Page 1: Improving Lead Quality With Analytics Across The Lifecycle

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Improving Lead Quality with Analytics Across the Lifecycle!

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Questions / ON24 Logistics !

•  Download  this  white  paper.  •  View  our  podcast.  •  Take  our  assessment  •  …  

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Follow  this  webinar  on  Twi>er  

#LLCseries    Demand  Gen  Report:   @DG_Report  

Marketo:   @Demandbase  

Shari  Johnston:   @shariajohnston  

Tom  Kahana:   @TomKahana  

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Lead LifeCycle Series Prize Box!

Register,  a>end  and  tweet  the  Lead  LifeCycle  Series  sessions  using  the  #LLCseries  hashtag  to  be  entered  into  the  Prize  Box  giveaway!  The  more  sessions  you  a>end  and  tweet,  the  higher  

the  chance  at  winning  one  of  these  awesome  prizes!    

See  the  full  contest  details  and  rules  at:  h>p://­‐rules.html  

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About Demand Gen Report!


•  Launched  in  2007  to  track  best  pracTces  in  lead  generaTon  

•  Newsle>er  has  grown  to  more  than  28,000  readers  

•  We  also  offer  a  menu  of  research  and  best  pracTces  reports    

•  New  audio/video  podcasts  at  

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Panelists! MODERATOR:  Andrew  Gaffney  Editor,  Demand  Gen  Report  

Shari  Johnston,  Sr.  Director  of  Integrated  MarkeTng,  


Tom  Kahana,    Sr.  Director  of  MarkeTng  

OperaTons,  Limelight  Networks  


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Improving Lead Quality with Analytics Across the Lifecycle

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“Knowing who you are marketing to, makes it a whole lot more effective throughout your lead lifecycle”

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Limelight and Demandbase

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Digital Is Dirty

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Which Mop?

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How We Got Here

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The Year 2000

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The Year 2014

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Smooth Sailing?

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Not Smooth Sailing

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Trivia Time!


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Righting the Ship

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Those Mops Again...

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Baseline? Flatline.

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An Imperfect Storm

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The Spaghetti Toss

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Building an Ark

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Data to the Rescue

• Identify visitors with company info

• Gather insights for segmenting

• Build target account marketing programs

• Measure results

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How Does That Help Us?

• Had better segmentation data for marketing programs

• Sent the right leads to sales

• Sales reps started to trust the data

• Sales closed more deals

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•  30% improved form conversion •  101% pipeline contribution increase

for webinars •  20% direct contribution to pipeline •  100% of new video sales resulted

from sales and marketing alignment

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What’s Next?

Automated Nurture


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What’s Next?

Website Personalization

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Flying High

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Summing It Up

To Right Your Ship: 1.  Know who you’re marketing to 2.  Invest in technology 3.  Have data at your finger tips 4.  Leverage and distribute your insight

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Thank You! | [email protected] | @tomkahana

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Q&A // Panelist! MODERATOR:  Andrew  Gaffney  Editor,  Demand  Gen  Report  

Shari  Johnston,  Sr.  Director  of  Integrated  MarkeTng,  


Tom  Kahana,    Sr.  Director  of  MarkeTng  

OperaTons,  Limelight  Networks  


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Lead LifeCycle Series Prize Box!

Register,  a>end  and  tweet  the  Lead  LifeCycle  Series  sessions  using  the  #LLCseries  hashtag  to  be  entered  into  the  Prize  Box  giveaway!  The  more  sessions  you  a>end  and  tweet,  the  higher  

the  chance  at  winning  one  of  these  awesome  prizes!    

See  the  full  contest  details  and  rules  at:  h>p://­‐rules.html  

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Thanks for attending this session!!

Make  sure  to  a>end  the  next  session  in  the  Lead  LifeCycle  Series:  

