
In what ways do the arts of today use the arts of the past? What social and technological factors have given particular directions to development of the arts? Have there been remarkable turning points or changes in direction punctuating the development of this field?To begin with, we should know the definition of art not just visual art or The Arts (art and music), but in an overall aspect. Art is related to creativity; art is communication; art is ones individual independent idea; art is ones expression and/or opinion. My definition of art is a communicative tool through ones actions and skills, revealing and expressing his/her message, character, opinion and aesthetic values. Looking back in history, Leonardo da Vinci, known by a lot of people as a man with a vision, was a painter, scientist, mathematician, engineer and inventor. He uses art to advance science and technology, such as the creation of models of flying machines from studies of the flight of birds due to his fascination by the phenomenon of flight itself. Till this day, we live in a world operated by mathematics and science, where discoveries befitted in that category, is sound. Art is being used as propaganda, and propaganda is frequently and vigorously used by governments in different countries during World War I and World War II in the early 20th century. One example of propaganda is the American recruiting poster in WWI. The poster depicts Uncle Sam, the personification of the United States, through the colors of the clothing that are elemental to the American flag, thus showing patriotism. The uses of propaganda during the wars are to shape citizens thoughts that war is good, war is important, you are fighting for your country and family. However, when they are in the battlefield, they are looking and experiencing at an entirely opposite perspective war is considered bloodshed, terror, and chaos by most people. And we have come to realize, through the word-of-mouth from the survivors, that propaganda is betraying our ideals, thus we shape our own perspectives to view that propaganda is usually a bad thing, and/or a lie. Today, there are still uses of propaganda, some of them meant for the good. One example is a Chinese soldier named Lei Feng (). He is known as being selfless and modest, and he is the subject of nationwide propaganda campaign. The caption in the poster says Follow Lei Fengs example; love the Party; love Socialism; love the people. Till this day, the Chinese are reminded and talked about the Chinese soldier by remembering the Chinese phrase .If we are looking at a music aspect, which is widely considered art, it has been developed throughout the centuries. From the Middle Ages to Classical to 20th Century music, new instruments have been created such as piano, which everyone is declaring it the king of instruments; orchestra has become larger from Baroque to Romantic period to onwards; newer genres have been created from Fugue to Symphony to Expressionism. Due to technology evolving over the decades, new genres were born to succeed their predecessor. According to Rickey Vincents book called Funk: The Music, The People, And The Rhythm Of The One, with the creation of synthesizers and keyboards, these machines can replicate the musical features of funk. This thus create the typical pop music, and 21st century artists such as Lady Gaga and Maroon 5 use these machines to create their songs, and later on, electronic dance music has been created as well. Visual arts have also been revolutionized with the continuous evolvement of technology, such as photography in the digital art, the invention in color spectrum, etc.. This thus created changes in art such as computer-manipulated photography. Technology brings many benefits to art, making it easier in the future than in the past. For example, props in drama play. In the past, artists have to manufacture masks and clothing with the correct pigment and measurement by hand. With technology, machinery exists, which will minimize time consumption on making the props with the demanded quantity. Moreover, art can be used with science and technology on modern architecture. With technology redirecting art, a new type of art called graphics design has been increased reliance, and thus open new career opportunities such as film making, video games development, and advertising. To conclude, there are remarkable turning points in direction of the development of art itself. Technology has become a huge impact on the world, and creativity, as it opens to a whole new perspective. However, the huge reliance on technology creates the loss of the art in the past, which defines the origins of legendary artists creativity, so we need to be reminded of what we learnt from the previous artists as well.
