
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of

real media products?

Although ‘Twilight’ is not a thriller movie some aspects of our trailer were influenced by the movie. If you take this scene of Edward and Bella in a science lab, in a normal class, we used this idea and had our Ashleigh and Mark in the same class and looking at each other. This also foreshadows that something will be happening with these characters.

Marked is a psychological thriller that is based on a guy called Mark who stalks the female lead Ashleigh. In this photo we see that Mark is getting jealous that she is talking to other guys.

This photo is from the movie ‘The Loved Ones’ and through this we got the idea of stalking, we also got idea’s of car scenes and this influenced our trailer.

From my research in codes and conventions of movie trailers for my planning, I found that a lot of thriller movies include mirror or shadows and so therefore through this we decided to add mirror scenes. Each of the scenes are different and from not only different angles but also from different locations. The first and third are from car mirrors one of the side window and the other from the mirror in the front of the car that you look through to see behind you. Both of these show Marks facial expression as well and fit with the genre.

For the ancillary task we wanted to keep the poster simple are out movie would be well established meaning that we don’t need to have too much information on it. We have compared this to many posters that just have the simple essential information on the poster.When researching thriller posters not only for information for the ancillary task but also for the trailer, we found that the colours were mostly dark and they had low gradients. This shows there is a convention that all of these fit and for out movie to be compared to areal one we needed to make sure it fit certain codes.

Here we see on our thriller movie poster that it correlates with one of the real one, the way it is set out and the colours used make it more professional and fit with its genre rather than going against all the codes and conventions as it would confuse our audience.