  1. 1. Indian Hand EmbroideredGarments
  2. 2. Unity in Diversity is the adagethat has been going around mymind while I am penning thispost. An apt slogan for thepeople of India ,( after all , wehave different cultures andreligion all living together inthis country for centuries ), Ithink it applies to IndianEmbroidery too ! Look at thevast variety of styles andstitches that Traditional IndianEmbroidery has to offer .
  3. 3. Each region of India has it's owntextile tradition and the embroideriesdepicted in each style is a sum of localsurroundings as well as influence ofdifferent rulers , cultures and eras .From vibrant and flamboyant , to chicand subtle , Indian Embroidery leavesits mark on every textile enthusiast.
  4. 4. A unique thing about this stitch is that you never know how it willlook till it is completed and the final product is a wonderfulsurprise to the embroiderer. A part of the wedding trousseauyoung girls are taught this craft as soon as they are able to holdthe needle and they graduate fromsimple to complex designs as theylearn this art from their elders.Here are some of the designs
  5. 5. The ability to create innumerable designs lies only inthe imagination and skill of the embroiderer .You can also find world wide known IndianHand Embroidered Garments ManufacturersThank You...
  6. 6. The ability to create innumerable designs lies only inthe imagination and skill of the embroiderer .You can also find world wide known IndianHand Embroidered Garments ManufacturersThank You...
