Page 1: Increase Employee Productivity - Maintain a Clean Office

Increase Employee Productivity - Maintain a Clean Office

Page 2: Increase Employee Productivity - Maintain a Clean Office

Increase Employee Productivity - Maintain a Clean Office

A cluttered space can cause a mental block that can last several hours. Ensure that your work surface is clutter free and that any unnecessary paperwork is tucked away. Make use of file cabinets, storage boxes, and bookcases.

* Before you leave your office each evening, take a few minutes to clear any clutter. Just five minutes of maintenance every day can make a big difference in the peace you feel as you begin each new workday.

Page 3: Increase Employee Productivity - Maintain a Clean Office

My name is Cathy Sexton and I have been a productivity expert and coach since 2003. I own and operate The Productivity Experts, offering organizing and productivity skill training to business leaders, individuals and work groups. Whether seeking to improve their work environment, by growing their business, advance their career, spending more time with family and friends or just reduce daily pressures, The Productivity Experts help clients accomplish more with less effort and less stress saving them time, money and energy. Call today to Ignite Your Productivity!

Cathy Sexton 65 Guylyn Pl Valley Park MO 63088 USA Phone: (314) 267-3969

I Offer A Variety Of Services Including But Not Limited To:

Productivity Expert :: Time Management Speakers :: Time Management Articles :: Time Management Strategies :: Increase Employee Productivity
