  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


    Prof. Rosynella Cardozo R.

    Prof. Jonathan Magdalena

    Instituto Pedaggico de Caracas

    Departamento de Idiomas Modernos

    Ctedra de Lingstica

  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


    Informal assessment is a way ofcollecting information about ourstudents performance in normalnormal

    classroom conditionsclassroom conditions. This is donewithout establishing test conditions suchas in the case of formal assessment.Informal assessment is sometimes

    referred to as continuous assessment asit is done over a period of time.


  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


    Informal Assessment is a form of systematicsystematicobservationobservation.

    Firstly, we need to work out what, when and wherewhat, when and wherewe are going to assess, as it is obviously impossible

    to assess all students' performance all the time. Then we must establish clear criteriaestablish clear criteria for assessing

    students and not only rely on rough impressions.

    Finally it is important to link the informal assessmentlink the informal assessmentwe do with our formal assessmentwith our formal assessment tests! and with

    self"assessment done by the students themselves. #e must also give our students feedbackgive our students feedback to help

    them identify areas which may cause them di$cultieswhen they do formal tests as well as heightening

    their awareness of how they assess themselves..

  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


    A replacementreplacement for other forms of assessment such asformal or self"assessment.

    The only wayonly way of obtaining and giving information aboutour students.

    A way of avoiding testsway of avoiding tests altogether, which allows the

    teacher to make decisions about students based purelyon informal observation.

    An impressionisticimpressionistic form of assessment without criteriaon which to make %udgments about students' progress.

    A single systemsingle system which can be used by all teachers in allconte&ts.

    A form of assessment to be considered in isolationisolationfromother forms of assessment but rather as part of a larger,overall program which should be a balanced system ofdecision"making..

  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


    Assign a grade for each statement in the following way( Agree strongly)* Agree)+ Indierent)- isagree)/ isagree( Agree strongly)* Agree)+ Indierent)- isagree)/ isagree


    // Informal assessment of language skills is the most

    important area

    for us to assess informally.

    -- 0on"linguistic factors should not be assessed " this is the %obof psychologists.

    ++Informal assessment is simply the systematic observation ofour students.

    **Informal assessment could replace all those time"consumingtests that I have to give.

    ((Informal assessment should be part of an overall system of


  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


    Assign a grade for each statement in the following way( Agree strongly)* Agree)+ Indierent)- isagree)/ isagree( Agree strongly)* Agree)+ Indierent)- isagree)/ isagree


    11 Informal assessment means what it says 'informal' " I

    observe and make a %udgments based on my e&perience" rating scales are a waste of time.

    22 An ade3uate system of informal assessment alreadye&ists in my school " we take in essays and compositionsand mark them.

    44Informal assessment can only take place in the classroom.

    55 6ven without set criteria, I always mark written work inthe same way " I know what I am looking for.

    /7/7 8tudents sometimes act dierently when I walk round

    the class and listen to their conversations..

  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


    ecide which of the following items you assessinformally by giving a mark or by merely getting animpression of.



    impressionimpressionGive aGive a

    specifc markspecifc mark

    a. written homeworkb. written grammar


    c. speaking activities

    d. pro%ects

    e. listening tasks

    f. reading tasks

    g. writing tasks

    h. vocabulary activities

    i. other

  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


    ecide which of the following items you assessinformally by giving a mark or by merely getting animpression of.


    NON-LINGUISTIC FACTORSNON-LINGUISTIC FACTORS Get an overallGet an overallimpressionimpression

    Give aGive aspecifc markspecifc mark

    a. attitude)eort

    b. class participation

    c. group work

    d. organisation of work

    e. presentation of work

    f. punctuality

    g. other

  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


    #hat#hat will you mark informally9 6ssays, compositions9 #hen#hen will you carry out informal assessment9 At the

    beginning of the process9 Across the school term9

    #here#here will you implement it9 In the classroom9 Ashomework9

    #hich#hich aspectsaspects will you assess consciously and givegrades9

    #hich things#hich things will you get only a general impression of9

    #hat instrument#hat instrument will you use to assure reliability9

    :ow:ow will you weight each area9 #hat will you givemost marks for9

    :ow much:ow much informal assessment will you do comparedto formal and self)peer assessment9

    :ow balanced:ow balanced is your evaluation plan9.

  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


    ;An adequate system of informal assessmentalready exists in my school - we take in essaysand compositions and mark them.

    Firstly, it means that we might tend to concentrateconcentrate

    on written work and on grammar e&erciseson written work and on grammar e&ercises ratherthan focusing on oral skills.

    8econdly, when we mark work we might assignassign

    marks on the basis of the 'impression'marks on the basis of the 'impression' that we haveof the work. #e are not thinking in detail aboutwhat e&actly we e&pect the students to achieve.

    Finally, when we add up marks at the end of termwe tend to make %udgments in terms of impressionsmake %udgments in terms of impressionsand without a clear idea of what we are assessing.

  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday



  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


    8?6AI0B8?6AI0B Informal assessment of speaking solves the problem of


    It can have a motivating eect on learners.

    It is done by observing students' oral performance in class

    #e can systematiCe this gathering of impressions is bygiving students points based on pre"deDned criteria

    In a busy classroom, informal assessment is not alwayseasy

    #e may get a distorted view of overall class ability if wecannot listen to all students during all activities

    8ome students might try harder when they know we arelistening to them

    8tudents may perform worse in the knowledge that the

    teacher is actively monitoring them.

  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


    8?6AI0B8?6AI0B ecide on the assessment criteria and the type of scale to use

    Adapt these methods to your own particular situation

    ?roduce with your colleagues! band scales to assess oralperformance at any time you decide

    It is also possible to give your students the same bands andask them to assess themselves and then compare!

    Assess students' performance at a particular time. Tellstudents that you will be assessing them over the ne&t fewlessons

    #ith large classes, choose Dve or si& students to assess ineach lesson though do not tell them that they have beenassessed!

    uring the tasks you can go around the class and write downyour assessments of students' performance

  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


    8?6AI0B TA888?6AI0B TA88

    Tasks that students normallynormallydo in class

    Beneral groupgroupor pair"workpair"workactivities

    ?air"work interviewsinterviews Broup surveyssurveys


    Information"gapInformation"gap activities

    ral presentationspresentations BamesBames

  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


    #EITI0B#EITI0B Assessing written work can be very time consuming

    ecide how many and what sort of compositionsare going to be assessed.

    Gonsider the amount of writing which should bedone individually and that which is done in groups

    Hake sure that the feedback given to students isused by them. The link between informalassessment of writing and self"assessment is vitaluse correction codes!

    As with speaking, we need to think very carefullyabout what assessment criteria we need to userating scales, checklists!

  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


    ou can also ask students to recycle what they have heard

    either orally or in written form

    A further method of assessment is to use a recorded te&t asthe basis for a speaking activity

    >ou can measure ability to understand language byobserving studentsJ reaction to your instructions or theirability to understand each other

    #hen you need to make an overall %udgment of listeningability, you can use band scales as for speaking and writing

  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


    E6AI0BE6AI0B #e also assess reading in lockstep fashion one task for all!

    >ou can assess reading by monitoring the way studentsbehave during the reading activity false impressions!

    Another way is by checking class understanding of some

    points from a given reading passage >ou can go through the answers with the whole class

    An alternative is to collect in answers to reading te&ts andmark them yourself you might prefer a test instead!

    ne thing you have to bear in mind is sub%ect knowledge

    A more reliable alternative that of recycling information. Fore&ample, students can read a letter and then write a reply toit or read a te&t and then role"play a situation from it.

  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


    E6AI0BE6AI0B Kigsaw reading can be useful. ivide a te&t up and dierent

    groups have to tell the others about their part

    ne way of checking understanding is by asking students totell you about a te&t in their own language

    8tudents can also work out their own tasks on te&ts for otherstudents to do this includes students who have dierentreading styles, speeds, interests and ability!

    In mi&ed ability classes it can be particularly interesting toassess individual reading.

    ne"to"one conversation is another option. >ou may wish todiscuss a te&t

    As well as assessment through oral feedback, a 3uicker way isto get students to write about what they have read

    >ou can always use reading records, checklists or rating scales

  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


    E6AI0B I08TELH60T8 e&ample!E6AI0B I08TELH60T8 e&ample!




    Title of bookTitle of book


    8ummary of plot8ummary of plot ?ersonal opinion?ersonal opinion

  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


    E6AI0B I08TELH60T8 e&ample!E6AI0B I08TELH60T8 e&ample!

    EATI0B 8GA

  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


    BEAHHAE A0 NGA=LBEAHHAE A0 NGA=L Informal assessment of grammar is often used at the

    practice stage of the lesson

    >ou can go around the class and identify problems

    >ou may Dnd it useful to assess students' grasp ofstructure and le&is in general while they are doing freewriting and speaking activities.

    Eather than assess communication as a whole', which wehave looked at in previous sections, you can focus solelyon language.

    >ou could go around the class and write down the mostimportant mistakes that the students are making.

    >ou can go through the mistakes with the whole class, oralternatively plan remedial activities to deal with theproblems.

  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


    BEAHHAE A0 NGA=LBEAHHAE A0 NGA=L As well as focusing on students' use of language you can

    also check their knowledge of it in an informal waythrough class 3uiCCes.

    >ou can work out a series of 3uestions to ask about bothgrammar and le&is and you can run the 3uiC in anen%oyable way, giving students bonus points, priCes etc.The sort of 3uestions you can ask the groups are asfollows

    '#hat is wrong with this sentence9 Hy fathers are calledKohn and Hary'. 'Hake a sentence from these words. ''#hat does bicycle mean in 8panish, Italian etc9'

    In this informal way you can get an idea of your learners'knowledge and ability to use speciDc structures andle&is.

  • 8/9/2019 Informal Assessment Buts Report Sunday


    AttitudeAttitude The student is interested in classactivities, willing to oer opinions, co"operativewith teacher)peers, willing to respond to theopinions of others

    Go"operativenessGo"operativenessThe student is is able to work inpairs, able to work in groups, able to work as amember of the whole class, able to share ideas andknowledge

    IndependenceIndependence The student is able to plan and

    organiCe own work, able to self"correct wherenecessary, able to use sources of information,

    Greativity and presentationGreativity and presentation The student showsoriginal thought, initiative, inventiveness, presents

    work neatly and in an ordered manner
