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Individual evaluations

Did you tell the story you wanted?Yeah, my first intentions were to make a film which will have a lot of twists and turns. I knew I wanted to design a film which was full of suspense and a bit of violence/humour. So after a discussion with my group we put together a few stories but we both knew which film was going to be the main one we wanted to do and that was ‘day dreams’.

In our group we first decided to ‘sketch’ out the film story line, we didn’t know what we exactly wanted the film about so there were a lot of changes after the first Idea. But after a while we agreed on who the characters were going to be, what their role is during the film and the films plot.

We worked extremely well in a group and don’t have any faults on it to be honest. We mainly worked together because we both had similar opinions on what we wanted so it was easy to make the decisions and if we did individual work we all helped each other when needed.

Did the project turn out like you had envisioned?When we was thinking about our film and planning what to do, we didn’t really have a steady ‘idea’ we just had a thought about what we both wanted to do. But once we both talked about it, it wasn’t long until we definitely knew what we wanted our film to achieve or appear as. I Wanted a film that made the audience think to make them stay at the edge of their seat and wonder what is going to happen and why is it happening etc. and once we both agreed on a film that did in some way achieve that we started planning.

Page 2: Individual evaluations

I think that our project turned out better than I thought. I personally thought that I was going to be in a group that wanted a complete different genre. But I was lucky enough to be in a group that wanted basically the same thing and we was both willing to adapt to each other idea’s making it easier to complete this project.
