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Indexing Strategies for the Linguist’s Search Engine

Aaron Elkiss and Philip ResnikUMIACS

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Why a Linguist’s Search Engine?

• Goal for linguists: Use naturally occurring data to support theories

• “Bag of word” searches not sufficient• Structural searches of parse trees would be better

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Constituency Parse

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• Database• Must permit real-time interaction• Must permit large-scale searches• Must allow search on linguistic criteria

• Interface• Must have linguist-friendly “look and feel”• Must minimize learning/ramp-up time

• Must be reliable • Must evolve with real use

A Web Search Tool for the Ordinary Working Linguist

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Querying Parse Trees• Find all trees containing a particular subtree• We use Query by Example to edit an example sentence

• to the structure we’re interested in

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Query Properties

• Typically concerned with structure near the leaves of the tree

• Relationship can be ancestorship rather than immediate dominance

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LSE Design Criteria

• Must permit arbitrary structural searches– multiple branches with wildcards

• in realtime• on a large collection of sentences

– 1GB scaling up to 10GB or more

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Existing Techniques

• Convert data to a relational model• Streaming techniques (tgrep2 (Rohde),

XSQ (Chawathe et al.))• Index, but permit only simple searches

(DataGuides – Widom et al.)• Indexing techniques work best with a

simple schema

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• Must handle a dataset with a very large schema– 17 million paths from root to terminal– Xmark 1GB has 2.4 million– Path lengths also longer in LSE– Set of paths from root to preterminal fixed in Xmark,

grows without bound in LSE• Must handle queries with wildcards well• Must retrieve all results (100% recall)

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• Indexing can be slow (overnight)• Doesn’t need to support online update• Can overgenerate results

– < 100% precision– Use tgrep2 as a filter

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Baseline Solution

• VIST: A dynamic index method for querying XML data by tree structures (Wang et al (IBM Watson), SIGMOD 2003)

• Suffix-tree based approach• Indexes structure and content together• Supports branching queries well

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Suffix Trees

• Index all suffixes of a given string

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Structure Encoded Sequences• Represent each node in DFS order with the

complete path from the root to the node• One parse tree = one document = one structure

encoded sequence

S1 S_S1 NP_S_S1 NNP_S_S1 Jared_NNP_NP_S_S1 VP_S_S1 VBD_S_S1 laughed_VBD_VP_S_S1

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VIST Trees• Insert structure encoded sequences instead

of suffixes of a string

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Node Identification• (DFS order / node ID , number of descendants) = (n, d)• DFS order uniquely identifies a node• with number of descendants, identifies which nodes are descendants of

a given node• can produce without using a lot of memory using perl and UNIX sort














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VIST Indexes

• Two Btree indexes using BerkeleyDB• Structural Sequence Index• Document Index

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Structural Sequence Index• Structural Sequence Element (n, d)

– S1 (0,12)– VP_S_S1 (5,2), (10,2)














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Document Index

• documents inserted at node ID of last element














7 12

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• Select everything matching the first branch of the query

•Order of branches in query is important

•For each item, recurse on items that match the next branch and are descendants in the tree - those with [n2, n2 + d2] contained in [n1, n1 + d1]

[3,7] contains [5,7]

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Recursion Base Case

• After the last branch of the query• Retrieve documents with descendant node IDs















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Peculiarities of VIST

• Precision is not 100%!• Query

• matches both these documents

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Problematic Query - Wildcards

• Wildcards can still be a problem– Recursion isn’t deep but can be very wide– End up looking at same nodes over and over

again with different wildcard instantiations from previous branches

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Problematic Query - Wildcards

For every way we instantiate the first branchrobot_nn_np_vp_vp_s_vp_s_sbar_vp_s_vp_s_sbar_vp_s_vp_s_s1robot_nn_np_vp_vp_s_vp_vp_s_s1robot_nn_np_vp_vp_s_vp_vp_s_sbar_np_pp_adjp_vp_s_sbar_vp_vp_s_sbar_np_s1… 254 more

we have to look at every way to instantiate the second branchlaughs_vbz_vp_vp_s_sbar_np_pp_np_pp_vp_s_s1laughs_vbz_vp_vp_s_sbar_vp_s_s_s1laughs_vbz_vp_vp_s_sbar_vp_s_s1… 98 more

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Problematic Query – Common Terminal

•VIST’s structural index actually storesterminal length root … preterminal

the 6 S1 S VP FRAG X DT

to find instantiated prefixes of structural sequence elements

•We’d look forJJR 5 S1 S VP FRAG X

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Problematic Query – Common Terminal

•To find structural sequence elements like the_DT_X_FRAG_… we have to look at every element with the terminal ‘the’

• 220284 for the_… vs. 121 for the_DT_X_frag_…

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Solution Overview• Ignore insufficiently selective query branches• Reorder processing of query branches• Different ordering for structural index• Create in-memory tree for the query• Memoization of nodes matching subtree of query

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Ignore query branches

• Generate statistics for each pair of tokens• Calculate estimated selectivity of each branch• Discard insufficiently selective branches• Use tgrep2 as filter

Still problematic:

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Reorder query branches

• Start processing with most selective branch• Join to proceeding branches, then following


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Reorder structural index

• Store asterminal preterminal … root


• Immediately find paths with particular suffix

• Terminals occurring in similar contexts are clustered together

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Reorder structural index

• Now we have to look at every JJR_X_FRAG_… instead of just those with the same prefix as the_DT_X_FRAG_…

• But we’ll only do so once, and only keep those the_DT_X_FRAG_… and JJR_X_FRAG_… who have matching prefixes

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Create Query Tree• Keep relevant instantiations of each branch

in memory

S1_*_NP_*_robot robot_NN_NP_NP_S_SBAR_S_X_X_S1 robot_NN_NP_NP_S_SBAR_VP_FRAG_S1 robot_NN_NP_NP_S_SBAR_VP_S_S_S1S1_*_VP

VP_S_S1 *_laughs laughs_VBZ_VP_VP_S_SBAR_NP_PP_NP_PP *_us us_PRP_NP

VP_VP_S_SBAR_NP_PP_NP_PP_VP_S_S1 *_laughs laughs_VBZ

*_us us_PRP_NP

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Subtree Memoization


(1,15) (30,10)S1_*_VP

VP_S_S1 *_laughs laughs_VBZ_VP_VP_S_SBAR_NP_PP_NP_PP (5,5)

VP_VP_S_SBAR_NP_PP_NP_PP_VP_S_S1 *_laughs laughs_VBZ


S1_*_VP_*_laughs (5,5) (20,0)

•Create sorted list of all nodes for a particular branch of the query

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Subtree Memoization


*_laughs laughs_VBZ_VP_VP_S_SBAR_NP_PP_NP_PP

(5,5) (10,0) *_us us_PRP_NP (6,0) us_PRP_NP_NP (50,0)

VP_VP_S_SBAR_NP_PP_NP_PP_VP_S_S1 *_laughs laughs_VBZ

(20,20) *_us us_PRP_NP (60,0)

S1_*_VP_*_us / VP_S_S1 (6,0) (50,0)

•Specifier for memoized list includes wildcard instantiations

S1_*_VP_*_us / VP_VP_S_SBAR_NP_PP_NP_PP_VP_S_S1 (60,0)

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• Original VIST scalability• XMark• LSE data

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Original VIST scalability

Random queries over a synthetic data setFrom Haixun Wang, Sanghyun Park, Wei Fan, and Philip S Yu. VIST: A dynamic index method for querying XML data by tree structures. In SIGMOD, 2003.

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Evaluation - VIST• Scales extremely well for Xmark











10 100 1000

Data size (MB)


e (s


ds) q1






•qn vs. qnc – cached vs. non-cached•Queries – same form as XPath queries from original VIST paper

•Q1: /site//item[location=‘US’]/mail/date[text=’12/15/1999’] (3.7s)•Q2: /site//person/*/city[text=‘Pocatello’] (2.5s)•Q3: //closed_auction[*[person=‘person1’]]/date[text=’12/15/1999’] (4.1s)

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Evaluation - LSE• Need more data









10 100 1000

Data size (MB)


e (s







•Queries – two forms of a real LSE query

Q1: Q2:

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Evaluation – Index Size







10 100 1000

Data size (MB)


e (s



Xmark Schema

Xmark Structural

Xmark Document

LSE Schema

LSE Structural

LSE Document

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Future Directions

• Reimplement this + original VIST in C• Scale up to 10gb• Improved query planning• Ranking & efficient top-k results• Investigate usefulness for structural search

of HTML documents

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HTML Structural Search

• Similar properties to LSE data– no fixed schema– no maximum path depth

• “Whole Web” search probably not yet feasible

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Ranking & efficient top-k results

• Assign score to possible result– Closer to matrix level = higher score?

• Look for results with highest score first

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Improved Query Planning

• “Dynamic Ignorance”– choose whether to use a query branch based on

wildcard instantiations

• Full reordering of query branches

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• Philip Resnik, of course!• Saurabh Khandelwal – tree editor• Doug Rohde – tgrep2• This work is supported by NSF ITR grant

IIS0113641 .
