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Information Session

Dr Stephen Bird (Chief Investigator)

Fatigue and Physical Activity Research GroupSchool of Human Movement Studies, Charles Sturt University

Bathurst NSW Australia

Email. [email protected]

Nutrient timing for strength athletes:

Mechanisms & adaptations

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Nutritional supplementation strategy to promote the anabolic response

- Window of opportunity associated with each exercise bout

• Nutrient supply critical to net skeletal muscle protein balance and subsequent muscle growth and strength expression?

To maximise recovery, ingest small amounts of PRO and AA pre-, during and post-trainingBird, S. P. (2009). Protein/amino acid supplementation and resistance training: A research update. Journal of Australian Strength and Conditioning, 17(3), 25-28.

- Lean body mass, 1-RM strength and muscle growth greater ingestion pre and post resistance exercise Cribb & Hayes. (2006) Med Sci Sports Exerc, 38(11): 1918-1925

- Liquid CHO+EAA ingestion during resistance training maximises hypertrophy compared to CHO or EAA Bird et al. (2006) Eur J Appl Physiol. 97:225-238

Ivy, J.L., & Portman, R. (2004). Nutrient Timing: The future of sports nutrition. North Bergen: NJ: Basic Health Publications, Inc.

What is nutrient timing

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1. Pre-workout (PW)

30min prior to training Muscle priming

2. Intra-workout (IW)

During the exercise bout Muscle delivery

3. Immediate Post-workout (IP)

0-15min Muscle replenishment

Nutrient timing: Phases

Ivy, J.L., & Portman, R. (2004). Nutrient Timing: The future of sports nutrition. North Bergen: NJ: Basic Health Publications, Inc.

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1. nutrient delivery to muscles

2. muscle glycogen stores

3. protein synthesis

4. muscular recovery

5. immune system suppression (cortisol)

6. muscle damage (CK; cortisol; 3-MHIS)

7. catabolic processes

Nutrient timing: Goals

Ivy, J.L., & Portman, R. (2004). Nutrient Timing: The future of sports nutrition. North Bergen: NJ: Basic Health Publications, Inc.

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1. Mero A et al. (2009). Effect of strength training session on plasma amino acid concentration following oral ingestion of leucine, BCAAs or glutamine in men. Eur J Appl Physiol , 105(2), 215-223.

2. Cornish, S.M. et al. (2009). Conjugated linoleic acid combined with creatine monohydrate and whey protein supplementation during strength training Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metabol 19(1), 79-96.

3. Smith, T. J., Montain, S. J., Anderson, D., & Young, A. J. (2009). Plasma amino acid responses after consumption of beverages with varying protein type International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism 19(1), 1-17.

4. Claessens, M., Calame, W., Siemensma, A. D., van Baak, M. A., & Saris, W. H. (2009). The effect of different protein hydrolysate/carbohydrate mixtures on postprandial glucagon and insulin responses in healthy subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 63(1), 48-56.

5. Antonio, J. (2008). Timing and composition of protein/amino acid supplementation. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 30(1), 43-44.

6. Dreyer, H. C., Drummond, M. J., Pennings, B., Fujita, S., Glynn, E. L., Chinkes, D. L., et al. (2008). Leucine-enriched essential amino acid and carbohydrate ingestion following resistance exercise enhances mTOR signaling and protein synthesis in human muscle. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 294(2), E392-400.

7. Drummond, M. J., & Rasmussen, B. B. (2008). Leucine-enriched nutrients and the regulation of mammalian target of rapamycin signalling and human skeletal muscle protein synthesis. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care, 11(3), 222-226.

8. Spriet, L., Perry, C., & Talanian, J. (2008). Legal pre-event nutritional supplements to assist energy metabolism. Essays in Biochemistry, 44(1), 27-44.

9. Schumm, S. R., Triplett, N. T., McBride, J. M., & Dumke, C. L. (2008). Hormonal response to carbohydrate supplementation at rest and after resistance exercise. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab, 18(3), 260-280.

10. Farnfield, M. M., Trenerry, C., Carey, K. A., & Cameron-Smith, D. (2008). Plasma amino acid response after ingestion of different whey protein fractions. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition

What about the research: Nutrient timing research has gained popularity.......

Bird SP. Supplementation strategies for strength and power athletes: carbohydrate, protein and amino acid ingestion. J Strength Cond Res. In review, 2009.

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11. Carlson, L. A., Headley, S., Debruin, J., Tuckow, A. T., Koch, A. J., & Kenefick, R. W. (2008). Carbohydrate supplementation and immune responses after acute exhaustive resistance exercise. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab, 18(3), 247-259.

12. Kraemer, W.J. et al. (2007). Effects of a multi-nutrient supplement on exercise performance and hormonal responses to resistance exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol , 101(5), 637-646.

13. Baty, J. J., Hwang, H., Ding, Z., Bernard, J. R., Wang, B., Kwon, B., et al. (2007). The effect of a carbohydrate and protein supplement on resistance exercise performance, hormonal response, and muscle damage. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 21(2), 321-329.

14. Koopman, R. et al. (2007). Nutritional interventions to promote post-exercise muscle protein synthesis. Sports Med, 37(10), 895-906.

15. Antonio, J. (2007). Pre and post-exercise feeding. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 29(5), 78-79.

16. Ratamess, N. A., Hoffman, J. R., Ross, R., Shanklin, M., Faigenbaum, A. D., & Kang, J. (2007). Effects of an amino acid/creatine energy supplement on the acute hormonal response to resistance exercise. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab, 17(6), 608-623.

17. Bloomer, R. J. (2007). The role of nutritional supplements in the prevention and treatment of resistance exercise-induced skeletal muscle injury. Sports Medicine, 37(6), 519-532.

18. Koopman, R. (2007). Role of amino acids and peptidesin the molecular signaling in skeletal muscle after resistance exercise. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 17 Supplement S47-S57.

19. Antonio, J. (2006). Sports nutrition and supplementation muscle building strategies. NSCA Performance Training Journal, 20-24.

20. Bird, S.P. et al. (2006). Independent and combined effects of liquid carbohydrate/essential amino acid ingestion on hormonal and muscular adaptations following resistance training in untrained men. Eur J Appl Physiol , 97(2), 225-238.

What about the research: Nutrient timing research has gained popularity.......

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21. Bird, S. P., Tarpenning, K. M., & Marino, F. E. (2006). Effects of liquid carbohydrate/essential amino acid ingestion on acute hormonal response during a single bout of resistance exercise in untrained men. Nutrition, 22(4), 367-375.

22. Bird, S. P., Tarpenning, K. M., & Marino, F. E. (2006). Liquid carbohydrate/essential amino acid ingestion during a short-term bout of resistance exercise suppresses myofibrillar protein degradation. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental, 55(5), 570-577.

23. Hawley, J.A., Tipton, K.D., & Millard-Stafford, M.L. (2006). Promoting training adaptations through nutritional interventions. Journal of Sports Sciences, 24(7), 709-721.

24. Elliot, T. A., Cree, M. G., Sanford, A. P., Wolfe, R. R., & Tipton, K. D. (2006). Milk ingestion stimulates net muscle protein synthesis following resistance exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38(4), 667-674.

25. Cribb, P. J., & Hayes, A. (2006). Effects of supplement timing and resistance exercise on skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 38(11), 1918-1925.

26. Cribb, P. J., Williams, A. D., Carey, M. F., & Hayes, A. (2006). The effect of whey isolate and resistance training on strength, body composition, and plasma glutamine. Int. J. Sport Nutr. Exerc. Metab., 16(5), 494-509.

27. Cribb, P. J., Williams, A. D., Stathis, C. G., Carey, M. F., & Hayes, A. (2007). Effects of whey isolate, creatine, and resistance training on muscle hypertrophy. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 39(2), 298-307.

28. Coburn, J. W., Housh, D. J., Housh, T. J., Malek, M. H., Beck, T. W., Cramer, J. T., et al. (2006). Effects of leucine and whey protein supplementation during eight weeks of unilateral resistance training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 20(2), 284-291.

29. Candow, D. G., Burke, N. C., Smith-Palmer, T., & Burke, D. G. (2006). Effect of whey and soy protein supplementation combined with resistance training in young adults. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 16(3), 233-244.

30. Blomstrand, E., Eliasson, J., Karlsson, H. K. R., & Kohnke, R. (2006). Branched-chain amino acids activate key enzymes in protein synthesis after physical exercise. J. Nutr., 136(1), 269S-273.

What about the research: Nutrient timing research has gained popularity.......

Page 8: Information Session Kerksick, C. et al. (2008). International Society of Sports Nutrition Position stand: Nutrient timing. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 5, 17.

International Society of Sports Nutrition Position stand: Nutrient timing

“Timing of the energy intake and the ratio of certain ingested macronutrients are likely attributes which allow for enhanced recovery and tissue repair following high-volume resistance exercise, augmented muscle protein synthesis, and improved mood states when compared with unplanned or traditional strategies of nutrient intake.”

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– Greenwood, M., Kalman, D., & Antonio, J. (2009). Nutritional Supplements in Sports and Exercise. New York: Humana Press - Springer.

– Antonio, J., Kalman, D., Stout, J.R., Greenwood, M., Willoughby, D.S., & Haff, G.G. (2008). Essentials of Sports Nutrition and Supplements. New York: Humana Press - Springer.

What about the research: Nutrient timing research has gained popularity.......

Stoppani, J., Scheett, T.P., & McGuiggan, M.R. (2008). Nutritional needs of strength/power athletes. In J. Antonio, D. Kalman, J.R. Stout, M. Greenwood, D.S. Willoughby & G.G. Haff (Eds.), Essentials of Sports Nutrition and Supplements (pp. 349-370). New York: Humana Press - Springer.

Rasmussen, C. J. (2008). Nutrition before, during, and after exercise for the strength/power athlete. In J. Antonio, D. Kalman, J.R. Stout, M. Greenwood, D.S. Willoughby & G.G. Haff (Eds.), Essentials of Sports Nutrition and Supplements (pp. 647-665). New York, NY: Humana Press - Springer.

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No research has examined complete nutrient timing

Nutrient timing: pre-exercise, during exercise, post-exercise

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Purpose of study

This research will examine the science behind nutrient timing;

- Four (4) combined studies over ~16 weeks

- Complete nutrient timing (pre-, during and post-exercise)

- Effects on hormonal and muscular responses in strength trained athletes

Data collection shall include;

Dietary recall Strength testing (1RM) Body composition Neuromuscular assessments Blood sampling Muscle biopsy (data)

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Science behind nutrient timing

Acute Study: Cross-over

Study 1 Effects of nutrient timing on acute responses to resistance exercise and recovery in strength trained athletes

Researcher: Tom Mabon

Study 2 Neuromuscular responses following nutrient timing in strength trained athletes

Researcher: Sarah Feebry

Training Study: Placebo-controlled

Study 3 Effect of nutrient timing and resistance training on hormonal and skeletal muscle adaptations in strength athletes

Researcher: Mitchell Pryde

Study 4 Effects of nutrient timing on muscle cell signalling and gene expression following resistance training in strength athletes

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Strength training program

Supervised, split-body part strength training protocol 4 x wk for 10-wks

– Designed by Jon Davie

progressive resistance training principle, load increased as necessary to maintain appropriate training intensity 5 sets to failure

• Hypertrophy phase [15-12-10-8 reps per set]

• Strength phase [4-6-4-6 reps per set]

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Supplementation protocol

1. Pre-workout (PW) Minett, Duffield & Bird. 2010 IJSPP ,5(1), 27-41.

RE-ACTIVATE carbohydrate-based formula including EAA, arginine/alpha-

ketoglutarate, Beta- alanine, caffeine and B-Group vitamins

2. Intra-workout (IW) Bird et al. 2006 Nutrition, 22(4), 367-375.

ELEVATOR carbohydrate-based formula including 6g of EAA

3. Immediate Post-workout (IP) Bird 2010 JASC, 17(3), 25-28.


protein fractions (whey & casein), carbohydrates, EAA, creatine monohydrate and glutamine

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Study schedule

• Study schedule

May 24/05 start 21d supplement washout (no supplements)

June 7/06 Testing session

17/06 Session 1

28/06 Session 2

July 5/07 Muscle biopsy & testing session

12/7 Training study

Aug Training wk 4 - wk 8

Sept 16/09 Session 3

20/09 Muscle biopsy

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Bird, S.P. (2008). Strength nutrition: The pathway of adaptation model. Network Magazine(Autumn), 57-58.

DOCUMENTATION: Information sheet and Informed consent

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Questions & Answers

Dr. Stephen Bird PhD, AEP, CSCS, RNutr

Performance Nutrition ConsultantFatigue & Physical Activity Research GroupSchool of Human Movement StudiesCharles Sturt UniversityBathurst CampusNSW 2795 Australia

02 6338 4155 02 6338 4065 [email protected]

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Bird, S.P. (2008). Strength nutrition: The pathway of adaptation model. Network Magazine(Autumn), 57-58.

Bird, S.P., Tarpenning, K.M., & Marino, F.E. (2006). Independent and combined effects of liquid carbohydrate/essential amino acid ingestion on hormonal and muscular adaptations following resistance training in untrained men. European Journal of Applied Physiology,

97(2), 225-238.


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Bird, S.P. (2008). Strength nutrition: The pathway of adaptation model. Network Magazine(Autumn), 57-58.

Bird, S.P., Tarpenning, K.M., & Marino, F.E. (2006). Independent and combined effects of liquid carbohydrate/essential amino acid ingestion on hormonal and muscular adaptations following resistance training in untrained men. European Journal of Applied Physiology,

97(2), 225-238.


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Bird, S.P. (2008). Strength nutrition: The pathway of adaptation model. Network Magazine(Autumn), 57-58.

Bird, S.P., Tarpenning, K.M., & Marino, F.E. (2006). Independent and combined effects of liquid carbohydrate/essential amino acid ingestion on hormonal and muscular adaptations following resistance training in untrained men. European Journal of Applied Physiology,

97(2), 225-238.

BLOOD SAMPLING - Hormone analysis

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Bird, S.P. (2008). Strength nutrition: The pathway of adaptation model. Network Magazine(Autumn), 57-58.

Bird, S.P., Tarpenning, K.M., & Marino, F.E. (2006). Independent and combined effects of liquid carbohydrate/essential amino acid ingestion on hormonal and muscular adaptations following resistance training in untrained men. European Journal of Applied Physiology,

97(2), 225-238.

NEUROMUSCULAR ASSESSMENT - Isokinetic Knee Extension & Knee Flexion

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Bird, S.P. (2008). Strength nutrition: The pathway of adaptation model. Network Magazine(Autumn), 57-58.

Bird, S.P., Tarpenning, K.M., & Marino, F.E. (2006). Independent and combined effects of liquid carbohydrate/essential amino acid ingestion on hormonal and muscular adaptations following resistance training in untrained men. European Journal of Applied Physiology,

97(2), 225-238.

DEXA ASSESSMENT - Body Composition

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Bird, S.P. (2008). Strength nutrition: The pathway of adaptation model. Network Magazine(Autumn), 57-58.

Bird, S.P., Tarpenning, K.M., & Marino, F.E. (2006). Independent and combined effects of liquid carbohydrate/essential amino acid ingestion on hormonal and muscular adaptations following resistance training in untrained men. European Journal of Applied Physiology,

97(2), 225-238.

MUSCLE CSA: CHO+EAA and resistance exercise