Download pdf - Inside 15 is Suu

  • 7/31/2019 Inside 15 is Suu


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  • 7/31/2019 Inside 15 is Suu


    Cover: Aegis S ri e- Closer ..........................................................................(spain) 02__ Jeremy Russel - Skull Hires ............................................................(canada)04 __ R.S. Connet - An agony .....................................................................(usa)06 __ jenz - Blue .......................................................................................(germany)07 __ Scot Wilson Un i led Owl ..................................................................(usa)

    07 __

    Sybille Lengauer - Te Awakening .............................................(germany)

    08 __ Se h Siro An on- Te Mar yr - S ill Li e Syn hesis .....................(greece)10 __ Vienna Crawling - Ralph Man reda/Joachim Lue ke .................(aus ria)16 __ Yan Arexis - Mega herion .................................................................( rance)18 __ Scot Wilson Cancer mou h ................................................................(usa)18 __ Axel Torvenius - Cen ipede Smoker .............................................(sweden)18 __ Urs Bke - Phases ..........................................................................(germany)19 __ S i chpuller- Flesh pod 3 v.5 ..............................................................(usa)20 __ Navete - Hail o he King .................................................................( rance)21 __ Karezoid - Fragmen s o a Prayer ..................................................(poland)Pos er:Sam Van Olfen - Pax via bellum ..................................................( rance)24 __ MxNihil - Te Apes .......................................................................(germany)25 __ Hell in Hell - Salva ion .....................................................................(brazil) 26 __ Te Ar o Su oca ion30 __ jenz - An iganesha ..........................................................................(germany)31 __ Shann Larsson - Borrrland Dark ............................................(hong kong)31 __ Johannes Wi ek Scene o Crime ..................................................(germany)32 __ Dan Verkys - Curlicue ....................................................................(aus ralia)33 __ Yan Arexis - Fores o N Gai .............................................................( rance)34 __ Reviews37 __ Con ac s/Edi orial37 __ Ana hema Pho ography - Ode o Love Objec ...........................(canada) 38 __ Dar h Hell - Organic Abs rac ............................................................(usa)40 __ Kris Kuksi - General Heinrich von Howi zerhead ............................(usa)41 __ jenz - Zwei el ..................................................................................(germany)

    42 __ jenz - Farewell om Wi hin ..........................................................(germany)43 __ Rober Bauder - Sel por rai ............................................................(usa)Back:Beb Deum - Bunny Girl ....................................................................( rance)Images and ex he ar is s / con ac page 37

    ransla ions 2011 Ni Gudix, www.gudix ransli

    INSIDE artzineInternational Artscum Magazine - Summer (Backissues, Poster, Shop)

    2 Jeremy Russel Skull Hires

  • 7/31/2019 Inside 15 is Suu


    WELCOMEThis is a light version of the INSIDE artzine #15.Paintings, (Digital) Collages, Sculptures, Stories, Reviewsfrom Europe, USA, Australia, Brazil, Outerspace, +++(A4, 44p., full color, full sickness, quality paper, english)Order your printed copy on:

    GERMANY/EUROPE/WORLD:>>direct shoplink:


    Contact: [email protected]

  • 7/31/2019 Inside 15 is Suu


    4 R.S. Connet An agony

  • 7/31/2019 Inside 15 is Suu


    Name 5

  • 7/31/2019 Inside 15 is Suu


    6 Se h Siro An on Te Mar yr - S ill Li e Syn hesis

  • 7/31/2019 Inside 15 is Suu


    Name 7

  • 7/31/2019 Inside 15 is Suu


    I had he un amiliar sense ha , or he rs ime in a long while, here was sun on my ace. Wind. Wi h a eelingo resigning emp iness I sensed he ra c noise in l ra ing me. Te smiling ace o he au is ic wi hin me sagged, asi overs re ched in an endless slow-mo ion, below he sur ace o a silen puddle in o he pi ch-black asphal o aninaccessible wonderland.

    As usual in hese momen s o re urn I was comple ely disorien ed. As usual I ried no o le i show. I was eve-ry hing as usual. Chaos. Usually. No need o change he plan.

    I ex ended he acui y o my wa ery sigh on he closer proximi y. I was siting in a s ree ca a a round able wi han aw ul, red-and-whi e chequered ableclo h on i . Above me here was an edgy, darkly pulsa ing la e a ernoon sky.Grey, ancien concre e block acades were heaving owards idem, ar o , jus like has ened away hrough reversed binoculars. Tis place was corroded by he morbid will o inna e disinhibi ion. Ta was obvious. Te sur ace impres-sion was he crucial one or allen drop-ou s like me. In he momen o re urn, experience wi hers away and becomesa useless burden. I had o improvise again.

    On he sidewalks and s ree s, adjus ed o he bending o he globe, here were he usual brain-carriers shoving bu-sily o and ro. Teir dead aces seemed amiliar o me. In he nex momen , heir crooked ex remi ies, heir endlessly long, hin ee h bowed owards me and disappeared again in he aceless passing-by. W w I?Tere was a me allic as e dumping in my mou h. I ried o remember any hing.Drug acciden , kidnapping, core mel down, diarrhoea hen I gave i up. In he end i didn mater anyway, did i ?

    Again, he mobile phone in ron o me on he able rang. Te ime ence around me seemed o be s rangely s re -ched. Or he processes in my mind had accelera ed o nigh marish speed. My a e was: he never-ending, wearingemp iness was creeping hrough he e ernally reading halls o mono ony in a merciless viscosi y while he sizzling brain spark o my despera e ingeniousness raced pas me wi h he high speed o a alling suicide. No really a sus ai-nable combina ion. A leas here was enough ime le o he nex ringing o my mobile.

    Obviously, I was in Cen ral European ambience, my clo hes were no puked all over, and no one seemed o comeon o me. Ta boded well. I began o relax. A mis ake.

    My mobile phone oozed i s nex ring one. Te gaps became shor er. Te caring slow-mo ion in whose warm,meaningless cosmos I had con den ly laid my shatered mind, had le me.

    I was all useless. I had o deliver mysel up o he orcing hand o wha would happen. How was I o know ha hisconversa ion on he mobile would dump he evolu ionary level o he uprigh walking pro ozoon, which I had only jus regained, orward in o he screaming darkness o he primeval soup again?Hello?!Wha he uck are you doing in Vienna, you dickhead?!How do you know where I am?

    Ma e, wo days ago youve called me rom he nick pending depor a ion in Manila and begged me o gesome junk smuggled in here o bribe he guards. Since

    hen here was silence. Tere ore I will be ucking allo- wed now o pu a race on yer mobile, won I?!Briefy I hough he spark o recollec ion would sag onme. Bu he apa he ic s aggering o my virgin memory pu me righ .Ah, well did you send he s u hen?Wha do you hink? Ar - ec um cares or i s edi ors!Even or losers like you!

    A dry eeling o a ec ion rickled in o my mind. Anar s magazine as an emo ional vanishing poin . How miserably. Bu , a er all, I had been heir bes edi oronce. And now I knew where I was. Even hough hisknowledge didn really improve my si ua ion. Te lap-ses o my memory some imes seemed o me like a slow,

    hank ul powering-down o audio and v ideo ma erial.Down, down o he lowes , darkes ocus o a silen

    sojourning wi hou any memory. While I was despera-ely rying o lis en o he quie echo o hese calminhough s, my chie edi ors voice again cajoled my ear:

    Now, since youre hanging around in Vienna jus now, you buggerIm gonna ex you an address righ away,

    he man is called Helmu Wolech, and hes qui e a bigsho in he Viennese ar scene, gorblimey, uck i , so go

    ry and nd him, , w w ,ha d be bes . I you don show up here wi h aleas 4 pages abou Vienna, hen ha was i !

    Te wors hrea s are hose you don unders and.No idea wha he mean by i .


    J o a c h i m L u e t k e W i n d d e m o n s

    . I w w 20

    , w - w - .

    R w . T , . R w . L . B .

  • 7/31/2019 Inside 15 is Suu


    Along wi h he descending o his voice in o hedigi al groundlessness, he sound o he receip o a ex messagemilled i sel in o my s aying mood. Wha a ucking shi e. I didnmind being a di eren places o his universe a he same ime;

    I didn care ha mos processes in his universe con ormedhemselves o he God o Chaos, I didn give a shi ha here were ar is s who pain ed pic ures wi h heir gallery owners shi-

    e and go millions o dollars or ha . Bu wha really bo heredme was coordina ed working. Te in eres s o o hers descen-ding upon me like an atack. My misery. W I w I

    , he collec ed perdi ion o Vienna was ma erializing direc ly in ron o me on he able.Te houses around me redoubled heir heigh and s re ched

    heir maliciously veiled heads owards a darkening sky whoseclouds seemed o umble down on me like s ones. Tis damnci y began o swallow me.

    I looked up in con usion and be ore I knew wha was on,her look had nailed my eye balls o he back o my ragilecalvarium. Te Sacher or e, good sir. Her voice soundedlike he noise o plane ary mo ions ar away, like he end o a bad disease, like he canoniza ion o punishmen . Te ime

    ence around me seemed o collapse again, I enjoyed hehours we s ared a each o her. Te noble Eas European acearchi ec ure o an illegi ima e Hungarian princess o he17 h cen ury rickled down on me in pale, arrogan gran-deur. Her black hair was shimmering like he s eely skin o a rocke car on he glis ening crus o a saline lake in hecen ral deser o Kazakhs an shor ly be ore he a al record breaking bid. Her viciously sparkling, dark green eyes iso-la ed he radioac ive peeping par icles rom my look andmade hem s agger in o her radi ionally garbed cleavagein he course o an op ical core mel .

    I hummed he speech melody o her phrase o mys-el or a ew imes be ore I wre chedly gasped, Sorry, I

    haven ordered ha . Te ozone hole behind her headlled wi h liquid blackness. I was geting dark in Vienna.H ,along wi h he mes-sage even her voice had changed o some hing hrea e-ning, wha , in he presence o her melancholic Viennesedialec , made i sound as unheal hy as a sung march


    C r y p t o n a u t / R a l p h M a n f e d a N

    o t i t l e

    J o a c h i m L u e t k e N u r s e

  • 7/31/2019 Inside 15 is Suu


    10 Name

  • 7/31/2019 Inside 15 is Suu


    Opposi e page: Navete Grasshopperblues / Karezoid Fragmen s o a Prayer 11

  • 7/31/2019 Inside 15 is Suu


    I hink all o us know he eeling. Like when, as a litle kid, you pu your handin o he drainage hole o he swimming ba h, didn ge i loose again and wre chedly go drowned. Or la er, in he rench, when hose who were s illmore alive han you s omped you deeper and deeper in o he sludge consis ing o corpses and mud. Or when, as rocks ars, we almos popped o comple ely drunk on he back o a ren ed mini van. All hese experiences were gained under heinfuence o one o Grim eapers meanes helpers: he compulsory s opping o

    he oxygen absorp ion, briefy known as su oca ion. In addi ion o he possibleloss o every subsequen ac ivi y, i is he very momen o experiencing which isespecially eared. A deep-roo ed, primeval ear, a umbling, panicking rush. I sin he na ure o Man ha he orever s rives o increase in ensive eelings. Ta s wha Ar is or.

    Ever since he pro ozoon was able o hink, he crea ed pic ures, objec s, andsongs o hings he didn unders and, hoping ha every hing would ge somemeaning hen. Whe her here is a meaning behind su oca ion migh os ensibly be queried. Bu i s a ac ha , alongside wi h he grea es ar is , eali y, hereare innumerable crea ive heads rying o approach he subjec by one means orano her. Be i in he ace o su oca ion, he gas mask, by musical scores or

    hose su ering rom lung diseases, or by a calcula ed descending in o he abysso mor al ear or he purpose o an increase in pleasure: he physical experienceo su oca ing.

    Wha s behind all his? o come closer o beau y in he shape o horror a

    dea hs door? Pal ering wi h panic as he ul ima e game o power and surrender?Ques ions o ask an exper . Te s a e rom hypoven ila ion o apnoea is com-monly known as asphyxia (Greek or acro ism). His name here ore makes clear where i s a : Dom Asphyxierer. He has squeezed innumerable hroa s ye , runs workshops on he subjec , and is a connoisseur o he opic in o her ways as well. Sole s draw one las deep brea h be ore we plunge in o he cosmos o ear and lus .

    T o m B a n w e l l P

    a c h y d e r m o s j i l l c l o s e

    Bob Basse DR M 11 w e b


  • 7/31/2019 Inside 15 is Suu


    Inside Artzine: Te delibera e inducing o dyspnoea or he purpose o passionincrease consis s o various di eren prac ices. Can you give us a shor survey on hem?Is here any rela ion be ween cer ain ac ions and he desired resul s?

    Dom Asphyxierer: In he sexuali y and ero icism eld, here are or example hes rangling, he choking, and he bagging me hod (wi h a bag) which are very popular. All o hese me hods cause an increased rush o adrenaline and have here ore an in-

    oxica ing e ec . During he sexual in ercourse or example, s rangling is very popular because i has go a disorien ing e ec and is very aphrodisiacal. Te resul o bagging,i.e. wi h a plas ic bag, however, is ra her he borderland one as i is accompanied wi hpanic. As an ac ivis , hough, you have o pay aten ion ha you won lose rack in all your passions and lus s.

    IA: For an ou side observer, dyspnoea a rs means panic, rap ure, and ul imacy.How would you describe his s a e?

    DA: I have experienced all sor s o brea h con rol mysel because o herwise, as anac ivis you don know wha he botom is a . For an ou side observer, i is a rough

    in erven ion in o li e and almos a violen ac ye . In he upper range, every litle secondcoun s; o herwise i s indeed an ul ima e hing. Here are he di eren me hods:choking: squeezing o he aor a = rush and increase o passion;s rangling: o al ar erial occlusion = rush wi h subsequen ain ing;

    bagging wi h a bag over your head: dissocia ion o he ou side world, claus rophobia , warm h, oxygen minimizing, dyspnoea, panic;drowning underwa er: o al oxygen depriva ion, wi h he danger included ha

    he bodys own brea hing refex canno be suppressed anymore wha may lead oinhala ion o wa er = mor al danger.

    IA: Brea hing is a basic ins inc , a refex. In cer ain circums ances, e.g. medi a ions,his refex can be subjuga ed under he orce o will. How use ul can i be or ones con-

    sciousness o con rol ones brea h?DA: In medi a ion, i can be possible o suppress ones brea hing refex. Tis is exac ly

    wha reedivers do. Bu he momen will come, as sure as rain, when he refex prevails. Wi hou oxygen one can experience ones own body and wha happens inside o i morein ensively han usually.

    IA: A very crucial aspec in he subjec seems o be he dis ribu ion o roles in o hepassive and he dominan par s. Wha appeal has brea h con rol wi h he par icular par-

    icipan s? (Wha role do you personally pre er?) Does i go so ar as i s abou he powero li e and dea h (respec ively he submission o his power)?

    DA: As an ac ivis , all I can say is ha i s a s a e o a con rolled rush or bo h ac ive and he passive par . For he ac ive par , i is unques ionably a con rol o li e basics. You undergo all possible reac ions, bo h he psychic and he physical ones; heexpec ing, he enjoying, he happening o he momen , and he abandoning o yoursel

    o he rush. Passive users also ry and keep hemselves wi h enjoymen under con rol,hen surrender hemselves comple ely, lose con rol o heir bodies, and jus enjoy.IA: Wha do you say when people call he whole opic jus sick? Is here, jus like

    in Ar , a paradox rela ion like beau y in ugliness here i would possibly be calledpassion in ear, wouldn i ?

    DA: I can happen even on BDSM par ies ha brea h con rol isn accep ed becausepar icipan s complain. I s ra her ear ou o ignorance. When you don even ry, no

    mater whe her as an ac ive or a passive par , you will never know he meaning and heeeling behind i .IA: How large is he scene dealing wi h ha subjec ? Are here websi es or books

    where he gen le reader may ge more in orma ion? Is here a ashion scene or hisra her special opic, or example (gas) masks, eters, gags? Where can one learn hingslike hese?

    X E T u s e e r G

    a s m a s k

    w e b


  • 7/31/2019 Inside 15 is Suu


    14 Dan Verkys Curlicue (lef) / Yan Arexis Fores o N Gai

  • 7/31/2019 Inside 15 is Suu


    Name 15

  • 7/31/2019 Inside 15 is Suu


    D I -Gro esque Illus ra ions, Ar , Design

    Paperback, 271 pages, 170x220mm6 x 8 inches, English, 21,95 Purchased

    You can ge enough o dark inspira ions.So when your daily walk in o he super-marke isn su cien anymore or re res-hing your nega ive batery: here are plen-

    y o mo iva ing supplies. Whe her i bes range real objec s like hings made o bones, digi al silhouetes o kids wi h ma-chine guns, or brain ea ing zombie colla-ges: rom all hese he reader is grinneda wi h he bla an mischievousness o an allegedly harmless luna ic. Seldom i sreally hur ul or he so issue, bu i s o -

    en s rangely cranky and weirdly wis ed.

    I s ra her he gro esque a mosphere o anabandoned psychia ry in he moor hanhe s inking brea h o a cold chamber ull

    o skinned sinners. Jus some hing or hegen leman who knows how o enjoy li ein i s quie way.

    w M 1000

    Hard cover, 270 pages, English, 39,90 USDContact:pkok@1000 en Purchased on:www.1000 en

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrea . Te wis ing, luna ic

    op ical hammer o his book s rikes you direc ly be ween he cerebral areaor unknown colours and he brain

    reservoir or crazy ways o living. Tecollec ed works o he wo bosses o

    he Malaysia design s udio 1000 en-acles are really qui e some hing: co-

    mics, pics, sculp ures, 3D, plus pho osrom he surrounding and / or rom he

    workshop o insani y, and here you arein a phan asmagorical, beter coun er- world. No wild Gore atacks, no chop-ped mea , bu A1 hallucina ory ar , al- ways abou he abyss o he bad.Or already inside i ?!Te en acles?In your brain, I mean!?Look a he mirror and i you look like

    he guy below.... you are los .

    K K -D A DHard cover, 140 pages, 12 x 8.5 inches,English, USD 39, Purchased on:www.las Publisher:Beinar Publishing

    Yeah, everybody knows hem, everybody loves hem: he sculp ures, skidded in oan ul erior dimension, o he Americanar is Kris Kuksi, a nigh marish s ickler

    or de ails. Tey are as beau i ul in heirnoble digni y as hey are hrea ening in

    heir manic accuracy. From he beginning you le yoursel in or he emp ing vari-e y o de ails youre los . Tis book sucks you in o he decaying cosmos o ul ima eovers imula ion. Te nave atemp o

    nd a meaning in all he guises, s ories,and shapes ha are foa ing pas is puni-shed wi h brain haemorrhages o a leas2 days. opped o wi h he brillian chur-ch anks and some drawings / pain ingso he mas er, his is a visually s unning

    rip wi h no re urn.

    A - M L80 pages, 8 x 10, EnglishSo cover $30.95, Hard $40.95Shor S ory by Aimee Lombard Purchased books ore/de ail/

    Te cover o his book beams a you in aninnocen whi e. Whi e like he emp iness which will domina e over your brain a erhaving nished reading. Since his phaar book o he American absurdographerabsorbs every spark o he bodys de ence you have ever managed o develop againsugliness, decay, and abysses, and leaves youcomple ely de enceless. However, you have

    o say: a er his sinis er orren o upsetingand disorien ed pho os and pho o-collages

    here is no hing le o shock you anyway.He says abou his book ha we ough ore hink abou he erm beau y. So i youalways knew ha beau y is no more bu a

    naive, luxurious illusion o our dying-ouspecies here you are proven righ !


  • 7/31/2019 Inside 15 is Suu


    A U -P M C170 pages, 23 x 23cm, hardcover wi h oilgraphic, english, 24,00 EuroPurchased on:

    Yeah, his is how a mad ar book lookslike! One ha , on every single one o i s179 high gloss pages, implan s he vague

    eeling in o your mind, Some hing is noa all righ here. Regardless o whe herhe hrows classical (digi al) pain ings,sculp ure-like excrescences, or dark pho-

    o manipula ions on o he viewers eye- balls: his vaguely gro esque derailmen by which he wrecks he readers nerves wi h rising number o pages more andmore is inheren in every hing. I only

    here weren all hese eyes, s aring a yourom he book. Some imes bloa ed in a

    surreal way, some imes cynically re alia-ing, bu always hrea ening! A large sized

    kick in he ar book arse, wrapped in anoble hard cover wi h golden ornamen s.

    One can go wrong wi h his. Excep ounderra e i !

    Te Ex raordinary Drawings o

    L LHard Cover, 96 pages, 21x29,7cm,English, 39,00 USDContact:www.laurielip Purchased on:www.las Publisher:Beinar Publishing

    Wow. Ex raordinary would be anunders a emen . Tis book imposesnew s andards as or ru hlessness: onecanno mill ones ar deeper in o hepa ien s mind. Te unconceivable, al-mos mad perseverance, wi h whichLaurie Lip on commi s her ul ra- hinpencil s yle o paper, righ ens me. When hese nerve bre hin lines meeup wi h irri a ing mo ives ha some-

    imes seem like images o sain s, hen you have o admi : i s a collision o ar is ic per ec ion and ghoulish remo-

    eness. And wha can grow ou o hisunholy mix ure is all oo amiliar orpassiona e ar scum ans like us, isn

    i ?! rue ar !

    R - M R48 pages, hardcover, 19x14cmEnglish, 14,50 EuroPurchased on: www.zone5300.nlCon ac : [email protected]

    A er we have revealed in he review o he book CA NIVOR in our las issue wha

    kind o car H Giger drives, we will learnnow on which vehicles diverse known and

    MAUL URE N . 1U. Bke, H. Borgerding, J. Gterwind (Hg.),92 pages, 15x21cm,So cover, german 8,95 EuroPurchase: www.edi

    Here is li era ure, here is MAULhURE,ha s wha he mou h whore (Maulhure)

    shou s a you on her back cover. And de-servedly so. Who can alk ha big mushave a say. And he people who, a he behes o he whore, queue a he poe s bar here know qui e well how o nail he words in o he readers sensi ive brain. Adelmann, Bke, Heuer, Ploog, Brker,Malorny, Mrosk, Wi ek, Mohr. Pros! Allo hem! Tere is no monkeying aroundhere, no whi ewashing, no presumingins ead, ru hs are commited o paper wi h such an imposing, sel -con dencer ain y ha even he mos anachro-nis ic Social Bea nik has o admi : he bea is no dead ye , ar rom i ! Fuck

    on all he labels ha have o be s uck on good li era ure so ha i may nd i s way in o your subconsciousness in hiscollec ion i s nei her name, nor ame,nor annual income ha maters bu jussubs ance. Pensive ex s, like hose o UrsBke, mee up wi h he reali y-bru ali y o Helmu Schida, he s range hings o Johannes Wi ek are s aggering pas hepoe ical word gardens o S e an Heu-er, and Marcus Mohrs Frus sau en( rus ra ion boozing) ends up in Roland Adelmanns verbal maels rom. Pleasan -ly serene and in an unpre en iousness which is aware o i s grandeur hey ge

    o he hear o every hing, exac ly wherei works bes : in he wi hered pleasurecen res o bla hered-up li erary nihilis s. Wi h hese wri ers behind you, you donhave o be a raid o upcoming imes o emp y phrases. In one o he previousINSIDE ar zine issues, I have complai-ned abou he dea h o he li erary magRa Rio , made by coedi or Bke well,MAULhURE is he revela ion o ha le-gendary German word mag. Al hough Imay miss he rude, Wins on-Smi hesque background collages o Ra Rio , bu your cover isn bad a er all, oo... ;-)Obey he whore!

    unknown (mass) murderers have swungheir sick arses hrough own. From allime classics like ed Bundy or Ed Gain o

    newcomers like Mark Du roux or John A.Muhammad here is no ace missing. Te background knowledge abou deed, mo ive,and car is complemen ed by Marcels an-

    as ic work o illus ra ion. His very peculiardrawing s yle oscilla es brillian ly be weenmedieval woodcu s, padded room expres-

    sionism, and undiscovered cave pain ings.Since uij ers has atrac ed aten ion be o-re by several concep albums, his recklessabandon o he opic is qui e obvious. Evenmass murderers are only humans, looking

    or parking spaces. Unimagined ru hs.

    SEND YOU S UFF:INSIDE ar zine, PO Box 2266,D-54212 rier, Germany or prin able press ma erial: jenz@inside-ar

    R e v

    i e w s :

    j e n z T

    r a n s l a t

    i o n s :

    N i G u d

    i x


  • 7/31/2019 Inside 15 is Suu


    18 Name

  • 7/31/2019 Inside 15 is Suu


    Name 19

  • 7/31/2019 Inside 15 is Suu


    20 Kris Kuksi General Heinrich von Howi zerhead

  • 7/31/2019 Inside 15 is Suu


    jenz Zwei el 21

  • 7/31/2019 Inside 15 is Suu


    INSIDE artzine #15


    Aegis S rife (ESP) Ana hema Pho ography (US) Axel orvenius (SWE)Beb Deum (FR)Dan Verkys (AUS)Dar h Hell (US)

    Hell in Hell (BR) jenz (GE ) Jeremy Russel (CAN) Joachim Lue ke (AUT) Johannes Wi ek (GE )Karezoid/Michal Karcz (POL)Kris Kuksi (US) MxNihil (GE )Navete (GE )Ralph Manfreda (AUT)Rober Bauder (US)R.S. Connet (US)Sam Van Olffen (FR)Scot Wilson (US)Se h Siro An on (G )Shann Larsson (HK)S i chpuller (US)Sybille Lengauer (GE )Urs Bke (GE ) Yan Arexis (FR)