Download pdf - Infosys Korean Cravings

  • De La Salle University Science and Technology Complex

    Information System


    Section XE1

    Final Report

    Submitted to:

    Prof. Justin Contreras

    Submitted by:

    Eunice Austria

    Jamaica Grace Lafuente

    Rose Angel Lizardo

    Ronalyn Marcellana

    Submitted on:

    December 11, 2014


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    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Company Profile ......................................................................................................................... 2

    1.1 Company Background................................................................................................................... 2

    1.2 Products......................................................................................................................................... 3

    1.3 Organizational Chart ..................................................................................................................... 4

    Chapter 2: Present System ............................................................................................................................ 4

    2.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 4

    2.2 Processes ....................................................................................................................................... 5

    2.2.1 Purchasing Process ................................................................................................................ 5 Ordering Process ................................................................................................................... 6

    2.3 Software ........................................................................................................................................ 9

    2.4 Hardware ..................................................................................................................................... 12

    2.5 Processes ..................................................................................................................................... 12

    2.5.1 BPMN/Swimlane (Purchasing) ........................................................................................... 12

    1.1.1 BPMN/Swimlane (Ordering) .............................................................................................. 14

    1.1.2 Use case diagram ................................................................................................................ 15

    Chapter 3: Proposed System ....................................................................................................................... 16

    3.1 Diagrams ..................................................................................................................................... 16

    3.2 Changes ....................................................................................................................................... 17

    3.3 Explanation ................................................................................................................................. 18

    3.4 Flow of tasks ............................................................................................................................... 19

    3.5 Interface ...................................................................................................................................... 19

    Chapter 4: Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 22

    4.1 Summary of Changes .................................................................................................................. 22

    4.2 Foreseen Benefits ........................................................................................................................ 22

    4.3 Other Possible Solutions invest to new app with cart system .................................................. 22

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    Chapter 1: Company Profile

    1.1 Company Background

    Korean Cravings is a Philippine and South Korea-based online retail shop that is

    geared towards Hallyu or Korean wave enthusiasts. It is based in Seoul, South Korea,

    and Davao City, Philippines but they ship nationwide and worldwide. They have two (2)

    admins in Davao City and one (1) admin in Seoul. Most of their clients are from Metro

    Manila, Luzon, USA, and in certain parts of Europe and Southeast Asia.

    The business makes K-Pop, Korean Drama, Korean Fashion, Korean Beauty and

    everything else imported and made in Korea available to everyone not just in the

    Philippines, but worldwide. Korean Cravings have been in business since April 2010

    and is under Everything Pop Trading with the DTI Registration Number: 03117192

    1.1.1 History

    Korean Cravings started on April 2010 under the name Beau Stuff. During

    this time, they opened an account on the now defunct social network and online

    marketplace, The business wanted to sell beauty products from

    Germany and through creating an account on the said website, they were able to

    have customers interested in their products. However, they noticed that Hallyu

    (Korean Artists being popular in other countries) is what is in in the market and

    because of this, they changed their target market based on what is on the trend.

    On June 2010, Korean Cravings decided to change the target market of

    their business from selling German beauty products to selling K-Pop and

    Korean drama products. Eventually, they sold Korean beauty products, fashion

    items, and Japanese releases of Korean idols and Japanese idols as well. On

    September 2011, they changed their name to Korean Cravings and created their

    own website,

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    Through starting the business in which was a very popular

    website during that time, paved the way to their growth. Through time, the

    business was able to gain trust from their customers and the number of their

    followers and customers increased. The business was also able to successfully

    set-up their official website on Tumblr and on other social media platforms even

    before Multiply closed down which enabled them to market their products to

    many people. Up to this day, they continue to be of service to the flourishing

    Hallyu wave market.

    1.2 Products

    K-POP/K-Drama/Hallyu official items: All products are Korean version and

    made in Korea.

    J-Pop and J-Rock Items: Japanese version CDs are imported from Tokyo,

    Japan. Some products are in Korean version and are made and imported in

    South Korea, but the packaging and songs are the same.

    Korean Fashion Items: Most items are manufactured in Korea. Some are made

    in China (like most of the European, Japanese, and American brands too), but

    the Korean government is very strict with quality control. Those products

    wouldnt be sold in Korea if they werent good enough and werent be able to

    pass the Korean governments strict speculation, so expect superior product


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    1.3 Organizational Chart

    Korean Cravings is owned by Dranessa Ledesma and Chizuru Tanaka. Dranessa

    Ledesma serves as the main admin and Chizuru Tanaka as the co-admin who are based

    in the Philippines. This shop also has a co-admin and named Cheolhyun Kang who is

    currently based in Seoul, South Korea. He is the one who takes the orders from the

    Philippines and order it personally in Korea. Martin Ledesma is the one who is in charge

    of shipping the orders once they arrive in their warehouse in Davao.

    Chapter 2: Present System

    2.1 Scope

    This paper is only concerned with the purchasing process for the pre-order of the

    products offered by Korean Cravings specifically the ordering process. The

    recommendations and alternatives will only be for the improvement of the ordering

    process. This paper will only be considering the order of customers in the Philippines


    Dranessa Ledesma (Owner & Main Admin)

    Chizuru Tanaka (Owner & Co-Admin, Phils)

    Cheolhyun Kang (Co-Admin, Korea)

    Martin Ledesma (Shipper, Phils)

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    2.2 Processes

    The business usually creates and sets a period wherein the customers can order

    the products they are selling. Customers who want to purchase their products should be

    able to pass the order form for their selected products before or during the last day of

    ordering which was set by the business. As based on the policy of the business, the

    customers who sent the order forms should pay the 70% down payment for the products

    they ordered or else their orders will not be processed for the said batch. However, it will

    eventually be added to the next batch. If ever the customer decided to back out, he/she

    should inform the business in order for them not to put the orders on the next batch.

    2.2.1 Purchasing Process

    The order to cash process focuses on the selling of the companys products

    until cash revenue is realized. It can be further subdivided into two processes:

    the customer purchasing process and the store replenishment process.

    Customer Purchasing Process

    The customers can browse the pictures of the items they sell and decide

    which of the items they want to purchase in their official website. The price for

    each items and other details about the products are also indicated in their

    website. It is strongly suggested that for those who visited their website and will

    order their products for the first time will read the Terms and Conditions, FAQs

    section, Payment Options and Shipping Options section of their website in order

    to give them guidelines and reminders on how their business works. Customers

    can also choose the mode of Payment and Shipping Courier they want to avail

    when delivering their orders. Once the customer is 101% sure that he/she will

    buy their products, he/she should submit an Order Form in order to process the

    orders. An invoice of the order will then be sent to the customers email

    address. The invoice includes the estimated shipping fee for the customers

    order and other details that the customer inputted in the order form.

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    1. Browse website.

    2. Go to the "Order Form" Section

    3. Input full name

    4. Input active email address

    5. Input contact number

    6. Input social media account link

    7. Input complete shipping address - in this case

    8. Input orders - in this case

    9. Input alternative Orders - in this case

    10. Choose the mode of payment - in this case BPI

    11. Choose shipping courier of Choice - in this case JRS


    12. Input date of expected payment submission.

    13. Write comments and suggestions (if there is any)

    14. Choose the mode of finding the shop - in this case


    15. Tick "Process my order" section

    16. Click Submit.

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    2.3 Software

    Korean Cravings main website is hosted on Tumblr. They want it to be hosted on

    a social media site so that they can cater to more customers and with Tumblr, they can

    customize the look of the website, so its now easier for customers to find the products

    they offer. Before, the business used free2go application when it comes to sending the

    copy of the submitted order form. However if they continue to use this application, they

    need to pay for it, which will be a cost to the business, one that they dont want to

    happen. This made the business to use other free applications. Right now, Korean

    Cravings uses the JOT application when it comes to sending the copy of the submitted

    order form of the customer. Through this application, they are able to automatically send

    the copy of the order form to the customers and receive a copy for themselves. On the

    other hand, the admins do the sending of the invoice manually. At the same time, the

    computation seen in the invoice is also manually computed. Basically, they already have

    a format template on how their invoice should look like.

    The picture below is the sample copy of the order form provided by the business

    through the JOT application they use and their sample invoice.

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    The picture above shows the actual order form submitted by the customer. This

    was sent to the active email of the customer after she submitted her order form. Using

    the JOT application, Korean Cravings is able to send a copy to the customer and at the

    same time receive their own copy without accumulating any cost.

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    As shown in the sample invoice of Korean Cravings, the orders of the customer

    and the details regarding the orders, like the quantity and the total price are presented. At

    the same time, the payment details with respect to the chosen mode of payment by the

    customer is also shown. Other reminders and contact details are also included in the


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    2.4 Hardware

    Since the business is in the e-commerce, the use of internet and computers are

    very important. The admins of the business uses the internet and their own personal

    computers when posting an update to their products or the orders of the customers. At the

    same time, almost all of the transactions involved in the business are mostly online that is

    why it is important that they ensure to have a good internet connection in order to cater to

    the daily orders and questions of their customers.

    2.5 Processes

    2.5.1 BPMN/Swimlane (Purchasing)

    The diagram above shows the actual purchasing process of the pre-ordered

    products by the customer. In order to know the products that Korean Cravings

    offer, the customer needs to browse the website first. After the customer has

    chosen which products he will order, he needs to fill up the order form, the link

    for which can be found on the top portion of the website. Filled order forms

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    should be submitted and after that, a copy of the order form submitted will be

    sent to the active email address of the customer and another copy will also be

    sent to them. The admins will then check the order/s of the customer and will

    send a private message on email and Facebook. The customer should confirm

    the orders and an invoice similar to the one presented above will be sent to the

    customer. Once the invoice is received by the customer, he needs to deposit the

    70% down payment for the order and a scanned picture of the receipt should be

    sent to the email address of the admin. The admin will then confirm the

    payment and a message confirming the payment will be received by the

    customer. The remaining balance of 30% should be paid and the proof of

    payment should also be presented. The admin will also update the customer

    from time to time regarding the order and once the orders are already in their

    warehouse in Davao, and the customer already paid the full amount, the orders

    will be delivered to the place of delivery indicated by the customer in the order

    form. A message will be sent to the customer regarding the delivery details of

    the products and the orders will be received by the customer. If ever the

    customer paid in full after the invoice is received, the proof of payment should

    also be sent to the email address of the admin and once the admin confirmed the

    payment, the customer needs to wait until the products are already in the

    warehouse of Korean Cravings so that it will be delivered to the customer

    automatically. It is noted that Korean Cravings will update the customer

    regarding the status of the orders from time to time.

    Also, since the orders are by batch, Korean Cravings will only order the

    orders of the customers to their suppliers on the last day or cut-off date of the

    batch so that they will be able to receive the payment from the customers at the

    same time.

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    1.1.1 BPMN/Swimlane (Ordering)

    Once the customer has decided which products he will order, he needs to

    click the link provided in order to view the order form of the business. The

    customer should then input the name, active email address, mobile number/s,

    social media account link, personal blog/website link, complete shipping

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    address, orders which includes the item name/number, collection name,

    quantity, color and size, and the alternate orders if ever the product to be

    ordered is not available. The customer should choose which among the mode of

    payment is more applicable to him and the shipping courier of choice. The

    expected day of payment submission should also be filled up by the customer

    and if ever there are suggestions and recommendations. The part where the

    customer found out about the shop should also be answered. Once everything

    was filled up by the customer, he should click submit. The submitted form will

    be received by both the admin and the customer.

    1.1.2 Use case diagram

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    Chapter 3: Proposed System

    3.1 Diagrams

    Figure 1 BPMN/Swimlane (Purchasing)

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    Figure 2 BPMN/Swimlane (Ordering)

    3.2 Changes

    Korean Cravings has this policy that the customers can cancel their orders despite

    submitting the order form and receiving the copy of the submitted order form via JOT

    application used by them. Since they dont have a deadline for the submission of the

    order form, as long as the customer is able to submit the order form at the last day for

    the batch order and pay the 70% of the payment of orders on the said day, the orders will

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    automatically be processed. However, there are customers who submit the order form

    and ask many things regarding the details of the orders but will cancel the orders at the

    end. This situation, though acceptable for the admins of the shop for they believe that

    peoples mind changes all the time, is still not good in a way. It would be better if they

    change their policy that will ensure that those who submit their order forms will not

    cancel their orders in order to make sure that they will have buyers who are sure 100%.

    The business can change their terms and conditions in order for the customers to know

    the new policy of the company. An example of which is by saying that despite

    cancelling the orders, they still need to pay the exact amount of the orders and not

    paying the said amount will make them Bogus buyers. Once considered as bogus buyers,

    the business will not accept any orders from them. Also this will make the admins to

    serve more those customers who are willing to really buy the orders in the end instead of

    allocating some of their time answering the questions and giving importance to the

    buyers who will eventually cancel their orders in the end, they can use those times to.

    Also, instead of having a lenient policy when it comes to the payment of the products, in

    this case the 70% down payment, it is also better if they will schedule a time in which

    the full payment for the orders should be received. Having this policy will ensure that

    they will have 100% sales for the products because they will be able to receive all the

    payment from the orders submitted and will also decrease the process involved in the

    payment of the orders. It is also suggested that the order form will be revised in such a

    way that the customers can easily choose the products since they just have to choose

    among the choices provided. Through this, the customers will be able to choose easily

    among the available products. Also, the revised order form will provide the total amount

    of the orders and the shipping fee based on each shipping courier.

    3.3 Explanation

    These alternatives will ensure the business to have 100% buyers in their products.

    Also, the processes involved in completing a transaction, starting from the submitting

    of the order form until the receiving of the orders will be decreased. It will also enable

    the business to improve the service they provide to the customers since all those who

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    submitted the order forms are sure buyers, therefore they can make sure that the time

    they allot to each of the customers are not wasted. Revising the current order form of

    the business in such a way that the customers can easily fill up the information needed

    for the orders will also help them improve their service and at the same time, there will

    be fewer mistakes committed by the customers. The new order form wherein the

    customers just need to choose and tick among the available products is far easier than

    customers having to fill up the information themselves. Also, the new order form

    includes the total amount of the orders of the customers including the shipping fee.

    3.4 Flow of tasks

    The customers should first be able to read the revised terms and conditions of the

    company since adapting the proposed system involve the changing of the original

    policy. In the proposed system, those who submitted the order forms should make sure

    that theyll pay their orders on time. Despite cancelling the orders, the customer should

    still pay the equivalent amount of the orders. Inability to do so will make that customer a

    bogus buyer, in which they cant use the service provided by the business anymore. On

    the other hand, the revised order form will only involve the filling out of name, active

    email address, mobile number/s, social media account link, personal website/link and the

    complete shipping address. As for the type of products, the customers just have to

    choose among the items (JPop items, KPop items, Korean Fashion Items). If the

    customers will choose one of the first two items, the artists and albums are already

    presented and he just has to click on the available products provided by the business.

    The total amount of the orders and the mode of payment, shipping courier and shipping

    fees are also presented. The total amount is already indicated on the order form.

    3.5 Interface

    The revised order form will allow the customers to easily order the products

    offered by Korean Cravings since they just have to tick the products available. At the

    same time, it allows the customers to see the current amount of the orders, the shipping

    fee based on the shipping courier chosen.

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    Chapter 4: Conclusion

    4.1 Summary of Changes

    All in all, the proposed system involves the changing of the payment policy

    established by Korean Cravings. From allowing cancellation of orders and paying only

    70% at the start to paying 100% once they submit the order forms will ensure that the

    business will generate 100% sales for their products. Also, through the revised order

    form, Korean Cravings will be able to compute the total amount of orders of the


    4.2 Foreseen Benefits

    The proposed system will enable Korean Cravings to ensure more sure buyers and

    at the same time focus more on sure buyers since those who submitted the order forms

    should pay the amount indicated in their order forms and the invoice sent despite

    cancelling the orders. Also, the revised order form will enable them to automatically

    compute the total amount of products ordered by the customers. It will also lessen the

    mistakes the customers commit when ordering the products since the revised order

    form is easier to use. Lastly, Korean Cravings will be able to allocate more time to

    improve the service they provide to their consumers while customers will be able to

    lessen the time it takes for them to submit the order form since they just have to choose

    between the products.

    4.3 Other Possible Solutions invest to new app with cart system

    Invest to New App with Cart System

    Most retailers such as uses cart system when it comes to

    receiving orders from their customers. Customers have to have an account on the

    said website in order to order the products the business offers. The customer is

    prompt to enter the customer details such as address and even credit card details.

    The online cart system facilitates the customer to view the products, inquire item

    details, and its availability. The major functionality of this system is to allow the

    customers to add products to carts and at the same time remove them to the cart as

    long as the customer did not arrange the payment for the products on the cart.

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    However, investing to new app with cart system will incur additional costs to the


    Invest to App to Send Invoice Automatically

    In this alternative, Korean Cravings will look for applications that will

    enable them to send the invoice automatically so that they dont have to do it

    manually. However, using this alternative will also incur additional cost to the
