  • Influence of Carboxylic Acid on thePhotocatalytic Reduction of Cr(VI) Using

    Commercial TiO2

    G. Colon, M. C. Hidalgo, and J. A. Navo*

    Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla, Centro MixtoCSIC-Universidad de Sevilla, Avda. Americo Vespucio s/n,

    41092 Sevilla, Spain

    Received May 28, 2001. In Final Form: July 23, 2001

    IntroductionTitania has universally been recognized as one of the

    better photocatalysts in heterogeneous photocatalysisapplications as it combines two important complementaryfeatures for a photocatalyst: good UV absorption efficiencyfor the light harvesting process and good absorptioncapacities, due particularly to the density of OH- groupsof amphoteric character. Many studies concern only thecatalytic activity of titanium oxide with single substrates.1There are few papers concerning decontamination ofcomplex systems, which however are the actual situationof the real environmental pollution.2,3Many waste streamsmay contain mixtures of hazardous organic and inorganicspecies. In fact, laboratory studies of these real mixturesare a complex problem to resolve. H. Fu et al.4 reportedthe simultaneous degradation of 4-chlorophenol and Cr-(VI) in a synergic oxidation-reduction reaction. Thespontaneous reaction between these two toxic speciesunder environmental conditions is negligible. But Fu etal. reported an important increase in the photocatalyticdegradation when the species are present at the sametime. From the point of view of the photocatalysis theory,both oxidation and reduction reactions can take placesimultaneously by considering half redox semireactionswith the electron-hole pairs photogenerated, avoiding inthis way the possibility of recombination of these pairsand therefore influenced synergically. Other interestingexamples were reported by S. Malato5 using a S2O82- agent,and Y. B. Wang6 using periodate and persulfate assacrificial oxidants.

    The interest in using carboxylic acids as complementaryreductants is that those compounds are considered ascommon pollutants from industrial processes (metallurgy,decontamination of nuclear plants and boilers, and textileindustries).7 In our previous study,8 although the increasein the conversion rates for the simultaneous reactionswith respect to single ones was noteworthy, an importantdeactivation process took place for commercial TiO2. Now,we study the effect of different carboxylic acids in theCr(VI) photoreduction. We have also carried out the same

    experiences using N2 instead of O2 in order to state therole of the gas used in the deactivation process observedin the simultaneous reaction.

    Experimental SectionCr(VI) solution was prepared by using analytical grade K2-

    Cr2O7 (Aldrich, 99%) at acid pH of about 1.5-2. H2SO4 was usedto set the correct pH value. Salicylic acid (Aldrich, 99+%) andcitric acid (Aldrich, 99+%) were prepared by dissolving the solidsin deionized water. Both solutions had a concentration of 4 10-4 M. For simultaneous degradation runs, a solution wasprepared by mixing the corresponding volume of each startingsolution of the single substrates. Therefore, the concentration ofthe new solution was in this case 2 10-4 M in each pollutant.The pH of the resulting solution was ca. 2. Degussa P25 andHombikat UV-100 (Sachtleben chemie) commercial titaniumdioxides were employed as received.

    All catalytic runs were performed in a Pyrex immersion wellreactor. UV illumination of the reaction solutions was carriedout by using a medium pressure 400 W Hg lamp supplied byApplied Photophysics. Oxygen and nitrogen flow was employedin all cases to produce a homogeneous suspension of the catalystin the solution. Before each experiment, the catalysts (1 g/L)were settled in suspension with the reagent mixture for 10 min.

    The Cr(VI) concentrations were measured by means of UV-vis spectroscopy, using the characteristic 290 nm band. About2 mL of suspension was removed and filtered (Millipore Millex250.45 m membrane filter) previously to UV-vis spectral analysis.

    Results and Discussions

    Structure and Texture of Catalysts. Wide charac-terization of commercial TiO2 samples was reported in aprevious paper.8 Specific surface areas of as receivedcommercial titanium dioxide samples were determinedbymeansof theBrunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET)method.In both cases, N2 isotherms could be assigned to type IIthough a small hysteresis loop can be found. TiO2Hombikat presents an intermediate shape between typesII and IV, with a hysteresis loop of namely type H4. Frompore distribution curves, a great difference in the poretexture of both oxides can be seen. Table 1 summarizessurface and structural characterization for both catalysts.Worth noting is the significantly higher value of the surfacearea for TiO2 Hombikat UV-100 compared to DegussaP25. Pore volume is also greater than that observed forDegussa P25, but the lower average pore diameterindicates that Hombikat UV-100 particles are formingsmall and compact aggregates, thus giving high surfacearea. On the other hand, Degussa P25 can be thought toform rougher particles with a porous surface, as wasobserved by the scanning electron microscopy technique.8The morphology of the Degussa sample is clearly differentfrom the Hombikat one.8 Thus, TiO2 Degussa presents awrinkled surface. On the other hand, Hombikat particlesare mainly spherical, formed by small subparticles highlyagglomerated. Therefore, the surface of these roundedparticles is full of small very pores producing the higherspecific surface area exhibited by Hombikat UV-100.

    Regarding the structural feature, Degussa P25 showswell-defined diffraction peaks corresponding to a phase

    * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected].(1) Blake, D. Bibliography of work on the heterogeneous photocatalytic

    removal of hazardous compounds from water and air: NationalRenewable Energy Laboratory: Golden, CO, 1999.

    (2) Fallmann, H.; Krutzler, T.; Bauer, R.; Malato, S.; Blanco, J. Catal.Today 1999, 54, 309.

    (3) Mansilla, H. D.; Yeber, M. C.; Freer, J.; Rodriguez, J.; Baeza, J.Water Sci. Technol. 1997, 35, 273.

    (4) Fu, H.; Lu, G.; Li, S. J. Photochem. Photobiol., A 1998, 114, 81.(5) Malato, S.; Blanco, J.; Richter, C.; Braun, B.; Maldonado, M. I.

    Appl. Catal., B 1998, 17, 347.(6) Wang, Y. B.; Hong, C. S. Water Res. 1999, 33, 2031.(7) Litter, M. I.; Navo, J. A. J. Photochem. Photobiol., A 1994, 84,

    183.(8) Colon, G.; Hidalgo, M. C.; Navo, J. A. J. Photochem. Photobiol.

    2001, 138, 79.

    Table 1. Surface and Structural Characterization ofCatalysts







    TiO2 Degussa 51.0 47.0 0.15 315 80 3.5TiO2 Hombikat 289.0 282.0 0.34 35 100 3.5

    7174 Langmuir 2001, 17, 7174-7177

    10.1021/la010778d CCC: $20.00 2001 American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web 10/04/2001

  • mixture of anatase and rutile. However, TiO2 Hombikatshowed a rather amorphous diffraction pattern, with widerpeaks, indicating less crystallinity. In this case, the onlyphase present is the anatase one. Anatase molar fractionscalculated from X-ray diffraction are summarized in Table1.

    From UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, band gapenergies have been calculated (Table 1), being for bothphotocatalysts close to 3.5 eV. Absorption is produced inboth cases at wavelengths lower than 400 nm.

    Photocatalytic Properties. Figure 1 shows the pho-tocatalytic conversion for Cr(VI)photoreduction usingTiO2Degussa and Hombikat under an oxygen flow. In bothcases, Cr(VI) photoreduction follows similar kinetic pro-files. Both Degussa and Hombikat TiO2 arrive to almostcomplete reduction, at the end of the experience. Photonefficiencies calculated from these curves (Table 2) indicatethat the reaction proceeds similarly using TiO2 Degussaand Hombikat catalysts, being slightly higher for Hom-bikat TiO2.

    (a) Cr(VI) and Salicylic Acid Simultaneous Photodeg-radation. TiO2 Degussa P25 and Hombikat UV-100 weretested for the simultaneous photodegradation of salicylicacid and Cr(VI), in the presence of either oxygen ornitrogen flow. After 10 min in which the photocatalystpowders reach the equilibrium with the substrates to bephotodegraded, we have irradiated the suspension for 5h. Figures 2 and 3 show the conversion value curves forTiO2 Degussa P25 and Hombikat UV-100 tested for thisreaction in the presence of O2 and N2. In the presence ofoxygen flow (Figure 2), the photodegradation of Cr(VI)and salicylic acid seems to proceed very rapidly. Photonefficiencies for the simultaneous photodegradation presentvery high values with respect to single reactions. However,maximum conversion observed at the end of the experi-ment is not higher than 50% in the case of Degussa andbelow 80% for Hombikat. Significant deactivation of thephotocatalyst is observed. In our previous paper,8 we havetentatively explained this deactivation process by the

    formation of certain Cr-complexes that would attach atthe surface of TiO2, blocking the photoprocesses. Thesemetal complexes would arise from the intermediatephotodegradation products of salicylic acid. In the case ofHombikat, it was stated that different surface featuresimprove its photocatalytic properties giving up higherconversionvalues.PhotoreductionofCr(VI) in thepresenceof salicylic acid presents higher conversion rates than inthe single one. In the single photoreduction of Cr(VI),dissolved oxygen competes very strongly with Cr(VI)species for the photogenerated electrons, suggesting thatits presence is detrimental to the reduction of Cr(VI) toCr(III) as has been reported by other authors.9Thus, wecarried out the same photocatalytic experiences using apure nitrogen flow instead of oxygen (Figure 3). In thiscase, conversion values are slightly higher than thoseobtained in oxygen flow. Photon efficiencies calculatedfrom conversion curve slopes (Table 2) indicate howeverthat photoreactions carried out in the presence of pure O2flow exhibit higher efficiencies, specially for the Hombikatcatalyst. Using nitrogen as the flowing gas, similarefficiencies have been calculated for both catalysts,indicating that catalyst feature is not a determinant factorin this case. Therefore, the formation of the metalcomplexes that deactivate the surface photocatalystsshould be aided by the presence of oxygen, the surfaceand structural features of the photocatalyst being veryimportant in that case since the deactivation process couldtake place. Thus, there is a double function of oxygen in

    (9) Alam, M.; Montalvo, R. Metall. Mater. Trans. B 1998, 28.

    Figure 1. Photocatalytic conversions for Cr(VI) photoreductionusing O2 flow for TiO2 Degussa P25 and TiO2 Hombikat UV-100.

    Table 2. Photon Efficiencies for Cr(VI) Photoreductionin the Presence of Carboxylic Acid

    photocatalyst atmosphere single salicylic acid citric acid

    Degussa O2 8.5 32.5 34.7N2 20.6 37.4

    Hombikat O2 10.6 40.4 31.9N2 23.3 43.1

    Figure 2. Photocatalytic conversions for Cr(VI) photoreductionin the presence of salicylic acid and using O2 flow for (a) TiO2Degussa P25 and (b) TiO2 Hombikat UV-100.

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  • the reaction: one positive, increasing the photon efficien-cies, and one negative, leading to the formation of speciesthat would turn off the photoreaction.

    (b) Cr(VI) and Citric Acid Simultaneous Photodegra-dation. Figure 4 shows the photocatalytic conversions forTiO2 Degussa and Hombikat for the photodegradation ofCr(VI) in the presence of citric acid. In both cases,conversions for the photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI)arrive almost to the complete reduction to Cr(III). Nosignificant differences can be observed when the reactionis carried out under N2, although in both cases conversionvalues seem to be slightly higher. When these results arecompared with those reported in the above section, it isclear that the nature of the carboxylic acid is ratherimportant in the reduction of Cr(VI). When the nonaro-matic oligocarboxylic acid is used as the sacrificial agent,TiO2 does not suffer any deactivation process, andtherefore surface characteristic is not the determinantfeature of the photocatalysts. Citric acid improves thephoton efficiency of Cr(VI) photoreduction, specially usingN2 as the flowing gas. However, results obtained forDegussa are not so different for N2 and O2. The presenceof oxygen would be involved in this reaction, in the waythat it participates actively in the photodegradation,competing directly with the Cr(VI) reduction. Only in thecase of the Hombikat photocatalyst is there a greatinfluence using nitrogen gas flow, the value being highenough with respect to the value calculated from theconversion curve in oxygen.

    The mechanism of photodegradation of aromatics israther complex. There are many studies concerning the

    mechanism followed by these organic compounds duringtheir photocatalytic oxidation.10,11 Aromatic compoundstrend to form quinone/hydroquinone and polyhydroxyderivative (mainly dihydroxy) species at the first stagesof photodegradation, while the first step in the oxidationof nonaromatic compounds is the formation of a doublebond by a dehydration process11 and successive crackingof the molecule into a shorter one. Therefore, it would besupposed that the formation of this derivative species fromthe aromatic ring leads to the formation of metal com-plexes, probably at the surface, that deactivate thecatalyst. Photoreduction of Cr(VI) in the presence of citricacid does not generate this kind of complexes, or at leastcomplexes created are not so harmful for photocatalystactivity.

    Structural and morphological comparison of two com-mercial TiO2 photocatalysts (Degussa P25 and HombikatUV-100) revealed that both oxides present differentcrystalline structure as well as surface features. Nosignificant differences can be found in the light absorptiveproperties.

    The nature of the carboxylic acid used as the sacrificialagent seems to have a very important role in thephotoreduction of Cr(VI). Oligocarboxylic acid with aro-matic character seems to induce the deactivation of thephotocatalyst. Meanwhile, a nonaromatic carboxylic acidsuch as citric acid leads to higher conversion rates without

    (10) Pelizzetti, E.; Minero, C. Electrochim. Acta 1993, 38, 47.(11) Herrmann, J. M.; Tahiri, H.; Guillard, C.; Pichat, P. Catal. Today

    1999, 54, 131.

    Figure 3. Photocatalytic conversions for Cr(VI) photoreductionin the presence of salicylic acid and using N2 flow for (a) TiO2Degussa P25 and (b) TiO2 Hombikat UV-100.

    Figure 4. Photocatalytic conversions for Cr(VI) photoreductionin the presence of citric acid and using N2 and O2 flow for (a)TiO2 Degussa P25 and (b) TiO2 Hombikat UV-100.

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  • deactivation of the catalyst. The nature of the gas flowapplied to the photoreactor is also of great influence.Nitrogen flow seems to avoid the formation of the speciesthat causes the deactivation observed for the Cr(VI)photoreduction in the presence of salicylic acid. When citricacid is present, nitrogen does not play the same role, andin this case it does not affect so decisively the Cr(VI)reduction, although photon efficiencies are still better,specially for Hombikat UV-100. Further investigations

    are now in progress in order to elucidate more deeplymechanistic information.

    Acknowledgment. The authors thank NATO (ProjectRef. ENVIR.LG 971292) and FEDER Project 1FD97-0340for supporting part of this work.


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