  • Conditions: Laryngitis

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    Inflammation of the larynx or voice box is known as laryngitis. It can be due to irritation from airpollutants, emotional stress or allergic reaction but is more often the result of bacterial or viralinfection or, sometimes, from just plain overwork.

    Recommended Action

    Mucus discharge by the inflamed membranes causes the hoarseness of laryngitis becauseit interferes with the normal vibration of the vocal cords. Take lemon juice and honey (equalparts either alone or mixed with water). This will relieve hoarseness while demulcent andexpectorant herbs will soothe the area. The best demulcent for soothing the throat isSlippery Elm and Zinc Lozenges, which can be obtained in most health food stores. Single Herbs: Licorice Root, Slippery Elm (for hoarseness); Ginger (for soreness);Goldenseal, Echinacea, Garlic (for infection). Combinations: Fomentation of 3 parts Mullein and 1 part Lobelia (to the neck and throat, forsoreness), Kam Wu tea and Antiphlogistic (Chinese). Nutritional Supplements: Beta-carotene (30,000 IU, twice daily), B complex (two, twicedaily), Vitamin C (500 mg, six times daily), Zinc (15-75 mg daily).
