Page 1: Increase the yield of watermelon through the biofield energy transmission

Increase The Yield Of Watermelon Through The Biofield Energy Transmission

A big, fat, juicy watermelon on a warm summer’s day is bliss. But why buy it from

a supermarket from you can grow watermelons at home? Watermelons are rich

in Vitamin C and antioxidants, making them a must in everybody’s diet. The fruit

is a package of great taste and nutrition with no cholesterol and fat. Now that

there are enough reasons to grow watermelons at home, this blog will explain the

science behind growing watermelons at home.

Location and Preparation

Watermelons require warm conditions and warm soil. Choose a location such

that, there is a minimum of 6 hours of sunshine every day. Watermelons produce

large vines and can take up space. Ensure that you allot ample space for

growing watermelons. There are varieties of mini watermelons that don’t take

up as much space. Watermelons grow well in fertile loamy well-drained soil, with

Page 2: Increase the yield of watermelon through the biofield energy transmission

a pH between 6 and 6.8. To improve the fertility of the soil, till the soil with

compost, a few days before planting.


Form a concave mound on the soil and poke a 1 inch hole into the soil. Pack the

hole with 1-4 seeds and cover it with dirt. Compact it lightly to ensure the

moisture doesn’t escape from around the seeds.


The seeds germinate and the shoot begins to sprout in about 7-10 days. Water

the area sufficiently to help assist the development of vines. Watering closer to

the plant is essential to ensure the water reaches the roots. It is necessary to

keep the plot moist and not to let it dry. But water-logging must be avoided as it

kills the plant. Overhead watering should be avoided. Adopt soaker hoses or drip

irrigation to keep the soil moist and prevent any fungal infections when growing

watermelons. When the flowers begin to flourish, reduce the amount of watering

to once in 3 days.


Under ideal conditions, watermelons take about three months to ripen. About two

weeks before ripening, reduce the amount of watering. Withholding water allows

the fruit to sweeten. Overwatering reduces the sweetness of the fruit. The

amount of ripening can be identified by the color of a watermelon. To check if the

watermelons have ripened, tap the watermelon with your knuckles. A dull

thumping sound indicates that the fruit has ripened. Also, the tendrils near the

stem would have wilted by the time the watermelon has ripened. Harvesting

before the growing watermelon has ripened fully will reduce it flavor. The

Page 3: Increase the yield of watermelon through the biofield energy transmission

harvested watermelon can be cut using a knife or a garden shear. The harvested

watermelon can be stored for 2-3 weeks in a cool dry place.

Increase the yield of watermelon through the biofield energy transmission

The yield and productivity of watermelon can be increased using the natural

phenomenon known as the Trivedi Effect®. The Trivedi Effect® which uses a

form of energy transmission has forayed into the field of agriculture and has

paved way for a great increase in productivity of various crops and plants. To

know more about how to increase the productivity of watermelon and to know

more about using the power of the Trivedi Effect® for growing watermelon for

profit, visit,

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