
Inauguration of Three UB Professors

Submit by humas3 on September 28, 2011 | Comment(s) : 0 | View : 9585

Prof.Dr. Isrok, SH. MS. Inauguration of Three Professors of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) is held on Tuesday (27/9) in Widyaloka Building. With this addition, UB now has 204 Professors. The 202nd Professoris Prof.Dr. Isrok, SH. MS. From the Faculty of Law. He will be a professor of State Administration, with his speech entitled "Failed Nation Viewed from the Aspect of Nation with Democratic Justice." In his speech, Isrok focuses on the importance of a nation in upholding moral values to strengthen the nation. One of the moral values is honesty. Honesty is very important for the enforcement of law. "And improve the spirit of life with Pancasila Ideology, not through repressive and instructive approach, focus on the first principle, the one almighty God, anywhere, anytime, must always remember the Creator and make it planted in every individual, especially the one who got people's trust." He said.

Dr.Ir. Sri Andayani, MS The 203rd professor is Dr.Ir. Sri Andayani, MS. From the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences. Dr.Ir. Sri

Andayani, MS Sri inaugurated as a Professor of the Aquatic Environment Health. In her scientific oration entitled "The Role of Jellyfish Alkaloid Bioactive on Fish Health on Aquaculture", she said that the potentials of jellyfish in Indonesia can be used to control the disease on fish cultivation. All this time, many people use antibiotic such as chloramphenicol, oxytraceyscline and erythromycin, whereas it can cause resistance. That is why jellyfish can be used to control the fish disease because it is natural and environmentally friendly.

The 204th professor is Prof. Dr. Achmad Sudiro SE. ME. from the Faculty of Economics and Business. Sudiro is inaugurated as a Professor of Human Resource Planning and Development.

Prof. Dr. Achmad Sudiro SE. ME

In his inauguration speech, he explains a scientific oration entitled "Planning and Development of Lecturer's Career using Proactive Approach in Managing Human Resource."

Planning the lecturer's career is very important to improve the quality of a university. This is because the quality of a university can be seen from the high ratio of lecturer with doctor or professor title. That is why planning of lecturer's career should be prepared, both on the lecturer's individual side or the employee affairs unit.[arr]

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