Page 1: Impacts of Climate Change on Cambodia

Potential Impacts – floods & drought Cambodia is vulnerable to floods and droughts. High dependency on rain-fed farming makes

agriculture sector particularly vulnerable. Floods and drought are recognized as one of the main

contributors to poverty.

Map of flood-prone communes

Map of drought-prone communes

Source: WFP (2005) & Lay Kim, UNDP


Culture and Environment Preservation Association

Page 2: Impacts of Climate Change on Cambodia

Potential Impacts of climate change on Cambodia Some of the 500 or so Cambodian freshwater species

will thrive in a changed climate, while others may die out


Culture and Environment Preservation Association

Countries whose fisheries are most vulnerable to climate change

Page 3: Impacts of Climate Change on Cambodia

Potential Impacts of climate change on Cambodia

Many live in high risk areas from flooding, droughts and cyclones

For most Cambodians live in rural areas and are reliant on agriculture, long-term risks associated with climate change include water insecurity, increased sea level, cyclones and disruption or collapse of Cambodia's critical ecosystems, (UNDP report 2007).


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Page 4: Impacts of Climate Change on Cambodia

Various implications

Destructive floods have become more frequent in recent years. (INC)

Past known economic losses: Between 1998-2002, floods caused 70% of production losses of rice, while drought 20%. The floods of 2000-2002 only caused USD 205 million damage.

Cambodia’s economy is rated as one of the most vulnerable to impacts of climate change on fisheries. (Allison et al 2009)  

Sea level rise – e.g. 1m rise can submerge 56% of Koh Kong City damage to infrastructure, agriculture, tourism, and livelihood


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Page 5: Impacts of Climate Change on Cambodia

Various implications Typhoon Ketsana destroyed hundreds of

homes in Cambodia Global warming had increased the country’s

wet season rainfall and decrease its dry season rainfall (MoE report)

Cambodia’s paddy production was destroyed as much as 70 percent by floods, and 20 percent and 10 percent respectively by droughts and diseases. (reported 2007)


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Various implications (cont.) Significant implications for food security, especially in

undiversified agriculture & economy (High dependency on single crop rice and low processing capacity within the country)

Risk of water quality degradation and sanitation Health: increase in water-related / tropical diseases

such as malaria and dengue fever, typhoid and diarrhea.


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Impacts from the flooded on local peoplesCEPA

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Impact from the flooded on local peoples


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Impacts from flooded on people livelihood


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Impact from flooded on people’s livelihood


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Drought Impacts on people’s livelihood and life

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Rain late-affected to agriculture of poeople,


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Sand filling by nature in fish deep pool of the SeSan river


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Water Shallow


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Boat on the Sand


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