
Important Facts About Asthma That Everyone Should Know

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that arises when the membrane, carrying air shrinks in size, therefore making it difficult for patients to breathe. The health condition affects approximately 300 million people in the world, and the number is on the rise with every passing year. Asthma attacks are often abrupt and can occur without any prior symptom. The medical fraternity has been unable to find a cure to treat this health condition till date which is why it is critical to understand the triggers. Knowing some of the facts below would help you keep off this global epidemic:


Asthma is partially hereditary. Also, people who are highly sensitive to air pollution, pollen, or any other air-borne elements carry the maximum risk of getting this inflammatory disease. Even a temporary and short-term exposure to common allergens can worsen the condition of these people. The condition intensifies when the mucus

starts clogging the already inflamed and swollen airways. If you’re a patient, there are

various allergens that can trigger your lung’s response. Some of them are:

Animal dander Grass, tree, and ragweed pollen Moulds House dust mites

In addition, studies have revealed that people who work in the following industries are at increased risk:

Antibiotics manufacturing Detergent manufacturing Paint manufacturing Insulation and packaging materials manufacturing

Patients also need to watch out for non-allergen irritants such as smog/smoke, exposure to the common flu virus, and cold air.

Common Symptoms

Treatment for asthma can be effective given the condition that patients learn to read and analyze early warning signs, that help in timely diagnosis. In this regard, it is important for individuals to take note of the following symptoms:

Sore throat for a prolonged period Dark circles surrounding the eyes or decoloring of the face Experience a sudden tightening of the chest Continuous coughing and wheezing Short of breath

In rare cases, a severe attack can be life-threatening which is why patients can’t afford to ignore the above signals and should arrange a meeting with their otolaryngologist in Houston or any other state in the US as soon as the symptoms are start showing.


ENT practitioners who specialize in treating the ailments of ear, nose, and throat will first

and foremost ask for the patient’s family history and will focus their attention on studying the symptoms exhibited by the sufferer to know the cause and extent of the problem. Additionally, the specialist will also examine the nose, and the lungs and conduct a pulmonary function test to ascertain the functionality of the lungs. The doctor may also prescribe blood, sputum, and other tests to eliminate the chances of some other health conditions like throat infections or cystic fibrosis that may exhibit similar symptoms.

Treatment and Preventive Measures

Till date, the medical fraternity has not been able to find a cure to treat asthma which makes the health condition irreversible as of now. The goal of treatment plans is to

suppress the symptoms, therefore, helping patients lead a normal and hassle-free life. To avoid inconveniences and prevent attacks patients should look to follow the below guidelines:

Avoiding irritants/Triggers:Tackling the root cause of the problem is the best way to treating asthma. It is, therefore, imperative for patients to avoid asthma triggers by controlling their living conditions. For example, they should look to avoid smoking areas as exposure to smoke can trigger an attack. Using special dust mite resistant coverings for pillows and mattresses can also help them avoid allergens. Other measures include keeping the doors and windows closed to avoid exposure to pollen and using reliever medication 10 to 15 minutes before exercising to avoid undue stress

Patients can request their doctor to come up with a dedicated action plan. The goal of this strategy should be to introduce patients to effectively monitor their symptoms and educate them about the ways to determine their progress towards managing their health condition

Patients should also learn more about reliever or rescue medications from their doctor. The use of these medicines will help them efficiently manage their health condition

Considering the above factors will help patients avoid attacks, therefore, helping them lead a normal life.


It is common for specialists to prescribe corticosteroids to their patients that they can inhale using a puffer/inhaler. These medicines decrease swelling of the airways, therefore, making it easier for air to pass through. Doctors may also ask their patients to use leukotriene receptor antagonists and fast-acting bronchodilators, both of which work towards relaxing the muscles of the airways. Also, it is important for patients to know

the correct way to use their inhaler as they’d be inhaling these medicines using the device.

Leading a Normal Life with Asthma Following the above guidelines will help patients with asthma lead a stress-free life. It is

also important to note that we can’t always control our surroundings, and this is why it is important for patients to take precautions and also carry their inhaler before stepping out of their home. Allergens in the air or smoke can trigger asthma attack any time. In addition, patients should consult an otolaryngologist in Houston and elsewhere to keep a tab of their progress.
