brim hat outinthesun,includingthesportsfield.Capsdonotspecify with the sun safe policies at the school are not to be worn at either recess or lunch. All staff are also required to wear a wide-brim hat while on yard duty.

Sunscreen should be available in every class.

New College WebsiteI am pleased to announce the launch of the new updated College website The new site contains virtual tours of our Junior and Senior Campuses, updated College information, links to the parents’ portal and contact details for our staff, parent auxiliaries and wider community. The College is indebted to the hard work of CBC staff in particular the College Publications Team Mr Alex Ly and Mrs Sonia Rechichi for their hard work on this project.

Student Leadership RetreatOn Tuesday and Wednesday Assistant Principal Wellbeing Mr Ian Hamilton will lead staff and the 2013 student leadership team on retreat as part of the discernment process to elect next year’s College Captain. Students will also determine the 2013 College theme and most importantly prepare themselves spiritually for their leadership journey ahead.

Archbishop’s AwardsCongratulations to Year 12 students Gabriel Salazar and Corey Billows who won the Archbishop’s Award for Senior Students. The following is an excerpt from their nomination:

Corey is our 2012 Social Justice Captain. Corey is trustworthy, just, efficient, inclusive and an excellent role model. He is a talented hockey player and lives independently. Corey has participated in our Indigenous Immersion program and has been active throughout his secondary schooling in the Social justice Group where he has raised money through conducting BBQs. He has been involved in the Building the Bridge project and has raised our school community awareness of issues surrounding homelessness. He has initiated a sleep-out and a can drive. He balances his academic school commitments and co-curricular activities playing sport and helping to coach junior hockey teams. He is a volunteer at Ronald McDonald House and gives blood as part of our college program to support the Red Cross. Corey has well-developed interpersonal skills and makes others feel welcome and valued in our school community.

He is regarded an exemplary example of a Man of Faith in the Edmund Rice Tradition. He actively embraces the history and traditions of the College and all that is sacred. He is compassionate in his thinking and reflective yet purposeful in his action. Corey is a beautiful human being who is a wonderful asset to our community enriching our lives.

Gabriel is a quiet, unassuming Year 12 student who lives his life as a ‘man of faith’ in the true Edmund Rice Tradition. He is a considerate, active listener, and is reflective and calm. He recognises the importance of family and has conducted himself with reverence and dignity. He is selfless in his approach and has taken four weeks out of his study early in 2012 to travel to The Philippines to care for his sick and aging Grandmother. He did this without fuss and fanfare and has asked for nothing except our prayers to assist her to return to good health.

His commitment to his faith journey is witnessed in his compassion for others, his dutiful participation in and respect for Liturgical Celebrations and active parish life.

Our community regards him as an exemplary example of a man educated in the Edmund Rice Tradition exercising grand empathy for others. He is committed to his family and College community having an insightful and mature way of seeing and responding to issues of Social Justice.

Counsellor’s Corner

AngerIt is normal to feel angry at times: it is a natural emotion. Anger becomes a problem when on the one hand we pretend it does not exist or on the other hand we use our anger to manipulate and intimidate others. We need to recognise anger rising in ourselves - the pulse pounds, the breath quickens,aflushofbloodgoestothefaceandtheremay be tension in the hands, legs, neck or stomach. Expressing anger is a natural, healthy response and is necessary to keep a healthy balance. We need calmly to speak to the person who triggered off our anger, to say why we are angry and to do it as soon as possible. Do not explode or become irrational. To hold back anger and to dwell on it adds to the hurt that caused it. If anger is expressed inappropriately others are hurt or became angry. The chronically angry and bitter person often feels cheated in life and blames others for problems. Assertive behaviour protects one’s rights and feelings, whereas aggressive behaviour attacks someone else’s rights and feelings. A good example for us is Jesus who was angry at times. “Jesus went into the Temple and drove out those who were selling and buying there; he upset the tables of the money changers...” (Matthew 21 : 12)

Br Michael FlahertyCounsellor

Corey Billows (left) and Gabriel Salazar

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Instructable and LearnableDuring the holidays the Leadership Team attended the South Australian Teachers Conference. Professor Martin Westwell, researcher in neuroscience from Flinders University, who is working in partnership with Christian Brothers College, was a leading presenter at the conference. He focused that in the classroom we need to set both instructable and learnable tasks for our students.

One reason why project based and experiential teaching does not work is that students sometimes do not automatically learn everything they need to know just by having an experience, no matter how well crafted. Even if a superb classroom and school climate has been established, and even if teachers are wonderfully innovative in their design of classroom projects, that is not enough. Although students can pick up attitudes and values and beliefs and information by just being present in a particular classroom context, learning requires more action and effort by students. Experience needs to be processed.

The reason is simple and has to do with memory – there are several types of memory. Some of what students learn has to be memorised by rote because some aspects of consolidation involve practice and rehearsal (instructable). But memory is also ‘natural’ and dynamic, as students use what they learn to react and respond in real ways to the real world. The way to develop that second sort of dynamic memory is to have necessary skills and ideas embedded in well-designed experiences and then to mine the experience for the lessons and essential skills it has to offer.

Professor Martin Westwell stated that we often spend time in class teaching the instructable processes of tasks such as formulas in maths, grammatical conventions in English, etc. However, we also need to develop the teachable; that is, the art of digesting experience and consolidating learning. It ranges

from systematic practice and creative rehearsal (for memorisation) to the deeply probing and ongoing questions that test the limits of a learner’s abilities to call on the executive functions of the brain and respond within a real-life context. This can be done by the learner alone and collectively with others, but ultimately it needs to be done if a student is able to apply their knowledge in different situations.

Students in class still need to memorise facts and practise skills over and over again (instructable) to recall information. This type of learning, however, does not fully develop their executive functions of the brain. Students in addition to memorising facts need to be able to increase their ability and skills to observe and to use questions that develop a deeper level of thinking (teachable). In classes we need to have both the instructable and the teachable. This means we need to:

• Teach students to ask critical questions

• Help students to observe and diagnose their own work and work of others

• Assist students in relating the form of what they are generating(creativewritingorscientificresearch)tothe functions that their work is meant to address

• Encourage students to assess what is possible by asking probing questions and listening

• Encouraging students to check on facts and details and to test their beliefs and conclusions

For students to be successful they need to be constantly learning how to learn. This process is known as metacognition and provides an opportunity for students toreflectabouthowtheythinkandlearn.

A quote from the conference stated:

“If you can crack the problem of engagement of students – not just ‘are you paying attention?’ but ‘are you fascinated by this?’ – then you’ve cracked the 21st century schooling.” (Mike Berrill)

Mr Shaun ClarkeDeputy Principal

From The Deputy Principal

Gabriel is a young man who is an asset to our community and his family enriching lives. Gabriel has an obvious sense of compassion, care and understanding of issues that confront and challenge people from diverse cultural backgrounds. He models these qualities to his peers and younger students as he goes about his life, treading softly in their lives.

Speech Night Please be reminded that tickets are now available fromtheFinanceOfficeforourannualSpeechNightto be held at the Adelaide Town Hall on Wednesday 17 October at 6.45 pm sharp. This event is compulsory for all Year 7-12 students. Each student attending requires a ticket. Please do not take tickets if you have no intention of using them. Each year we have had a considerable number of ticket holding non-attendees and this has precluded many on our waiting lists from attending.

We also require more donors for prizes on the night. Your gift of $50 will be very much appreciated by the College Community and ensures that student success and effort is rewarded in the academic, spiritual and co-curricularfields.Ifyouareabletocontributepleasephone Principal PA Jenny Dunncliff on 8400 4210.

ConclusionIn yet another example of CBC staff and students living the College values of Faith, Excellence, Community andCompassioninourfirstwholeschoolassemblyforTerm 4, the College presented the Australian Refugee Association with a cheque for $2,100. 20. CBC participants, made up of 15 students and 5 staff/parents participated in the Amble for ARA City to Bay Fun Run. Thanks to Mr Flynn and all who participated in this event.

Mr Noel MifsudPrincipal

Speech Night 2012

SPEECH NIGHT DONORS REQUIREDDue to an increase in classes the unique opportunity to donate a $50.00 gift to reward student achievement has become available.

Your donation ensures that student success and effort is rewarded in the academic, spiritualandco-curricularfields.Thisrecognitionbuildsstudentaspirationsandacknowledges diligence, hard work and the pursuit of excellence.

The awards this year will be presented at our Speech Night on Wednesday 17th October 2012 and your name will appear in the programme. Speech Night commences at 6:45pm in the Adelaide Town Hall. We would be very pleased for you to attend the evening.

If you are interested in donating please contact Mrs Jenny Dunncliff on 8400 4210.

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Smith houSe

With the South Australian winter being one of the most brutal in years, some of the most vulnerable members of our society are suffer-ing great hardship. We are asking families to please sort through their wardrobes and linen presses and pass on to us any items that you may not need any longer.

All items can be left at the front office. Please help us help those in urgent need. Some ideas of how you can help:

• Adult clothing (mostly women) larger sizes mainly• Children’s clothing• Shoes for kids• Blankets, pillows, & any other linen• Basic kitchen utensils • Toiletries (eg any travel soaps, shampoos etc)• Children’s toys, colouring in books, puzzles, pencils, games etc

Smith House and Centacare Catholic Family Services)

In early October we celebrate the opening of two important buildings in CBC’s history. On 7 October 1956 thescienceblockwasofficiallyopenedbyArchbishopBeovich. Originally known as the St Anthony’s War Memorial Science Block it was dedicated to those old scholars who lost their lives in the Second World War. The building was particularly important to the College becauseitwasthefirstnewfacilitywebuiltinoverfiftyyearsanditwasthefirstconstructiontoreflecttwentieth century architectural design principles.

On6October1963thefirstJuniorCampuswasofficiallyopenedin1963.OvercrowdinghadlongbeenaproblematWakefieldStreet,madeworsebythefactthat Adelaide City Council had ordered the compulsory acquisition of the original classroom block fronting Ackland Street and so a decision was made to purchase land at the corner of East Terrace and move the junior students down there. This building and its subsequent extensions was demolished in 2009 to make way for the new Junior Campus.

Both of these buildings were constructed within twenty yearsofWWIIandreflectedpostwargrowthintheAdelaide community and faith in the future by the Christian Brothers.

Mrs Jacinta WeissArchivist

From the Archives

School calendar

Week 2Mon 15 Oct Board Meeting

Tues 16 Oct

Wed 17 Oct Speech Night – Adelaide Town Hall

Thurs 18 Oct

Fri 19 Oct Year 12 BBQ Breakfast 8.30amYear 12 Mass 9.30am

Week 3Mon 22 Oct

Tues 23 Oct

Wed 24 Oct

Thurs 25 Oct

Fri 26 Oct MS Assembly

Sat 27 Oct P&F Cocktail Evening

Week 4Mon 29 Oct SACE Written Exams commence

English Studies 9.00amESL 1.30pmYear 11 Course Counselling

Tues 30 Oct Mathematical Applications 9.00amMathematical Studies 1.30pmYear 11 Course Counselling

Wed 31 Oct Year 11 Course Counselling

Thurs 1 Nov Physical Education 9.00amPhysics 1.30pmYear 11 Course Counselling

Fri 2 Nov Italian (continuers) 9.00amJS Parent Volunteer Thank YouCBC/SMC Pilgrim Retreat Day

Week 5Mon 5 Nov Biology 9.00am

Information Technology 1.30pm

Tues 6 Nov Psychology 9.00am

Wed 7 Nov Chemistry 9.00amAccounting 1.30pm

Thurs 8 Nov Modern History 9.00amEconomics 1.30pmVietnam Pilgrims leave

Fri 9 Nov Mathematical Methods 9.00amSpecialist Mathematics 9.00amSports Assembly (Year 7 -11)

Week 6Mon 12 Nov Music in Context 9.00am

Principal’s Tour (SC)

Tues 13 Nov Blood DonationGeography 9.00amNutrition 1.30pmPrincipal’s Tour (JC)

Wed 14 Nov Blood Donation

Thurs 15 Nov

Fri 16 Nov

Week 7Mon 19 Nov Stage One Exams

Board Meeting

Tues 20 Nov Stage One ExamsCBC Guitar Recital

The full Term Planner is available at

St Anthony’s War Memorial Science Block

BlessedandofficiallyopenedbyHisGrace the Archbishop of Adelaide, Most Rev. M. Beovich, D.D., Ph.D., Sunday Afternoon, October 7, 1956.

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Dear Parents and Friends,


Thistermwillflybyforasusualthereismuchplannedfor the Junior Campus.

Next Wednesday 17 October is our annual Speech Night. It is an evening where we formally acknowledge our Year 3 to 6 students in each class for their Academic Excellence. Speech Night represents an opportunity to celebrate a year of considerable achievements and activities by our students, the passion and dedication of our staff, the nurturing and stewardship by our CollegePrincipal,MrMifsud,andayearofreflectionand planning by all staff, leadership team and board members.

The Junior Campus Award recipients will also be acknowledged and applauded for their achievements at next week’s assembly in front of their peers. It is important also to celebrate the efforts, diligence and achievements of all students who have tried so hard this year to achieve their own milestones and awards.

At the end of the last term you received your son’s NAPLAN results. Mrs Buchanan is analysing the results currently and will shortly provide a summary of how our students achieved in all areas of the test.

This term we have many Junior Campus College Awards and I have highlighted these dates and times for your diaries.

Week 2: Wednesday 17 October – Speech Night at the Adelaide Town Hall; 6.30pm start

Week 3: Saturday 27 October – Parents & Friends Cocktail Evening to celebrate the 1st Anniversary of the new Junior Campus. Tickets are $20 and available at both the SC and JC; 7.oo pm start

Week 6: Tuesday 13 November – Junior Campus Principal Tours, 9.30am-10.30am or 5.30pm. Please register your attendance by emailing Jenny Dunncliff, College Registrar on 84004210

Week 7: Reception Transition day Number 2

Week 7: Wednesday 21 November – Year 6 Graduation at the Junior Campus

Week 8: Monday 26 November – Christmas Carols in the park for R-9 students. 5.30 shared picnic and BBQ available from the P&F; 6pm Commencement of carols. All students are expected to attend

Week 8: Friday 30 November – Thanksgiving Mass at 2pm at St Francis Xavier Cathedral.

Week 9: Monday 3 December – New JC transition day at 9am

Week 9: Tuesday 4 December – Junior Campus Sports Assembly

Week 9: Wednesday 5 December – New Parents Information Evening

Week 9: Thursday 6 December – Junior Campus Big day Out Picnic

Week 9: Friday 7 December – Last day of school. Students dismissed at 12.30pm; reports and class placements for 2013 given to students

Thank you to Mr Marin for donating a large supply of stationary items for the Junior Campus. We are indebted to you for your generosity and kindness.

Wishing you God’s blessings for the week ahead.

Mrs Frances ZubreckyjAssistant Principal - Junior Campus

Assistant Principal - Junior Campus

Adelaide Town Hall, 6.45pm Wednesday 17 October, 2012

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Dear Families and Friends

In last Sunday’s Gospel, the Pharisees deliberately corner Jesus with stuff that does not come out of a searching heart, but out of a hard, judgmental, self satisfying heart. Jesus meets them where they are, and tries to lead them to understand that laws are there to guide, to open us up to bigger things. The point that Jesus is making is that marriage is ever so much more than a legal contract which one or other party can break if the agreement ceases to be satisfying. Marriage is a signofGod’sloveamongus,areflectionofalovethatdoes not set conditions. Life for all of us, married and single alike, is about refreshing God’s love in all of our relationships. Resorting to legalism as a way of dodging any commitment is soulless and devoid of love. Jesus’ blessing of the children is no sentimental gesture but an embrace for all those who have no statutes, no claims to make, and no power to wield but are receptive to the gift of God’s love.

Jesus so longed to lead people into the freedom of truth, of truth telling, the freedom of an uncluttered heart.

Christian Greetings.

The Angelus

The Angelus is an ancient prayer of the Church. Its origins are unknown, but some suggest it goes back as early as the 10th Century. The Bishops in SA have asked for the Angelus to be introduced into our schools. Their hope is that through our creative embrace of the richness of the Angelus ritual and prayer, all in our school communities may come to know more deeply the loving presence (the grace) of God in their lives and the reality of Jesus Christ in our midst.

In Adelaide Archdiocese schools, the Archbishop is asking that the Angelus be prayed in Years 6 and 7. This will commence during Term 4 in Year 6. If you would like more information regarding this initiative or a copy of this prayer please do not hesitate to contact me.

2012 Sacramental Journey Continues – Feast of Christ The KingSunday 25 November 2012, 6.00pm at St Francis Xavier Cathedral

On behalf of the Cathedral Parish, Fr Dean Marin has extended an invitation to all of the families of students from the Catholic Schools in the Parish of Adelaide who receivedtheSacramentofConfirmationduring2012.

This week, each boy received a personal invitation to attend this celebration Mass and in keeping with the commitment your son made to be faithful to the gospel we are encouraging you and your family to attend this Mass.

If you would like to attend this mass and are keen for your son to participate could you please return the reply slipthatwashandedouttoyoursonduringthefirstweek of school and return to the Junior Campus Front Office.

We look forward to a positive response to this kind and heartfelt invitation from the Cathedral Parish.

Made in the Image of God – Being Sexual StrandDuring Term 4, classes will spend 3-4 weeks focusing on the Being Sexual strand of the MITIOG program. It is important that you are aware of the content to be covered so that you are able to prepare and follow up with your child.

The Made in the Image of God (MITIOG) program covers the strands of:


Parents are more than welcome to come in and view more closely the Made in the Image of God materials. We also encourage parents to take the opportunity to be involved with your children by talking with them at home and discussing any of their questions that may arise.

Gospel Challenge: Building Community

Mark 1:16-20

As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him.

When he had gone a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John in a boat, preparing their nets. Without delay he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him.

The Gospel has a telos – the purpose of calling out a people, which is why I want to keep “gospel community” close to the announcement. I fear that most evangelicals see the church as “just an implication of the gospel” instead of thinking.

This is the whole point of the good news – God forming a people for His glory and the good of the world.

Building Communities is about working hard to include others.

When we exclude people from communities we are working against the gospel.

We need to take opportunities to trust each other, to strengthen new relationships, to form stronger and more loving communities.

Mass And Prayer Services For Term 4, 201217 October Reception Prayer Service led by Ms

Odgers’ class.

24 October Year 1/2 Prayer Service led by Mrs Radbone’s class.

31 October Year 3 Prayer Service led by Mrs Cresswell’s class.

7 November Year 4 Mass led by Mr Rignanese’s class.

14 November Year 5 Mass led by Mr Molloy’s class.

21 November Year 6 Mass led by Mr Were’s class

25 November Feast of Christ the King Celebration MassforConfirmationStudentsfromthe various Catholic Schools in the Parish of Adelaide, 6.00pm St Francis Xavier Cathedral.

7 December Junior Campus Closing Liturgy


Mr Bruce WereJunior Campus Religious Education Curriculum Coordinator

We cannot change the world but we can make a contribution to making it a better place.

Junior Campus RE Coordinator

2012 COLLEGE TOURThursday 1 November at 9.30am

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart CollegeCatholic Secondary School for Girls Years 8 to 12

496 Regency Road Enfield SA 5085 Phone 8269 8800

For further information please contact Sandy Bethley

We know how girls learn best...Discover how

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Careers Coordinator / Counsellor

• Uni Applications

• TAFE Information Sessions

• Health Sciences Workshop

University ApplicationsBy now all students have completed their SATAC Uni applications. Students are advised to keep an eye on each university website for further Information sessions about various courses. In January the universities hold Change of Preference events, should you not receive the requiredATARandwishtopursueaspecificpathway.

Adelaide University’s Change of Preference Event is on 3 January, or you can contact any of the universities’ ProspectiveStudentOffices.

Students are encouraged to apply for both University and TAFE if they are unsure of their success at this stage. TAFE applications are free this year, and there are notuitionfeesforCertificate1orCertificate2courses.The application process for TAFE is now open.

Students should email or see me if they are doubtful about how to apply.

TAFE Information SessionsTAFE Information Sessions have now begun and are being run as follows:

Art & Design: Mon 29 October 4.30pm & 6.00pm Adelaide City Campus

Film & TV: Mon 15 October & Mon 5 November Adelaide College of the Arts

Interior Design & Furniture Design: Tues 9 October & Tues 29 October 6.00pm-8.00pm Marleston Campus

Performing Arts: Wed 17 October, Wed 7 November 6.00pm-7.30pm Adelaide College of the Arts

Music: Thurs 11 6.00pm October Noarlunga Campus

Visual Arts & Design: Tues 16 October & Tues 6 November 6.00pm-7.00pm Adelaide College of the Arts

Professional Writing: 15 October & 5 November 6.15pm-7.15pm Adelaide College of the Arts

Information Technology: Tues 16 October 12.00pm-1.00pm & 6.00pm-7.00pm Adelaide City Campus

Building & Furnishing; Building Design & Drafting: Wed 10 October & Wed 21 November 6.00pm-8.00pm Marleston Campus

Furniture Design: Tues 9 October & Tues 20 November 6.00pm-8.00pm Marleston Campus

Business & Marketing; Retail: Wed 10 October & Wed 17 November Noarlunga Campus

Real Estate (Property Services): Mon 15 October Adelaide City Campus

Community & Health; Community Services: Thurs 8 November Noarlunga Campus

Hospitality, Cookery, Tourism & Events: Thurs 8 November Noarlunga Campus.

Languages, Interpreting & Translating: Tues 20 November 6.00pm-7.30pm Adelaide City Campus

Engineering (Product Technology): Tues 30 October Noarlunga Campus

Diploma of Engineering (Technical): Wed 31 October Panorama TAFE

Students are urged to check the TAFE website for further information as some details may change.

Preparing for Health Sciences WorkshopAre you contemplating undertaking a Health Science degree, but have not taken a Science subject in Year 11 or Year 12?

Ifso,youwouldbenefitfromattendingaHealthSciences Workshop, to be run from 19 - 22 February 2013.

The workshop will cover relevant Biology/Physics/Chemistry; essential physiological concepts; body systems; medical terminology and more.

It will be relevant for the following programs:

• Clinical Exercise Physiology• Health Science• Human Movement• Laboratory Medicine• Medical Radiation Science• Nutrition & Food Sciences• Occupational Therapy• Pharmaceutical Science• Pharmacy• Physiotherapy• Podiatry

For further information contact Anitha Thalluri: 8302 2391 or [email protected]

Ms Liz TidemannCoordinator Careers/ Counselling

Calvary Wakefield Hospital

Christmas Stall

TUESDAY 30 October 2012 9:30am-2:30pm

300 Wakefield Street Adelaide Entrance near Hudsons

Please visit the Craft Stall for many quality Christmas items

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Rowing“All crews check....Attention...GO!!” Yes, that’s right! The 2012/2013 Rowing season is off and racing. We have been pumping iron and rowing kilometres over winter and now the season is upon us. The dedicated boys involved in the rowing program have been training since July this year and even spent 3 days of the recent holidaysdownatWestLakeshoningskillsandfitnessfor the upcoming season that kicks off this term. The holiday trainings consisted of 2 sessions a day over the 3 days where both Junior and Senior rowers were able to test the waters at West Lakes and continue building on their solid base that has been established over the winter months. Even over this short time span, all crews and rowers were able to make gains in technique and develop stronger relationships with crew members. I congratulate all rowers who came along to the 3 days -- I am sure your efforts over these days will show on race day. Thank you also to all coaches and to the parents who helped drop off and pick up their sons over these days.

The next major camp for the Rowing Club is the annual Berri regatta, held up in the beautiful Riverland on thefirsttwodaysofDecember.Thisisanothergreatweekend, where our boys will row on another part of the stunning Murray River, whilst experiencing some

great racing and the chance to bond with crewmates. Until then we will continue putting in the hard work at training.....See you on the water.

Term 4 Training times:Seniors: Mondaynightfitnessinthegym–3:30-5pm

Tuesday Morning water session at West Lakes – 5:30am at CBC for the bus or 6am at the Sheds at WL


Thursday Morning water session at West Lakes – 5:30am at CBC for the bus or 6am at the Sheds at WL

Saturday Morning water session/racing at West Lakes (occasionally Torrens) – 8am (pending regatta times

Juniors: MondayLunchtimefitnessinthegym

Tuesday night water session on the Torrens – 3:45 - 6pm (bus can take boys to and from school if desired)

Thursday night water session on the Torrens 2:45 - 5pm (bus can take boys to and from school if desired)

Saturday Morning water session/racing at West Lakes (occasionally Torrens) – 8am (pending regatta times)

Mr Beau GoraWatersports Coordinator


CAPThe Water Sports Auxiliary have organised

supporter caps for staff, parents and friends to wear at CBC co-curricular events. This is a great way to support your son’s sport by

wearing the purple and white caps.

Caps are available for $20 each and can be ordered through the College Uniform Shop.

Please support your son and the college by not just being at their sports activity but wearing the

school colours.

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Christian Brothers Oceania Province Centre Location: Ph: +61 (0)7 3621 9600 PO Box 596 131 Queens Road Fax: +61 (0)7 3621 9688 Virginia BC QLD 4014 Nudgee QLD 4014 [email protected] Australia Australia Trustees of the Christian Brothers ABN 64 066 939 786 • Incorporated in New South Wales • The liability of the members is limited

4 October 2012 To all who are part of Edmund Rice Education Australia

Greetings from the Congregation and Oceania Leadership of the Christian Brothers

We write to share with you some wonderful news. We have received word that Edmund Rice Education Australia has been recognised as an entity within the Catholic Church separate from but still related to the Christian Brothers. Edmund Rice Education Australia can now be the church stewards of schools and educational facilities in its own name.

Over the next few months arrangements will be finalised to allow the transfer of the schools from the Christian Brothers to Edmund Rice Education Australia and a date will be set for this to commence. Some schools in New South Wales may take more time while some matters are resolved through discussions at a diocesan level. Until a school is transferred it will continue to operate as it has for the past few years under Edmund Rice Education Australia.

The erection of Edmund Rice Education Australia is the culmination of work which began in 2000 with the setting up of the National Planning Committee for Schools Governance. The first major achievement was the commissioning of Edmund Rice Education Australia as the authority delegated by the Christian Brothers to operate our schools at the time of the establishment of the Oceania province of the Christian Brothers.

The recent Edmund Rice Education Australia Congress in Melbourne bore testament to the maturity of leadership at all levels of Edmund Rice Education Australia. It confirmed, as so much else had likewise, that our confidence is not misplaced in the capacity of great lay people, who worked alongside us for so long, to take the schools' mission into the future.

Since 2007 a working party has been preparing the request to be sent to Rome for the recognition by the Church of Edmund Rice Education Australia. We are grateful for their detailed and successful work in preparing the necessary documentation.

Documentation is one thing but of much more importance is the reality which lies behind the documentation. Edmund Rice Education Australia has proven itself under delegated responsibility to be an effective contributor to schools ministry as Church mission. For this we have to thank the Council, the Board, the Executive and particularly each of you who contribute to the life and spirit of this energetic ministry in the Australian Church.

We conclude with the words of Archbishop Tobin CSsR, the Secretary of the Authority in Rome which accepted our request.

May this new public juridic person, Edmund Rice Education Australia, with the assistance of expert laity, building on the foundation of the charism of Edmund Rice, maintain and promote strong, diverse Catholic schools, committed to the Gospel and to close collaboration with the local Church.

This too is our hope and prayer for you as we ask God’s blessing on you and the Catholic schools in the Edmund Rice tradition.

Yours sincerely in Christ

Philip Pinto cfc Vince F Duggan cfc Congregation Leader Province Leader Christian Brothers Christian Brothers Oceania
