
2013 Branding guidelines v1.0

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Table of Contents

Our Brand: ................................................3Purpose of Branding guidelines ................. 3about us ..................................................... 4Our Mission ................................................. 4Our Messaging ............................................ 5

The Logo: ................................................6Primary ....................................................... 6How to submit a logo ................................. 6Variations ..................................................... 7space Clearance ......................................... 8Misuse ......................................................... 9Products .................................................... 10Business units .......................................... 11

Color Palette: ........................................12Primary colors ........................................... 12secondary colors ...................................... 13approved background colors .................... 14

Typography: ..........................................15neo sans .................................................. 15arial ........................................................... 15examples .................................................. 16

Iconography: .........................................17illustrative icons ........................................ 17Misuse ....................................................... 18

Template: ...............................................19letterhead ................................................. 19Business report ........................................ 20PowerPoint ................................................ 21Business Cards ......................................... 22email signature ......................................... 23Voicemail Messaging ................................ 24

Appendix: ..............................................25

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Our Brand:Purpose of Branding guidelines

The purpose of our branding guidelines are to provide parameters to ensure brand consistency.

Consistent branding is critical because it:• Unifiesthebrandpersona,tone,voice&style

• ensures the brand is recognizable to any audience

• Provides a competitive advantage

AtInfogroup,ourbrandingisfocusedonourdataexpertise,technologyandourcommitmenttotherevenue growth of our clients. The vehicles through which our branding is represented include our: website,logo,presentationtemplatesandletterhead.

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Our Mission

Infogroup’s1,900employeesenableclients–fromlocalbusinessestotheFortune100–toincrease sales and customer loyalty by leveraging our proprietary data axle™ of contextually relevant real-time information on more than 235 million individuals and 24 million businesses to deliver the complete spectrum of value added data and innovative targeted marketing solutions.

Our Brand: Back to Table of Contents

*Our Mission statement should also be utilized as our boiler plate.

We are the leading provider of high value data and multichannel marketing solutions.

Everybusiness,place,andtransactiongeneratesdatathatcanassistintargeting,trending,andopportunityanalysis.Wehelpsource,refine,match,append,filteranddeliverthebestqualitydataeveryday; but it is our expertise at extracting models and analytical insights from this data that enables us to drive revenue for our clients’ businesses. We are excited to help lead the shift to Big Dataasacorepartofmultichannelmarketing.Ourbrandsinclude:YesmailInteractive,InfogroupTargetingSolutions,Marketzone,ExpressUpdate,InfoUSA,SalesgenieandReferenceUSA.

infogroup proudly:

• Powersandverifiestheworld’stopsearchengines

• Provides Point of interest data to the leading in-car navigation systems in north america

• Contactsover60,000businesseseverydaytoverifyourqualityinformationandaugmentourdata sets further

• Workswith85oftheFortune100companieshelpingthemsuccessfullytargetandengagetheir customers using our high-value data

• Deploysover200marketingspecialistsdailytoconsultwith100,000+localbusinesses,helping them to drive leads and power growth

about us

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Our Brand: Back to Table of Contents

Our Messaging

Throughout our website and marketing materials our messaging focuses on how we enable our clients to increase their sales and customer loyalty through our innovative marketing solutions and real-timecontextuallyrelevanthighvaluedata(B2B&B2C).OurMessagingshouldconsistentlyemphasizethevaluepropositionforourclientsandpositivelyreflectsuccessesthatwehavehelpedfoster.

Wepromoteourinsightsandthoughtleadershipthroughouttheorganization,viaavarietyofpressandsocialmediaoutletsincluding:pressreleases,reports,corporateblogsandbylines.Whilewearealwaysprofessional,weleveragefunexamples,imagesandstorytellinginordertopromoteaudience engagement.

Overall,ourvoicecouldbedescribedasprofessional,insightful,cleverandclient-focused.It’sallabout leveraging our value proposition to clients in a way that resonates.

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The Logo: Primary

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logo Meaning Our logo is made up of a shape that encircles the word “infogroup.” it is representative of how infogroup captures the rightdataattherighttime.Thehighlighted“i,”issymbolicforinformation. it is green to represent value and growth. Through ourdataproducts,solutionsandservices,wehelpourclientsdrive revenue and achieve their goals.

Thenameofthecompanyisreflectiveofthelegacyofalltheformer information/data brands that were united to create one team.

Company Programs and services

Anyinternalprogramsthatmayrequirealogoshouldbediscussed with Corporate Communications so that logos can be created in alignment with branding guidelines.

How to submit a logo

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The logo is the face of a brand. infogroup’s logo should always be protected and used with care.

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The Logo: Variations

The primary logo was designed to be used on white and very light backgrounds only.

The use of the “i” should be restricted to those cases in which asquarelogoisneeded,forinstanceappicons,socialmediaicons,etc

White background infogroup slate background infogroup green background

silver background Midnight background

Coal background

gray background

The alternative logo swaps blue for white in order to make it work withmorebackgroundsspecificallyitcanbeusedoninfogroupblue or black/ dark gray.

The white logo works on colored backgrounds as it posses no colorconflict

Primary logo


alternative logo White logo

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TheInfogrouplogoshouldalwaysbeplacedonasolidbackgroundwithadequatespacebetweenthelogoandotherimages.Thespace clearance around the logo should be as seen above.

if the clear space cannot be made in accordance to guidelines then the size of the logo must be made smaller.

The Logo: space Clearance

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The Logo: Misuse


do not change position of the words in the logo

do not truncate the logo* do not recreate the logo in another typeface

do not remove the crescent from the logo

do not warp the sizing of the logo

do not change the color of the logo*

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do not use a drop shadow on the logo

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infogroup logos will no longer need to contain “from infogroup.” Below are the approved product logos:

The Logo: Products

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*The“FromInfogroup”taglinehasbeenremovedfromproductlogos.see the appendix for details.

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The Logo: Business units

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Color Palette: Primary colors

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The primary colors are the core colors of the infogroup brand.


green slateWhite

HEX:#8CC63FPMs: 376 C

HEX:#586F7DPMs: 7545 PC

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Original Colors Original Colors Original Colorsnew Colorsnew Colors

Color Palette: secondary colors

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HeX: #056CB6PMs: 300 C

HeX: #dd6841 PMs 1595 C

HeX: #585857PMs 425 C

HeX: #d76384 PMs 218 C

HEX:#FDB913PMs 1225 C

*The previous infogroup secondary colors have been altered see the appendix for details.

Hyper Blue

sunshine Yellow

sunset Orange

Blushing rose


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The Logo: approved background colors

WhiteHeX# ffffff

infogroup slate HeX: #5c6f7cPMs: 7545 PC

infogroup greenHeX: #8cc63fPMs 376 C

infogroup silverHeX# f1f1f2PMs Cool gray 2 C

infogroup MidnightHeX: #425363PMs 7545 C

infogroup grayHeX: #98a3adPMs 7543 C

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Neo Sans Bold

Neo Sans RegularNeo Sans Medium

Neo Sans Lightneo sans has been introduced as a font type for the infogroup corporate website. it can also be utilizedforheaders,butnotforbodycopy.ThenextpageshowsanexampleofNeoSansused correctly.

Typography: neo sans

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Arial Bold

arial regularArial Bold Italic

Arial Italicinfogroup will continue to use arial as body copy and when neo sans is unavailable arial can be used for a header. Please view the example on the next page to better understand arial and its proper usage.


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Typography: examples

Header Curabitur blandit Tortor Elit Ornare.

Header Consectetur Commodo Ipsum

Subhead duis pharetra velit at lectus semper aliquet posuere.

Body fusce dapibus,tellusaccursuscommodo,tortormauriscondimentumnibh,ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Praesent commodocursusmagna,velscelerisquenislcon-sectetur et. sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. donec sed odio dui. donec ullamcorper nulla non me-tus auctor fringilla. donec sed odio dui. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.

nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Curabitur blandit tem-pus porttitor. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Loremipsumdolorsitamet,consectetur adipiscing elit. aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.

Subhead aliquet posu-ere Nullam Venenatis Condimentum.

Bodyfuscedapibus,tellusaccursuscommodo,tortormauriscondimentumnibh,ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Praesent commodocursusmagna,velscelerisquenislcon-sectetur et. sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. donec sed odio dui. donec ullamcorper nulla non me-tus auctor fringilla. donec sed odio dui. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.

nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Curabitur blandit tem-pus porttitor. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Loremipsumdolorsitamet,consectetur adipiscing elit. aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.Duismollis,estnon

Duismollis,estnoncommodoluctus,nisieratporttitorligula,egetlaciniaodio sem nec elit. inte-ger posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velitaliquet.Curabiturblan-dit tempus porttitor.

Subhead duis pharetra velit at lectus semper aliquet posuere.

Fuscedapibus,tellusaccursuscommodo,tortormauriscondimentumnibh,ut fermentum massa justo sitametrisus.Montes,nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum fauci-bus dolor auctor.

Curabitur blandit tem-pus porttitor. Cras justo odio,dapibusacfacilisisin,egestasegetquam.Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum.Nullamquisrisuseget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo.

neo sans arial

commodoluctus,nisieratporttitorligula,egetlaciniaodio sem nec elit. inte-ger posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posu-erevelitaliquet.Curabiturblandit tempus porttitor. Fuscedapibus,tellusaccursuscommodo,tortormauriscondimentumnibh,ut fermentum massa justo sitametrisus.Nullamquisrisus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Cum sociisnatoquepenatibuset magnis dis parturient montes,nasceturridiculusmus. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

Subhead tus semper aliquet posuere.

Curabitur blandit tem-pus porttitor. Cras justo odio,dapibusacfacilisisin,egestasegetquam.Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum.Nullamquisrisuseget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo.

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Iconography: illustrative icons

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*an icon library is available on the intranet. see the appendix for more details.

icon images are to be utilized whenever possilbe in client facing materials.

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Iconography: Misuse

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do not use gradients

do not use 3d icons

do not use beveled icons do not use drop shadows

Donotusereflection do not use inner shadow

do not go out of our color pallette

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Below is an explanation of the infogroup Corporate letterhead.

Template: letterhead

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ReCIPIenT’s AddRess

sendeR’s sIgnATuRes

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The Business report template is available on the intranet.

Business report

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The PowerPoint template is available on the intranet.


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Templates: Business Cards

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FROnT John SmithCreative Services Designer

33W19thStFl2new York,NY

o: 402.555.3545c: 212.555.7535

[email protected]


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John smithCreative services designer


Standard w/ Address

Template: email signature

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Standard no Address

John smithCreative services designer


Informal (Internal)

John smithCreativeServicesDesigner,Infogroup


The information contained in this electronic mail transmission, including any accompanying attachments, is intended solely for its authorized recipient(s), and may be confidential and/or legally privileged. If you are not an intended recipient, or responsible for delivering some or all of this transmission to an intended recipient, you have received this transmission in error and are hereby notified that you are strictly prohibited from reading, copying, printing, distributing or disclosing any of the information contained in it. In that event, please delete the original and all copies of this transmission.

The information contained in this electronic mail transmission, including any accompanying attachments, is intended solely for its authorized recipient(s), and may be confidential and/or legally privileged. If you are not an intended recipient, or responsible for delivering some or all of this transmission to an intended recipient, you have received this transmission in error and are hereby notified that you are strictly prohibited from reading, copying, printing, distributing or disclosing any of the information contained in it. In that event, please delete the original and all copies of this transmission.

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“You’vereached[Name],[Title]fromInfogroup.i am either on the phone or away from my desk at the moment…”


“You’vereached[Name],[Title]from[companyname],anInfogroupcompany.Iameitheronthephone or away from my desk at the moment…”

In Office, but AwayInFOgROuP




Out of Officeif you are using one of our automated phone messages,pleaseincludeafteryourname“…fromInfogroup”,or“[companyname],aninfogroup company.”


Voicemail Messaging

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1. The“FromInfogroup”taglinehasbeenremovedfromproductlogos.Thenewlogoscanbedownloadedfromtheintranet.

2. new Business unit logo taglines have been discontinuted.

3. icons are available for download on the intranet. designers can go to The noun for more icon options. The noun Project is a online icon dictionary with both free and purchase versions which can be downloaded by designers with the proper software.