
Index of Generic and Species Names

Aataenia 21,27 A. reticularis 24 Acmaea testudinalis 363 Acropora 230,233-235 Actinostroma 174,177 Adethognathodux gigantus 301 A. gigantus 301 Agetolites 81 Albertaporella 94 Alveolina 229 Alveolites 280,281,288,290,295,296 Amganella 67 Ammondiscus annularis 300 Ammovertella inclusa 300 Amphiroa 170,172,176-178 A. van·bosseae 173, 176 Amphistegina 239 Angulocellularia 61,62,71,73, 77 A. anisotoma 66 Antarctiophyllum 363 Anthracoporella 300, 350 Anthracoporellopsis 86 A. machaevii 93,98 Antiquatonia 301 Aoujgalia richi 93,98 Aphralysia capriorae 94,98 Apophoretella 103 A. dobunnorum 116 Appeninocodium 127 A. convolvens 127 Apterrinella 300 Arabicodium 124 A. bicazensis 124 A. hansi 125 Archaeoamphiroa 170-178 Archaeolithoporella 209,210,213,215,349 Archaeolithophyllum 86,208,210,364 A.lamellosum 297,300,302,303,305 A. missouriensum 94,98 Archaeolithothamnium 11,162,230,

232-235,243,245,249-251,253,361 A. affine 230,231 A. alternatum 164 A. alternum 164

A. anastomosans 164 A. antenorense 167 A. aschersoni 164 A. batalleri 163 A. brevium 162 A. cretaceum 166 A. dehornae 166 A. digitatum 166 A. feuillei 163 A. gosaviense 163 A. haugi 166 A. hippuritorium 166 A. incompositum 165 A. latifoliaceum 165 A. lugeoni 163 A. lycoperdioide 164 A. mamillosum 163 A. nummuliticum 163 A. parisience 165 A. penicillum 165 A. provinciale 166 A. rude 163 A. turonicum 165 Archaesphaera 60 Asphaltina 86 A. cordillerensis 93,98 Asphaltinella horowitzi 99 A. peratrovichensis 93,94,98,99 Astreopora 230, 235 Atractyliopsis minima 93,98

Bacinellacodium 125 B. calcareus 126 Baicalia 10, 34-38 Bajanophyton 64 Banffella 99 Batinevia 63,65,72,75,76 B. ramosa 69 Beltanelliformis 27 B. brunsae 24 Beltanelloides 21,23,27-29 B. sorichevae 24 Beltina 21,23,24,26,27 B. danai 22, 24


Bevocastria 102,126 B. conglobata 93,98 B. elliotti 126 B. toomeyi 126 Bigenerina elongata 300 B. virgilensis 300 Bija 56,64,75,76,102 Billingsaria 81 Bossiella 358 Botomaella 62-65,69-77 B. sibirica 68 Botominella 65,69,75,76 Brachydactylus 103 Bradyina magna 300

Calapoecia 81 Calcifolium 98 Calcisphaera 60 C.laevis 93,98 C. pachysphaerica 93,98 Calcivertella 199,300,302 Cambrina 62 Carpathocodium 121 C. anae 121 Catenipora 81 Caudina 21,27 C. cauda 24 Caulastrea 230,235 Cavifera 67 Cayeuxia 103, 104 C. mediterranea 119 Chabakowa 60,61,71,73-77 C. nodosa 67 Chomustachia 62 Chuaria 10,20,21,23-29 C. annularis 24 C. circularis 22, 24, 26 C. wimani 24 Cladogirvanella 65 Qathromorphum 355, 360 C. circum scriptum 355,358,359 Qimacammina moelleri 300 Qiona 219 C. viridis 222 Codiaceae 119 Columbiapora 94 Composita 301 Confervites 62 Conophyton 10,35 -38 Contortoporidium 85, 87, 88 Corallina vancouveriensis 358 Corallinacea 162 Corallinoideae 162 Cribroporidium 85, 87, 88, 98 Cribrospira 99 Cuneiphycus 85-87

Index of Generic and Species Names

C. aliquantulus 98 C. johnsoni 93,98,300 C. texan a 94,98,300 Cyclocrinites 11,80,82,83 Cyclocrinus 83 Cymopolia 264,265,267,269-271 C. barbata 267, 269, 271 C. elongata 267,269, 270 C. mexicana 267

Dendractis 103, 104 Derbyia 301 Dictyota 243 Dimorphostroma 103-105 Diplopora 344 Diploria 245 Diplosphaerina 300,308,310,313,314 Diversocallis 103 D. undulatus 106 Donezella 86,87,89,91,98 D. delicata 87,89 D. lutugini 98 Dvinella 306,308,310,311,313,314

Ellipsophysa 21,27,28 E. axicula 24 E. proceriaxis 24 Endostaffella 99 Endothyranella gracilis 300 Entophysalidales 118 Eoholynia 21,28 E. mosquensis 24 Epimastopora 194,199,308,312-314 E. kansasensis 300,313 Epiphyton 61-63,66,69,71-77,295 E. buldyricum 74 Epiphytonoides 62 Epistacheoides connorensis 94,98 E. nephroformis 94,98 Erbina 62 Ethelia 248 E. alba 248,253 Eugonophyllum 185,194,196,199,203,

308,309,311,314 E. huecoense 311 E. johnsonii 300, 311

Fasciella 86, 93 F. kizilia 94, 98 Fermoria 21,23,27 F. capsella 24 F. granulosa 24 F. minima 24 F. tripartita 24 Filaria 24 Fistulella 63,64

Index of Generic and Species Names

Fistulella sanashtykgolica 63 F/oribundaphyton 71 Foliophycus 86 Foninia 59,60 Forschiella 99 Fosliella 245 Frutexites 62, 285

Garwoodia 102, 119 G. bardosi 120 G. fluegeli 119 Gemma 60,61 G. inclusa 66 Girvanella 48,63-67,72-77,94,300,304 G. problematica 69 G. wetheredii 93, 98 Globivalvulina 323 G. bulloides 300 Globuloella 60 Glomovertella 67 Gonamispongia 69 Goniopora 230 Gordonophyton 61,62,73 G. durum 66 Grypania 21,28 G. spiralis 24 Gypsina plana 239,243,245 Gyroporella 344,350

Halimeda 224,254,257-263 H.opuntia 257-263 Haplophragmella 99 Hedstroemia 62-64,68,73-77,94,102,121 H. flabellata 93,98 H. moldavica 121 Helminthoidichnites 21-23,27,28 H. meeki 22,24 H. neihartensis 22 H. spiralis 22 Hemigordius harltoni 300 Hindeodus minutus 301 Homotrema 243 Hormathonema 118 H. massei 118 Howchinia 99 Hydrolithon 243,245 H. boergesenii 240,241,355 Hyperamminia clavacoidea 300 H. elegantissima 300 H. glabra 300

Incertae sedis 27 Issinella 91,98,100 I. devonica 98 I. sainsii 93,98 Izhella 60,73

Janischewskina 99 Johnsonicodium 123 J. stratiforme 124

Kamaena 91, 100 K. delicata 93,98 Kansanella 301 Katavella 177 Kenella 63 Kildinella 27 K. jacutica 24 K. magna 24 Komia 91,100 K.abundans 94,98 Koninckopora 91,98,100 K. inflata 94,98 K. tenuiramosa 93,98 Kordephyton 62 Korilophyton 62 Krishnania 21,26,27 K. acuminata 24 Kyzassia 62

Lakhandinia 21,23,27,28 L. prolata 24 Laminarites 27 L. antiquissimus 20,24 Lanceoforma 21,28 L. striata 24 Leptophytum laeve 362 Leptotriticites 179,210,313 L. tumida 210 Lithophyllum 223,240,243-245,364 L. congestum 361 L. impressum 355,358,363 L. incrustans 363 L. orbiculatum 363 L. toruosum 216


Lithoporella 230,234,235,240,243,245, 249,251

L. melobesioides 230 Lithothamnion 363 L. glaciale 355,358 L. lemoineae 355,358 L. phymatodeum 355,358 Lithothamnium 177,222-224,230,234,

240,243-245,253 L. philippii 216,219,220,222 Lobophora 243 Loeblichia 99 Longfengshania 21,26,27 L. stipitata 24 Lyngbya 40

Macroporella 320,326,344,350 Madracis 239


Madracis mirabilis 241,242 Majaphyton 21,28 M. antiquaum 24 Marenita 60 Marinella lugeoni 102 Masloviporidium 85,87,89,91,94 M. delicata 89 M. maslovi 87 -89 Mastopora 83 Mediocris 99 Mejerella 67 Melobesia 243,245 Melobesioideae 162 Mesophyllum 222-224,230-235,243,245 M. commune 223,232 M.lichenoides 216,219,220,222,223 M syntrophicum 231,232,235 M. vancouveriense 355 M. vaughani 231 Metasolenopora 64 Mezenia 21,23, 27 -29 M. kossovoyi 24 Millerella 301 Millipora 245 Mitcheldeanill 102, 117 M. americana 117 M. nicholsoni 93,98 Mitcheldeaniaceae 117 Mizzia 350 Monostroma 26 Montastrea 245 Morania 21,23,24,26,27 M. antiqua 24

Nankinella 301 Neobolus 27 N. minima 24 Neogoniolithon 245 N. imbricatum 358 N. mamillosum 216,222, 224 N. megacarpum 355,358,359 Neomeris 264-271 N. (Larvaria) 264, 266 N. (Neomeris) 267 N. annulata 267,270 N. arenularia 265 -267,270 N. auversiensis 265,266,268 N. craniphora 265, 266 N. defrancei 266 N. dumetosa 267 N. encrinula 265, 266, 269 N. eruca 267 N. fercourtensis 267 N. flliformis 265,266,269 N.fragilis 265,267,268,271 N. herouvalensis 264,267,270

Index of Generic and Species Names

N. larvarioides 265,267,270,271 N. limbata 264,266 N. pseudo-eruca 264,267 N. radillta 267 N. reticulata 266 N. scrobiculata 265 -268, 271 Nephroformia 21,27,28 N. liulaobeiensis 24 Nicholsonill 65, 76 Nostocites vesiculosa 93,98 Nubecularites 60 Nyctopora 81

Obolella 27 O. jonesi 24 Obruchevella 63,64,67,72,76,77 O. sibirica 69 Omphalotis 99 Orbisiana 21,28 O. simplex 24,26 Orthriosiphon 94 O. saskatchewanensis 94,98 Orthriosiphonoides 94 O. tenuiramosa 98 Ortonella 48,51,63,93,102,116 0_ coloradoensis 93,98 O. furcata 103 O.lemoineae 116 Osagia 86, 300, 302 Oscillatoriales 118 Ovidiscina 21,23,27 O. bagongshanica 24

Palaeoaplysina 348 Palaeofavosites 81 Palaeophyllum 81 Palaeonites 67 Palaeospiroplectammina conspecta 300 Paracaligelloides 93,98 Parachabakovia 62 Parachaetetes 64 Paraepimastopora 86 Paraepiphyton 62,73 Parafusulina 319,320,323 Paragoniolithon 243, 245 P. solubile 355 Paraortonella 116 P. getica 117 P. richteri 117 Paraschwagerina kansasensis 210 Pekiskopora 94 Permodiscus 99 Peyssonnelill 224,239,244,248,253 P. polymorpha 218, 220 P. rubra 240,242,243,245

Index of Generic and Species Names

Phacellophyllum 279 Phalodomya proteii 332 Phillipsastrea 278, 280,288,290 Phormidium 10,40,49-52 Ph. hendersoni 40,52 Phymatolithon 359,360 P. laevigatum . 355, 358 P. rugulosum 355,358 Physoporella 344 Polystrata 248,251-253 P. alba 249-251,253,255 Porites 229, 230, 235 Porolithon 241, 245 P. fragilis 358 P. pachydermum 355,358,359 Porphyridium 26 Potentillina 62 Proaulopora 63,64,67,69,72-77 P. rarissima 70 Prolithon pachydermum 240,241 Proninella gracilis 93, 98 P. strigosa 94,98 Proterotainia 21,28 P. montana 22,24 P. neihartensis 22,24 Protobolella 27 P.jonesi 24 Psammosphaera gracilis 300 Pseudobradyina pulchra 300 Pseudochaetetes 64 Pseudocodium 127 P. convolvens 127 Pseudogirvanella 103,118 P. cretacea 118 Pseudohedstroemia polyfurcata 93,98 Pseudoissinella 94 Pseudolithophylium 222-224 P. expansum 216,219,220 P. lichenare 355,358 P. whidbeyense 355,358,360,363 Pseudolithothamnium 248 P. album 248,253 Pseudosolenopora 98 Pseudostacheoides loomisi 98 Ptylostroma fibrosa 275 Pumilibaxa 21 P. huaiheiana 24 Pycnoporidium 102 P. sinuosum 102

Radicula 21,24,26,27 Radiocyathus 69 Razumovskaya 56,65 Receptaculites 279,281 Renalcis 56,57,60,61,71-77,102,174,


R. gelatinosus 71,73 R. polymorphus 66 Reophax 300 Revularia biasolettiana 287 R. haematites 287 Rhabdoporella 11,80-83 Rivularia 101,103, 110 R. atanasiui 112 R. carpathica 115 R. dianae 114 R. dura 101 R. fruticulosa 111 R. haematites 101, 102 R. kurdistanensis 114 R.lemaitrae 110 R. lissaviensis 106 R. moesica 115 R. piae 111 R. tadeuszi 112 R. theodori 113 R. undet 114 Rivulariaceae 103 Rivularialithus 103, 104 Rothpletzella 75

Saccammina aspera 300 Sajania 62 Sarmenta 21,26,27 S. capitata 24 Schizothrix 52 Schubertella kingi 310,313 Scotlandella 122 S. alpina 123 S. nodosa 123 Scytonema 74 Scytonemataceae 116 Seletonella 67 Shartymophycus fusus 94 Shouhsienia 21,27,28 S.longa 24 S. shouhsienensis 24 Shugaria 62,71,73 Siderastrea 230 Solenopora 62-64,68-77 S. compacta 74,75 Solenoporella 64 Sphaeroporella 86 Sphinctoporella 94 Spinothyra 99 Spirorbis 302 Sporinula 62 Stacheoides 86 S. meandriformis 94,98 S. polytrematoides 94,98 S. spissa 93,98 S. tenuis 94,98



Stenoporidium 103, 104 Stephanocoenia 239 Streptognathodus elegantulus 301 S. simulator 301 Striatopora gracilis 275,285 Stromatactis 293,295 Stromatocus bulbaceus 275 Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis 360 Subtiflora 65 Syzarania bella 300

Taninia 62 Tarthinia 60-62,71,73,77 T. rotunda 66 Tawuia 10,20,21,24-29 T. dalensis 24,26,28 T. meeki 22 T. sinensis 24 T. striatia 24 Tenarea 220,222,224 T. bermudense 240,241,243 Tethysicodium 125 T. wrayi 125 Tetrataxis 302 T. conica 300 T. planispiralis 300 Textularia eximia 300 Thalassinoides 81 Tharama 62 Thurammina diforamens 300 T. elliptica 300 T. papillata 300 Tolypammina polyverta 300 Tomentula 62 Trachyspaeridium 27 T. lachandinum 24 T. maicum 24 T. vettemi 24 Triticites 199,200,301

Index of Generic and Species Names

Tuberitina 302 T. bulbacea 300 Tubiphytes 182,185, 186,208-210,212,

213,215,308,311-314,348,349 T. obscurus 300 Tubomorphophyton 61-63,66,72 Tubophyllum 67 Tyrasotaenia 21,24,27 T. podolica 24

Udotea petiolata 218 V7ophyton 21,28 U. rifeicum 24 Umbellula 62 Ungdarella 91,100 U. peratrovichensis 94,98,99 U. uralica 94,98 Uranosphaera 69

Valvulinella 99 Velates 229 Vendotaenia 21,23,24,27 V. antiqua 20, 24 Vermiporella 11,80-83 Vicinesphaera 60 Vindhyanella 27 V. jonesi 24 Viseidiscus 99 Vologdinella 67 Vologdinia 62

Waeringella spiveyi 301,305 Windsoporella 94

Yukon ella 94

Zellerinella 99 Zonotrichites 103, 104 Z. lissaviensis 104

Subject Index

"Abo" interval 315-317,319 paleoenvironmental interpretation 327

Adaptations of crustose coralline algae 352 branching morphology 352 conceptacle shape 352 crust thickness 352 protection of the meristem 352

Alexandra Reef-Complex 177 Great Slave Lake, northwest Canada 170,173

Algae calcareous 79 coralline 248,249 dasyclad 79 paleoecology of 79 phormidium-like 10 phylloid 185,194,311,314

orientation 211 squamariacean, microstructure 248

Algal limestones 4 marsh deposits 15,330 nodules 243

constructional voids 243 nodule zone 243

reefs 244 ridges 245

Algal-bacterial origin of micrites 290 Alizarin Red-S, in-situ staining 259 Aragonite 223,254

fans 200

Bahamas 269, 270 Andros Island 338

Bays, interdistributory 335 Bioerosion 222 Biohermal and biostromal

buildups 311,314 Bituminous laminites 335 Blue-green algae 210

endolithic 311,314 nonendolithic 311,314

Bough Member 179 Boundstones 210

fabric 52 stromatolitic 319

Bryozoans 215 fistuliporid 214

Cabo Mondego 332 Calcareous algae 56,264-272

classification 76 morphology 57,69

Calcareous crusts 353 Calcification 264 -272

aragonite 264-272 degree of 264-266 ultrastructure 266-272

Calcispheres 60 Calcite

Coaxes 253 cement 254 high-magnesian 172,176,223,254 low-magnesian 251 magnesian-poor 254 neomorphic, freshwater 254

Cambrian 56 algae 11

Capitan reef 209 Carbonates 14

barrier 334 high-energy 349 low-energy 349 production 257

Carboniferous 85 algae 11,91 red algae 11 South Wales 10,40

Cavities 211, 213 Cement, radial fibrous 212 Cenozoic 264,268-270,272

Auversian 268-270 Cuisian 268,270 Lutetian 268-270

Charophytes 335 stems 337

Codiaceae 311 Coral reefs 241


Coralligene, Mediterranean 216 Corallinaceae 176 Coralline algae 226

Ampbiroideae 170,178 branching 173 buildups 224 crust thickness 355 crustose 352 lateral growth rate 355 morphological and anatomical trends 355 ridge 234

Corals, hermatypic 237 Cosmopolitan flora 100 Cretaceous 11, 162 Crinoid roots 215 Crustose coralline algae 13, 352

age of 16 biotic zonation 238 ecological trends 363 evolutionary trends 363 squamariacean 237

Crypt-algal laminites 41 Cyanobacterium 49 Cyanophyta 311 Cyclic carbonate deposition 179 Cyclic shelf carbonates ("Abo"),

northern Midland basin, West Texas 315

Cyclocrineae 83

Dasyclad algae 315,321 Colonial Coral Community 81 occurrence 323 paleoecology 80,81

Dasycladacea 311 Dasycladaceae 81 Dasycladacean 15,344

algal flats 196 beresellid 311 diversity patterns 347 diversity of Triassic 346 generic diversity 345, 346 tubiform 314

Dasycladales 264 -272 calcification 264-272 cenozoic 264-272 recent 267, 269,270 ultrastructure 266-272

Dasyporelleae 81 Delta 334 Devonian 170

crustose coralline algae 177, 178 red mud mounds, Belgium 290 reef 11,170

Diablo Platform 191

Diagenesis 222 early submarine 233 late stage 234

,Dinant basin 290 Dolomitization, selective 172

Eocene 248 algae 13 squamariacean 13

Evaporite 335

Facies association 173 calclithite 192 carbonate 194 clastic 192 dasycladacean 193 organic shoal 177 silicified wood 192 spiculites 194 sponge spicule 194 tidal flat-lagoonal 194

Fan-delta 226,229 Fenestrae

dome shaped 48 irregular 48 laminoid 47

Filament tubes 251

micrite 251 microspar 251

walls 251 Florida 339

Marquesas Keys 257 Flower Garden Banks 237 Foraminifers

calcareous 311 encrusting 248, 249

France 268 -270

Gastropods, vermiform 48 Gulf of Mexico 237

Herbivores 353 branched crusts 360 evolution of 353 excavating 360, 363

Subject Index

morphological and anatomical trends 355 reproductive structures 361

Herbivory 16,352 crust thickness 355 morphological and anatomical trends 355

"Hobsonites-Z" 313 Holder and Beeman Formations 190 Holocene 352 Hueco Formation 179

Subject Index

Hueco Mountains, West Texas 188 Hydrocarbon reservoirs 185 Hydrolithon 241

Jurassic 15 Vale Verde Beds, Portugal 330

LaLuz 190 Lagoons 334 Laminations, diurnal 50 Layer

hyaline 49 primary 253 secondary 253

Lignite 334 Llanelly Formation 40 Lusitanian Basin 330

Melobesioideae 237 Mesothallium (= medullary

hypo thallium) 251 Micrites, biogenic 292 Microstructure 253

aragonitic 253 precursor 253

Molluscs, grazing 363

Neomereae 14,264-272 Neomorphic replacement 254 Nepheloid layer 245 Neuville Formation 290

Oncolites 311,314 Ooids 60 Oolite bar 41 Ordovician 79

dasyclad algae 11 Nevada 79,80 Utah 79,80

Oro Grande Basin 190 Oxfordian, Vale Verde Beds, Portugal 330

Paleobiogeography 99 Paleodepositional setting 304 Paleogene 226 Paleogeography 191 Paleotectonics 186 Pedernal Landmass 190 Pelecypods 254 Pennsylvanian 12,297

Magdalena Group 190 rhodoliths 15,250,251 sedirilentation 188

Peratrovich Formation, Alaska 91 Periphyton 330 Perithallium 251

Permian 315,344,346 Alps 347 Bashkiria 347, 348 China 348 Japan 348, 350 Slovenia 349 United States 208 Ural 347,348 Zechstein 350

Permian algae 15, 306 Permian Basin 179, 306 Permian dasyclad 15 Permian Pow Wow Conclomerate

(Hueco Group) 190 Phillippeville massif 290 Phylloid algal mound 12,179,313,314

bafflestone 182 complexes 188,311

Porosity 185 Porostromate 337 Precambrian

algae 10 carbonaceous compressions 20 carbonaceous megafossils 10 carbonaceous remains

Beltinid 27 Chuarid 27 Eoholynid 27 Longfengshanid 27 Moranid 27 Tawuid 27 Vendotaenid 27

Precambrium, stratigraphic distribution of occurrences 25

Proterozoic 29, 34 Proterozoic Belt Supergroup


Glacier National Park, Montana 10,34 Siyeh Limestone 34

Pseudo-pleochroism 251,254

Radiocyathidae 69,75 Recent

algae 267, 269, 270 dasyclads 345

Red algae 85,214,215 aragonitic 248 articulate 170 classification 176 phylogenetic affinity 176

Reefs 4,218,230 coralline algal crusts 230 flat 174 framework 222 Spain 226

Reef-building organisms 291 Reef-communityevolution 215


"Reef" Hill 188, 189 Rhodoliths 222,230,250,251,300

coralline 14 Eua, Tonga 248 paleodepositional setting 297

Sacramento Mountains 182, 190 Sacramento Shelf 190 Salem School Limestone,

Northcentral Texas 297 Salem School rhodoliths 301 Shoaling carbonate cycles 182 Silurian

dasyclads 81 Great Basin 79,81

Solenopores 353 Sponges, calcareous 210 Stromatactis 15

Belgium 276 distribution 280 morphology 280 origin of

interpretations 274 microbial accretions 274

spelling of 287 type of 282

Subject Index

Stromatolites 4, 10,335 abundance 37 cycles 36 motility 40 paleoenvironment 34 paleoenvironmental indicators 38

Tatum Basin, Southeastern New Mexiko 179,306

Tertiary coralline algal limestones 12,216

Tethyan 216 Triassic

Alpine-Mediterranean 344 Southern Alps 350

Trichomes 49 Trogkofellimestones 348, 349 Tubular foraminifers 182

boundstone 185,186 encrusting 185,313

Vendian 29

Wolfcampian 12

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo

Phanerozoic Stromatolites Case Histories Editor: C. Monty

1981. 121 figures, 10 plates. X, 249 pages ISBN 3-540-10474-7

Contents: Spongiostromate vs. Porostromate Stromatolites and Oncolites. - Lower Cambrian Stromatolites from North­west Spain and Their Palaeoenvironmental Significance. -Lower Phanerozoic Stromatolites of Rajasthan, Western India. - Contrasted Occurrence of Eodevonian Stromato­lites, Northeastern Armorican Massif, France. - Upper Krol Stromatolites from Nainital Hills, Kumaun Himalaya, India. - Autecology and Development ofa Stromatolitic-Bound Phylloid Algal Bioherm, Laborcita Formation (Lower Permian), Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico, U.S.A. -Primary Submarine Cements and Neomorphic Spar in a Stromatolitic-Bound Phylloid Algal Bioherm, Laborcita Formation (Wolfcampian), Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico, U.S.A. - Organism-Sediment Interactions in Stro­matolites: an Example from the Upper Triassic of South West Britain. - Lower Cretaceous (Wealdian) Blue-Green Algal Deposits of the Province of Valencia, Eastern Spain. -Possible Microbial Accretions in Cenomanian Mounds, S.E. France. - lllustration and Paleoecological Significance of Cretaceous and Eocene Girvanella Limestones from Istria (yugoslavia, Italy). - Paleogene Nonmarine Algal Deposits of the Ebro Basin, Northeastern Spain. - Stromatolites and Cryptalgal Laminites Associated with Messinian Gypsum of Cyprus. - Morphology, Microfabric and Origin of Stromato­lites of the Pleistocene Precursor of the Dead Sea, Israel. -Sub-Recent Manganese-Bearing Stromatolites Along Shore­lines of the Dead Sea. - Biogenically Formed Aragonite Concretions in Marine Rivularia. - Evidences for Cyano­phyte Origin of Stromatoporoids. - Subject Index.

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Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo

Fossil Algae Recent Results and Developments

Editor: E. Fliigel

1977. 119 figures, 32 plates. XI, 375 pages ISBN 3-540-07974-2

Contents: Blue-Green Algae and Stromato­lites. - Green Algae. - Red Algae. - Prob­lems of AffInities. - Biometry. - Ultrastruc­ture. - Algae and Sedimentary Environ­ments.

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