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Infant &

Child Health Care

Page 2: Infont child case

Licking of toys by toddlers can be dangerus due to intake of heavy elements like

lead and murcury. Toys that are made with

materials unsafe for children can pose a threat to

their health and safety. This was the focal point

of the program. Dr. Ravi Malik commented on

how a toy can be dangerous to a young baby if it

isn’t chosen properly. Some toys that are

available in the market are coated with

chemicals which are bad for children’s health.

Toys should also be age appropriate.

AAJ TAK- 19th June 2010, at 9:00-9:30pm

Excessive TV viewing by children - posing health problems. In this program

Dr. Ravi Malik spoke on excessive TV viewing

by children. This practice affects children in

many ways including setting a bad impression

and example on their minds, resulting bad

habits. Excessive TV viewing is also bad for

health as it leads to loss of appetite, low vision,

headache and lethargy. Dr. Malik also suggested

precautions that can be followed by parents.

DELHI AAJ TAK – 2nd July 2011, at 2:30-3:00pm

Diabetes in children - current perspective. A panel discussion on Juvenile

Diabetes (Type-I). Dr. Ravi Malik explained

geographically distribution and hereditary

factors of this form of diabetes, wherein the

child is dependent on the injection of insulin.

He also touched upon all aspect of juvenile

diabetes including the latest insulin pump,

rehabilitation of children and related

complications of the condition like retinopathy

and nephropathy. Dr. Ravi Malik stressed on the

utmost importance of early diagnosis of the

disease and its management.

LOK SABHA T.V- 15th Dec. 2012, at 5:00-6:00pm

Page 3: Infont child case

Unfortunate incident of death of child in car The program highlighted the fatal results

of leaving a child unattended in the car. Dr. Ravi

Malik spoke about the recent death of children

inside a locked car, where the parents had left

them unattended. The temperature inside the

car increased leading to hyperthermia and

suffocation, which eventually resulted in death.

Children should not be left unattended in a

locked, car especially during the summer


NEWS 24- 31st May 2012 at 8:20-8:50pm

Death of children in accidentally locked car due to asphyxia In this

program Dr. Ravi Malik spoke on the serious

issue of the death of children in a car, in which

they were accidentally locked. In such cases the

children don’t know how to open the car doors

and die of suffocation. The situation

precipitated due to the negligence of parents

who left the keys in the car. He also cautioned

parents to follow certain norms while leaving

children unattended in a car.

INDIA TV - at 11:00-11:30pm

Preventions and treatment of Hepatitis B On this program Dr. Ravi Malik spoke on

spread the of Hepatitis-B infection. It is a viral

infection and spreads through used injections

and blood transfusion. It is a preventable disease

and all precautions should be taken against this

dreadful disease, which if not treated is fatal. 80-

90% children are only symptomatic and 10-20%

report symptoms like nausea, loss of appetite,

passing yellowish urine and fatigue. Dr. Malik

advised that pregnant women should be

screened of hepatitis-b infection so that the

unborn child does not suffer from this infection.

He emphasized that immunization against this

disease needs to be done.

Delhi Aaj Tak - 16th Feb 2013, at 6:30-

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Somnambulism or sleep walking in children. In this program Dr. Ravi Malik

commented on somnambulism in children, this

is a condition wherein there is dissociation

between the mind and the body. The individual

walks in his sleep and is unaware of his actions.

He can strike out against objects and sustain

injury, and hence adults need to keep a close

watch on the child. Children suffering from this

condition should not be taken to hilly areas or

near the water bodies without permission of

parents or proper supervision.

News-24 – 11th May 2010, at 1-00-1:30pm

Safe feeding techniques - how to prevent aspiration deaths. This program

saw Dr. Ravi Malik educating viewers on how to

safely feed babies and children. Choking is a

common problem encountered in small

children as the food enters the wind pipe instead

of food pipe. He emphasised on the need to

educate parents and caregivers about the proper

position of offering food to babies and young


NEWS 24- 4th July 2012, at 6:00-6:30pm

Television viewing for children - Do’s and don’ts. On this program Dr. Ravi Malik

spoke on the bad effects of some cartoon shows

on the children. He narrated an incident where

a child lost his life while imitating an act he saw

in an animated program. Dr. Malik said that

parents should monitor children’s activities

while watching TV and allow tell them to watch

television only for a limited period of time. They

also need to ensure that children watch age

appropriate programs and understand the

difference between reality and fiction. Children

should be encouraged to take part in outdoor

sports and creative activities. After two years of

age child should not watch more than two hours

of TV .

News-24 – 23rd May 2010, at 12:00-1:00pm

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Growth and development in children - role of balanced diet and regular monitoring. There is a direct relation between

the diet that a child receives and his or her growth

and development. This program saw Dr. Ravi Malik

offering insight on the growth of children. He

focused on facts such as the role of a nutritional diet,

containing proteins, and vitamins and minerals

such as calcium and iron, and its impact on

children’s health. Such a diet facilitates better

health and development in childhood.

WAMA- 5th July 2010, at 2:00-2:30pm

Swimming for small children This

program focused on whether children should be

encouraged to swim from a young age. Dr. Ravi

Malik spoke on the issue of training small

children for swimming. He spoke about the

improved mental and physical health of young

children who received proper training for

swimming. The doctor also cautioned that if

training was not provided by experts it could

prove to be fatal.

IBN 7- 16th June 2010, at 5:30-6:00pm

Kangaroo care given to newborn babies. This program focused on the unique concept of

kangaroo care as a way to improve infant health and

growth. Dr. Ravi Malik discussed the highly

effective kangaroo care method. He informed the

public on its benefits and suggested it as one of the

best ways to keep the preterm baby warm and to

facilitate better growth and bonding.

NEWS 24- 27th Aug 2010, at 6:00-6:30pm

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Stress due to exams - how to reduce it. Stress caused due to examinations was highlighted

through this program. Dr. Ravi Malik commented

on the stress which students suffer before and

during examinations. He advised parents and

students not to take too much stress as it can lead to

physical and psychological effects such as loss of

appetite, loss of weight, headache, tension and loss

of sleep. In turn these side effects have an impact on

the performance of the students.

NEWS 24 – 24th May 2011 at 6:00-6:30pm

Stress due to exams leading to psychological problems in children The

level of stress experienced by students before and

during examinations is a cause for worry for

parents, teachers and society in general. In this

program Dr. Ravi Malik commented on exam

stress, particularly in children appearing for the

board exams. Students often complain of

headaches, dizziness and abdominal pain which are

some of the symptoms of the stress caused due to

examinations. Dr. Malik advised students to

prepare well in advance and relax during the night,

and hours before the exam. This practice will also

help improve results.

News - 24 - 28th Feb. 2011, at 10:30-11:00pm

Impact on children of participation in TV shows as child artists. This program

focused on the serious issue of child

participation in TV Shows. Dr. Ravi Malik

spoke on the detrimental effects of children

taking an active part in TV shows. He stressed

that such an experience, with bright lights and

loud sound, can affect their eyesight, hearing

and mental faculties, if not monitored

appropriately. He advised that small children,

who are especially emotionally attached to their

mothers, should not be involved in reality

shows for television. For older children such an

experience can be distracting and make it

difficult for them to focus on their studies.

NEWS 24 – 23rd Sep. 2009 at 7:00-8:00pm

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Need for balanced diet an essential component of paediatric growth. In this

program Dr. Ravi Malik discussed and gave his

opinion regarding the need for healthy and

balanced diet, and its importance for the growth

and development of children. He also cautioned

against the consumption of junk food, which is

common to the young generation. A healthy

body is essential to hold a healthy mind and


IBN 7- 9th Dec. 2009 at 2:00-2:30pm

Influence of astrology on career a debate The program highlighted the blind and

irrational faith that people place on astrology

and its so called impact on career. Dr. Ravi Malik

spoke on the topic of astrology and its impact on

career choices. He explained that only hard

work will pay good results rather than sitting

and waiting for fortune to come home as per

astrology. He advised viewers to not place blind

faith on astrology and instead work hard on any

study or work option they choose.

News-24 –

Encephalitis - An introduction to paediatric disease. Dr. Ravi Malik spoke on

the condition of encephalitis, also known as

brain fever, which is fatal in children. It is a viral

disease that spreads with the bite of mosquito or

by respiratory tract infection. In children

mortality rate is 30% or above and those who

survive suffer from some form of nervous

disability. Dr. Malik narrated an incident of the

spread of this disease by mosquito bites in the

damp atmosphere where litchis are grown.

India-TV - 22nd June 2011, at 5:00-5:30pm

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Adverse effects of excessive exercise on children This program shed light on the

damage that an aggressive physical exercise can

have on children. Dr. Ravi Malik commented on

the adverse effects of excessive physical exercise

on growing bones of young children. In this talk

he stressed on the fact that children should be

encouraged to do age specific physical activity

or exercise only. INDIA TV- 27th Feb. 2012, at 12:00-12:30pm

Pneumonia in children - one of the leading cause of death in paediatric patients. In this program Dr. Ravi Malik

spoke on the silent killer disease in children

known as Pneumonia. In India almost every

minute an infant dies due to pneumonia, and

this is an issue that should not be taken lightly.

In case of any fever with cough it is important

that parents consult with their doctor and not

treat the symptoms themselves. Dr. Malik

explained the signs and symptoms of

pneumonia and how the disease can be


IBN-7 - 27th Nov. 2009, at 2:00-2:30pm

Growth of children - how to monitor and the remedies. On this program Dr. Ravi Malik

spoke on the physical and mental growth of

children. He stressed on the fact that both are

interrelated. Children should take part in

outdoor activities and eat a balanced diet which

will help in physical growth and also in the

development of the mind. He also touched upon

some genetic disorders and the normal

parameters of newborns like head circumference

and chest measurements for detection of diseases

in children.SAHARA NCR – 22nd May 2010 at 5:00-5:30pm

Page 9: Infont child case

Dangers and precautions of childhood swimming. There are many who wrongly

believe that if a child is thrown in the deep end

of a pool or in the sea, he or she will learn to

swim and survive. This program focused on one

such episode in Gujarat. Dr. Ravi Malik

commented on the dangerous act of throwing

children in water in order to teach them to

swim. This is a very dangerous practice as

infants and young children are not prepared for

such an activity and they are suddenly thrown

into strong current of water. Sometimes such an

action may break the cervical spine leading to

instant death.

INDIA TV- 28th May 2010, at 9:30-10:00pm

Care of new born an education insight to mothers. In this program Dr. Ravi Malik

commented on the care of newborn babies. He

advised parents and caregivers on the proper

ways to care for the newborn by giving them

proper feed, burping and bathing them safely.

These are some of the most important aspects of

caring for the new born. Infants should not be

exposed to severe cold or heat as they are very

sensitive to temperature change. Cold

temperature can lead to hypothermia which can

be fatal. In extreme heat infants can develop

conditions like loose motion, and vomiting and


SAHARA NCR- 25th June 2007, at 9:30-10:00am

Conjoint twin surgery This program

focused on a difficult and complicated surgery

carried out in a hospital in New Delhi. In his talk

with the media Dr. Ravi Malik made people

aware of the conjoint twin surgery done at the

Apollo Hospital. This was a rare and

complicated surgery and even though, sadly one

of the twins died due to complication and


NEWS24 – 6th July 2012, at 3:00-3:30pm

Page 10: Infont child case

Importance of vaccination The role of

immunization cannot be undermined in

promoting a healthy childhood and this was the

topic for discussion. Dr. Ravi Malik spoke on the

importance of vaccination as it gives active

immunization against disease like Diptheria,

Pertusis, Tetanus, Polio, Measles, Mumps,

Rubella, Chickenpox, Hepatitis-B, Hepatitis-A

and Typhoid. Immunization protects childhood

and promotes good health in the long run.

SAHARA NCR – 25th Oct. 2009, at 4:00-4:30pm

Childhood diseases During this talk Dr.

Ravi Malik discussed common ailments that

afflict children, with a special focus on

diarrhoea. He made the viewers aware of the

difference between diarrhoea in infants and

children. Infants below the age of six months

can pass 5-6 motions in a day, whereas as in

diarrhoea it is a progressive increase in the

frequency of motion, for which ORS can be

given at home. In some cases teething can also

lead to diarrhoea.

SAHARA NCR- 11th Oct. 2008, at 12:30-1:00pm

Early childhood diseases In this program

Dr. Ravi Malik discussed Pneumonia, which is

very common in infancy and childhood, and

dangerous for health. It is caused by respiratory

tract infection, which, if not treated in time can

be fatal. He also emphasized on the importance

of immunization for children in order to

prevent and protect them from diseases.

IBN 7- 25th Nov. 2009, at 2:00-2:30pm

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Importance of balanced diet in children In this program Dr. Ravi Malik

commented on the growth in children and its

dependence on the intake of a balanced and

nutritional diet containing high protein,

vitamins, calcium, iron and other minerals.

Such a diet would help increase the height, and

healthy growth of children. A balanced diet

should include vegetables, cereals, and foods

that cover all the food groups.

WAMA – 23rd March 2009, at 2:00-2:30pm

Loss appetite in children- The focal point

of this program was the decreased appetite in

children. Dr. Ravi Malik offered his views on

the fact that junk food and oily food can bring

down appetite. He focused on this problem,

which seems to be rising day by day, and also

gave children and parents valuable dietary

advice that should be followed to facilitate good


Herpes Simplex Virus Information and

knowledge are essential to prevent and manage

any condition. In this program Dr. Ravi Malik

spoke on HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus) infection

which is known to spread by close contact. He

warned viewers not to kiss infants and young

children as the infection can spread easily

through close contact with an infected person.

INDIA - TV at 6:30-7:00pm

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Congenital anomalies in peaditric patients. This program focused on congenital

anomalies. Dr. Ravi Malik spoke about a child’s

listening capabilities despite not having an ear

lobe. This is a congenital anomaly which can be

associated with other anomalies like cleft palate

and big jaw. Dr. Malik said that in such cases

doctors need to thoroughly investigate for other

congenital anomalies like absence of kidney. In

the case that was discussed the child can listen,

even without the external ear, and through his

mouth, which connects the middle and internal

ear. Plastic surgery can be helpful in such cases

so as to find a solution to the situation and to

ensure that the child does not suffer from

inferiority complex.

News-24 – 10th July 2010, at 1:00-1:30pm

School bunking - is it becoming a common practice- an awareness debate Truancy in teenagers A program

on teenage behaviour and its implications. Dr.

Ravi Malik spoke about the subject of teenagers

bunking school. It has been observed that

students bunk their classes and visit malls and

cinema halls, a behaviour that their parents are

unaware of. Dr. Malik guided parents to keep a

check on their children by following some

effective suggestions. These included checking

their bags when they come back from school

and also taking regular feedback from teachers

about the student’s performance in class.

Parents must be vigilant of their children’s after

school activities too.

News 24 – 22nd July 2010, at 3:00-4:00pm

Clinical problems faced by children on use of heavy metal painted toys Dr.

Ravi Malik spoke on the worrying issue of

poisoning through toys. He explained that

nowadays cheap Chinese toys have flooded the

market. These toys are very attractive and

bright in colour due to the use of lead,

chromium and cadmium. When children are

exposed to such materials they are vulnerable to

the toxic effects of heavy metals. He advised and

warned parents against purchasing such

attractive but toxic toys. During his talk Dr. Ravi

Malik also interacted with viewers and

answered queries.

News-24 - 18th June 2010 at 3:00-3:30pm

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Importance of exercise in childhood With most cities losing out on their green

spaces, rise in sedentary lifestyle and with rising

incidence of crime, lesser number of children

exercise and play everyday. This program

focused on the need for exercise in childhood.

Dr. Ravi Malik spoke on the many benefits of

exercising for children. He also stressed on

moderation in exercise, as in all other things in

life, and said that an excess of the same can be

harmful, and in some cases can also turn fatal.

INDIA TV- 3rd March 2010, at 6:30-7:00pm

Age appropriate useof toys to safeguard our childrens Toys should

be safe and age appropriate. On this program

Dr. Ravi Malik discussed the poisoning

caused due to the toxic toys available in

market. These toys are dangerous for

children’s health as they are coated with

toxic colours. Laser guns emit high

frequency light, which is bad for the eyes of

children. It is vital that parents educate

themselves with the need to provide

children with safe and good toys.AAJ TAK- 19th June 2010 at 5:00-5:30pm

Side effects of laser toys. Laser Toys use

can be da Exposure to toxic toys can be

dangerous for the health of children, and this

was focused upon in this program. In his talk Dr.

Ravi Malik warned the masses regarding the

presence of toxic toys in the market. He spoke of

the dangers that these toys pose to children’s

health, as they are often coated with toxic

chemicals. He recommended that parents

choose toys carefully and after duly surveying

the market for them.

DELHI AAJ TAK – 19th June 2010, at 9:30-10:00pm

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Toxic toys and their bad side effects. The presence of dangerous and toxic toys in the

market is alarming, and this was the focus of the

program. Dr. Ravi Malik spoke on the use of toys

which are attractive but are chemically

coloured. These toxic colours are dangerous for

the health of children and hence, such toys

should not be made available in the market. Dr.

Malik warned parents against buying such toys

and suggested that they only buy good quality

toys that are age appropriate.

Sahara NCR - 16th Jan. 2010, at 7:30-8:00pm

Children health getting effected by adulterated chocolates This program

focused on the serious issue of spurious and

adulterated chocolates flooding the market. Dr.

Ravi Malik commented on the adulteration in

chocolates, a product which is largely consumed

by children. These spurious chocolates include

chemical compounds which are harmful to the

consumers health, and pose a threat to the lives

of the children who may consume them. Dr.

Malik stressed on the need for parents and adults

to pay attention to the kind of confectionery

they buy and recommended that they only

purchase branded products.

News - 24 - 10th Aug. 2010, at 3:00-3:30pm

Malnourishment - an important cause o f m a s s d e a t h i n c h i l d r e n . Malnourishment is a serious condition that

affects large sections of the Indian society,

particularly children. On this program Dr. Ravi

Malik spoke on this crucial issue. During his

discussion he explained about low birth weight,

which is a condition that affects a large

percentage of births in India. Dr. Malik stressed

upon the need for breastfeed, which is very

important for the newborn. He explained the

need to offer children a balanced diet. Protein

malnourished children are susceptible to

infection. He also highlighted the normal diet,

growth and weight of children in various age


India TV – 29th April 2013 at 2:30-3:00pm

Page 15: Infont child case

Swimming for children This program

focused on whether children should be

encouraged to swim from a young age. Dr. Ravi

Malik spoke on the issue of training small

children for swimming. He spoke about the

improved mental and physical health of young

children who received proper training for

swimming. The doctor also cautioned that if

training was not provided by experts it could

prove to be fatal.

IBN 7- 28th Aug. 2010, at 9:00-9:30pm

Importance of exercise in childhood With most cities losing out on their green

spaces, rise in sedentary lifestyle and with rising

incidence of crime, lesser number of children

exercise and play everyday. This program

focused on the need for exercise in childhood.

Dr. Ravi Malik spoke on the many benefits of

exercising for children. He also stressed on

moderation in exercise, as in all other things in

life, and said that an excess of the same can be

harmful, and in some cases can also turn fatal.

IBN-7, 23rd Jan. 2011, at 5:00-5:15pm

Infant health and superstition Dr. Ravi

Malik spoke on the impact of superstition on

infant health. This discussion was focused on

the superstitious practice of public worshipping

of a sick child with large head (Hydrocephalous)

without any medical care to the new born.

Viewers were discouraged from following such

superstitious belief, and made aware of the

chromosomal abnormality that causes the

condition. The condition is often interpreted by

the uninformed as Mata or the presence of the

feminine divine.

NEWS 24- 28th July 2010, at 8:30-9:00pm

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Newborn feeding and aspiration deaths On this program Dr. Ravi Malik spoke

on the serious issue of aspiration. He explained

that newborn up to the age of 6 months should

be given only breastfeed, and no water or top

feed should be offered. In case top feed is

required, then it is best to avoid bottle feeding

which is a potential source of infection. The feed

can alternatively be given by bowl and spoon.

Sometimes when the milk enters the respiratory

tract it leads to pneumonia and death. So parents

and caregivers should be very careful while

feeding the newborn and should assume the

proper position for it.

India-TV – 21st Jan. 2013, at 3:30-4:00pm

Asthma in children This program focused

on the rising prevalence of asthma in children

and its consequences. Dr. Ravi Malik spoke on

asthma in children, a condition which causes

respiratory distress. He discussed the various

precautions and preventive measures that could

be taken in case of sudden exposure to cold, and

to help identify and avoid an allergen. These

conditions are the precipitating factors for an

attack of asthma.

Sahara NCR- 31st Oct. 2008, at 4:00-4:30pm
