Page 1: Immunoregulation in Sjogren's… · Immunoregulation in Sjogren's Syndrome INFLUENCEOFSERUMFACTORSONT-CELLSUBPOPULATIONS


HARALAMPOSM. MOUTSOPOULOsand ANTHONYS. FAUCI, Clinical ImmnunologySection, Laboratory ofImmunology and Microbiology, National Institute of DentalResearch, and Clinical Physiology Section, Laboratory of Clinical Investigation,National Institute ofAllergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health,Bethesda, Maryland 20205

A B S T RA C T 21 patients with Sjogren's syndrome(sicca syndrome) with either glandular or extraglandu-lar involvement, but without other connective tissuediseases, were studied with regard to immunoregula-tory T-cell subpopulations, B-cell function, andsuppressor cell capabilities. Patients with isolatedglandular disease as well as patients with extraglandulardisease had normal absolute numbers of total lympho-cytes, T cells, and B cells. However, 9 of 11 patientswith extraglandular disease and only 3 of 10 patientswith glandular disease had decreased relative propor-tions of T cells bearing receptors for the Fc portionof immunoglobulin (Ig)G (TG) which was explainedby a factor that blocked the expression of the IgGFc receptor on TG cells. This blockage was reversiblesince the factor could be removed by trypsinizing the Tcells before TG determination. Serum from patientswith abnormal proportions of TG cells, but not serumfrom patients with normal proportions of TG cells,blocked the expression of the IgG Fc receptor onnormal T cells. The serum factor upon fractionationover Bio-Gel A 1.5 columns as well as over staphylococ-cal protein A-Sepharose 4B columns was found dif-fusely within the IgG fraction, and not in the IgMfraction.

Neither patients with glandular nor patients withextraglandular disease manifested increased numbersof in vivo-activated circulating lymphocytes as deter-mined by spontaneous anti-trinitrophenyl (TNP)plaque-forming cells (PFC). However, patients vithglandular disease had reduced numbers of pokeweedmitogen-induced anti-sheep erythrocyte PFC (P< 0.01) as compared with normals and patients withglandular disease. Of note was the fact that despitethe modulation of TG subpopulation by the serumfactor in patients with extra-glandular disease, these

Receivedfor publicationi 6April 1979and in revisedform 13Septemrlber 1979.

patients manifested normal concanavalin A-generatedsuppressor cells of pokeweed mitogen-induced PFCresponses in allogeneic co-cultures. This was unlikethe suppressor cell defect previously described in thissystem with systemic lupus erythematosus patients.The discrepancy was attributed both to the fact that theTG defect was reversible and to the fact that con-canavalin A-generated suppressor cells are not limitedto the TG subset. Thus, these studies have demon-strated reversible abnormalities in TG cells in patientswith extraglandular Sjogren's syndrome which are notassociated with suppressor cell defects. The dis-crepancy between these findings and the immuno-regulatory defects demonstrated in systemic lupuserythematosus may explain the difference in severityof the autoimmune expression in these diseases.


Sjogren's syndrome (sicca syndrome) is a chronic auto-immune disease characterized by T- and B-lympho-cyte infiltration of exocrine glands, particularly thelacrimal and salivary glands, resulting in xerostomiaand xerophthalmia (1, 2). Extraglandular lymphocyticinfiltration occurs in one-fourth of patients and usuallypresents as interstitial pneumonitis, nephritis, myosi-tis, or pseudolymphoma. Rarely, malignant lymphomaoccurs, and recently it was shown that sicca syndromepatients are 40 times more prone to develop lymphomacompared with controls (3-7). Sjbgren's syndrome canexist as a primary disorder with disease limited to theexocrine glands or with additional extraglandular dis-ease (primary Sjogren's syndrome), or as a componentof another connective tissue disease such as rheuma-toid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus (second-ary Sjogren's syndrome) (1, 8).

A number of findings suggestive of B-cell hyperreac-tivitv and/or abnormalities of immunoregulation occurin Sjogren's syndrome including hypergammaglo-bulinemia, nonorgan-specific autoantibodies such as

The Journal of Cliniical Inivestigation Volume 65 February 1980 519-528 519

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rheumatoid factor, and antibodies to extractablenuclear antigen(s) (1, 7-10). In addition, nonrheuma-toid factor-circulating IgG immune complexes havebeen demonstrated in certaini patients with this dis-ease (11).

The precise etiology of these abnormalities is un-known. Hyperreactivity of B-cell function may be aprimary phenomenon or may be directly or indirectlyrelated to alterations in immunoregulatory mononu-clear cells such as thymus-derived (T) cell subpopu-lations (12). The present study was undertaken to deter-mine if any abnormalities in immunoregulatory T-cellsubpopulations as well as B-cell function occur inSjogren's syndrome. The study was conducted on pa-tients with Sjogren's (either glandular or extraglandular)without other connective tissue diseases. None of thepatients were receiving or had received any form oftherapy for their disease.


Patientt population. 21 patients with Sjogren's syndromewere studied. There were 1 male and 20 females, ranging in

age from 34 to 75 yr. The diagnosis was based on the presenceof the following findings: xerostomia (decreased parotid flowrate, abnormal parotid scan), keratoconjunctivitis sicca demon-strated on slit-lamp examination, and a focal lymphocyte in-filtrate on minor salivary gland biopsy. All patients hadSjogren's syndrome alone (primary Sjogren's syndrome) with-out other connective tissue diseases (1). 10 of the patients haddisease limited to exocrine glands, and the remaining 11 hadthe following extraglandular manifestations: hypergam-maglobulinemic purpura, pseudolymphoma, biopsy-provenvasculitis, renal involvement (urine pH higher than 7, serumbicarbonate concentration lower than 19 meq/dl, decreasedcreatinine clearance, and interstitial nephritis on renal bi-opsy), and interstitial pneumonitis demonstrable on chestroentgenogram and pulmonary function tests (Table I). Noneof the patients studied were receiving any form of therapy,nor had they ever received any form of therapy for their dis-ease.

The normal control group consisted of 11 age-, sex-, andrace-matched individuals.

Cell suspensions. Mononuclear cell suspensions were ob-tained from heparinized venous blood of patients and normalcontrols by standard Hypaque-Ficoll gradient centrifugation.Cells were counted in a Coulter counter (model Fn, CoulterElectronics Inc., Hialeah, Fla.), and mononuclear cells wereexamined in cytocentrifuge preparations stained with Wright-Giemsa stain. T cells were identified by the presence of a sur-

TABLE IPatients with Sjogren's Syndrome Studied at the National Institutes of Health

Time sincediagnosis of

Patient Sex Age Sjogren's syndrome Extraglandular manifestations

yr yr

1 F 51 3 Hypergammaglobulinemic purpura; renalinvolvement

2 F 56 1 None3 F 68 1 Pseudolymphoma4 F 48 1 None5 F 45 2 None6 F 34 2 None7 F 55 6 Pseudolymphoma; vasculitis8 F 57 3 Pulmonary involvement9 F 54 2 Vasculitis

10 F 48 2 None11 M 64 1 Vasculitis12 F 62 7 Renal involvement13 F 60 8 Hypergammaglobulinemic purpura14 F 67 1 None15 F 62 1 None16 F 56 2 Hypergammaglobulinemic purpura;

lymphadenopathy; Waldenstrom'smacroglobulinemia

17 F 63 5 Hypergammaglobulinemic purpura; chronicpersistent hepatitis; interstitialpneumonitis

18 F 60 1 None19 F 36 1 Y2 None20 F 44 3 None21 F 75 1 Hypergammaglobulinemic purpura

520 H. M. Moutsopoulos and A. S. Fauci

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face receptor for sheep erythrocytes (E),' and bone marrow-derived (B) cells were identified bv the presence of surface im-munoglobulin (slg) deterrnined by a fluoresceinated F(ab)2goat anti-human Ig reagent as previously described (13).

Fractionation of mononuclear cell suspensions. T cell-enriched suspensions were obtained by E-rosetting of lvmpho-cytes with sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) followed by centrifu-gation of rosetted cells over Hypaque-Ficoll gradients as pre-viously described in detail (14). E-rosetted cells (T cell-enriched) separated into the pellet, leaving nonrosetted cells(T cell-depleted) at the interface. T cell-enriched suspensionscontained greater than 98% T cells, and T cell-depleted sus-pensions contained less than 1%T cells. Greater than 90% ofthe cells were recovered after the fractionation procedure.

Identification of T-cell subpopulations. T-cell subpopu-lations were determined as previously described in detail (15,16). Briefly, to identify T cells bearing receptors for the Fc por-tion of IgG (TG), 0.1 ml of purified T cells at a concentration of10 X 106 cells/ml was mixed with 0.1 ml of a 2%suspension ofbovine E coated with highly purified rabbit antibovine EIgG antibody (7S EA). This mixture was spun into a pellet andincubated at 370 C for 30 min. To identify T cells bearing re-ceptors for the Fc portion of IgM (TM cells), purified T cellswere incubated overnight at a concentration of 106 cells/ml inTC 199 media (Grand Island Biological Co., Grand Island,N. Y.) and 20% fetal calf serum. After overnight incubation, theT cells were suspended in TC 199 at 3 x 106 cells/ml, and 0.1ml was added to 0.1 ml of a 0.5% suspension of bovine Ecoated with purified rabbit antibovine E IgM (19S EA). The T-cell-19S EA mixture was spun into a pellet and incubated onice for 45 min.

After incubation of T cells with either IgG or IgM EA rea-gents, the buttons were gently resuspended, and the percent-age of rosette-positive cells was counted under phase-contrastmicroscopy. On every sample, 200 cells were counted by thesame observer throughout the study. Lymphocytes bindingthree or more E were classified as rosettes. The percentages ofT cells bearing Fe receptors for IgG (TG) or IgM (TM) were thusdetermined. The percentage of T-cells having neither recep-tor (Tnon-(;, non-m, or Tnull) was determined by subtracting thesum of the percentage of TG cells and TM cells from 100.

Trypsin treatment of T cells. To determine if a factorwhich was trypsin sensitive might be influencing the expres-sion of the Fc receptor for IgG in the patients studied, in cer-tain experiments purified T cells from normnal subjects and pa-tients were examined for the proportion of TGcells both beforeand after treatment with trypsin. The trypsin treatment proto-col consisted of determining the proportion of TG in separatealiquots of purified T cells which had been incubated witheither RPMI-1640 media (Microbiological Associates,Walkersville, Md.) or trypsin (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis,Mo.) 2 mg/ml for 30 min at 370C followed by three washes inRPMI-1640.

Preintcubationt of T cells wvith twhole serum and serumfractionis. To determine the effect of whole serum fromSjogren's syndrome patients on the expression of the Fc recep-tor for IgG found on normal T cells, the following experimentswere performed. A determination of the proportion of TGcellswas made on aliquots of T-cell suspensions from normal indi-

Abbreviations used in this paper: A, antibody; Con A, con-canavalin A; E, erythrocyte; PFC, plaque-forming cells; PHA,phytohemagglutinin; PWM,pokeweed mitogen; slg, surfaceimmunoglobulin; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; SRBC,sheep erythrocyte; TG, T cells bearing receptors for the Fe por-tion of IgG; Tm, T cells bearing receptors for the Fc portion ofIgM.

viduals. Separate aliquots of T cells were then preincubatedfor 45 min at 37°C with 1:10 dilution of heat-inactivated serafrom normal individuals or from patients with Sjogren's syn-drome. Cells were then washed twice and TG determinationswere repeated.

For the experiments using serum fractions, the followingprocedures were carried out: sera from three patients and onenormal individual were heat-inactivated at 56°C for 30 minand were fractionated on a Bio-Gel A 1.5 column (1 x 90 cm)as previously described (17). 1-ml fractions were collectedfrom the column and localization of the 19S (IgM) and 7S (IgG)peaks was performed by radial immunodiffusion (HylandDiagnostics Div., Travenol Laboratories, Inc., Costa Mesa,Calif.). The fractions were then dialyzed against phosphate-buffered saline (pH 7.4), concentrated to the original volumeand airfused before use (Airfuse; Beckman Instruments, Inc.,Fullerton, Calif.).

In a separate series of experiments the serum fractions froma patient with extraglandular Sjogren's syndrome and a lowproportion of TG (2%), serum from a patient with glandularSjogren's syndrome and a normal proportion of TG (12%), andserum from a normal individual (15% TG) were fractionated bymultiple passages over a column of Sepharose 4B with boundstaphylococcal protein A (Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Div.Pharmacia Inc., Piscataway, N. J.) according to previouslydescribed methods (18). Pooled serum fractions either devoidof detectable IgG or enriched in IgG were obtained by thisfractionation procedure. Preincubation of T cells with theserum fractions was carried out in the same manner as de-scribed above for the unfractionated sera.

Blastogenic responses. Lymphocyte blastogenic re-sponses to stimulation with the mitogens phytohemagglutinin(PHA) (concentration range from 0.5 to 10 gg/ml of culture),concanavalin A (Con A) (10-250 ,ug/ml of culture), and poke-weed mitogen (PWM) (1:20 through 1:1,000 dilution of stocksolution per milliliter of culture) were determined by the in-corporation of tritiated thymidine in microcultures as pre-viously described in detail (13). Cultures stimulated with PHAand Con A were incubated for 3 d, and cultures stimulatedwith PWMwere incubated for 5 d.

Determination of plaque-forming cell (PFC) responses.Determination of B cells spontaneously producing Ig wasmade by immediately assaying freshly drawn Hypaque-Ficoll-separated mononuclear cells in a hemolysis-in-gel PFC assayas previously described (19), with the modification that the SRBCtargets were haptenated with the trinitrophenyl hapten (20).

The polyclonally induced PFC responses against SRBCoflymphocytes from Sjogren's syndrome patients and normalsubjects after 6-7 d of culture with PWMwere also determinedas previously described (19). Briefly, cells were cultured inRPMI-1640 media (Grand Island Biological Co.) containing0.3% trypticase soy broth, 2 mML-glutamine, 100 U/ml of pen-icillin, 100 ,ug/ml of streptomycin sulfate, and supplementedwith 10% pooled human A serum absorbed twice with SRBC.Cultures were performed in 12 x 75-mm plastic tubes (FalconLabware, Div. of Becton, Dickinson & Co., Oxnard, Calif.)at a density of 2 x 106 cells in 1 ml, on a rocker platform(7 cycles/min) for 6-7 d at 37°C in 5% CO2 in air at 100%humidity. Cultures were stimulated either with PWNI in awide concentration range (1:20 through 1:10,000 final dilu-tion) or media alone as control (background PFC).

In allogeneic co-cultures of cell suspensions from aSjogren's syndrome patient and a normal individual, 1 x 106cells of one suspension were co-cultured with 1 x 106 cells ofanother suspension to keep the cell density constant at 2 x 106cells in 1 ml.

At the end of the culture period (6-7 d), cells were harvestedand assayed for direct PFCagainst SRBCby an ultrathin layer

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hemolysis-in-gel technique as previously described in detail(19). Data are expressed as PFC per 106 cells.

Con A-generated suppressor cells. Suppressor cells wereactivated by incubation with Con A (grade IV, Sigma ChemicalCo.) as previously described in detail (21). Briefly, lymphocytes ata density of 5 x 106 cells/2 ml of RPMI-1640 were incubated inflat-bottomed Linbro plates (Linbro Chemical Co., Hamden,Conn.) either with 10 ug/ml Con A, a dose previouslyshown to be optimal for generating suppressor cells (21),or with no Con A as a control. At 48 h, cells were harvested,washed three times with 0.2 M a-methyl mannoside (Cal-biochem-Behring Corp., American Hoechst Corp., San Diego,Calif.), and once with RPMI-1640 media. Control cells werenot exposed to Con A on initiation of culture, but were cul-tured alone for 48 h and washed with a--methyl mannosidein the same manner as the cells that were cultured with Con A.Con A-activated or control cells (unstimulated) from normalsor patients were co-cultured with freshly drawn allogeneicnormal lymphocytes in the presence of PWMfor an additional6-7 d to determine the effect of Con A-activated suppressorcells on the PWM-induced PFC response against SRBC.


Lytm phocyte sub populations. The absolute numbersof lymphocytes, total T cells, and B cells in normal in-dividuals and patients with either glandular Sjogren'ssyndrome or extraglandular Sjogren's syndrome areshown in Fig. 1. There were no significant differencesbetween normal individuals and patients with glandu-lar Sjogren's syndrome in absolute numbers of lympho-cytes, T cells, or B cells. Patients with extraglandularSjogren's syndrome had slightly lower numbers of totallymphocytes and T cells than normal individuals, butthese differences were not significant. When relativeproportions of T-cell subsets were determined, againthere were no significant differences among normals,glandular, and extraglandular Sjogren's syndrome pa-tients (Fig. 2). However, when proportions of TG cells(by 7S EA-rosetting) were examined in individual pa-tients with glandular and extraglandular Sjogren's syn-drome, an obvious difference was noted (Fig. 3). 7 of 10

2,500 Normals

E 2,000 Glandular Sjogren's SyndromeEz _ 4 m Extraglandular Slogren's


FIGURE~1 Absolute numbers of lymphocytes, T cells, and Bcells in normals, patients with glandular Sjogren's syndrome,and patients with extraglandular Sjogren's syndrome. Therewere no significant differences in lymphocytes, T, or B cellsamong the three groups.

70 [


vn 50-jLLw


0 30L3J0.

20 F





=Z Normal

M Glandular Sjogren's Syndrome

mExtraglandular Sjogren's Syndrome


FIGuRE 2 Proportions of T-cell subsets in normals, patientswith glandular Sjdgren's syndrome, and patients with extra-glandular Sjogren's syndrome. There were no significant dif-ferent in T-cell subsets or B cells among the three grouips(P > 0.2).

patients with glandular Sj6gren's synidromiie had pro-portions of TG cells which were within the range of coIn-comitantly determined normal values. On the contrary,9 of 1 1 patients with extraglandular Sjogren's syndromehad proportions of TG cells which were decreasedbelow the normal range. Incubation of the T cells for


cn-JX 15u0


c icwL

5 0


GlandularSjogren's Syndrome






ExtraglandularSjogren's Syndrome

FIGURE 3 Proportion of TG cells in patients with glanclularand extraglandular Sjogren's svndrome. Each dot represents apatient and shaded area signifies the normal range of concomiii-tantlv (letermmined TG proportion1s among norm1al individual s.

522 H. M. Moutsopoulos anid A. S. Fauci

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1 h at 370C followed by washing in RPMI-1640 failed toresult in normalization of the expression of IgG Fcreceptors in those cell suspensions with low levels ofdetectable TG cells. Determinations were repeated atleast once and sometimes twice over a period of 1-4 moin seven patients (five patients with low TG and twowith normal TG)- Values were within 2% rosettes onthese repeat determinations.

Effect of trypsin treatment of T cells upon expres-sion of IgG Fc receptor. The effect of trypsin treat-ment of T cells from extraglandular Sjogren's syndromepatients who manifested low proportions of TG cells isshown in Table II. In four of the five individuals tested,trypsin treatment resulted in an increase in detectableIgG Fc receptor-bearing T cells to near normal or nor-mal levels suggesting that a trypsin-sensitive factor wasreversibly blocking the detection of the IgG Fc recep-tor on a proportion of these cells. In addition, trypsintreatment of T cells from normal individuals andSjogren's syndrome patients with normal proportions ofTG cells did not affect the proportion of cells with de-tectable IgG Fc receptors. Trypsin treatment of the Tcells from one patient with glandular Sjogren's syn-drome and low TG resulted in normalization of the pro-portion of TG.

Effect of serafrom patients wvith Sjbgren's syndromeon the expression of IgG Fc receptors on normal Tcells. The effect of preincubation of normal T cellswith sera from normal individuals, from glandular

TABLE IIEffect of Trypsinization of T Cells on the Expression of the

IgG Fc Receptor in Sjogren's Syndromeand in Normal Individuals

Percent TG

Before AfterSubject trypsinization tnrpsinization

Extraglandular Sjogren'ssyndrome

A 4 19B 5 11C 4 8D 2 1E 2 12

Glandular Sjogren'ssyndrome

A 15 14B 14 15C 10 12D 10 11

NormalsA 12 13B 11 13C 15 12D 11 13

Sjogren's syndrome patients with normal TG-cell pro-portions, and from extraglandular Sjogren's syndromepatients with low TG-cell proportions is shown in Fig. 4.Preincubation of T cells with normal sera or sera frompatients with glandular Sjogren's syndrome and normalTG-cell levels had very little effect on the detection ofIgG Fc receptors on these normal T cells. In contrast,sera from each of six patients tested with extraglandularSj6gren's syndrome who had low TG cell proportionsblocked the expression of the IgG Fc receptor on nor-mal T cells.

In additional studies in which normal T cells wereincubated with sera at 27°C or 4°C, sera from normals orpatients with glandular Sjogren's syndrome and normalproportions of TGstill did not block the expression of theIgG Fc receptor on the normal T cells. This suggeststhat low titer-blocking factors which might bind de-tectably only at lower temperatures were not present inthe sera of normal individuals and patients with nor-mal TG-

Effect of serum fractions. Sera from normal indi-viduals and patients with extraglandular Sj6gren's syn-drome whose whole serum had blocked the expressionof the IgG Fc receptor on normal T cells were fraction-ated over Bio-gel A 1.5 columns. The Fc receptor-blocking activity was found in the fractions containingIgG and in fractions containing IgM. Fig. 5 illustrates atypical fraction curve containing the Fc receptor-block-ing activity. None of the fractions from normal serumblocked Fc receptor expression. The inhibitory frac-tions illustrated in Fig. 5 upon incubation with normalT cells decreased the percentage of Fc receptor ex-pressing cells from 13% to a range of from 2 to 5%.

Serum from Serum fromSiogren's Patns Sjogren's Patkents

wifth whNormal TG CeIS Low TG Cel

FIGURE4 Effect of incubation of normal T cells with serafrom Sjogren's syndrome patients on the expression of IgG Fcreceptor. Serum from six patients with Sjogren's svndromewho had low levels of TGblocked the expression of the IgG Fcreceptor on normal T cells. In this figure, sera from three of thesix patients with low TG were assayed against two separatenormals, thus giving a total of nine determinations (rightpanel).

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1.0 F


60.6 F

0.4 F






IgGI /


k--- _ 7]~~~~~~

25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57TUBENUMBER

FIGURE 5 Fractionation of Sj6gren's syndrome serum. Thisfigure represents a tvpical fractionation profile of the serumfrom a patient with low TG proportion whose whole serumblocked the expression of the IgG Fc receptor on normal Tcells. The blocking activity was diffusely distributed (repre-sented by shaded bar) but exclutded the fractions containingIgMI.

In a separate series of experiments in which varioussera were fractionated into IgG-containing and IgG-depleted fractions by passage over columns of staphy-lococcal protein A bound to Sepharose 4B, only theIgG-containing fraction of the patient with extraglandu-lar Sj6gren's syndrome and low TG proportion blockedthe expression of the IgG Fc receptor on normal T cells(Table III). This finding was reproducible in three sep-arate experiments.

Lymphocyte blastogenic responses. The peakblastogenic responses of lymphocytes from normal in-dividuals and patients with glandular and extraglandu-lar Sj6gren's syndrome to stimulation with vTarious mi-togens are shown in Fig. 6. Although there appeared tobe a trend towards slightly decreased responses to allmitogens tested in patients with glaindular Sjdgren's.syndrome and even more so in patients with extra-glaindular Sj6gren's syndrome, these decreases werenot statistically significant (P > 0.2, Student's t test).When suboptimal conicentrations of mitogens wereused, responses were still not statistically differentamong the three groups.

PFC responses. There was no difference betweennormal individuals and any patients with Sj6gren's syn-drome in the presence of spontaneously occurring PFCresponses against TNP-coated sheep cells. There werevirtually no responses (0-1 PFC/106 cells) in any of thegrouips sttudied.

The PWM1-induced PFCresponses after 6-7 d in cul-tuire of lymphocytes from normal individuals and pa-tients with Sj6gren's syndrome are shown in Fig. 7. Pa-tients with glandular Sj6gren's syndrome gave PFCresponses which were low but which overlapped thoseof normals. However, PFC responses of patients with

TABLE IIIEffect of Serutmz anid Serum Fractions oni Expression

of Fc Receptor on1 Nornmal T Cells*

Percentage of Fc receptorSource of serumiii expression on normiial T cellst

Extraglandular Sjogren's syndromeMedia 19Whole serum 8IgG-enriched fraction 9IgG-depleted fraction 20

Glandular Sj6gren's syndromeMedia 15Whole serum 15IgG-enriched fraction 17IgG-depleted fraction 15

NormalMedia 15Whole serum 16IgG-enriched fraction 16IgG-depleted fraction 14

* Serum fractions were obtained by passage over columns ofstaphylococcal protein A bound to Sepharose 4B (Methods).

Normal T cells were preincubated with either media,whole serum, or serum fractions before determination ofthe proportion of TG (Methods).

extraglandular Sjdgren's syndrome were markedly de-creased below normal (P < 0.001).

The low PFC responses of the extraglandularSjogren's syndrome patients were not due to the exces-

FIGURE 6 Peak blastogenic responses of normals andSjogren's svndrome patients to mitogenic stimulation. Therewere no significant differences (P > 0.2) among the threegroups in blastogenic responises to PHA, Con A, or PWM.

524 H. Al. Aloutsopoulos antd A. S. Fanici

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DO 0

DO0 0




No7nl GbirExtEnduarS'ens w's

FIGURE 7 PWM-induced anti-SRBC PFC responses innormal individuals and in patients with Sjogren's syndrome.Patients with glandular disease only have PFC responseswithin the normal range while patients with extraglandulardisease have markedly reduced PFC responses. Each dot rep-resents an individual subject and data are plotted on a loga-rithmic scale as PFC per 106 lymphocytes.

sive activity of suppressor cells since co-culture of nor-mal lymphocytes with low responder Sjogren's syn-drome lymphocytes, a procedure which detects activesuppressor cells (22), did not decrease the expectedPFC responses of the normal lymphocytes.

Con A-generated suppressor cells. Lymphocytesfrom patients with Sj6gren's syndrome (either glandu-lar or extraglandular) generated Con A-induced sup-pressor cells normally. In particular, mononuclear cellsfrom patients, when cultured for 48 h with Con A, sub-sequently suppressed the anti-SRBC PFC responseswhen added to PWM-stimulated allogeneic co-cultures. The suppression was no different from that

TABLE IVEffect of Con A-Generated Suppressor Cells from Normal

Individuals and Patients with Sjogren's Syndromeon the PWM-Induced PFC Responses of

Normal Allogeneic Lymphocytes

Percentage ofSubjects suppression

Normals (n = 1O)* 79 (±+ 10.5) tGlandular Sjogren's syndrome (n = 4) 78 (+9)Extraglandular Sjogren's syndrome (n = 5) 74 (+8)

* n represents the number of subjects studied.t Data are given as the mean (+SEM).

mediated by Con A-induced suppressor cells from nor-mal individuals (P > 0.2) (Table IV).


This study demonstrates that patients with Sjogren'ssyndrome have an abnormality in the expression of theIgG Fc receptor found on a subpopulation of circulatingT cells (TG cells). This defect could be normalized bytrypsinizing the T cells, after which a normal percent-age of these cells expressed IgG Fc receptors. This, to-gether with the finding that sera from patients with lowpercentages of TG cells when incubated with T cellsfrom normal individuals, blocked the expression of theIgG Fc receptor on the normal T cells. The blockingfactor was found in the IgG fraction of serum as well asin the fractions between IgG and IgM, but notincluding IgM. Absorption out of IgG from the serumremoved the blocking factor, a finding which suggeststhat the blocking factor is either an IgG molecule itselfor an IgG-containing immune complex. The lowpercentages of TG as well as the serum factors whichblocked the expression of the IgG Fc receptor werefound in the patients with extraglandular Sjogren'ssyndrome and were not found in patients with Sjogren'ssyndrome limited to the exocrine glands. Thesefindings are of particular interest and potentialimportance for several reasons. The patients in thisstudy did not have an absolute lymphocytopenia, nordid they have a T lymphocytopenia. Furthermore,although patients with extraglandular Sjogren's syn-drome had slightly lower absolute numbers of T cellsand all T-cell subpopulations (TG, TM, and Tnon-G,Tnon-M) than normals, these differences were notstatistically significant. This agrees with the findingsthat the expression of receptors of a given T-cellsubpopulation were blocked and that the subpopula-tion itself was not actually depleted. This contrasts withthe findings in patients with systemic lupus erythema-tosus (SLE) about whomseveral studies have reported aselective depletion of circulating TG cells (23, 24) aswell as T-cell subsets determined by a number of othermethodologies (25-29). This is of particular relevancein light of the fact that in several in vitro systems, SLEhas been demonstrated to manifest a deficiency of sup-pressor cell function (23, 30-35). Although the actualsuppressor cell in most of these systems has not beenconclusively identified, at least in some systems of invitro B-cell function, the TGcell has been demonstratedto be the suppressor cell (16). With regard to the rela-tionship between deficiency of TGcells and lack of sup-pressor cell function, it should be pointed out that pa-tients with SLE in addition to the deficiency of TGcells(23, 24) also manifest a defective ability to generate,after triggering with Con A, suppressor cells of PWM-induced PFC responses (23). In the present study,

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using that same PFC assay of B cell function, patientswith Sjogren's syndrome were able to generate Con A-suppressor cells normally. This was true even of thosepatients with extraglandular disease who had "blocked"TG Fc receptors.

The modulation of Fc receptors by immune com-plexes and other factors as well as the effect of suchmodulation of the Fc receptor upon the functional cap-ability of the cell is currently a topic of great interest(36-39). With regard to the relationship between Fcreceptor modulation and the ability to be subsequentlytriggered by Con A to generate into a suppressor cell,we have demonstrated that TG cells which are posi-tively selected during purification, i.e., by interactionwith 7S EA to form rosettes for fractionation over Hy-paque-Ficoll gradients, are unable to be generated byCon A to express suppressor cell function in the PWM-induced PFCassay (40). It was this finding of inhibitionof TG function by modulation of Fc receptors that led tothe hypothesis that at least one of the potential mecha-nismrs of the defect in Con A-induced suppressor cellfunction in SLE was the in vivo modulation of TGby cir-culating immune complexes (23). This however, couldnot be the entire explanation of the defect in Con A-induced suppressor cell function in SLE, since we (40)and others (41) have demonstrated that the Con A-induced suppressor cell of human B-cell function canbe found in multiple subpopulations of T cells andclearly is not confined to the TG population. It is note-worthy, however, that the deficiency of the number ofTG cells in SLE is apparently irreversible and cannotbe normalized by trypsinizing the T cells (unpub-lished observations)2, whereas patients with Sjogren'ssyndrome who have normal Con A-induced stuppressorcell function have a reversible deficiency of TG. Asimilar reversible effect of serum factors on Fc re-ceptor function in Sjogren's syndrome was previouslydemonstrated in a study which showed that a diffuselydistributed serum factor in SLE and polyarteritisnodosa reversibly blocked Fc receptor-mediated anti-body-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (42).

Since - 80% of patients with Sjogren's syndromehave circulating immune complexes (11), the role of im-mune complexes and particularly the probable dif-ferences in the effects of immune complexes uponimmunoregulatory lymphocvte subpopulations inSjogren's syndrome as compared with SLE assumlles po-tential importance in our understanding of the modula-tion of immunoregulatory mechanismiis by differenttypes of circulating immune complexes. The complex-ity of the situation cannot be minimiiized, however,since other factors such as antilymnphocyte antibodymay play a major role in the inhibition, if not elimina-tion of suppressor cell populations in SLE (28, 29).

Another important difference betweeni Sj'ogreni's svn-

drome and SLE as demonstrated in the present study isthe absence in Sjogren's syndrome of increased num-bers of spontaneous antibody-producing cells as meas-ured by the the presence in the circulation of spon-taneous IgM anti-TNP PFC. Increased numbers ofsuch "preactivated" B cells have been demonstrated inSLE (43-45). Wehave previously hypothesized that thepreactivation of circulating IgM-producing B cells inSLE was likely due to an in vivo polyclonal triggering(23). This was accompanied by a decrease in ability tobe triggered in vitro by a de novo polyclonal stimiiulussuch as PWMI and hence a decreased PWMN-inducedanti-SRBC PFC response (23) as was demonstrated inthe present study with patients with the more severeextraglandular (lisease. This same theory was hypothe-sized by others for the simultaneous in vivo hyperreac-tivity of B cells and decreased ability of B cells to bepolyclonally triggered in vitro as demonstrated in theNZB/NZWmouse model of SLE (46-48).

Since Sjogren's syndrome is a disease of hyperreac-tivity of B cells, the in vivo preactivation theory is still alikely explanation. Cells that have been preactivated tothe point of appearing as spontaneous IgM-producingPFC might not have been found in the circulation inSjogren's syndromie because they had already beencompartmentalized in other lymphoid organs.

Previous studlies have demonstrated a T lymphocyto-penia in Sjdgren's syndrome (49, 50), whereas in thisstudy absolute numbers of T-cell subpopulations in pa-tients with Sjogren's syndrome were found to be withinnormal limits. It should be pointed out that these pa-tients differ from the Sj6grein's syndrome patients inthese other studies inasmuch as our patients hadSjogren's syndrome alone without any other concomi-tant connective tissue diseases such as rheumatoidarthritis or SLE. Also, and perhaps most importantly,none of the patients in the present study were receiv-ing any form of therapy nor had they ever received anyform of therapy for their Sjogren's syndrome. In this re-gard, the profound and selective effects of agents suchas corticosteroids on T cells and T-cell subpopulationshas been previously described (51, 52).

Thus the present study has demonstrated that certainpatients with Sj6gren's syndrome, particularly of theextraglanidular type without coexisting additional con-nective tissuie diseases, have a deficiency of expressionof the Fc receptor for IgG on a population of'their T cells(T(; cells). The defective expression is caused by the re-versible blockinig by a serum factor. This reversibilityof effect mnay explain the lack of detectable abnormali-ties of modulation of immunoregulatory lymphocytesubpopulations in Sjogren's syndrome as comparedwith SLE in which irreversible deficiencies of Fc re-ceptor-bearing T cells are accompanied by profoundimmunoregulatory abnormalities.

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