
Published monthly by

Trinity United Methodist Church 301 W. Market Street

Lima, Ohio 45801

Volume 20, Issue 9, September 18, 2015

“In the heart of the city, sharing the heart of Christ.”

Dear Friends,

We have dust! Praise the Lord! Renovations have begun with the sanctuary level restrooms and there is actually

more excitement in the air than dust. Our contractors have been doing a great job at containing the dust with

plastic drapes and our day custodian, Rob Stidham, has been diligent in covering the details. Thanks, Rob!

Demolition work will soon be completed and the drapes will come down as the reconstruction begins. This is our

fall project. We will take a break for Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas, and then begin again late January after

we host the Lima Symphony with Baroque by Candlelight.

The winter projects will include the parlor kitchen, the parlor entry, the old library and conference room two area

and office entry. This work will be done by Easter. Other projects will follow. The big stained glass windows of our

sanctuary could begin this fall, depending on the response of bidders, but we are not pushing the timing on this


So Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for your generosity of gifts, prayers, patience and cooperation that makes

all this possible. And thanks to our Renovations Team, our design sub-committees, many other volunteers, our

Administrative Board, and special thanks to Kirk Slusher and Paul Myers for their many hours of excellent work

and leadership.

In other news, our worship theme for this fall is Becoming Disciples-Becoming Church. We will focus two weeks

on each of Bishop Robert Schnase’s Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations: Radical Hospitality, Passionate

Worship, Intentional Faith Development, Extravagant Generosity, and Risk-Taking Mission and Service.

Please stay connected with our sermons and resourcing over these weeks. The topics build upon one another, so

if you miss a week, please visit our website and listen to any sermons you have missed.

In addition, we are beginning an additional breakfast team for our Sunday morning Breakfast Ministry. This team

will be responsible for the preparation and cleanup of the breakfast one Sunday a month. If you are interested, an

orientation session will be held on Monday, October 5, at 6 p.m., for you to learn more about this vital ministry.

I could go on and on about the exciting ministry work happening at Trinity this fall. And I am so glad that you are a

part of this. I pray that we will all continue growing in our faith and faithfulness, and that Trinity’s witness in our

community will glow even brighter. Praise the Lord!

Pastor David

Join us at Trinity United Methodist Church this Fall as we explore 5 characteristics of fruitful living that will help us to grow as disciples and as a congregation. All are welcome and encouraged to receive God’s love, to love God in return, to grow in Christ, to serve others, and to give back. Worship 8:00 am Breakfast Worship 8:30 am Chapel Worship 10:30 am Sanctuary Worship September 6: Becoming Disciples– Radical Hospitality, Rev. Harris

September 13: Becoming Church– Radical Hospitality, Rev. Harris

September 20: Becoming Disciples– Passionate Worship, Rev. Croy

September 27: Becoming Church– Passionate Worship, Rev. Harris

October 4: Becoming Disciples– Intentional Faith Development, Rev. Harris

World Communion Sunday

October 11: Becoming Church– Intentional Faith Development, Rev Croy

October 18: Becoming Disciples: Extravagant Generosity, Rev. Harris

October 25: Becoming Church: Extravagant Generosity, Rev. Harris

Stewardship Sunday

November 1: All Saints Sunday, Rev. Harris

November 8: Becoming Disciples: Risk-Taking Mission and Service

November 15: Becoming Church: Risk-Taking Mission and Service

Becoming Disciples, Becoming Church Fall 2015 Worship

Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. Romans 15:7

What could the practice of Radical Hospitality look like in your life? 1. Receiving God’s Love

• Accept that you are accepted by God. • Invite God into your heart and your life each day. • Trust in God’s love and grace for you and for others.

2. Showing radical hospitality at Trinity United Methodist Church

• Be present– we can’t welcome others if we aren’t here • Wear your nametag– every week • Look for and introduce yourself to someone you don’t know • Take time to get to know someone new each week • Sit somewhere new • Ask others what they need rather than assuming you know.

3.Creating sacred space wherever you are.

• Listen before speaking • Remind yourself that you might be the first experience someone has with Christ. • Hold your tongue from gossiping and speaking ill of your brothers and sisters. • Share how God’s grace has transformed your life. • Take time to pray with and for the people you meet. • When in doubt, share love rather than hate, hope rather than fear and grace instead of judgment.

5K and Fun Run/Walk On October 10 there is an event at Spartan Stadium to support Heather Sawmiller and family.

Gates will open at 3:15 p.m. A 5K is planned that will begin and end at Spartan Stadium. Also, there will be a Fun Run/Walk around the track.

Volunteers who can help the day of the event are needed to stand at various places on the course. We thought it would be nice if some from her church family could help in that way. If you can help send a message to Pastor Megan, [email protected] or sign up at the Welcome Center.

Renovations The renovations on the main floor restrooms are in full swing! It is anticipated that this work will take 7 weeks. During that time, please use the restrooms on the Balcony and Fellowship Hall levels. Thank you for your cooperation!

Revive Financials


Total Committed to Date: $1,285,248.04

Total Received: $739,954.52

Interest Received: $30.59

Expenditures: $31,558.97



Fishing Anyone? There is a Charter Fishing Trip to Lake Erie planned on September 28. For more information, contact Bob Johns (419) 371-0397.

UMWomen Annual Cheese Sale The United Methodist Women’s annual cheese sale will begin Sunday, October 11th and continue thru Sunday October 25th.

You may place your order in the Narthex before and after both church services.

All chess is vacuum sealed in 3/4 pound packages. These packages may be frozen.

Proceeds from this sale supports the UMWomen’s mission projects.

Book Club Schedules!

Eager Readers Book Club

Third Wednesday of each month (except July & December)

@ 7:00 pm in the church parlor

October 21 ~ each reader will share on her reading of a Jodi Picoult novel

November 18 ~ Deb Schroeder

City of Thieves, by David Benioff

Friday Morning Book Club Third Friday of each month

(except July & August) @ 9:30 am in Balcony Room 307

October 16 ~ Missy Roush Clara and Mr. Tiffany, by Sarah Wreeland

November 20 ~ Diana Heath

The Light Between the Oceans, by M. L. Stedman

December 11 ~ Joyce Pugh and all Fellowship Gathering

The Prayer Chest, by August Gold and Jack Fotinos

Bible Study Opportunities Covenant Bible Study is a weekly small group overview study of the Bible, both Old & New Testaments. We will read the Bible together to learn how to love God and others better. Three 8 week units will be offered through fall, winter and spring. You may take one unit or all three. Each 90 minute group session will include discussion on daily readings and a video segment. The fall unit will be offered on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m., beginning September 30. Participants will need their own study Bible and a lesson book for each unit. Cost of lesson books are $20 each or $50 for all three, available online or from the church office. The study will be lead by Pastor Dave. Please ask him any questions you may have ([email protected]). Personal Devotions We know that there is also a need for personal devotions with God. This fall we would like to offer everyone the opportunity to make a 40 day commitment to personal time with God. Beginning in October, we will have a book called “40 Days of Faithful Living” available for personal study that will complement our Fall Worship Theme. Small Groups We also have a number of people who meet regularly in small groups for study. If you are interested in finding a group to meet with, contact the church office so that we can assist you.

Ministry Collections

Churches United Pantry (CUP)

October ~ Peanut Butter

Center for Creative Child Care

Campbell Soup Labels. Bring in the entire soup label.

Chief Receipts, “Community Cash” ~ Chief “Community Cash” will begin in September.

Community Breakfast

Bread wrappers

Liberty Arts Magnet

Box Tops for Education


Used postage stamps ~ The stamps are shipped to Mexico, then used to get food for the needy. Please leave 1/4 inch around the stamp or bring in the whole envelope and the women will trim them.

Manufacturers expired store coupons-not older than 4 months. Please cut out individual coupons.

All above items are collected at the Welcome Center in the narthex.

Operation Christmas Child UMW 4th Annual Christmas Shoebox Ministry All women are invited to the October UMW General meeting on October 14th at 6:30 p.m. for a covered dish dinner in the Parlor. Please bring your own service and a dish to share. Our program will again be about the exciting and meaningful Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Shoebox ministry. If you are able, please bring some of the items listed below for girls and boys ages 5 - 9.

Also, we will need a few people to bring Christmas wrapping paper, scissors, and tape. If you want to bring a regular-sized empty shoe box with detachable lid, please do so. We probably already have enough, but it depends on the number of children’s items we all bring in!

SCHOOL SUPPLIES: Pens, pencils and sharpeners, crayons or markers, stamps and ink pad sets, writing pads or paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books, etc. TOYS: Small cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, jump ropes, small Etch A Sketch,® toys that light up or make noise (with extra batteries), Slinky,® etc. HYGIENE ITEMS: Toothbrush, toothpaste, mild bar soap (in a plastic bag), comb, washcloth, etc. OTHER: T-shirts, socks, ball caps, sunglasses, hair clips, toy jewelry, watches, flashlights (with extra batteries) DO NOT INCLUDE: Used or damaged items; war-related items such as toy guns, knives or military figures; chocolate or food; out-of-date candy; liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snowglobes or glass containers; aerosol cans.

A Night of Christian Rock & Roll



Saturday, October 3, 2015 7:00 p.m.

Westside U.M. Church Sanctuary 604 Gloria Dr. Free Admission

Please bring non-perishable items for CUP clients. Freewill Offering will be Taken with Proceeds going

to CUP to purchase food

Come Join Us

What: Ride to Support the Widewater Camp & Retreat Center

When: Saturday September 26, 2015 at 11:00 am

Where: Ride begins at Trinity United Methodist Church, 413 East Second St., Defiance, Ohio

Cost/Donation: $10.00 for rider, $5.00 for passenger

The newly created United Methodist Motorcycle Association of Ohio invites all riders and non-riders to come join us for our inaugural ride. Our mission is to raise awareness of U.M.M.A. in Ohio and to take the church outside the four walls to reach the world. Members spread God's love and grace to all, meeting people where they are in life, and offering the message of hope, faith, and love.

We will gather at Trinity UMC in Defiance at 11:00 am for a bike blessing, and then we will ride along the Maumee River to the Widewater Camp and Retreat Center located in Texas, Ohio.

All monies raised will be donated to the Widewater Camp and Retreat Center.

Come ride with us as we fellowship together while sharing the Gospel and the Grace of Jesus Christ!

Youth News

Free Store News TRINITY: Sunday, September 13th - 106

Y ANNEX: Tuesday, September 8th - 47 Friday, September 11th - 27

It's been a really busy August since the last Chimes!! We've helped lots of families with school supplies and school uniforms. Two church families have shared couches with someone who really needed one.

We're busy with seasonal changes - with the chilly nights and days we've had, more people are looking for blankets and jackets and socks; so we're weeding out the summer shorts and sleeveless tops, etc. Items we weed out go to various other ministries in town - so they still get put to good use by those in the community who need them.

We still have a need for a twin or full sized bed for a family; and a crib for another family. If you know of one available, please call Muriel at 419-331-2619.


Freely you have received, freely give. Matt. 10:8b

Attention all Ministry Coordinators! Does your ministry have a “Ministry Moment” to tell? Share their stories with the Trinity family by submitting them for publication in the Chimes.

To submit an article you can do one of the following:

Email to Sheri at [email protected]

Send by mail to Trinity United Methodist Church, 301 W. Market Street, Lima, OH 45801

Drop off at the church office

All articles should be submitted by the deadline date. (Chimes Deadline Dates are listed on the calendar page of this issue and also on the Chimes page on Trinity’s website,

A Letter from CUP Dear Church Partners,

Are you up for a challenge? Churches United Pantry has an idea that you could help bring to life! Throughout October, the mental health and homeless support organization Changing Seasons is sponsoring daily events to draw attention to the plight of the unemployed and homeless in Lima. Changing Seasons, which is housed in the Y Annex, works closely with the men who live at the Y. One day in October, the services that CUP (Churches United Pantry) offer are going to be highlighted with a cooking event. Mary Stepleton, the director of CUP and a former Home Ec teacher, will be demonstrating food that can be cooked using ingredients from CUP and an electric skillet. The men at the Y annex have very limited cooking facilities, and Changing Season's one electric skillet is in high demand.

That's where your congregation's generosity comes in. We'd like to be able to give electric skillets to the men from the Y who come to the demonstration, but we need donations of skillets. And, while we're dreaming--we'd like Teflon spatulas and spoons so we can give them tools to use with the skillets. Small to mid-sized new skillets with tools to use them--that's what we're asking for. Could you spread the word in your congregations, in your Sunday Schools classes, groups and clubs, and collect your donations? If you call me at 419-235-6875 or email us at <>, we'd be happy to arrange to pick up the skillets and tools that people have given.

What: Drive to Get New Electric Skillets and Teflon Tools (spatula & spoon) for the Men Living At the Y

When: Deadline: October 15

Where: CUP Pantry

Who: Contact Mary at 419-235-6875 or [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>

Why: Because Everyone Deserves a Hot Meal

Thanks for your support of this project and for your ongoing support!

Mary Stepleton Director of CUP

A Special Request Next month, Maha, the director of Changing Seasons is looking for a seamstress or two, with portable sewing machines they could bring to Changing Seasons to work with the clients teaching and helping them make doll clothes for a project they are doing. She will work around your time frame and available dates.

If you have the skills and the interest to minister in this way, please contact Muriel at 419-331-2619; and I will get back to you with more details, and connect you with Maha. This is a great opportunity to share Jesus' love and your talents with others!!

Changing Seasons day center, housed at the Y Annex, is a great program sponsored by Coleman Behavioral Center.

7th-12th graders are invited to the church on Sunday, October 18th for an evening of food, friends and fun. November 13-14th we will have a youth retreat. Watch your email and Facebook for more information. We will have an introductory meeting for Confirmation on Sunday, October 4th from Noon-2pm with lunch. Parents are invited for the first part of the meeting including lunch. Family news: Mark your calendars for October 11th after the 10:30 worship service for a Fall Activity. All families (or partial families) with children or youth are invited to attend. More details about location and a sign up sheet will be available soon.

Chimes Deadlines

To submit articles for the Chimes

contact the church office or email

[email protected]

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Trinity United Methodist Church Calendar — October 2015

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


8:00 AM Breakfast &


8:30 AM Chapel Service

9:15 AM Sunday School

10:30 AM Worship Service

11:45 AM Hospitality Hour

12:00 PM Radio Broadcast

1:00 PM Hispanic Worship


6:30 AM Monday

Morning Men

10:00 AM Monday

Morning Women

7:00 PM Al Anon


5:30 PM PIYO


Soup Kitchen

6:45 AM Wednes-

day Morning Men

4:00 PM TOPS

6:30 PM Covenant

Bible Study

7:00 PM Hispanic

Bible Study


5:30 PM PIYO

5:30 PM Support


6:00 PM Young


6:45 PM Chancel


7:45 PM Chancel


7:00 PM Hispanic

Bible Study



8:00 AM Breakfast &


8:30 AM Chapel Service

9:15 AM Sunday School

10:30 AM Worship Service

11:45 AM Confirmation

11:45 AM Hospitality Hour

12:00 PM Radio Broadcast


6:30 AM Monday

Morning Men

10:00 AM Monday

Morning Women

7:00 PM Al Anon


5:30 PM PIYO

6:00 PM SPRC


Soup Kitchen

6:45 AM Wednes-

day Morning Men

4:00 PM TOPS

6:30 PM Covenant

Bible Study

7:00 PM Hispanic

Bible Study


5:30 PM PIYO

5:30 PM Support


6:45 PM Chancel


7:45 PM Chancel



7:00 PM Hispanic

Bible Study



Chimes Deadline

8:00 AM Breakfast &


8:30 AM Chapel Service

9:15 AM Sunday School

10:30 AM Worship Service

11:45 AM Hospitality Hour

12:00 PM Radio Broadcast

1:00 PM Hispanic Worship

6:00 PM PT Cruisers


6:30 AM Monday

Morning Men

10:00 AM Monday

Morning Women

5:00 PM



7:00 PM Al Anon


10:15 AM Lima


Home Worship

5:30 PM PIYO

5:30 PM Trustees

7:00 PM CCCC



6:45 AM Wednes-

day Morning Men

10:15 AM Primrose


4:00 PM TOPS

6:30 PM Covenant

Bible Study

6:30 PM UMW

General Meeting

7:00 PM Hispanic

Bible Study


5:30 PM PIYO

5:30 PM Support


6:45 PM Chancel


7:45 PM Chancel



9:30 AM Book


7:00 PM Hispanic

Bible Study



Family Promise Week

8:00 AM Breakfast &


8:30 AM Chapel Service

9:15 AM Sunday School

10:30 AM Worship Service

11:45 AM Hospitality Hour

12:00 PM Radio Broadcast

1:00 PM Hispanic Worship

6:00 PM Uprising


Family Promise


6:30 AM Monday

Morning Men

10:00 AM Monday

Morning Women

7:00 PM Al Anon


Family Promise


5:30 PM PIYO


Family Promise


6:45 AM Wednes-

day Morning Men

9:30 AM Study


4:00 PM TOPS

6:30 PM Covenant

Bible Study

7:00 PM Eager


7:00 PM Hispanic

Bible Study


Family Promise


5:30 PM PIYO

5:30 PM Support


6:45 PM Chancel


7:45 PM Chancel



Family Promise


7:00 PM Hispanic

Bible Study


Family Promise



8:00 AM Breakfast &


8:30 AM Chapel Service

9:15 AM Sunday School

10:30 AM Worship Service

11:45 AM Hospitality Hour

12:00 PM Radio Broadcast

1:00 PM Hispanic Worship


6:30 AM Monday

Morning Men

10:00 AM Monday

Morning Women

7:00 PM Al Anon


10:15 AM Lima


Home Communion

5:30 PM PIYO

6:30 PM CCCC

Autumn Harvest



6:45 AM Wednes-

day Morning Men

10:00 AM UMW

Exec Board

4:00 PM TOPS

6:30 PM Covenant

Bible Study

7:00 PM Hispanic

Bible Study

7:00 PM Japan



5:30 PM PIYO

5:30 PM Support


6:45 PM Chancel


7:45 PM Chancel



7:00 PM Hispanic

Bible Study


Paul Goodwine ~ October 21 ~ 98

Pauline Orchard ~ October 21 ~ 97

Joseph Link ~ October 6 ~ 96

Betty Kelly ~ October 17 ~ 94

DJ Kohler ~ October 3 ~ 92

October Birthdays

Trinity Family News & Notes . . .

Notes of Thanks

Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes and for joining me at my 90th birthday party. It was much appreciated, I was overwhelmed.

Ada Eyler I would like to express our thanks and gratitude for all of the thoughts, prayers and cards we received during the time of my brothers death. We are so very fortunate to be a part of the Trinity family.

David Schneider and family

Monthly Yearly

Budget Actual Budget Actual

Income $40,982.67 $49,438.18 $327,861.36 $312,442.43

Expenses $41,619.76 $39,926.98 $332,958.08 $333,864.30

Difference + / - - $637.09 $9,511.20 -$5,096.72 -$21,421.87

Church Budget Status as of August 2015

Dave & Bev Beery ~ October 16 ~ 50 years

October Anniversaries

David Harris [email protected] Megan Croy [email protected] Beth Hardesty [email protected] Sheri Leaman [email protected] David Schneider [email protected] Dean Altstaetter [email protected] Christina Vorhes [email protected]

Church Staff Email Addresses

Hospitalized since last Chimes

Diane Hicks, Jim Pace, Carol Wilkerson, Keiko Hahn, Roberta VanGuten, Pat Mills, Richard Hoffman, Paul Myers

Trinity expresses our deepest sympathy to...

Ruth Werling on the death of her husband and sister. Her husband Harry died on August 28 and her sister Helen Long died on August 18.



Trinity United Methodist Church

301 W. Market Street Lima, Ohio 45801

Church Office (419) 227-0800 Church FAX (419) 227-1635


All Members


Rev. David C. Harris

Associate Pastor

Rev. Megan Croy

Director of Music

David Schneider

Director of The Center for Creative Child Care

Christina Vorhes

Trinity United Methodist Church

Sunday School Classes 9:15 AM ~ 10:15 AM

Nursery & Toddler Care Sanctuary Level #202

Age 4 - 4th grade

Balcony #310

5th—6th grades Balcony #311


Serendipity Class Balcony #307

Awesome Adults Balcony Level #304


High/Middle School Balcony #308


Summer Sunday Mornings at Trinity

8:00 am Breakfast 8:30 am Worship ~ Chapel 9:15 am Sunday School for all ages 10:30 am Worship ~ Sanctuary 11:30 am Hospitality Hour

12:00 pm Radio Broadcast 1150AM ~ WIMA

Need your blood pressure checked?

Stop by the church’s library on any Sunday immediately following the 8:30am and

10:30am worship services.

Inside this issue:

Fall Worship Schedule

Renovations Update

Operation Christmas Child

A Letter from Churches United Pantry
