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Don‘t be shy. Tell us your story.Put your

gossip in here

We will take care of it.

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EditorialDear delegates,

When reading the session papers, one always skips the editorial because it is less likely that something worthwhile is in it. At least that is what people think. A rookie mistake maybe it was, but we left this part to

the end and it was 2 hours before the wake up call when we were done with it. Brain dead and exhausted, we decided to listen to a random song and choose a quote from it, relate it to EYP somehow and then finally go to bed. Because that was the only way we could stay away from writing an editorial which would not involve sleep deprivation and coffee consumption - yet one can be pretty whiny when the mentioned things happen

thus that plan had the possibility to fail.

‘‘ So take the best of this test and don’t ask why, For what its worth, it was worth all the while’’

In the end what we could come up with were these lines from Good Riddance by Green Day, for we kept sing-

ing it in Taksim whole day long. What we know is that whatever we do, it will be worthwhile. This session, this paper, the times we have... You will soon realize that it will be the same for you, too: You will

take the best of your days in here and it will be worth all the time and energy you invested in it.

INC is an attempt to provide a reminder of the worthwhile times you had at this session after it ends. It is for those who will keep the issues somewhere near them at all time and take one out to read it even 8 months

after the session. This is a concrete proof that you have been a part of this amazing session. That you have been a part of EYP.

Welcome, you will love it.

Ezgi and Max.

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> 6How to survive an EYP session? Zita Praskova gives tips to the newbies.

> 7Walk walk fashion baby : Seyma shares her wisdom on how to dress.

> 8A never ending story: the EU and Turkey. Eoin O’Driscoll touches upon the long discussed. > 10Today’s centerfold: Your press team!

> 12Alexandre finds himself in the midst of an uprising.

> 13Who is who? EYP terminology is brought to you by Ali Kerem.

> 14EYP and love... Saga Eriksson explores what EYP is in the land of metaphors.

> 15Happening now: Czech Nationals.

> 16Exploring Taksim: Arda points out the best places to hang out in this district. University students...

> 18We asked, they delivered: Deniz Kartepe shares the experience our team had when they had to inter�view people on the street.

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Walk, Walk, Fashion Baby


As the session approached, one of the questions that might have popped to your mind is what to wear during the session. During these 4 days you are going to have different occasions like teambuilding activi-ties, Opening Ceremony, Committee Work and Gen-eral Assembly. Different occasions means different outfits. “The perfect outfits” for the session contains the right choice for the event, a balance between chic and comfortable and your style. Also, you must con-sider the weather in order to keep away from the cold. So what are tips for the perfect outfits for the session?

The first day of the session is the teambuilding activi-ties where you get to know each other by playing ice-breaking and energizer games. You are going to run, jump, crawl, hug, lift and bite each other and without hesitation. I advise comfortable, casual clothes like t-shirts, tracksuits, leggings, anything you feel comfort-able in. But still, keep in mind that at the evening you have the committee dinners!

The second day will start with the Opening Ceremo-ny and Panel Discussion, followed by the Committee Work which calls for formal clothes meaning skirts, dresses and, not necessary but always chosen, high heels for girls; suits, shirts and ties for guys. (You can always go the traditional way and wear a tie but wear-ing a bowtie won’t hurt! Girls like it.) Usually the for-mal clothes are seen as if they are only black and

white. But I suggest you to wear colorful pieces. Wear pink shoes, blue sweaters! Be colorful! Remember, the contrast of the colors is always in fashion and just a touch of any color can make an outfit stunning and different.

Casual, casual, casual! On the third day, your word is smart casual. You’ll be spending 9 hours of the day with Committee Work. About the casual clothes there’s nothing much to say since the choice differs one to another but I suggest you to consider 9 hours of sitting and working indoors before choosing your clothes.

Last but definitely not least, the fourth day of the of the session will be spent in the General Assembly and the in the evening there is a farewell party. As you can understand these are the signs of formal clothes. Girls, keep in mind that while partying, you might have dif-ficult times with the high heels. If you think you’re go-ing to suffer and sit in your seats just because of this, I hereby remind you that wearing flats is always the plan B. Don’t forget that and ruin your night. Also, as I previously mentioned, be well prepared for the weather. Boys, well,you know it: Suit up!

Those are the tips for the dress code of the session. However, keep in mind: Reflect your character and personality to your outfits and create your style.

Seyma Tasel plays the fashion cop and makes sure you dress up properly during the session.

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Turkey and the EU -Never Ending Story

Turkey straddles both East and West wıth territory both in Europe and in Asia. It is the inheritor of a rich, mixed, cultural heritage. Turkey’s largest city, Istanbul was both the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire (as Constantinople), the second city of Eu-ropean civilisation and also of the Ottoman Empire, the Turkish Empire that almost brought Europe to its knees with an invasion culminating in the 1529 Siege of Vienna.

Turkey has, however, traditionally been very close to Europe, this being seen most clearly in its association with the intergovernmental organisations linked to Europe, NATO and the EU.

Turkey contributes the second largest military force to NATO and is an associate member of the EU, having striven for membership since 2005.

Turkish desire to join the EU is understandable. As a large and rapidly developing economy, the access to the world’s largest market that EU membership brings can only be beneficial. If the precedent of 1990’s Eas-tern Europe is anything to go by, Turkey can expect rapid economic development and expansion upon be-coming part of the EU.

Many within the organisation would also see Turkish accession into the EU as a huge coup for European soft power in the foreign policy arena. The EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) under High >>

While Turkey has been a fully acknowledged member of the European Youth Parliament for more than 4 years, Turkey still is not a Member State of the EU. Eoin O‘Driscoll gets granular on that matter.


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Commissioner Catherine Ashton has largely failed to meet expectations. It has been only through soft power that the EU has been seen to have any success as a glo-bal actor. By virtue of the European successes, non-EU countries have wanted to join in and share in the be-nefits that EU member states have reaped from the or-ganisation. To join the EU a country must fill a certain set of criteria including a functioning democracy and a liberalised market economy. They must also comply with the Acquis Communautaire, the accumulated body of EU legislation. This sees countries desirous of accession adopting the legislation of the EU, member-ship of the EU indicating a nation that has adopted the norms and values of the European Project.

Therefore, the accession of Turkey would see the sprea-ding of EU values and legislation. It would show that Europe still holds appeal to those outside its borders and that its values are applicable outside the small landmass that is Western Europe where they were first espoused and thereby would legitimate EU efforts to spread them through the CFSP.

However, there are elements within Europe opposed to Turkish accession. They are concerned about the po-wer that Turkey would wield within the organisation. Turkey possesses the second largest army in NATO and would be the second largest country in the EU (set to overtake Germany and be the largest by 2020). Those who want to see a deepening rather than a widening of the European project also point out the EU’s difficultly in agreeing on coherent policies as it is, adding another nation, with interests at times likely to be quite diffe-rent to those of other major powers in the EU would only make further integration less likely, in their view.

Both Turkey and the EU have much to gain from closer cooperation. Negotiations on Turkish accession have been ongoing now since 2005 and a decision on the issue is likely in the near future. Can EU and Turkish leaders work to get their differences and seek coopera-tion or will they sit back and just accept the status quo?

> Eoin O‘Driscoll


Ali Kerem









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And the world around us won‘t stop turning

Since 1969, Muammar El-Gaddafi has prevailed on the Libyan country and its citizens. But from February 2011 on, the whole country is about to collapse.

Starting with a well-organised opposition based in Benghazi, the anti-Gaddafi movement spread to the main cities and to the capital Tripolis.

Initially, the opposition won quite some ground and started creating provisional administrations. By blo-cking strategic ports, the rebels wanted Gaddafi‘s tro-ops to run out of oil and gas to continue their terror campaign.

However, the governmental troops fought back and recaptured the lost ports and advanced to a few hund-red kilometers to Benghazi.

Fearing the risk of the civilians getting hurt by Gaddafi’s aggressive tactic against the rebels, France and the United Kingdom pushed for the implementa-tion of a no-fly zone over the Libyan country.

Yesterday, the NATO agreed on a no-fly zone, as Se-cretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told. Af-ter having consulted with the 28 members from the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, Turkey, the only Member State wıth a majorıty of muslım citivzens, gave its green light.

UN Security Council resolution authorises „all ne-cessary measures“ to protect Libyan civilians from the dictator’s terror campaign.

I think at this point we all agree with the message which Admiral Gortney gave: “Our message to regımetroops is simple: stop fighting, stop killing your own people, stop obeying the orders of Colonel Qaddafi.”

> Alexandre Narayanin

Alex reminds us life is not all about teambuilding games by summing up the current crisis in Libya.



The one and only person who presides the session. A president is a master of being cool, he/she knows how to have fun and has very creative ideas (especially when determining the session theme). A president contributes to the preparation of committee topic and helps the selection process of the officials’ team.

Vice-president (VP):

A vice president is somebody who is as well experi-enced as the president. With the president, vice presi-dents direct the General Assembly.


The ones who have the ability to make a team out of 10-15 different people. They also direct/guide their committees by asking questions but without interfe-ring the discussion of their delegates.


The majority of the participants of a session are de-legates. They are divided into committees to prepare a resolution for the problems in their committee to-pic. They play Teambuilding games, get involved in the discussion during the Committee Work, prepare a resolution and defend it during the GA.

Journalist (Journo):

Journalists are the ones who are mostly around but at the same time isolated. They always take photos in the session and write articles about EYP, the session itself as well as the current issues. In other words, they can be called as the ones who save the memories of the session in the form of session newspapers.

Organiser (Orga):

The ones who contribute to the preparation of a sessi-on. With team spirit and harmony, they overcome the difficulties of organizing.

Head-organizer(s) (HO):

The one(s) bearing the heavy burden of creating a ses-sion out of some limited resources (as well as other organizers). He/she determines what will be done and directs the other organizers.


People who show up in Selection Conferences in or-der to select the delegates to be sent to some future conferences.

...That‘s Not My Name

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A president, VPs, Orgas, Journos .... Ali Kerem wonders who all those people around us are

> Ali Kerem Araboglu


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You Had Me at Goodbye

Saga Eriksson hopes you will go on to fill the world with silly EYP love songs.

Love at first sight. A concept we all have been introduced to one way or another. You may not believe in its existence, some of you have ex-perienced it first hand. Most of you are probably still waiting for it to happen; waiting for it to accidental-ly pass you on the street or catch you in line at the supermarket. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but the most like-ly scenario is that EYP will not turn out to be your first ever love at first sight. It sure wasn’t for me.

You see all these people wander-ing or rushing around, and some of them smile at you; stop and starefor a while and then go on rush-ing. These people will later on introduce themselves as officials. They

are there for you, but at first they still seem to be having more fun without you. Rest assured, that will change once they see your faces and learn your confusing yet endearing Turkish names. Then there are the people who look at you like deer caught in headlights: your fellow competition, the other delegates. Even though this is a selection conference, it’s good to remember that EYP is not a competition; it’s a lifestyle. It’s a place where you are forced to expose yourself and put yourself out there. Learn to trust these people and develop yourself through that.

The beauty of EYP lies in the fact that these people see you at your worst. EYP doesn’t really make

you a better person at least dur-ing the session; maybe afterwards you notice a change like I did, but during the session EYP makes you the worst version of you. It catches you sometimes hungry, cranky and sleepy. In the heat of committee work or a challenging problem solv-ing game you become demanding, irritated, nervous and selfish. And that’s nothing to be ashamed of, it happens to all of us. All of the things you normally censor from others surface here. But the great thing about that is that the people in EYP don’t like the sugarcoated version of you. They don’t like the perfect ver-sion; they like the version that has all the bits you leave out of your Fa-cebook profile. >>


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After the session you may feel numb and hollow, you have barely taken two steps out of the build-ing and you already feel like you’re miles away from where you want to be and you can’t get back. Some call it post-EYP depression, but I like to call it a case of love at first departure. EYP is essentially like a relationship. Some, namely myself, have even gone as far as comparing it to sex. But just as in other rela-tionships, there is more to it than just sex. There is love. During the session you grow fond of your com-mittee. EYP becomes like that per

son you confess your undying love to, say you’ll do anything to

be with them, and then hope that it loves you back too. It becomes like the person you write silly love songs for. The tricky thing about this love is that the full force of it hits you only once you leave. So maybe an expression better used to describe EYP would not be “you had me at hello”, but rather “you had me at goodbye”.

> Saga Eriksson

Czechs and The Keg

‘‘In the spirit of the Nobel Peace Prize? With China as the EU’s second largest two-way trad-ing partner, how should Europe seek to negotiate future agreements with China whilst seeking to pro-mote and respect human rights?’’

This is the topic of the Committee INTA, but it has one special thing about it which is that we are sharing the topic with the INTA Commit-tee of the Czech Nationals as well. Yes, you didn’t think that our ses-sion was the only one in the world, right?

As we have shown you today, EYP is such a big family which is very widespread and has many differ-ent conferences all around Europe. Dozens in a year, all simply won-derful, full of enthusiastic EYPers.

So our conference began at the same time with the Czech National Conference and the arrangements were made to share the topic to have more fruitful debates by coop-erating via internet and discussing our ideas with each other, sharing what we have and in the end to pre-pare very good resolutions.

So this will just be a great example to show how closely bonded the National Committees are.

Tea, Zita and I will be in full cooper-ation with the officials of the Czech Nationals’ INTA and will make sure that you will be fully informed by all the things that are discussed there as well. Thus we will humbly try to take a further step in creating a resolution, international coopera-tion and EYP spirit.

> Zita Praskova & Deniz Kartepe


Well, in fact I should be writing about where to go and hang out or give you some tips about Tak-sim Square, but I assume some of you would know these stuff maybe even better than me. However, I’m still taking a chance on it for those who haven’t had a wild night in Taksim. First,, let me introduce some of the well known parts to you.

Numero Uno: Küçük Beyoğlu

For this one, you wouldn’t need an introduction. You all know where it is. So, this is a place that I think is the most crowded and popular place in Taksim. Cute place indeed, but for a place that popular, it’s never enough space. If you want to go there you should pre-pare yourselves to push people and be pushed.

But there is another problem, which I think is the big-gest; forget about the weekend, you wouldn’t find a table or even a seat on week nights to chill with your friends. You need to send a scout ahead to reserve a place for you. You need to pay him as well so that he can fight for your right to have fun - and then of course get rid of the scout.

One other thing that you would be concerned about is the tunes I guess. Well, music’s not awesome but, let’s say good because everyone has different taste. And here are the tips: Always try to find a table outside, to watch people passing by and have fun seeing them desperately trying to find a place. That gives you a

mean pleasure. Another tip goes for the drinks, personally I would have the shots first and slow down with beer but you can have your own way of course. Hönönö is a must. Don’t stick to the same drink and always try a different one. .

the city

The Ultimate Taksim Guide

Numero Due: Nevizade:

This one is a popular place also but with its narrow streets and little tables it gives you a hard time mov-ing around. If you dont know the exact place you

want to go, that iss a big problem because you can make circles in the same place and you won’t even notice. You can sit around and drink beer all night to have fun, but that would give you a beer-belly. Or, you can go to a place with live music and sip your rakı at the same time. If you are looking for a more traditional place this is the best one for you.

Numero Tre: Asmalımescit

If you are walking through Istiklal, you would prob-ably think that this street has no end. But there is one. Just when you start to think there is nowhere to have fun, Asmalımescit appears on the right side. This has been the very place to drink and be cheerful for a very long time. Again this one is better when its warm out there, yet the streets are full of tables at any time of the year. If you are hanging out when it’s summertime and if you go there frequently you can see some street musicians playing the piano and cello. These streets are not just for drinking. With its galleries and street musicians, Asmalımescit is a place where fun and art is combined.

Although I have a lot of places to write about: Gal-ata, Çiçek Pasajı, Cezayir Sokağı, or maybe my fa-vourite places such as Machine or Pixie, but those are for you to discover and fall in love with the area all over again.

> Arda Erdeniz

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the city

Finally. It’s here. Your first EYP session. You’ve arrived to this place in order to spend 4 days and now you are here with your luggage packed ready for tast-ing the famous so called “EYP spirit” for the first time.

Maybe you’ve already heard about that bunch of peo-ple called EYPers and about the sessions they so much love to attend. Maybe you also have a clue how such sessions look like. But maybe (and most probably) you have no clue what it really means to drift on the waves of an EYP session.

We won’t hide this fact from you - fully enjoying the session is an exhausting activity. Loads of new faces, academic debates, crazy games, laughing, arguing, strikes of emotions. These four days are simply so intensive. How to survive all this without destroying your sleeping schedule or getting crazy? This a ques-tion which is better solve before than after. Since the session has started, you have enough time to follow some basic rules.

The worst thing you might be facing is tiredness. For years EYPers has been wondering how to avoid this unwelcomed condition of body and mind. So far noth-ing more efficient has been discovered than a regular sleeping schedule. Yeah, we now, sometimes it’s hard to miss the epic moments at EYP cafés but the survival guideline is strict, at least 5 hours of sleep every day.

Don’t underestimate the importance of coffee breaks too. A short break helps you to concentrate and come up with smart, fresh ideas. Could there be better re-freshment than a cup of savoury coffee and a piece of cake? And last but not least don’t forget to drink enough water.

Well, let’s stop with this cheesy (but true!) advices. Our survival guideline will give you the last but the most important one. It’s simple: Enjoy everything what the session brings. Find friends, discuss what-ever you like, play like crazy and feel the spirit. Go for it, we know you can!

First I Was Afraid,I Was Petrified

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18,75 stars

Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Holland (The Netherlands - ed.),

United States, Austraila, Israel

50% yes 50% no - who knows?

Yes, but without loss of national identity.

How many stars are there in the EU flag?

Name Member States of the EU?

Is Switzerland a Member State of the EU?

Should Turkey join the EU?

As many as one can wish for.

UK, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Latvia, Estonia


I would do EVERYTHING to get Turkey in the EU. Cathy here I


We Know, Do You?

From the very first day the press team, went to the streets to make a decisive survey about the average knowledge of Turkish people about the EU. We asked random people on Istiklal Street and participants of the conference, including our session president Emre Tekisalp.

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< Sun glass guy representing Istanbul citizen

Emre Tekisalp as himself >

Istanbul National Conference 2011 Issue 1
