Download pdf - ImPulse - Issue 28


Issue 28 - Jun 2011 This Issue: Armed Forces DayPhotographs by: Ken Boddy

published by Pulse PhotographySetting the standards!

45 Church RoadHove • Sussex


http://www.pulse-photography.tel ImPulseBN11NB

Studio, by appointment: +44 (0) 403 713381Reception: +44 (0) 208 2426684

Mobile: +44 (0) 7748 194358

Issue 28 - Jun 2011 This Issue: Armed Forces DayPhotographs by: Ken Boddy

published by Pulse PhotographySetting the standards!

All photographs are subject to copyright by their respectiveowners and therefore copying and reproduction is notpermitted without express written permission ofPulse Photography.


We, that is, Pulse Photography - a collection of photographers,regularly photograph events in and around Brighton (UK). Wehave thousands of images covering nearly 10 years of events.


We enjoy event photography, street photography, all sortsreally, as well as studio work. The complete process; goodplanning, professional execution and high quality imagesdrives us.


We are happy to consider others joining. We have grown toeight photographers and shrunk, then grown and shrunk.People work with us, enjoy it, have a break, come back and domore. We are very flexible in our approach to what we do asnot everyone can commit lots of time.

If our modus operandi strikes a chord - make contact! Weregularly meet so you could join us and see where it leads.


ImPulse is published by Pulse Photography, frequently and atour discretion. It is independent and free to view online;please read on …


To Showcase our work! The intention is to sell our work. Whileexhibitions are really enjoyable to both take part in andorganise they do eat money! The Internet provides a verycost effective way to showcase our work.


We are happy to receive your photographs ‘for consideration’.These could be for inclusion within this publication or otherswe have planned.

We would like to work with you and grow in unison. If you wantto submit work please consider the following: While aphotograph should be able to express it’s self adequately to alarge number of people, we need to know what yourmotivations are, what you are trying to portray and the socialcontext of the subject is for each photograph! We are lookingfor both individual photographs and sets of photographs thatreport on a situation or event. On the whole we would like tojust let the photograph do the work but we may wish to buildup that with textural information.

CALL FOR PHOTOGRAPHSOur work, your work: That’s it. You must have sole or partownership of the work and the authority to assign the use ofthe photograph(s) to Pulse Photography. We have guidelinesthat we will send to you on request. Until the ‘Art Release’form has been received all photographs are considered by usas ‘For Consideration Only’.

We do hold sole editorial rights of what we include and if andwhen it will be published and we will consult with you.

