









IMPORTANT : Please read 

this step‐by‐step guide 

before watching the 

training videos. 








Welcome to Lazy Profit Explosion! 

What you now have in front of you is a very "lazy method" for getting to 4 to 5 figures per month online. 

You've seen all the proof.. 

You've seen the video proof.. 

And you've also seen the recent dates (for July 2016). 

This is the REAL DEAL. And this stuff is working right NOW. 

Seriously once you set this system up for yourself, and keep it 

running, then you can see the most "lazy profits" ever.. 


These months are consistent for a reason.. 

Because this system runs on near autopilot. 

I don't have to mess with this system once it's set up. 

Just look at those numbers. 

£45,000 pounds is equal to about $60,000 USD. 

Of course that's not gross profits. I have some ad costs (which 

we will go into in the training videos). 

But I definitely get to keep a large chunk of that $60k per month :) 

Imagine making just a small fraction of that every month... 

Imagine making just 1/10th of $60k per month. 

That is still $6k per month. 

I think we can both agree that making an extra $6k per month would make your life a lot better, yeah? And a lot more stress free? That's what this system can do for you.. 

I don't show you all this to brag or boast. 

I just want to show you what's possible with the system you now have in front of you.. 


That's nearly $17k in just 12 days... 

And look at those dates on the left. July 2016. 

It doesn't get much better than this :) 

And that is why we are so pumped to bring this to you today.. 

So without further ado.. 

Let's get started. 


The simple fact is that you need TRAFFIC to build a business 

online and make money. Period. 

Traffic is the LIFEBLOOD of an online business. 

Without it, your biz will struggle. 

I think we forget that traffic is not just a bunch of numbers 

and stats. Traffic is PEOPLE. Real human beings. 


And without people, money simply cannot flow your way. 

So you NEED traffic ‐ It's a must. 

Now there are 2 ways to get traffic.. 



Free traffic – in my opinion is VERY slow. Because you almost 

always have to rely on SEO and the Google gods who can shut 

you off in an instant. 

Paid Traffic on the other hand is INSTANT targeted traffic. 

So as you can imagine.. 

We're going to be focused mainly on paid traffic. 

Now I know your stomach just sank as you read that ‐ but 

don't worry because the strategies that we reveal to you 

ensure you do NOT lose your shirt with paid traffic. 

And that's really the main reason why people shy away from 

paid traffic. Because they're afraid it's too expensive. 

And that couldn't be further from the truth. 

In this system we show you one of the biggest traffic sources 

on the internet that allows you to drive thousands of targeted 

visitors to your sites and offers for mere pennies! 


Imagine being able to generate hoards of traffic in a instant.. 

And knowing that you're getting it for next to nothing. 

That's what we're about to do. Get ready.. 


The Main Traffic Source So what is the main traffic source that is responsible for these 

"lazy monthly profits"? 


The main traffic source that we use in the Lazy Profit Explosion system is: YouTube Video Ads . 

It should come as no surprise to you that Youtube and Video 

are absolutely blowing up right now.. a huge traffic+profit explosion ;) 

The fact is you need to be getting your piece of the pie. 

Because there has never been a better time in Internet history 

than right now to tap into this massive traffic source. 

Almost 5 billion videos are watched on Youtube every single 

day. 5 BILLION! 

YouTube is the second largest and most used search engine in 

the WORLD... second to Google. 

And over 90% of shoppers online claim that video helped them 

to make their buying decision. That's huge! 

So what are these YouTube video ads? 

Chances are you've seen them.. 

These ads appear right before a YouTube video starts. 

And sometimes you can skip the ads after 5 seconds and sometimes you have to watch the entire thing. 

These videos ads are powerful... if you do it right (which we're going to show you exactly how to do). 

Many people online are using these video ads to drive boatloads of highly targeted visitors to their sites daily. 

And they are making an absolute killing! 

We know of one marketer who is making us look bad by making over 6 figures per month! 

He's putting us to shame :) 

The reason this is so lucrative is because you can use video ads in tons of different niches and drive massive amounts of traffic ‐ for just pennies!  

There are very few places online where you can buy penny click traffic. 

...and YouTube Video Ads is one of those few places. 

Once you know how to tap into this massive traffic source, you can send your traffic to wherever you please.. 

..affiliate offers, to your squeeze page, to your blog, to your own products, to physical products, wherever! 


Video ads are super powerful right now. 

And you need to be taking advantage of them in some way.. otherwise you're leaving a ton of traffic (and $$) on the table. 

Alright you're probably screaming inside saying: 

"That all sounds great ‐ but HOW do I actually get this targeted traffic for pennies!?!? SHOW ME HOW!" 

Here's how: 


Module 1 ‐ Setting Up Your First "Lazy Profit Explosion" Campaign In the Module 1 training videos, we will walk you thru exactly how to set up one of these video ads. Step by step. that you can start driving TONS of traffic to your offer. 

Like I said it doesn't matter what you're selling.. 

‐Affiliate offers ‐Physical products ‐Your own products ‐Etc.. 

Since this traffic is so dirt cheap, you can test the waters easily to find out which niche proves to be the most lucrative. 

That way you can pick a winner and scale up from there. 

Now ‐ to get started you will need a simple video ad. 

"A video ad?! I have no clue how to do that!" 

Trust me it's not as hard as you think. 

Bottom line is you need to have a simple video ad ‐ otherwise 

you won't be able to tap into this massive traffic potential 

with YouTube Video Ads. 

What we suggest is to simply pay someone at Fiverr to do it. 

It costs just 5 bucks and there are plenty of skilled video 

creators over there that can do this. 

So if you want to save a bunch of time, and get running with 

video ads fast ‐ then outsource your video ad to Fiverr. 

Here's exactly how to do it (in 7 easy steps) 

1. Go to 


2. Type "video ad" into the search bar and hit Enter 


3. Click "High Rating" so that you sort by highest rated 

providers to lowest rated providers on Fiverr. 


4. Search for providers that have at least 4.5 stars and who 

have at least 30+ positive feedback 


5. Have a quick look at their samples on their gigs 


6. Find one you like and contact them and tell them exactly 

what you want in your ad 


7. Purchase it for $5. 


It's that simple.  

And as far as the video ad itself goes, you just need to create something that your grabs the attention of your target audience. And then spark their interest a bit. 

Remember these people are on YouTube.. so the last thing they want is to see your ad. They are there on YouTube to waste time and be unproductive :) 

So it's your job to GRAB and HOLD their attention with your video ad. 

Hint: Know your niche. Know your market. Know what makes them tick. Know what keeps them up at night. And you will be able to put together a WINNING video ad every single time. 

Now once your video is created by someone at Fiverr, upload it to YouTube and then choose that video for your video ad. 

Our training videos in Module 1 walk you thru this entire process step‐by‐step. 

Now how do you get the really dirt cheap traffic? 

...the $0.01 click targeted traffic... 

Here's how: 

Let's assume your video ad is about how to build muscle. And let's assume you have a muscle building site. 

Basically the more targeted your selections are in your ad campaign, the better response rate you will have. 

And the less $ you will pay for traffic. 

(this is how you get penny click traffic) 

Get super specific with your ad targeting, target a very small 

audience, and you will win every time. 

In the training videos, we will go into more detail on this and 

show you how to set up targeting groups. 

We also show you how to target by age, gender, parental 

status, different interests etc. 

And we dive into different topics, keywords, and placements 

you can use. 

We also show you how to use negative targets so that you can 

block certain demographics from actually seeing your ad. 

Obviously all of those techniques and strategies would be way 

too much to cover in this PDF guide. 

...and we don't want to overwhelm you with too much stuff at 

one time. 

And that is why we put the training videos together for you so 

that you can look over our shoulder and learn exactly how to 

get the cheap $0.01 clicks with YouTube. 

Now for Module 2... 





Module 2 ‐ Getting The "Profit Cannon" Ready To Fire... 

In this module we show you how to link your YouTube account with your Google AdWords account (we show you exactly how to do this in Module 2: Video 1). 

The reason we do this is because by linking our YouTube account with our Google Adwords account, it unlocks a set of new features that will help us optimize our campaign. 

In this module we also cover the 2 video formats: In‐Stream Ads vs In‐Display Ads. 

We also show you how to use and setup "Call‐To‐Action Overlays" on your video ad. This is ultimately how you get your interested viewer to click over to your website. 

In this module we also show you how to use the "Estimation Tool" which shows you an estimation of how much traffic you can expect and how much to pay per day/week. 

In this module, we also cover: 

● How To Copy Your Ads ● How To Setup Targeting Groups (The Right Way) ● How to Apply Content Label Exclusions to your 

targeting groups.  

By the end of Module 2 you'll be all set to launch your campaign and start generating massive traffic to your offer. 


Module 3 ‐ Advanced Tips & Strategies 

You’ve launched your video ads and now it's time to monitor your traffic empire. 

In this module we show you how to measure your video ad performance and keep track of all the statistics and make sure your ad is performing well. 

At this stage ‐ it's all about monitoring your campaigns to see what’s working and what's not working. 

Then simply narrow it down so that you can get your clicks down even cheaper to $0.01 and $0.02 per click. 

Testing, monitoring, and tweaking your campaign is an important step and too many marketers overlook this. 

You need to keep a close eye on your campaigns! 

This is what seperates the newbies from those that are absolutely crushing it with paid cheap traffic. 

If something isn't working, or you feel you can get cheaper traffic, then you need to change your targeting groups or your demographics. In most cases it's one or the other. 

In a nutshell, monitor and test different things. 

See what works best for your niche and for your specific targeting so that you can get those cheap $0.01 clicks. 



Module 4 ‐ Firing the "Lazy Profit" Cannon 

In this module, we show you how to put the finishing touches on your ads so that you can start getting the BIG traffic+paydays with your "Lazy Profit" campaign. 

We cover the importance of adding exclusions and other tips on how to improve your bid strategy. 

We also show you a powerful strategy called: "Remarketing" . 

This strategy by itself is huge and allows you to market to specific lists that have already seen your ad. 

That way you are getting a HUGE return on investment. 

With the "Remarketing" strategy, you're essentially targeting people who have already shown an interest in your product or service, so your ROI goes through the roof.. 

..and your ad costs improve a lot more as well because now you have a very specific audience to target. 

This "Remarketing" strategy by itself is really what seperates the amateurs/wannabes from the pros. 








We wanted to put this PDF guide together for you to give you a quick overview on the "Lazy Profit Explosion" system.. 

..the exact system that's responsible for paydays like this: 


Remember ‐ When you have the ability to drive hoards of traffic to your sites for pennies, then the sky is the limit. 

This is targeted instant traffic we're talking here. And you can use it for anything under the sun. 

Go watch the step‐by‐step videos now ‐ and take action!