Page 1: Importance Of Early Screening For Cardiac Risks In Diabetics

Importance Of Early Screening For Cardiac Risks In Diabetics

Page 2: Importance Of Early Screening For Cardiac Risks In Diabetics

Importance Of Early Screening For Cardiac Risks In Diabetics

Diabetes is a disease which brings with it not only sugar problems but also various other serious health

complications like kidney failure, nerve damage, skin problems, dental issues and more importantly

cardiac issues. Cardiac problems are more rampant in diabetics than in regular people and the reason

for this cannot be solely blamed on diabetes alone but also on other factors like stress, hypertension etc.

It is imperative for every diabetic to get screened for heart problems as the chance of suffering from a

stroke or a heart disease is very high in diabetics. There are a lot of risks involved for those suffering

from diabetes, especially if there is a history of heart disease in the family. Some of the risks include:

Fat deposits located in one place - For example, if obesity is centred around the stomach and

not on the hips, then the risk of heart disease is high.

High cholesterol levels - If the LDL levels and triglycerides in the blood are higher than normal,

this leads to narrowing of the blood vessels and clotting of the arteries which leads to heart


Smoking – Giving up smoking not only keeps heart problems at bay but also helps you avoid

other health complications.

High blood pressure - If you suffer from high blood pressure, your heart needs to work twice as

hard to pump blood. That in turn stresses the heart leading to a heart attack.

The only way to prevent cardiovascular diseases is to maintain a healthy life style and keep blood

pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels in check. Regular cardiovascular screening is important so

that the risk factors can be detected at the earliest before it develops into an untreatable

cardiovascular disease. For many people, screening does not happen till it is too late but it does come

as a wake-up call for many. If you are a diabetic, walk-in to your nearest Apollo Clinic and get yourself

screened at the special cardiac screening camp for diabetics. Screening in diabetics begins with a test to

check levels of blood pressure, fasting lipoprotein profile to test cholesterol and triglycerides, BMI index

and sugar testing.

It is recommended that one should undergo cardiovascular screening tests from the age of 20 itself.

Depending on the results of the tests, the doctor will advise an appropriate course of treatment.

Cardiovascular screening serves as a reminder to diabetics that it is time to maintain a healthy lifestyle,

eat better, get active, and keep the test numbers normal. For a diabetic, regular testing is a must. It is

better to be safe than sorry.

Page 3: Importance Of Early Screening For Cardiac Risks In Diabetics

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