Page 1: Infographic: The Integrated Marketing Imperative

The Integrated Marketing Imperative: Delivering a Consistent Brand Message Across Touchpoints

According to Aberdeen Group, leading retailers are endeavoring to align their brands, product offerings, and marketing messages to be able to deliver a uniform customer experience across all channels.

In fact, 44% of retail leaders consider the development of a multichannel, multi-touch marketing plan as a top strategic action1.

There have been strides forward in omnichannel messaging, with 40% of marketers considering themselves mature in this practice1.

However, there are still shortcomings. Only 25% of

marketing decision-makers report having mobile

marketing processes that are well integrated within the overall marketing mix2.

Business leaders know that customers expect a seamless experience across multiple touchpoints and 55% of retailers consider this requirement as their biggest pressure to create a robust omnichannel experience1.

Only 40% of organizations have a centralized marketing

team, which consolidates all technology and services across

channels, products, and corporate groups2.

According to recent research, the benefits of a multichannel marketing campaign include 2:

1. Better campaign performance: More than 60% of advanced practitioners saw a 10% increase in campaign payback

2. Increased customer satisfaction: Almost 70% of mature marketers report improved CSAT results

3. Shorter sales cycle: Mature marketing teams are 11% more likely to be primary contributors to the sales pipeline and 40% more likely to collaborate with sales, leading to a reduction in the end-to-end sales cycle.

To read more, go to: “Unlocking the Revenue from Integrated Marketing”



1Aberdeen Group 2Forrester Research
