Page 1: INDIA INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE COMPANY This Social Due Diligence report has been carried out by India Infrastructure Finance Company



SOCIAL SAFEGUARDS DUE DILIGENCE REPORT (50 MW Solar PV Project of Welspun Solar AP Private Limited, Jodhpur, Rajasthan)




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Page 2: INDIA INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE COMPANY This Social Due Diligence report has been carried out by India Infrastructure Finance Company

Welspun Solar AP Private Limited

India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited

Due Diligence Report on Social Safeguards



1. PURPOSE OF THE REPORT ..................................................................................................... 1

2. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 1

3. APPRECIATION OF SUB-PROJECT ........................................................................................ 1

4. APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................... 4

4.1 ACTIVITY 1: REVIEW AND APPRAISAL OF SUB-PROJECT REPORTS AND DOCUMENTS .................................. 5 4.2 ACTIVITY 2: CONSULTATIONS WITH THE DEVELOPER .................................................................................................. 5 4.3 ACTIVITY 3: SITE VISIT AND ON-SITE OBSERVATIONS ................................................................................................... 5 4.4 ACTIVITY 4: JOINT SITE VISIT WITH THE WORLD BANK AND UPDATING DDR ................................................... 5 4.5 SCOPE OF WORK ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5

5. SOCIAL SAFEGUARD DUE DILIGENCE (SSDD) .................................................................... 6

5.1 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES FOR SITE SELECTION ...................................................................................................... 6 5.2 ASSESSMENT OF SOCIAL IMPACTS IN THE PROJECT ....................................................................................................... 6 5.3 DETAILS OF LAND ACQUISITION .............................................................................................................................................. 7 5.4 TRANSFER OF GOVERNMENT LAND: PROCESS .................................................................................................................. 8 5.5 COMPENSATION FOR ENCROACHED HOUSEHOLD .......................................................................................................... 8 5.6 DETAILS OF AFFECTED LAND HOLDERS ............................................................................................................................. 10 5.7 IMPACT ON SCHEDULED TRIBE POPULATION .................................................................................................................. 10 5.8 OTHER IMPACTS ............................................................................................................................................................................. 10 5.9 PUBLIC CONSULTATION DURING PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION STAGE ...................................................... 10 5.10 DETAILS OF ENTITLEMENTS FOR THE PROJECT AFFECTED FAMILIES ................................................................. 11 5.11 GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM FOLLOWED FOR THE PROJECT ..................................................................... 11 5.12 DETAILS OF INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT FOR SOCIAL SAFEGUARDS IMPLEMENTATION................ 12 5.13 DETAILS OF COMMUNITY WELFARE MEASURES CARRIED OUT BY THE DEVELOPER ................................. 12 5.14 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY .............................................................................................................................. 14 5.15 DISCLOSURE PROCESS FOLLOWED FOR SAFEGUARD AND OTHER RELATED DOCUMENTS ..................... 14 5.16 COMPLIANCE TO SOCIAL IMPACTS MITIGATION DURING PROJECT PLANNING, DESIGN AND

IMPLEMENTATION STAGES ....................................................................................................................................................... 14

6. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS........................................................................... 15

7. PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES AND ACTION PLAN ............................................... 17

8. BUDGET & TIMELINE .............................................................................................................. 18

9. DISCLOSURE ........................................................................................................................... 18

10. MONITORING BY IIFCL ........................................................................................................... 18

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India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited

Due Diligence Report on Social Safeguards



Table 1: Project Information ................................................................................................................................................ 1 Table 2: Key Outcomes of the Consultations during Planning and Construction stages ............................................................ 10 Table 3: Employment Details during Operational Period ....................................................................................................... 11 Table 4: Action Plan for Outstanding/Proposed Activities ..................................................................................................... 17 Table 5: Action Plan: Construction of Community Centres ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.


Figure 1: Project Location ................................................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 2: Proposed Site Plan ................................................................................................................................................ 4 Figure 3: CSR Initiatives Architecture ................................................................................................................................ 12


Appendix 1: Project Details

Appendix 2: Copy of Agreements (Crop Compensation)

Appendix 3: Minutes of Meeting and Copy of Letters regarding Health Camp / Facilities

Appendix 4a: Outcome of consultations with villagers and local government

Appendix 4b: Minutes of Meeting of the Consultations

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India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited

Due Diligence Report on Social Safeguards



CSR : Corporate Social Responsibility

DDR : Due Diligence Report

ESIA : Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

ESSF : Environmental and Social Safeguards Framework

IIFCL : India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited

JNNSM : Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission

LASA : LEA Associates South Asia Private Limited

NVVN : NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Limited

OHS : Occupational Health and Safety

PPA : Power Purchase Agreements

RoW : Right of Way

RREC : Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation

RSPCB : Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board

RVPNL : Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd.

ST : Scheduled Tribe

SDDR : Social Due Diligence Report

WSAPPL : Welspun Solar AP Private Limited

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India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited

Due Diligence Report on Social Safeguards




1. This Social Due Diligence report has been carried out by India Infrastructure Finance Company

Limited (IIFCL) in consultation with the Project Developer, Welspun Solar AP Private Ltd. (WSAPPL)

(50MW at Phalodi) to assess the adequacy of the project with the applicable National and World Bank

Social Safeguard policies. The report has been prepared as per the documents received from project

developer and site visit observations.

2. IIFCL as part of its infrastructure scheme has approved Rs 80.00 Cr. to Welspun Solar AP Private

Ltd. (WSAPPL) out of the total project cost of Rs 472.68 Cr. Out of the approved Rs 80.00 Cr., IIFCL has

already disbursed Rs 79.53 Cr. to WSAPPL.

3. World Bank has sanctioned US$ 195 million line of credit to IIFCL to encourage flow of private

investments into infrastructure. The sub-project has been considered for refinancing by IIFCL from

Bank’s line of credit. In order to be eligible for funding from the WB loan facility, IIFCL has prepared the

Social Due Diligence Report (SDDR) for the sub-projects on behalf of WSAPPL, and all the information

given in the SDDR is agreed by WSAPPL.


4. India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited (IIFCL) has retained LEA Associates South Asia

Private Limited (LASA) as the Consultant for the review of sub-projects from social, environmental,

procurement, technical and legal perspectives for its credit review process and post-sanction monitoring of

sub-projects. LASA has been carrying out detailed due diligence of sub-projects to be financed by IIFCL

in order to ensure that the sub-projects comply with social safeguard policies of IIFCL. This is the due

diligence report on social safeguards for the sub-project ‘50 MW Solar PV Project’ of Welspun Solar AP

Private Limited (WSAPPL) prepared by LASA on behalf of IIFCL.


5. WSAPPL, a 100% subsidiary of Welspun Renewable Energy Limited, is in the process of

establishing a 50 MW Solar Photovoltaic Power plant at Phalodi Taluka of Jodhpur district in Rajasthan.

The solar plant will be based on advanced PV technology with highest conversion efficiency, wherein solar

energy is converted directly into electricity. The project will be developed under Jawaharlal Nehru

National Solar Mission (JNNSM) and will generate 91.98 million units of electricity every year. The entire

power generated from the Project will be purchased by NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Limited (NVVN)

through state DISCOM. The life of the project is 25 years and the proposed land will be leased from

Government of Rajasthan for a period of 30 years. Three separate power purchase agreements (PPA) will

be signed with NVVN to this effect and the PPA will be based on the Tariffs offered by WSAPPL in the

JNNSM bidding and will be applicable for the entire life of the Plant. Summary of project information is

provided in Table 1.

Table 1: Project Information

Sl. No. Parameter Information

1 Project Owner Welspun Solar AP (P)Limited

2 Project Capacity 50 MW

3 Technology Photovoltaic

4 Total Investment Rs 472.68 Cr.

5 Generation per annum 91.98 million units

6 Capacity Utilization Factor 21%

7 Project Life 25 years

8 Tariff Period 25 years

9 Debt Equity Ratio 75:25

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Due Diligence Report on Social Safeguards


10 Construction Period 12 months

11 Commercial Operation Date 26th February 2013

12 Levelized Tariff for 25 years

20 MW @ Rs 7.97/kwh

15MW @ Rs 8.05 /kwh

15MW @ Rs 8.14 /kwh

13 Power Evacuation Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd. (RVPNL)

14 Project Site Kanasar and Rawra Village in Phalodi Teshsil, Jodhpur District

15 Total land 1080 bigha (~350 acres)

16 Type of land Government land allotted by Government of Rajasthan

17 Ecologically Sensitive Area No legally notified ecologically sensitive area viz national parks, wild life

sanctuaries etc. existing within 10km radius of the project site

18 Site coordinates Between latitude 270-06 to 270-09 North and 720-20 to 720-23 East

Source: Information Memorandum, 2012. Welspun Solar AP Private Ltd., and other relevant Documents.

6. The proposed location (refer Figure 1) has an annual global horizontal solar radiation of 2007.58

kWh/m2, which is adequate for setting up solar PV power plant. The Site Plan mentioning about site office,

module storage area, labour colony, fabrication yard and area apportioned for landscaping, is given in

Figure 2.

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Figure 1: Project Location

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Due Diligence Report on Social Safeguards


Figure 2: Proposed Site Plan

7. The power generated from the proposed 50 MW Solar PV power plant will be injected at 132 KV

receiving PS3 Grid Substation of RVPNL, which is located 13 km away from the project site. The power

from the plant shall be evacuated by stepping-up the power from 320 V to 132 KV in two stages, from LT

to 33 KV and from 33 KV to 132 KV.

8. The proposed 50 MW power plant will create employment opportunity for 600 persons

(approximate) during construction phase whereas in operation phase 15 persons (approximate) will be

present at the project site. Technical details of the project are given in Appendix 1.


9. The due diligence report has been prepared based on the scope of work of the consultancy service;

Environmental and Social Safeguards Framework (ESSF) of IIFCL and operational policy documents of

the World Bank. The methods followed for the preparation of due diligence report has been discussed in

this section.

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India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited

Due Diligence Report on Social Safeguards


4.1 Activity 1: Review and appraisal of sub-project reports and documents

10. The reports and relevant documents related to social safeguards available with the developer have

been reviewed and appraised. The documents included Information Memorandum, Environmental and

Social Impact Assessment Report, Work Order (including Technical Specification and Scope of Work) for

supply and construction of transmission lines, Detailed Project Report, etc.).

4.2 Activity 2: Consultations with the Developer

11. Two-stage consultation process has been conducted towards preparation of the due diligence

report, (i) consultation prior to the site visit to appraise about the project, and (ii) consultation after the site

visit to ascertain the compliance procedures adopted or planning to be adopted by the developer for various

safeguard issues observed at the site.

4.3 Activity 3: Site visit and on-site observations

12. Visit to the project site has been an integral part of the preparation of due diligence report.

Discussions with the Project Team Leader and the Team have been carried out. Consultations with the

village community mainly to appraise the corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities of the Developer

have been conducted.

13. Due Diligence consultant visited the project site on 20th December 2012 and had detailed

discussions with the WSAPPL personnel on 11th December 2012 at New Delhi Office and on 19

th January

2013 at Noida Office.

4.4 Activity 4: Joint site visit with the World Bank and updating DDR

14. A joint site visit has been carried out to the project site during 23rd April to 25th April 2013, along

with the World Bank and IIFCL officials on the basis of review of draft due diligence report (DDR)

submitted by due diligent consultant. The comments received based on review of DDR and observations

made by the World Bank during the site visit have been considered to update the DDR.

4.5 Scope of work

15. The scope of work1 for preparation of due diligence report for solar power projects includes the


Details of land acquisition for solar power project site and also transmission line facility including sub-stations, if

applicable; details of type of land to be affected and procedures followed in land acquisition; permission from

competent authority for land acquisition;

Measures taken to minimise land acquisition and other social impacts;

If government land transfer involved, the process followed for making such land available to the project and the land-

use of those government lands and description of any encumbrances;

In case of purchase of land directly from the community / panchayat, gather the documentation regarding agreement

reached with or consultation held to reach agreement;

Details of affected properties including private, government, community, religious etc;

R&R provisions made applicable to the project;

Number of total affected land holders and details of any Scheduled Tribe (ST) families and non-titleholders affected;

Details of public consultation during planning and construction stage and how the outcome of consultations was

integrated into the project design;

1 As per the Letter No. IIFCL/SPR/3813, dated 7

th November 2012.

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India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited

Due Diligence Report on Social Safeguards


Details of entitlement matrix or compensation and assistance details formulated for the Project Affected Families for

loss of assets which should also include compensation criteria adopted for affected structured due to project facilities.

Details of additional assistance provided to the affected ST families;

How non-titleholders are treated, if any;

Details of compensation paid for crop and other damages for the affected landholders for transmission line, if

applicable. Report should also include the procedure for fixing the rates for crop compensation;

Details of grievance redress mechanism followed for the project, mentioning if any grievances received from the local

people and the action taken against those grievances;

Details of any pending litigation cases related to land acquisition and compensation, if any;

Income restoration measures being adopted by the developer giving details of employment provided to the local


Details of institutional arrangement for social safeguard implementation;

Provide details of the Community Development Activities, if carried out by the developer;

Social Impact Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) reports, if available. If not find out what mechanisms

was used to make assessment of social impacts and describe in the Due Diligence Report (DDR) the potential social

impacts due to proposed project activities including transmission lines;

Highlight the current stage of implementation of land acquisition and other social impacts;

Disclosure process followed for safeguard and other related documents;

Any other information and data related to social impacts;

The DDR should propose suitable measures for identified gaps and shortcomings in mitigating the social impacts, if

any, base on consultant’s assessment.


5.1 Analysis of alternatives for site selection

16. The project site has been chosen based on evaluation criteria which included (i) solar insolation,

(ii) land use, (iii) available infrastructure, (iv) distance to nearest substation, (v) connectivity to site, (vi)

availability of water, (vii) approvals and clearances, (viii) proximity to development and (ix) site shading.

Preliminary data collection, evaluation and detailed technical investigation of identified sites have been

carried out. Afterwards detailed analysis of top three sites – Pokhran, Jaisalmer and Phalodi have been

done to finally choose the present project site at Phalodi in Jodhpur district. The first two sites had issues

with respect to access, transmission line proximity with respect to evacuation, partly forest land, presence

of sandy soil and also lower levels of solar radiation. Government land has been allotted for setting up of

the project and the land is barren in nature.

5.2 Assessment of Social Impacts in the Project

17. WSAPPL has carried out environmental and social impact assessment of the project2 and an ESIA

report has been prepared. The key findings of the ESIA on the social impacts of the project are summarised

as follows:

The land identified for the proposed project is barren government land and private lands will not be affected. The

project will not affect any Schedule Tribe communities.

Impact on cultural heritage within or in the vicinity of the project site is not envisaged.

A portion of the proposed land along with adjoining patches of land is used for grazing purpose. The proposed project

will not lead to any loss of livelihood and as adjoining patches of land will be available for grazing purposes.

2 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report for Proposed 50 MW Solar Power Plant at Srimandrup Nagar

(Kanasar) Village, Jodhpur District, Rajasthan. WELSPUN Solar AP Private Limited. September 2012.

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Due Diligence Report on Social Safeguards


Land to be required for Transmission Line will be obtained on ‘Right to Use’ contract and necessary compensation

needs to be paid by WSAPPL on standing crop at best negotiated price.

The project is expected to result in limited social risks and impacts which can be readily addressed through relatively

simple and cost-effective mitigation measures.

The local people have a positive perception about the project with respect to the employment opportunities (both un-

skilled and semi-skilled) which the project can provide to the local community.

5.3 Details of Land Acquisition

18. The proposed Solar Power Plant is being established in government land spread in two villages,

Kanasar and Rawra located in Phalodi Taluka of Jodhpur District. Major portion of the proposed site is

barren land in nature. A small portion of the land [about 10 bigha] was encroached by one household and

used to cultivate bajra, jowar, moth, gram, etc., during the month of May-June. The land has been allotted

to the WSAPPL. Developer has constructed boundary wall around the allotted land.

19. Transmission lines and 54 towers have been erected from the power plant to the substation, which

is located 14.5 km away. Land required for Transmission Line has been obtained on ‘Right to Use’

contract and permanent land acquisition is not involved. For this purpose, the land required to erect towers

has been ‘used’ as per the State Government regulations. There were 41 compensation agreements for crop

losses due to erection of transmission towers in place against private land and those encroached into

government land. Compensation was given to people, having possession/using the piece of land,

considered beneficiary and were suitably compensated during transmission line erection for the larger

interest of villagers and society as well as timely completion of the project. WSAPPL had deputed

Karnimata Construction Company for the Erection, Testing and Commissioning of transmission line.

Karnimata Construction Company will arrange Right of Way (RoW) and also compensate for the crop

damages, for the installation of transmission line, as per Clause 4 of the Technical Specification and Scope

of Work of the work order provided by WSAPPL. The crop damage compensation due to erection of

towers was paid by the contractors through a person agreement. The agreement includes details of the

owner, total ownership of land, type of crop impacted and amount of compensation payable. Copy of one

agreement with respect crop compensation has been given in Appendix 2(refer Appendix 2a for English

translated version). The relevant Clauses with respect to obtaining the RoW are presented in Box 1.

Box 1: Extract from the Work Order for transmission lines

20. The consultation with the villagers by the Due Diligence Consultant reveals that there are no

outstanding grievances with respect to the installation of Transmission Towers. Consultations were held on

various dates – April 20, 2012, May 7, 2012, June 5, 2012 and July 20, 2013 (appendix 4). Key issues that

were discussed including actions related to primary health centre, construction of toilet and construction of

community hall and providing grazing land.

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Due Diligence Report on Social Safeguards


Installation of Transmission Lines in progress

5.4 Transfer of Government Land: Process

21. After identification of suitable land, the WSAPPL applied to Rajasthan Renewable Energy

Corporation (RREC) for the allotment of required area of land. RREC recommended to the District

Administration for allotment of land. District administration of Jodhpur has allotted an area of 1080 bigha

of government land [695 bigha of land in Kanasar village and 385 bigha of land in Rawra village) to

WSAPPL on lease basis for a period of 30 years. The lease can be renewed for another 10 years following

which the land shall be returned back to the government.

22. WSAPPL has received land allotment letters from District Administration of Jodhpur, allotting

land in Kanasar village and Rawra village. WSAPPL has constructed boundary wall along the project site

boundary. One affected household who encroached into the government land has been rehabilitated and a

house has been constructed adjacent to the project site (Refer Section 4.5 of this Report). WSAPPL has

been complying with the conditions put forth in the land allotment letters provided by the District

Administration. The lease rent is to be paid annually and WSAPPL has paid the lease rent of Rs.437060/-

for the year 2012-2013 to the government of Rajasthan against the allotted government land. The same

amount will be paid every year for a period of 10 years and afterwards the lease rent will be revised as per

the condition. Consultations with WSAPPL confirmed that the developer shall abide by clause 19 which

stipulates to obtain consent from concerned department for tree cutting and compensatory tree plantation;

and clause 20 which stipulates to abide by the rules of the Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board

(RSPCB). The lease agreement includes standard terms such as: establishing of solar power plant within a

two year period; utilizing the land for the purpose specified in the lease agreement; removal of any trees,

shrubs would be undertaken based on permission received from the concerned authorities, etc.

5.5 Compensation for Encroached Household

23. One household3 had encroached into the proposed land. One residential structure along with

storage-well was affected. The encroacher used to cultivate crops such as Bajra, Jowar and Gowar in the

encroached land. Consultation was carried out with the affected household by the Developer in the

presence of Village Sarpanch. The affected household owns about 20 bigha of land adjacent to the

proposed Project Site in Rawra village.

24. The affected household agreed to remove the residential structure and the storage-well on payment

of replacement cost. The compensation [lump-sum of Rs.600,000/- (Rupees Six lakh only)] to replace the

structures were decided and agreed upon in the consultation held with WSAPPL, affected household and

the village Sarpanch. This reflects the agreement reached with the affected household and reflects the

mutually agreed replacement cost of construction of a similar size house. The affected household was

offered with two options (i) developer will construct a new house of similar size in the land owned by the

3 Udhah Ram Jhat, aged 53 was using the land for cultivation for the last 22 years. Uddah Ram along with 19

members of his family own about 50 bigha (31) of land adjacent to the proposed Project Site.

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affected person, (ii) developer will transfer the cost of construction of the house and storage-well. The

affected person agreed to the second option and built the house and storage-well with the money received

from developer.

25. The Due Diligence Consultant’s discussion with the affected household revealed that the developer

has paid the agreed compensation in cash to the affected household in four stages4. The affected household

is satisfied with the payment made and revealed that he salvaged the materials from the dismantled

structure and was able to meet the requirements of constructing the present house in the land owned by

him. One storage-well was also built adjacent to the house.

Newly constructed house and water tank of the

affected household Discussion with the affected household

26. Details of affected properties: Apart from the residential structure and storage-well of one

household who encroached into the proposed project site, there will not be any impact on built-up structure

of other properties.

27. Impact on Trees: About 20 Khejri5 trees located within the project site will be affected. This tree

has religious importance among the Bishnoi Community in Phalodi. Initially the plan was to cut them to

enhance power generation and permission for the same had been sought from the Tehsildar, Bap, district

Jodhpur. But after discussion with the Revenue department it emerged that the species is sensitive, so it

was decided that the trees would not be cut but would be accommodated within the layout of solar panels

sacrificing the power generation potential within the area of spread of each tree canopy.

Khejri tree at the Project Site Construction work in progress without affecting the tree

4 Stage-1: Rs.100,000; Stage-2 & Stage-3: Rs.200,000 each and Stage-4: Rs.100,000.

5 Khejri (species: Prosopis cineraria) is the state tree of Rajasthan.

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5.6 Details of affected land holders

28. Apart from one household encroached and resided within the project site, no other households will

be affected due to the project.

5.7 Impact on Scheduled Tribe population

29. Discussions with the project authorities and village community reveal that the project will not

affect any ST Households. Jodhpur district as such is not part of the notified Fifth Schedule area6.

5.8 Other Impacts

30. During the consultation with villagers, it is revealed that the proposed project activity has

restricted 13 households and its members from accessing the project site, which they used previously for

public defecation purpose. WSAPPL has carried out detailed consultations with the villagers and proposed

to construct toilets for the affected households in their respective homesteads.

5.9 Public consultation during planning and construction stage

31. Consultations with the village community were carried out by the developer during planning as

well as construction stages. The community suggested employing them in the non-skilled works at the

project site. As revealed during the discussion with the Project Team at site. Apart from providing direct

employment to the villagers, the Developer has taken initiative in involving local vendors in soil

investigation works, topographic survey, boundary wall and area grading, piling and civil works, structural

works, etc.. The project also utilised the services of machinery and trucks and other transport vehicles, etc.,

owned by the villagers.

Table 2: Key Outcomes of the Consultations during Planning and Construction stages

Key Issues Suggestions by the Community

(based on ESIA report)

Integration into the Project work (based on site visits

and consultations during due diligence exercise)

Employment to villagers in

the project work Developer should employ

villagers in suitable non-skilled


Hiring of vehicles, water

tankers, and other construction

equipments from villagers.

About 40 percent of the total workforce at the site has

been mobilized from local villages.

Trucks and tractors for transporting of solar panels,

water tankers, earth-moving equipments, etc., have been

sub-contracted to village residents. The hiring rates are

though not competitive, the Developer has taken

initiative to ensure the participation of the villagers in

the overall functioning of the project.

Upgradation of road leading

to the proposed project site Contract of road construction

should be given to resident


Villagers should be employed

in the road construction work.

The level grading of the earthen road leading to the

project site was carried out by the Developer for which

sub-contract was given to Contractor based in Rawra


The contractor has employed villagers in the road

construction work.

Boundary wall of the Project

Site obstructs free movement

of villagers for toilet

purposes and grazing of


A pond near the boundary wall

requires to be deepened and

should be kept as source of

drinking water for cattle.

Toilet facilities need to be

provided for the households

reside adjacent to the boundary

wall of the project site.

Renovation works of the pond is in progress. The small

pond is located adjacent to the boundary wall of the

project site. The expenses will be met by the developer.

About 13 families will obtain toilet facility within their

homestead and at a location preferred by the household.

The expenses towards construction will be met by the


6 Fifth Schedule under Article 244(1) of Constitution defines “Scheduled Areas” as such areas as the President may

by order declare to be Scheduled Areas after consultation with the Governor of that State. The criteria for declaring

any area as a “Scheduled Area” under the Fifth Schedule are; (a) preponderance of tribal population, (b) compactness

and reasonable size of the area, (c) a viable administrative entity such as a district, block or Taluka, and (d) economic

backwardness of the area as compared to the neighbouring areas. The Fifth Schedule Area in Rajasthan are Banswara,

Dungarpur (fully tribal districts), Udaipur, Chittaurgarh, Siroi (partly tribal areas).

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Transportation of materials in Vehicles hired

from nearby villages Renovation work of pond in progress

32. Approximately 70 persons would be required to continue providing the following services during

Plant’s operational period for the next 25 years.

Table 3: Employment Details during Operational Period

No. of Personnel Purpose Rate/Month (in Rs.)

40-45 Cleaning of solar modules 6000 to 7000 (at Rs.350/day)

10-12 Security services for plant 10000

8-10 Housekeeping 6000 to 7000

3-4 Drivers 6000 to 7000

3-4 Cooks 6000 to 7000

5-6 Personnel for water supply 6000 to 7000

5.10 Details of Entitlements for the Project Affected Families

33. Compensation and assistance paid to non-titleholder: The compensation and assistance to the

household encroached into the government land has been derived based on the discussions between the

affected family, the Developer and the Village Sarpanch. The affected person agreed to a lump-sum

amount of compensation-cum-assistance and removed his residential property and storage-well which was

newly constructed in the land owned by him.

34. Income restoration measures adopted by WSAPPL: One member of the affected household is

employed on contract basis by the Developer and the person is working in the project site since August


35. Compensation paid for crops and other damages: Agriculture land is not affected due to the

project. Government land which is barren in nature is allotted for the purpose of developing the project

site. Land required for Transmission Line has been obtained on ‘Right to Use’ contract and the RoW has

been arranged by Karnimata Construction Company on payment of RoW compensation and crop damages

(Refer Section 4.3 of this Report).

5.11 Grievance Redress Mechanism followed for the Project

36. The due diligence has observed that WSAPPL has developed an interactive mechanism in which

participation of the community is ensured through dialogues and frequent meetings with Village Sarpanchs

of Rawra and Kanasar villages, with respect to any grievances, local employment, CSR activities, etc. It

was also observed that the involvement CSR personnel at grass root level set a platform for redressing of

any grievances with interactive discussions between the Team Leader and respective Sarpanchs. The

decision of WSAPPL to involve local labour in the construction work and hiring of construction

equipments and vehicles locally ensures a grievance-free environment. No cases of litigation reported

during the planning or construction stage for the project.

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Due Diligence Report on Social Safeguards


5.12 Details of Institutional Arrangement for Social Safeguards implementation

37. Discussions with the WSAPPL reveal that the social safeguard implementation is part of the

holistic community development – the CSR initiative of Welspun. The Team Leader is responsible for the

social safeguard implementation at the project site. One CSR personnel is actively involved with various

facets of the project. CSR activities are undertaken in collaboration with local administration and

community participation. The CSR activities of Welspun are in the spheres of education, empowerment,

environment, health and infrastructure support. The implementation structure of the CSR activities of

Welspun is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: CSR Initiatives Architecture

(Source: Corporate Social Responsibility – 2011, Welpsun India Limited)

5.13 Details of Community Welfare measures carried out by the Developer

38. Regular interactions have been held with the local villagers and the village Sarpanch of Kanasar

and Rawra seeking suggestions from the community for developing a robust CSR plan. WSAPPL had

conducted most of the discussions in an informal set up in order to offer a platform where the villagers are

able to share their views without trepidation. Based on the interactions, the CSR personnel have rolled out

various CSR initiatives addressing the needs of the local communities.

39. Prior to undertaking the various CSR initiatives, meetings have been held with the local authorities

to obtain permission for going ahead with respective activities/projects. Minutes of meetings with

Sarpanch of Rawara and the permission letters obtained from different Government departments are

enclosed in Appendix 3.

40. As part of the community welfare measures WSAPPL has taken initiative in community

development activities in Kanasar and Rawra villages that include: construction/enhancement of

community facilities, organizing of health camps, competition events, provision of labour during

construction phase etc. Details of some of the activities taken up so far are summarised as follows:

School at Kanasar village: assistance given for developing a Library-Recreation-Information Centre in the

School. Apart from this, the School received assistance from Developer to renovate the Kitchen room.

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School at Rawra village: in addition to plantations in the school compound, enhancements have been made to

the school room.

Community hall in Rawra village: a community hall constructed in Rawra is being utilized by the local

population for the purpose of cooking for social functions, social gatherings, meetings of women, etc.

Construction of toilets: as the plant location caused loss of access to open area previously used for open

defecation, WSAPPL had in discussion with the two villages agreed for construction of toilets for 13 households

– 6 in Kanasar and 7 in Rawra. Construction contracts have been issued to a local firm7 and the construction is

scheduled to begin in the last week of June, with a targeted completion by October 30th


Competition, events and health camps: Events such as “Come, See and Learn” including competitions have

been organized. Accordingly, Welspun has organised a competition for students of 4 schools at Rajasthan Middle

School in Rawra village and Medical Camp at School level in Kanasar village.

Distribution of sweaters to children: Two hundred sweaters were distributed to school going children of 4

schools namely Govt Primary School No. 1 & 2, Ganesh Nagar, Govt Middle Primary School, Mistri Ki Dani &

Chokhani Ki Dani, Kanasar.

Cattle health check up camp: A Veterinary Camp was held in Rawra in the month of May 2012. The cattle

health and vaccination camp was organized at Rajkiy Primary School, Raware, in which a total of 3200 small

(Goat & Sheep) and big cattle (Cow & Camel) were treated and vaccinated. A similar camp was conducted in

Kanasar village in the month of November 2012 with the support of Government Veterinary Department, Bap,

Kanasar Panchayat.

Training on cattle rearing and management: To educate the villagers on the various government schemes and

the ways in which the farmers can avail from the veterinary department, a training program was organized at the

Govt. Primary School, Takhat Ki Dani, Raware, in which 54 villagers participated.

Job fair at Jodhpur: A Job fair was organized on 25th June 2012, at Shri Ummed Rajkiya stadium in Jodhpur.

The Welspun CSR team together with the Collectorate of Jodhpur, the District employment officer & ITI

Jodhpur, planned & coordinated the event. Various employment opportunities ranging from Fitters, Electricians,

Wiremen, Turner etc were available at Welspun India Limited, Anjar, Gujarat & personnel in the age group of

18-28 years were recruited for these posts at the Job fair.

Construction of approach road: An approach road of 1.5 km was constructed in view of constant demand from

villagers and village panchayat. The road was constructed from Rawra Ki Dani to Naion Ki Dani of Rawra


Installation of solar light: 2 solar lights have been installed in the Govt. Primary School, Rawra in order to

educate school children about the functioning of a solar panel.

Construction of bus-shelter with drinking water facility: WSAPPL has constructed 2 bus-shelters with

drinking water facility (PYAVU), one at Bap to Rawra road and another near Kanasar road.

41. WSAPPL has invested INR 2,952,146 on various CSR projects / activities as on date.

Additionally, as per the government order issued on 14th August 2012 by the Government of Rajasthan

Planning Department, WSAPPL is required to adopt at least one school and one Primary Health Centre

(PHC) in the project villages. WSAPPL is required to spend approximately INR 300,000 to INR 600,000

annually for a minimum period of three years. WSAPPL spend at about INR 300,000 per year as part of

the activities taken up so far.

7 M/s Babulal & Company, C202, Murlidhar Vyas Nagar, Bikaner.

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Library-Recreation-Information Center developed with

assistance from Developer Renovated Kitchen room of the School

5.14 Occupational Health and Safety

42. WSAPPL has taken care of occupation health and safety (OHS) by including the same in the

contract documents. Accordingly, the contractor shall ensure that safety of all workers, materials, plant and

equipments belonging to him or to others working at the site are ensured through effective and practicable

safety management systems. It is observed that the WSAPPL has a management mechanism in place to

strictly monitor adherence to the provisions set forth in the contract document. The Field Supervisors

directly report to the Team Leader for any sort of violations or failure to comply with the safety rules as


5.15 Disclosure process followed for safeguard and other related documents

43. During the project preparation stage, detailed consultations with village community had been

carried out by the WSAPPL. During construction stage, the CSR team has been actively interacting with

the villagers and disseminated relevant project information.

5.16 Compliance to social impacts mitigation during project planning, design and implementation


Sl. No. Social Safeguard Issues Findings Remarks

1. Impact minimization

measures Various alternative locations have been

considered before finalizing the Project Site at

Phalodi. The selected site is government land

and barren in nature. Livelihood pattern of the

villagers is not affected due to the project.

The site selection criteria included

land use pattern, availability of

water, statutory approval and

clearance requirements, etc.

2. Census and socio-

economic survey

Details of affected households collected

3. Land acquisition The proposed land is government land and is

allotted to WSAPPL on lease basis for a period of

30 years.

WSAPPL has initiated compliance to

the various requirements of the land

allotment letters from the


Concern of the villagers over the loss of land that

had been previously informally used for cattle

grazing purposes and also for cultivation of crops

such as Bajra, Jowar, etc., by about 30-40

households in the village – villagers also demanded

the provision of a small water tank for cattle to

drink water.

In consultation with the Village

Sarpanch of Kanasar and Rawra

villages, measures have been taken

for plantation of native species like

Babul, Kejri etc., in order to improve

the fodder foot print in the vicinity –

Construction/renovation of water

storage facility (source of drinking

water facility for cattle).

4. Entitlements Compensation and assistance given to a non-

titleholder household

Provided employment to one member of the

non-titleholder household

Compensation and assistance

provided to affected persons

irrespective of their title-hold status.

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Sl. No. Social Safeguard Issues Findings Remarks

Provision for compensation for Crop damages /

RoW compensation

5. Public consultation and


Public consultation has been carried out by

WSAPPL during the (i) project preparation stage

and (ii) construction stage

Impact on livelihood and people and

resettlement issues are not envisaged

as part of the project. Hence

disclosure document not required.

6. Impact on tribal people Impact on tribal people is not envisaged as part of

the project. Jodhpur district as such is not part of

the notified Fifth Schedule Area.


7. Resettlement sites Resettlement site not envisaged.

8. Socio-economic

rehabilitation measures One household who had encroached and resided

within the project site has been rehabilitated in

his own land and assistance was given to

construct a house and a water-tank. WSAPPL

has given job at the construction site to one

member of the affected household.

For erection of Transmission Towers and Lines,

the required land is used on Right-to-use

contract and the responsibility to compensate

for standing crops or private property is

entrusted to the Contractor.

Adequate compensation and

assistance has been given to the

affected household. WSAPPL has

carried out extensive consultation

with the affected household and the

Village Sarpanch to decide on the

compensation and assistance to the

satisfaction of the affected


The erection of transmission towers

and lines is completed on ground.

There are no outstanding grievances

of land owners, communities.

9. Implementation

arrangement Social safeguard implementation is part of the

CSR initiatives of WSAPPL. Team Leader

along with the CSR personnel is the core group

responsible for social safeguard implementation

at the project site.

WSAPPL has developed an interactive

mechanism in which participation of the

community is ensured through dialogues and

frequent meetings with Sarpanch of Rawra and

Kanasar Villages.

The implementation arrangement

takes into consideration various

aspects including local employment,

hiring of construction equipments

and vehicles, any grievances thereof,

CSR activities, etc.

10. Corporate Social

Responsibility (CSR)


WSAPPL actively engages in CSR activities in the

project vicinity.

Assistance to a School in developing a Library-

Recreation-Information Centre and assistance to

renovate the Kitchen room of the School.

Assistance to construct toilets in 13 houses

located adjacent to the project site.

Organised a competition for Girl Children of 4

schools at Rajasthan Middle School in Rawra


Conducted Medical Camp at School level in

Kanasar village


44. The project site has been selected on government land and no private land acquisition is triggered.

The site selection has been carefully done to ensure that impacts on surrounding communities and land

uses are minimal. During the design and implementation, efforts were taken by WSAPPL to minimise or

avoid social impacts. The key observations of the due diligence on the social impacts are summarised as


The site is located on government land which is barren in nature. WSAPPL has initiated

compliance and has confirmed abiding to the conditions set forth in the land allotment letter by the


WSAPPL has carried out social impact assessment of the project and had conducted public

consultation during project preparation and construction stages. The communities are aware of the

project and have positively participated in the project activities;

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One non-titleholder household who is impacted has been satisfactorily relocated to his own land

adjacent to the project site. Consultation with affected person does not indicate any grievances and

he is satisfied with the entitlements received;

Erection of transmission towers and lines have been completed and discussions with the

communities nearby did not reveal any outstanding grievances. For this purpose, the land required

to erect towers has been ‘used’ as per the State Government regulations. There were 41

compensation agreements in place against private land and those encroached into government

land. Emphasis was given to people, having possession/using the piece of land, considered

beneficiary and were suitably compensated during transmission line erection for the larger interest

of villagers and society as well as timely completion of the project.

Other social impacts are limited and include the restricted access to toilets for 13 households.

Toilet locations for these households are being considered and being developed by the WSAPPL.

Construction contracts have been issued to a local firm and the construction is scheduled to begin

in the last week of June, with a targeted completion by November 30th 2013.

WSAPPL has invested INR 2,952,146 on various CSR projects / activities as on date.

Additionally, as per the government order issued on 14th August 2012 by the Government of

Rajasthan Planning Department, WSAPPL is required to adopt at least one school and one Primary

Health Centre (PHC) in the project villages. WSAPPL is required to spend approximately INR

300,000 to INR 600,000 annually for a minimum period of three years. WSAPPL spend at about

INR 300,000 per year as part of the activities taken up so far.

An Action Plan is in place incorporating specific timeline for completion of outstanding / proposed

activities at project site.

Site visits and consultations confirmed participation of the local communities in the project

construction, as labour during construction and also in the supply of construction vehicles and


CSR division of WSAPPL has taken care of several social development activities in respective

villages (Kanasar and Rawra). The CSR activities being carried out are noteworthy and the

villagers are satisfied. The concern of the villagers over the loss of land that had been previously

informally used for cattle grazing purposes and also for cultivation of crops such as Bajra, Jowar,

etc., by about 30-40 households in the village, would be addressed through suitable measures to

plant native species like Babul, Kejri etc., in order to improve the fodder foot print in the vicinity

along with construction/renovation of water storage facility as a source of drinking water facility

for cattle;

Occupational health and safety measures are being implemented satisfactorily.

WSAPPL has allocated an additional sum of INR 3500,000 towards construction of community

centres at Rawra and Kanasar villages.

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Due Diligence Report on Social Safeguards




45. Based on the findings of the Social Due Diligence Report (SDDR), the Welspun Solar AP Private

Limited (WSAPPL) has prepared the following mitigation plan that will be managed by them over a period

of three years8:

i) Construction of toilets

46. In lieu of loss of open defecation area of villagers, 13 numbers of toilets will be constructed at

Chokhani Ki Dhani and Kanasar villages. Construction of these toilets will be completed by November 30,

2013. Progress of construction of these toilets will be directly supervised by the Head, Corporate Social

Responsibility (CSR) and a progress report will be sent to the Head of Environment, Health & Safety

(EH&S) of WSAPPL every quarterly.

ii) Development and maintenance of grazing land

47. Development: In order to mitigate adverse impacts due to loss of grazing land and subsequent loss

of income by few families of Kanasara and Rawra villages, an alternative grazing land has been

earmarked. This grazing land will be maintained over a period of three years. Besides, comprehensive

plantation of native species like Babul and Khejri has been planned to improve fodder footprint in the

vicinity. Construction and renovation of water storage facilities as source of drinking water for the cattle

has also been planned in the vicinity. These activities have been agreed through consultation with local

villagers and local administration. (Copy of the minutes of the meeting is attached as Appendix 4b).

Plantation and renovation of water storage activities will be completed by December 31, 2013.

48. Maintenance: maintenance of grazing land will continue over a period of three years till December

2016. Plantation and renovation of water body activities will be directly supervised by Head, CSR) and

progress report will be sent to Head, EH&S of WSAPPL every quarterly. Responsibility of maintenance of

this grazing land will be handed over to the villagers after December 2016.

iii) Construction of additional community centres

49. During consultations some people expressed that they had lost their livelihoods as they were

cultivating on the government land where the project construction has taken place. Since it is not possible

to identify actual people who were cultivating, therefore it is proposed that Rs3.5 lakhs would be spent on

community activities that have been discussed and developed through consultations with the community.

In view of the common demand of two affected village communities, WSAPPL has proposed to construct

two Community Centres at Rawra and Kanasar villages respectively. These two centres will be used by the

villagers for meetings and community functions. Construction of these centres will start in November 2013

and shall be completed by March 2014. Progress of work will be directly monitored by the Head, CSR of

WSAPPL and progress report of construction will be sent to Head, EH&S every quarterly.

iv) Activities under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

50. As agreed with Government of Rajasthan, the CSR Division of WSAPPL has planned to undertake

several activities in the next three years. Some of the activities planned are (i) plantation of native species,

(ii) construction of school, (ii) construction of health centres, (iv) repair & maintenance of community

facilities, and (v) skill up-gradation and training to local people, etc.

8 WSAPPL has indicated that they will seek to use local labor as far as possible for the activities described in this


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Sl No. Activity Cost Estimate

(in million


Timeline for


1. Construction of toilets 0.65 November 30, 2013

2. Development of grazing land 1.10 December 31, 2013

3. Maintenance of grazing land for 3 years 0.75 Till December 2016

4. Construction of additional community


0.35 March 31, 2014

5. CSR activities for 03 years 3.5 Till March 31, 2016

5. Contingency 1.0 Till December,


Total cost 7.35


51. The final SDDR report will be accepted and approved by the project developer and endorsed by

IIFCL after getting the No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the World Bank. After approval, the report

will be uploaded for public disclosure in IIFCL’s official website as well as Project developer’s website. A

translated version of the mitigation measures and action plan will be made available to the affected people.


52. IIFCL shall undertake site visits to carry out checks and review compliance of community

development activities undertaken by the developer as mentioned in the action plan and shall include such

details in the IIFCL’s monitoring report to the Bank. The details of monitoring activities are as follows:

WSAPPL will submit quarterly progress reports to IIFCL on all activities listed in the

table above, including expenditure reports;

IIFCL will also make six-monthly site visits to the project site to monitor all activities;

53. In addition to the above-mentioned monitoring activities, public consultation will be done

regularly by WSAPPL to address issues of grazing and other CSR activities.

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Appendix 1: Project Details

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Watt•I4ouf Meter Purchase DC Current AC Current

Watt-tabut Meter :Sell back

Watt-Hour Meter Net rnetenng

AC Current grid conected Inverter

AC Loads AC Current


Technology & Design

1. The proposed 50 MW solar power plant is of Grid Connected System type, producing a large quantity of photovoltaic electricity at a single point.

2. The system consists mainly of the following:

• Solar PV array — Solar PV arrays are used to produce DC electricity when solar rays are incident on it.

• Power Conditioning Units (PCU) — PCU helps in converting DC (Direct Current) electricity into AC

(Alternating Current) electricity and facilitate synchronization with the grid power.

• Transformers — which transform the AC output of the Power Conditioning Units to the level required

at the grid.

3. A grid connected SPV power plant consist mainly of the following components:

• Solar PV Modules

• Module Mounting System

• Power Conditioning Units/Inverters

• Circuit Breakers

• Transformers

Figure 1: Grid Connected System — Basic System Design

Solar PV modules

4. A solar photovoltaic module is constructed from individual solar cells. Modules connected in series are known as strings. The strings are connected to the String Monitoring Units (SMUs) and the SMUs are connected to the PCUs which convert DC to AC power supply.

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5. Thin film type PV modules will be used in the proposed project having south facing orientation, tilted at 22° from the horizontal plain to maximize the total annual incident solar irradiation.

6. The course of the transmission line will be selected based on techno-economic feasibility.

Power Conditioning Units (PCU)/ Inverters

7. The Power Conditioning Units used in grid connect SPV systems consist of an inverter and other electronics for MPPT, Synchronization and remote monitoring. Inverter is the most complicated part of the PV system. It has to act as the interface between the PV array and the Grid.

Circuit Breakers

8. The circuit breaker will be restrike free under all duty conditions and will be capable of breaking-magnetizing current of transformer and capacitive current of unloaded overhead lines without causing over voltages of abnormal magnitudes.


9. The AC power from the PCUs are fed into lower voltage panel and then to transformers through isolators and circuit breakers. Transformers have been selected to operate at maximum efficiency and withstand a maximum temperature rise of 50°C with a daily average ambient temperature at 45°C.


10. Modules will be interconnected to form a string of modules using these leads. For further connections, single core, 6mm2 multi-stranded copper cables will be used to connect the strings to the String Monitoring Unit (SMU). These cables will be cross-linked polyethylene insulated with ultraviolet (UV) and temperature resistant solar grade cables.

Control Room

11. The objective of control room will be to house all electronic equipments like PCUs, low voltage panels, high voltage panels, metering and protection, etc.

Power Evacuation

12. Power will be evacuated from proposed 50 MW solar power plant to electric sub-station at Bap village. The SPV array (constituting solar PV modules of selected rating connected in series to build up the required voltage in parallel to build up the required current) of the designed DC power produces DC electricity when Solar insolation is incident on it. The DC power thus produced is taken through various junction boxes and isolators and connected to the PCU.

13. The PCU houses the inverter circuitry which converts DC power supply into AC power supply, the synchronization circuitry which actualizes the tie-up of solar PV source to the grid source and the remote monitoring and control circuitry. A number of PCUs are connected in parallel to buildup the required AC power, and combiners permit AC output power at 3 Ph, 315 V, 50 Hz to be fed into transformers. Power generated will be stepped up to 132 kV level and from the switchboard located in main control room, will be evacuated to sub-station through overhead transmission line.

Energy Yield Prediction

14. Total annual generation from the 50 MW Power plant is expected to reach 92,166 MWh.

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Operation and Maintenance

15. Depending on the O&M requirements, the firm will make necessary arrangements for proper implementation of O&M. During the commissioning of the plant, training will be imparted to the Engineer, Supervisor and Operators. Theme of the training will be according to the plant's O&M manual. This operational training will cover (i) the nature, purpose and limitations of all plant and equipment; (ii) the detailed operating instructions on each section and equipment of the plant; and (iii) the emergency procedures and all related HSE issues according to the standards.

Utilities and Infrastructure

16. Water is mainly required to clean up the module during the operation phase. Assuming a minimum of 2 to 3 liters of water per module, the water requirement for cleaning of the whole plant (4,31,950 modules) and other needs is around 12,95,850 liters. However, the cleaning of modules will be undertaken once in 30 days . Annual requirement will be around 1, 55, 50,200 litres of water.

17. For solar module cleaning, 3 PVC tanks (each of 10 cum) are proposed to be provided and built at a suitable location. Near the tanks, pump (of capacity 10 cum/hr) will be provided which will pump water into piping network that will be laid around the plant having pipe tapping at regular intervals.

18. Power: A minimal LT power is required for the project at the time of plant construction. Estimated power requirement for project is 100 kW.

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Appendix 2: Copy of Agreements

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ft fave) cicif 1. li ! trfi . I 1IT951 FA -091 1 I wit !

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Copy of the Agreement on Compensation for Crop Damage

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Page 30: INDIA INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE COMPANY This Social Due Diligence report has been carried out by India Infrastructure Finance Company

Appendix 411

Translated version of Copy of the Agreement on Compensation for Crop Damage

Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam

(Rajasthan State Power Transmission Corporation)

During installation of 33/132 KV line by Karnimata Construction Company (KMCC), the damage to Jowar

crop owned by Mr. Goparam resident of Rawra village in Phalodi Block, Jodhpur District, due to laying of

polls and strings, KMCC is ready to give compensation amount of Rs. 60,000 (rupees sixty thousand

only), as per the report of Revenue Officer.

Details of Damaged crop/tree are as under:

Category of


Tower No. Crop or Tree Compensation

amount for

affected crop

Affected Area Total Compensation


24 60,000 60,000

Patvari (Administrative officer at village level)

Owner Of land

Name Of Witness Signature of Witness

Bagchandra Ram

Kanaram Evaluation Report

1 Final Evaluation done by revenue officer for damaged crop/tree:

2 Signature and Stamp of Patvari:

I agree with compensation amount furnished by revenue officer for damage of Jowar crop.

Nevertheless, land is of joint account but claim/right on said land will be mine. Hence, I hereby

agree and authorize for the receipt of compensation amount.

Signature Of Officer Signature of Land owner

Advance receipt total receipt Rs.60,000 in word sixty thousand has been received by

me for crop/tree disruption.

Name of land owner/khatedar Name of land owner/khatedar

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Appendix 3: Minutes of Meeting and copy of letters regarding Health Camp/Facility

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( A (44 1,1)10,t-C 44,



41.* (e)

a/ &P 111

P f ole

I -A.


Minutes of Meeting with Sarpanch (Rawra)

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Sanction to Conduct Animal Health Camp (1)

u1-tailvt tT21 i ■1ibrfffr 3ellnwitt

c4T0-.4- firaTrat


t<74-n.f,ZZ 1"Stfi3z tel 3rayerk

t,--c•re!„;m7 IS met --

ryarr,rf tct-r o fko

•Iir4T -ewe a .telltNrT fariTC

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Virzs:-.07 F.Iritz

■ - 11 1.111 }, I V Fre:Tta (zr

1) --.4a-et t4,


Page 34: INDIA INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE COMPANY This Social Due Diligence report has been carried out by India Infrastructure Finance Company

Sanction to Conduct Animal Health Camp (2)


1 ; r ri, 11 *'!1 31 -4-1fN ems '

JA?:77 1711.Pi

F,-;17" WYr 11). .4 RI 5- •

1 . 41 Tgi

717: P'"etiFri Q 9 . 0 6 . 0J •

, •,:ik.fin -,ner.Troi

■ 11.7r- utrat r t.Rs

, Rfire-m•

Page 35: INDIA INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE COMPANY This Social Due Diligence report has been carried out by India Infrastructure Finance Company

Copy of Letter to ADM, Phalodi

IA' I rt` NJ

W t $ I, it It NJ 1$14.44 At 4$44.1tit afttatt

kkirkIA, i-c.,4€44... ul.

ce_A-4,A, La4‘..% ag,s 64.. tow-e cxcili ,v...440-

klac.-040.1 .-v-r.ta tio."... c.,se)

1)<, CD/S-4.4.4 01/4.4- 0A- Ank tOwskiS 'Le L.4- •AQS;r'4` .9`4S I G'

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,r16) ..-Pncht-it.... 7e. c);...12, ‘..J.,cS c.-f.,‘ PAP -

AX.,LO. ka.e. c.....skarucb-St

..eqkarcrr- tc..i.of...dor' ,c_tt. 100-A

AA...0L 0.4...

Vwrt-i--. v•veLcorrr- e'•-. A.-- -..-: \AA, '% "0, vlAkcf-le

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1.11 F'S:3464,

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1 • 7fhtt,e, +Aro. 404, 1111,14, k114%. eX111 1. *OA

Page 36: INDIA INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE COMPANY This Social Due Diligence report has been carried out by India Infrastructure Finance Company

Corrttrcumtnt or Rajasthan

Matting iPPlor CAW Gtoprotrassit

,Cfs Tr $01 'PPPI201

Salaams taw Isaopticat of PRCsitliCailtaboola fat thou bgaintanamiat

StistailtLattasents, laatleultas Eta praline et/ tsiatriviastt.


"rhs t34reermaltIlt eLtaj.Whitet ••.:

twat( orctot •Itt•It.oc3. plait

mfarreti to an "tamales:, at ntaIntsnasti• and rehtrin

equipment, of asaaiusg Prinsin7i I Raab Cc‘nras (PHt:ati, th

tCHCel, anti St:hoots. This r.aipirclent a ea:sump-A to t , by adtsplictt


2. Ohjaostrws

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2.1Tv tuppternent the efivrts of volt =n erirottIng mreatINI

ilictiaica m inelivadaal PBC 'CliC/citool

210 ttx'dttatr imps -vast upkeep land c411114 11%111 4 It:(0III.11g phyla a.

irrtudiartwttint s/ClitalSnunis try Irt.turt • letr.14,

aritrieuraes and

hanrstat fntattis ublionth-ands


Solbole stsil Otsidiap Principles

tt94,?thMi (ontlis -J , to tAoAt,, operate, sod in • / CRCs 'Schools.

Knars thrteJ fun 1 arA WOO exponstiturr, recurring and/of 1101140:Urn . -1g,

,Ande the sehanv• its £1 ,4. liqCifICVS , erCh.0016 MU-1We 033) dotal to GRVINCT

foltv yr ta,nua; . tIf Ati.:0,

3 lrhe ware of yarK,.rs tetatties tomb!: tho stemma

PIACJCW:i Se h... arse his Apr-used Wan time to tune b the

lictraicetrai Cumciaass art. PtiC reliC Aelsoca

Copy of GO (1)

Page 37: INDIA INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE COMPANY This Social Due Diligence report has been carried out by India Infrastructure Finance Company

W IL 11. SPUN SOUR roma* laortio

1i"-41(g - 13.10. 2.11 011.11 41.43. 1Z4 3d, Mgt-4A

*11%41 err TZTTf42 3 Trq


arvrfk atm/

Copy of Letter seeking permission for conducting Health Camp (1)

07.17 It 9f iMgri r97 707' f$4r.. i'fR-t Ts? 4,1.4 +Fs

grr Itzt4 $44re wistitm ARrtiref 'ZkV. 4-3-1 AlVt #,O 7.1 to gRo IMI*7 PrM

fiTzi 8 -1 Tr-mz mq.14-1, rz-a emzfri44; trercr

irn t ftutrzn 7.1-11t Ptlirr

zoli et ORTI! 3rri-grw -4-argerf fb-erf4r1 :fflA *I xtlit 4rtittit glr Tr# ttrtiT' 341Tirq MTV* ,14q)14t; M ft:KZ Vapr

VT: tfm, * 39.4* t vrtilit* SiTt4ttr* qrkivrki-, xtr4. *Krfrz

ftfh. Krrnk 3A--TIM orrq *71± rTra *On 4CT,* ..715.74ra-er 73ftftiret zuze4

mf-&. *14-4r* gm tint( et 3rat crcrA Oft 3ri TIM ;

C.C.Torst. t:T'Kt 3.4 POO, P.m Tryst of Int14 9.10.13N. 4, FirS.TIONO New r>co, r0 001 949,4

421.3 1 -569349CO lort .91 1 6.091

mphouMPOCri2 4,1"4 It" wwoclwitscvn corn

Oro. 0013, 4491.4 V 41.27.441940M! 21lieteCe Ng • 91 ,12,6MIC itost0 rstfin,

Page 38: INDIA INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE COMPANY This Social Due Diligence report has been carried out by India Infrastructure Finance Company

Copy of Letter regarding providing Facilities in PHC (2)


. Ttft-01

fliVtitt4; *21FReal 2t;4 *PI

f0:— urn** Tamar * ..-4 451-mi ,z nrdsrr ztraiti Acirk 41a(

“frf Rrtinrcrfrf AT.1 f'4i 711'M t. 4T0e

-4-re-; um riM * 5t *Imre #rm Iff7? ,t/Tft.1 efr5

.-41 Tgl Z517-4) Ira,* ITT 341'4 * ITTR eitit

4im arm tmt v-r4ttift * araft r4f11121 if-4UT ;51*110

rri *101 t izA 4 f*pr, Tuftrzi5 rdrqoz A ifrtrki

15-1 4sri f$4.1iu

•3n1 V4*-4-4 * ZKrI7TR V44fttif5 VrrgIZI ft>'13 7-Fr leirm

4r4r4 .g,-TTRT t.4. -41 Nr4T tftft Zeh /il &St 7vilpz.* i492z Tult

4.7t 311%:P Tiftrtri T-Tr4 (s31 TO. ,


1w4 flw


kit-44-4 Trttlr fZ4W 4Ttl

.91 - 1 1 -660403 ISA .91 - 11 66./7)09t fAma wilwriltalgArtAtt tel Ott sum* mipun coo,

4141 1300:1001■901(02Fat - U4SINgia

Page 39: INDIA INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE COMPANY This Social Due Diligence report has been carried out by India Infrastructure Finance Company

qlthrz -grattm7

7,11 griAz

COnXe4t4 .aMkCe

Ird Roc.. Tnot rat imam 111;410411,

4, #4,1,41,0”,, 5~, h444 DitIhr - I 10 00 14014

Ts .910100346W $1111 491. I 1 4‘27)041/

F,41161 WliSprtibUr42.•401 44•441011Kon,ron,

Copy of Letter seeking permission for conducting Health Camp (3)

V/ L Sr 11 N tilit)41 Ar mtvAte Oln*

Oars Corvirta

41.411.1e1241, Re-4n °

m1s-4111-4b fowl

wrs/ 4 44rful ftrfeR -4K4fiarlsTRI 11111A

+3V fdlruW17 "i0Sa * ft, t•":4-,TR 711-M ■ Vittz fM4t.:4. 11111

*7.rm 7-zi 714 rer,1 * mx71 50 Orrerre rte.P, 1:17R tritT, ittlift 1st ast4

Ttn * 1S-144.1 NttA 3n7. 1574-4i t 1f:7 *rtirri VTR 4Tftit 4i1

svizift terreut triz4171 ,Trq-Hat WIIre.41 z-r* .?!V -.&F;KA g.T.T! Trqt-Fv. 1Trti

Dtr-m mutirf 'RFTI 5r/: -ErT,At

3T-eri vT747 grettiM itZt1Tof tn Vitital 1047 174

fev 4,UITZZ31 ,LttrA Vs1 rrt Tft -arli -aritzt% Tureaz

fn 7T Fit

cc— Arran WM* 41.41,6611010/ 244010M Flu W.•22 Mat

Page 40: INDIA INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE COMPANY This Social Due Diligence report has been carried out by India Infrastructure Finance Company

Copy of Letter regarding conduct of Health Camp (4)



)4 ,y vs 6 SrtiTaZ.L, 01

131"ith'-4 • —arciTTI" 4 - q. 1-411-

-aciTICes. "Tvq-' IrrIti;r*,

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70010 ‘4 "AI lert4 4211T") el /114T

kr--.;C) 1 t1

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..17f-71 r t,51%.1 fl

tr( 84S4441-*) 4.1.51-A

ror5-7- 4(1:6;

Page 41: INDIA INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE COMPANY This Social Due Diligence report has been carried out by India Infrastructure Finance Company

17-Ff4f V14 —

416 tt 4/

t ■-t et "Z.T 0471



,; , ttt ° 1:•1.7.711. 7..+Tr 77Kr

ett:t..ttZ.4,tiit-rt 09-0


; zit 7tV-1:kril

71; I 1,4 e.',K • e


' r‘r, 914

- • .1 ,! 3-ret".171 (n■71i.41"

,r7"af4.1' irto

Copy of Letter regarding conduct of Animal Health Camp

Page 42: INDIA INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE COMPANY This Social Due Diligence report has been carried out by India Infrastructure Finance Company


enavq_ eq‘q -74=1.

Copy of Letter seeking permission to conduct Health Camp

morLsruto $oca AP PIIIIW11.11000

Co. lc Comm*

WOE LS 0.412. Jsitffs-4 Txra4 N#t 4'0

iilICIftr* ra12W inti

WM: 7171i Ter gtr rfttb 141arici r 4 flOh-tfn ftrf)4 aft avitittr -04 4141i

;al,t t try eta 7. 41

*MP otirq ire wnetrm rt f Writ 1Terfati R s amt.pi grm otzei 7 0

10 ON IR-414V ass49.4i'f* kr.7 wyrer* tiMirM era's !tarn ;;eft un'54 wrrmi 4teivi atm' 1 *'T 001* 3trrq WITOZ1 fketr :Ar4 tter firf 914170 rrir t

*-4;4't 7crtwor *11.1. *-r4 lizT2)*

NF: IM NT:1-43 g SiValit41 'sq1 fAa= ireri 0,1 - Ti

arfOt irtiq tnet 21194 rtrfIR ''eltb '40 ouvIcol lifANITTR 35.? f* *it*

FTI Unit zet arritt .NTRZ1 crki9 aSt Tr

Camerrar Cif,oe 3rd FlIce, ftsfs Trust 41ndi1 Nklwx).

0144W, m1 Suer< 490 Nth, I I0 CO I *ALA


.91- 1 1 ,66273,M1

ad wetpdnOtorn2,..wi 0et 1.1141. woe* weapon. con,

hva CPUs: SVcril Waked+

► O V W.22 AKIO) r-II,24

Page 43: INDIA INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE COMPANY This Social Due Diligence report has been carried out by India Infrastructure Finance Company

'WILLS PIP 1.4 mid rilr UldIrVO

Copy of Letter seeking permission to conduct Health Camp


Oro bo Commit

Si RI.

vr4? 6f1 gretedi

gtIFITUPPN -cc/ ZI triT TT-11591

ir:-- x a rrrir< :3-E4 fawns 4

1144 I

4‘xlITIN ‘07.1 rril gig at

mrfm fktr, Tar trfmlitri •ttu..1 grn aor4 7* aln0 4,14454

T'aftrT 414V1 04'0 F0181"77 fitfl ertN't at writ ;tee fi ,psvrm

-Frrl ,


om itati *-4 zer curt ur41117 arrm?

4-44 IETV

*it tt trri t 1-71,, 57749ft trerrM zrfrq 474Rrt 17*

OntrA fOr 3170 Zettr0 ler ar3 errf* 3T41 MO Vet 3rEtit ewttw4 .f8ctt r t afT

err i cTZ q.It sr ;WTI Prg

q Qin* 01 (re arri.

CdrOdratar 1.111.44 3rd Row. ••6490,14400 Press thAt CO Inds thrbdinp , ro. , I 4631109) 4 ►arlarr.W Use. i [4.64 4,440,41414../Antnetfri nie.v DMA - 110 W': inDiA I OK' wow m990444drd

44014 91 22-661910X 7•71:111:0044•4142 3411:420

oi 11.20iR

Page 44: INDIA INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE COMPANY This Social Due Diligence report has been carried out by India Infrastructure Finance Company

Coma's*. Off ird nom Press 4ocka 4. e► rturwo: ireet

.9141440)4400 .9‘.11441,4041

weOpuo.boro2 Y.., Aat wW•V M1110.0 440,1

10119 4141 rrT ge<4

st0TFITartiO4 C4'444 4). 04 ■ 4441

11-00r— 14144( *

411-ifil I

,,Afriorcz ,

tIttA We. 7417 ft ittrt iffi

of el-5 mmeTe * Tor ;Trafklr

Iftz9 r Y arthl 7ftiw wsrA

*T4 *tA vire t I

arm 4it Rti .aft arm ft% awa r2r9141 lams-war ITEIR ,,strOw

-zwpi T-TA arlgt* crcr.1 trifi4 ItiAT Tirf F tf ITR1 Tart 1 3TIFFt gol

gT41 711 4

arel 4) f*-0r0 tz7s trtoin ct

vl? Tret

wl'o v= d the us e

vim: T nvs, TrItt

ft$T-fr afrarq urf *MA

taw-4 Wra'i 41. LIchifT 11*

an ova,' trosrriz

Copy of Letter seeking permission to carryout Renovation works of Primary School Kitchen

s" reQ01Y, Khalw 41-U ISIM+ 20041CONIIK -41-4,14401620

Page 45: INDIA INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE COMPANY This Social Due Diligence report has been carried out by India Infrastructure Finance Company

vni) zftrUT:

Copy of Letter from District Administration regarding conduct of Job Fair by WSAPPL


ch1441milfT1W-Orei, INT TigiTh ,:1070 ', ..117:4 I / 2012 /


k-r,A41431 Rtfttm. ottiv

t9/1 10f0 4171 fl-cf 25o 2012 qrF774!

#1 anztrf

Vt-4‘.1 flowr-tvtil t4TIP ff;511ioto;IT

3Prire 4 4,t1TF mite; t61 -4-41 ft-Arm' 25 06.2012


ITTEIWT T7'.1 al Tel VI *TA ZA 111U114 fr

3;1140 'th-74 drfIFI 3raffi fl*rr t-MM

*WA trRPF-1 T-41 NIT mofk, 124114;r-1m tt.-9.m

ouTA4 4124% 4-e44Ti. tt ;411-A d 4 VI 42 4i-ot mit

17?)-Fe1it ardroq lrt I AI* *RTITR mot*


30,94(1 fi OktlifF.7 (guti)

Vittb:- 410R0 /1;tMll / 2012 8 C— t

1. pziirmr 3411.:401 .1 4 t4 f4TP.1, 1*.11cp I

2 3447trdi a&oRn. 9 wIR*21 si*Itftlet fawn. 11/13 yn 4rtrik

3 1tt41 tgRI114 3406Wit

4 WIWI etefal Prin) z-ti*tp

5 14a-1- Cral Vftattt .A114

6 (J-01 Ole., ttg,t1 ittai ti-4iEr? SVCfr.0


Page 46: INDIA INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE COMPANY This Social Due Diligence report has been carried out by India Infrastructure Finance Company

Appendix 4: Minutes of the Consultation

Page 47: INDIA INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE COMPANY This Social Due Diligence report has been carried out by India Infrastructure Finance Company

.57RT "r <4-‹*

zirWit -44r t ►f


f#7 eftrlie r

-r44 -Zeictir

) Pr7111;470.11


-44444rpirt v.,

';-441-.1 Ot 4

Page 48: INDIA INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE COMPANY This Social Due Diligence report has been carried out by India Infrastructure Finance Company

Minutes of the Consultation at Village Chokhadi Ki Dhani

Topic: Consultation on Development and Maintenance of Grazing Land by Members of Kanasar Panchayat (Organized by Welspun Solar AP Private Limited)

Today i.e. July 20, 2013, a consultation meeting took place by villagers of Chokhadi ki Dhani of Kanasar Panchayat with the initiative of Welspun Solar AP Private Limited. In this consultation meeting, it was observed that due to construction activities of Welspun Company, the grazing land which was available earlier for the livestock of the nearby villages are being affected. Therefore it is demanded that grazing land should be made available so that the livestock of the nearby villagers get grazing facilities.

It was decided that in the next meeting of the Panchayat, the Company will be provided with the details regarding the proposed grazing area so that the company will take immediate steps to develop the area and will undertake plantation activities required.

A vote of thanks was offered to the villagers to participate in this consultation meeting and the next meeting has been scheduled to be held on 13.08.2013

Name and signature of participants:

1. Bhagwan Ram -Sd-

2. Ganesh Ram -Sd-

3. Sahi Ram -Sd-

4. Bhagirath ram -Sd-

5. Ram Lal -Sd-

6. Govardhan Ram -Sd-

7. Bhakt Ram -Sd-

8. Gopi Ram -Sd-