

Published by theVictorian School Building AuthorityDepartment of Education and TrainingMelbourneJune 2019

© June 2019 State of Victoria (Department of Education and Training)

The copyright in this document is owned by the State of Victoria (Department of Education and Training), or in the case of some materials, by third parties (third party materials). No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968, the National Education Access Licence for Early childhoods (NEALS) (see below) or with permission.

An educational institution situated in Australia which is not conducted for profit, or a body responsible for administering such an institution may copy and communicate the materials, other than third party materials, for the educational purposes of the institution.

Authorised by the Department of Education and Training2 Treasury Place, East Melbourne, Victoria, 3002.This document is also available on the internet at

Inclusive Schools Fund – Round 5 Program Guidelines 2


1. Introduction............................................................................................................52. What can be funded?.............................................................................................63. How do I apply?....................................................................................................104. Resources to help you with your application........................................................105. Assessment..........................................................................................................116. If Your Applications Is Successful..........................................................................117. Contact Information.............................................................................................12Appendix A - Assessment Criteria...................................................................................13Appendix B – Application Checklist.................................................................................16

Inclusive Schools Fund – Round 5 Program Guidelines 3

Minister’s ForewordThe Victorian Government recognises the importance of inclusive schools in giving our children and young people the best start in life. We cannot be the Education State without ensuring all students, regardless of disabilities or differences, are able to fully participate, learn, develop and succeed in Victorian government schools.

Pursuing inclusive education has also changed how we design and upgrade school buildings. Our architects are guided by universal design principles that consider the needs of students with disabilities or additional needs so they are able to use all school facilities to the greatest extent possible without special adaption.

The 2019-20 state budget commitment of $10 million to the Inclusive Schools Fund, builds on the commitment of the Victorian government over the last four years to improve the inclusive nature of schools facilities and practices. To date, $40 million has been invested in the fund, which is delivering 181 projects across the state.

Since 2015, schools have been able to apply to the Inclusive Schools Fund for innovative building projects that improve participation and learning outcomes for students with disabilities or additional needs.

Successful projects include play areas with stimulating and accessible equipment, outdoor sensory gardens and indoor learning spaces that promote more inclusive classroom organisation and teaching practices.

I encourage all government schools to consider applying for this funding, and look forward to seeing what exciting projects are proposed.

JAMES MERLINO MP Minister for Education

1. IntroductionThe Inclusive Schools Fund (ISF) aims to promote inclusive and innovative practices in schools to better support children with disabilities or additional needs.

Inclusive Schools Fund – Round 5 Program Guidelines 4

An inclusive education system enables all students to be welcomed, accepted and engaged so that they can participate, achieve and thrive in school life. Inclusive education:

• ensures that students with disabilities or additional needs are not discriminated against and are accommodated to participate in education on the same basis as their peers

• acknowledges and responds to the diverse needs, identities and strengths of all students• occurs when students with disabilities or additional needs are treated with respect and are

involved in making decisions about their education• benefits students of all abilities in the classroom and fosters positive cultural change in

attitudes and beliefs about disability and additional needs, in and beyond the school environment

• contributes to positive learning, engagement and wellbeing outcomes for students

The Inclusive School Fund is part of the Victorian Government’s inclusive education agenda that aims to promote inclusive and innovative practices in schools to better support children with disabilities or additional needs.An additional $10 million has been committed to the Inclusive Schools Fund in the 2019-20 state budget, bringing the total investment in the ISF program to $40 million. Since 2015, 181 projects across the state have been announced as part of this funding commitment.

PROGRAM PRINCIPLESFunding is intended to:

increase participation and improve learning outcomes for students with disabilities or additional needs through strengthening and developing inclusive government school environments;

promote inclusion in classroom organisation and teaching approaches that tailor to the needs of all learners on the same basis, including those with disabilities or additional needs; and

create innovative school environments based on inclusive best practice and Universal Design for all schools to consider in facility planning and design for students with disabilities or additional needs.

UNIVERSAL DESIGNThe Department supports the concept of universal design. We believe that it constitutes best practice in the delivery of environments that ensure access and participation for all. Applicants should focus on the principles of universal design when developing a project idea.The seven principles of universal design are:1) Equitable use2) Flexibility in use3) Simple and Intuitive use4) Perceptible Information5) Tolerance for error6) Low Physical Effort7) Size and Space for Approach and UseMore information regarding the Universal Design Principles can be found in Section 4 of the VSBA’s Building Quality Standards Handbook

TIMELINERound 5 of the Inclusive Schools Fund:

Opens 26 June 2019 Closes 30 August 2019

Inclusive Schools Fund – Round 5 Program Guidelines 5

ELIGIBLE ORGANISATIONSThe Inclusive Schools Fund is open to all Victorian Government Schools operating on land owned by the Department of Education and Training (the Department). Schools that have been successful in previous rounds of the ISF are now eligible to apply for funding again in round 5.

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIAYour application must be able to demonstrate that:

The applicant organisation is a government school registered with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority;

Proposed works are consistent with the “Example OF Eligible Projects” section (listed below);

Proposed works do not relate to anything in the “what will not be funded” section (listed below)

If your application is unable to demonstrate compliance against ALL eligibility criteria it may be ruled ineligible. All applicants will be contacted on the outcome of their applications. Successful projects will be published on the Victorian School Building Authority website.

DELIVERY OF PROJECTSThe works associated with successful applications will be delivered in full by the Department (unless the Department agrees to alternative delivery arrangements).Refer to the “If Your Application is Successful section” on page 11.

2. What can be funded?FUNDING AVAILABLE The maximum funding amount available is $200,000 (GST Exclusive).Schools can co-contribute to projects up to an additional $200,000 (GST Exclusive), but this must be discussed with and agreed to in writing by the Department, School Principal and President of the School Council.The maximum total value of any project is $400,000 (GST Exclusive).All projects of $200,000 or more will be delivered by the Department.

ASSESSMENT OF PROJECT COSTSThe Department requires applicants to obtain appropriate quotes for any proposed works. Third party quotations and cost estimates MUST include:

The Trading name of the organisation providing the cost estimate or quotation; An Australian Business Number; and Itemisation of individual costs to demonstrate all expenditure is eligible under the Program

Guidelines.The Construction Supply Register may be used to identify building professionals with suitable expertise and experience to assess the costs of the proposed works. The Construction Supply Register may be accessed at:

Inclusive Schools Fund – Round 5 Program Guidelines 6

The Department engages building professionals listed on the Construction Supplier Register to ensure all building works conform to relevant legislation and building codes.The Department advises applicants to apportion approximately 20 to 25 per cent of their total project cost to cover the engagement of building professionals to monitor and ensure successful delivery of projects. This should reduce the likelihood of the scope of projects having to be reduced at a later stage. As part of the assessment process, the Department will refer some applications to a Quantity Surveyor to ensure project cost estimates are sufficient. Applicants will be advised if this occurs and will need to provide site access to the quantity surveyor. If the costing developed through this process is greater than the maximum funding amount, then the Department may discuss a revision in scope with the applicant. The attendance of a quantity surveyor is not a guarantee that a project will be funded. In addition, as part of the assessment process, the Department may refer some applications to a hygienist to determine whether any contaminates (such as asbestos) are present on the proposed project site.

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The following are examples of projects that would be considered under the Inclusive Schools Fund:


Funding may be provided to create learning spaces that engage all students and focus on improving the social and emotional wellbeing of students. This includes flexible areas that can cater to a number of different learners and are innovatively linked with school programs.


For a number of students, an outdoor learning place may support the delivery of an educational program that addresses sensory or learning needs. These spaces are areas where students can voluntarily go to and need to be supervised at all times. Demonstration of how the sensory area will benefit all students and connect in with teaching practices is ideal.


Happy, healthy and resilient kids is a key Education State school target. An accessible and inclusive playground means it is as easy as possible for everyone to play, encouraging all children to be more physically active. Demonstrating how the playground is accessible by all children will enhance your application.

Applicants are advised to seek expert advice from physiotherapists and occupational therapists to ensure that the proposed works will benefit children with additional developmental and sensory needs.

WHAT WILL NOT BE FUNDED?The ISF program will NOT support:

Modifications to make a facility compliant to the relevant disability and additional needs legislation and standards, unless this is a direct result of the core aspect of the proposed project. Applications for stand-alone modifications can be made through the Accessible Buildings Program including:

o ramps and handrails (including temporary ramps);o toilet and shower modifications;o modifications for vision or hearing impairments;o change tables and hoists; ando limited external works to improve access for the applicant.

Significant capital works projects (e.g. demolitions, new buildings), as these are subject to the State Budget process;

Information technology costs Staffing costs; Loose furniture and specialist disability equipment (e.g. specialty chairs and toilet frames) Purchase of Relocatable Buildings (including “pods”) which would extend or increase the

number of school buildings Maintenance funding for wear and tear of existing compliant facilities and/or works; or Reimbursement for works already completed. Project which have commenced or partially commenced.

Inclusive Schools Fund – Round 5 Program Guidelines 8

ASSESSMENT CRITERIAApplications will be required to respond to the following assessment criteria1) Demonstrate the current and future demand for the proposed works.2) Demonstrate how the proposed works develop and/or enhance the inclusiveness of

the school environment.3) Demonstrate how the proposed works increase participation and improve learning

outcomes for students with disabilities or additional needs.4) Demonstrate how the proposed works support teaching approaches that promote

inclusion in classroom organisation and/or outdoor activities.5) Demonstrate how the proposed works support the seven universal design principles.

The Assessment Criteria have been designed to assist applicants in identifying the information required to present the strongest possible case against the identified Program Principles.

SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATIONWhat do I need to provide with my application?

You MUST provide the following documents as part of the application process. A site plan to illustrate what parts of the land or building will be changed by your project. Cost estimates and quotations consistent with the requested/project amount(s) as per page 6. Written evidence confirming any optional co – contributions.

The following documents MAY be provided to further support your application. Resource allocation list to evidence students funded by the Program for Students with

Disabilities School Policies pertaining to student engagement Peer reviewed research supporting the defined benefits of intended works to the applicant

organisation. Expert advice from physiotherapists and occupational therapists to demonstrate the benefits

of the proposed works Evidence of students funded through an Educational Support Officer or through other

mechanisms outside the Program for Students with Disabilities Additional estimates to provide additional weight to requested/project amount(s) Schematic Design Drawings, concept drawings and/or photograph to allow contrast of current

and intended states. School Policies pertaining to students with disability or additional needs. School Policies pertaining to teacher professional development relating to disability or

additional needs Professional Development Plan for teaching staff relating to disability and/or additional needs.

Inclusive Schools Fund – Round 5 Program Guidelines 9

3. How do I apply?Applications are made online through the SmartyGrants system at sections of the Application Form must be completed in order for applications to be eligible for consideration.Applications for Round 5 will close at Midnight on Friday 30 August 2019.You can make changes to your application any time until you submit your application. The Department will not consider late applications. To ensure that you provide all relevant information, see page 16 of ‘Appendix B - Application Checklist’ before submitting your application.

4. Resources to help you with your applicationThe following links are provided as a starting point for considering best practice approaches to inclusion, and applicants are encouraged to undertake their own research to identify solutions that will meet their identified needs.

Department of Education and Training:Education for all policy: Students with a disabilityDisability Standards for EducationVictorian Early Years Learning and Development FrameworkFramework for Improving Student OutcomesAITSL Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

Sport and Recreation Victoria:Sport and Recreation Victoria - The Good Play Space Guide: “I can play too”

International Resources:

Centre for Excellence in Universal Design:

The 7 Principles of Universal DesignUniversal Design for the 21 st Century: Irish and International Perspectives

Health and Education Advice and Resource Team:

Universal Design of schools and classrooms

OECD: Including Pupils with Special Educational Needs in Schools in Ireland (OECD)

UK Department for Children, Schools and Families:

Designing for disabled children and children with special educational needs

US National Institute of Building Sciences:

Resource lists from the National Clearinghouse For Educational Facilities

Inclusive Schools Fund – Round 5 Program Guidelines 10

5. AssessmentThe Victorian School Building Authority will:

Assess all applications for eligibility as per the Eligibility Criteria; Assess all eligible applications for merit against the Assessment Criteria; Refer highly ranked applications to other teams and business units for further review to:

Assess potential risks and issues with proposed works; Review the proposed works to ensure compliance with relevant legislation and standards;

and Review the proposed works for alignment with the Program Objectives.

As part of the assessment process, other areas of the Department will be consulted to further inform the suitability of projects against the criteria. Projects will be recommended for funding primarily on the basis of their rating against the Assessment Criteria, however, the Department may take into account other considerations including:

The prevalence of children with disabilities or additional needs attending your school; The distribution of approved projects across applicants, local government areas and education

regions; and The availability of funding, noting that the number and value of eligible, highly rated projects

may exceed the total available funding.The Department will provide a list of recommended projects to the Minister for Education for approval. The Minister will make the final determination with respect to funding.

6. If Your Applications Is SuccessfulThe Victorian School Building Authority will deliver all successful projects using contractors from the Victorian School Building Authority’s Statewide Minor Works Contract. The Victorian School Building Authority will manage all reporting requirements, payments and acquittals for these projects.The information you provide will be dealt with in accordance with the Public Records Act 1973 and the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.

Inclusive Schools Fund – Round 5 Program Guidelines 11

7. Contact InformationGeneral EnquiriesVictorian School Building Autority Grants Email: [email protected]: (03) 8688 7987

Application Enquiries (SmartyGrants)SmartyGrants Service TeamEmail: [email protected]: (03) 9320 6888

Technical EnquiriesInclusive Schools Fund Program Manager - Paul VrantsisEmail: vrantsis.paul.p Phone: (03) 9651 3074

Prospective applicants are also advised to consult with their nearest Regional Office regarding their proposed projects. The main Department regional office telephone numbers are:



Benalla 8392 9500

Bendigo 5440 3111

Glen Waverley 8392 9300

Coburg 9488 9488



Dandenong 8765 5600

Ballarat 5337 8444

Moe 5127 0400

Footscray 8397 0300

Geelong 5225 1000

Inclusive Schools Fund – Round 5 Program Guidelines 12

Appendix A - Assessment CriteriaAssessment Criteria 1: Demonstrate the current and future demand for the proposed works.

Responses should demonstrate Suggested key documents

School population trend, current figures and future outlook (over the previous 5-10 years)

Enrolment list with future projections

Explanation of the number of students recorded under PSD

Data collected for Program for Students with Disability (PSD)

Reasonable adjustment undertaken to cater for learning

Data collected for Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

Number of students overall benefiting from the proposed facility

Enrolment list

Geographic location of the school linked to the projected student population outlook

School zone or intake area

Benefits beyond the immediate school Letter of support from community individual and/or organisation

Assessment Criteria 2: Demonstrate how the proposed works develop and/or enhance the inclusiveness of the school environment.

Responses should demonstrate Suggested key documents

Clear and comprehensive policies towards disability and additional needs inclusion with SMART Goals

School strategic plan

Specific policy plans to support the wellbeing of students with disability or additional needs

Student engagement policy

Connection between the school strategic plan and student engagement plan


Responses should demonstrate Suggested key documents

Development opportunities for staff members specifically directed at upskilling the school’s overall consideration for inclusive practices

Professional development register and/or training courses relevant to disability and additional needs and/or inclusion

Clearly articulated strategies for the continuous improvement of inclusive practices

Professional development plan that targets disability and additional needs and/or inclusion

Assessment Criteria 3: Demonstrate how the proposed works increase participation and improve learning outcomes for students with disability or additional needs.

Responses should demonstrate Suggested key documents

Clear and detailed accounts explaining the current engagement level of school students

Student experience/case studies

Necessary understanding of the proposed facilities and the benefits linked to student learning outcomes

Research of intend benefits

Credit to parental expectations of academic needs Letter of support from parents/testimonies

Acknowledgement to academic and non-academic benefits to students

Student testimonies

Assessment Criteria 4: Demonstrate how the proposed works support teaching approaches that promote inclusion in classroom organisation and/or outdoor activities.

Responses should demonstrate Suggested key documents

Teaching modification strategies with the establishment of the proposed facilities

Curriculum or policy reports

Continuously improvement to enhance student learning

Audit/ policy reports

Inclusive Schools Fund – Round 5 Program Guidelines 14

Responses should demonstrate Suggested key documents Acknowledgement from relevant stakeholders outlining their assessment of need and resources required

Letters of support from teacher, therapist or relevant staff

Support from within the school Teacher survey/testimonies

Established framework to upskill and assist staff Change management strategy

Recognition from community of the benefits of the project

Letters of support from community member/organisation

Assessment Criteria 5: Demonstrate how the proposed works support the seven universal design principles.

Responses should demonstrate Suggested key documents

Acknowledgment to of these principles Research and/or cases studies on the seven universal design principles.

Understanding of these principles Detailed project plans linked to the seven universal design principles.

Application of these principles within the school School policies or procedures linking to the proposed work

Benefits to the students and staff Teaching staff and/or student wellbeing and engagement evaluations

Inclusive Schools Fund – Round 5 Program Guidelines 15

Appendix B – Application ChecklistPlease use the following checklist to keep track of the information required. The checklist also states information which will strengthen the quality of your application. Please carefully consider the information provided. The applicant organisation is a government school registered with the Victorian Registration and

Qualification Authority. Proposed works are consistent with “examples of eligible projects”. Proposed works do not relate to anything in the “what will not be funded” section. The School Principal and School Council President is supportive of the application. The application has been discussed with the Victorian School Building Authority and the nearest

Department Regional Office staff. The school is operating on land owned by the Department of Education and Training. Itemisation of individual costs to demonstrate all expenditure is eligible under the Program

Guidelines has been provided. Project costs are not above $200,000 (GST Exclusive), unless the school is proposing to provide a

co-contribution, in which case, costs are not above $400,000 (GST Exclusive). A site plan to illustrate what parts of the land or building will be changed by your project

Applicants are encouraged to provide additional information to support their application, such as: Organisation’s strategic plan in relation to disability or additional needs Social inclusion policies pertaining to disability or additional needs A letter of support from psychologist, physiotherapists, chaplain and relevant associated staff Professional Development Registers (full or extract) and programs or course information

highlighting disability and additional needs inclusion Research linking the social and inclusion benefits to the proposed works Case studies providing evidence linking works of a similar nature to the intended benefits. Student experiences or social inclusion related surveys Evidence acknowledging the school’s understanding of the Universal design principles Performance Indicators in scope of the proposed works and/or disability and additional needs

cohort(s) Organisation’s Inclusion Plan for disability and additional needs which outlines to objective and

clear Performance Indicators in scope of the proposed work Audits, reviews or similar information detailing deficiencies with the current service with respect

to inclusiveness. Additional quotations to demonstrate that the project cost represents value for money Peer reviewed research supporting the benefits of the intended project

Note: All evidence must be directly relevant to the application. For example, only attach policies or strategies that make explicit reference to the project or the existing service.
