
I’m a Sentence Surgeon!

I’m a Sentence Surgeon

1. Patient: _______________________

2.Diagnosis: ____________________

3.Treatment: ___________________




Doctor: ________

I’m a Sentence Surgeon

1. Patient: Write a sentence.

2. Diagnosis: Write what is wrong with the

sentence (dull, boring, uninteresting,


3. Treatment: See Treatment Options

4. Recovery: Write sentence with treatment.

5. Prescription: Illustrate your sentence.


I’m a Sentence Surgeon

Treatment Tools:



adverbs adjectives


juicy words


instead of said


Sentence Surgeon Patient List

1. I like my dog.

2. My mom is nice.

3. I had fun .

4. I ran fast.

5. My cat is cute.

6. Pizza is good.

7. I am cold.

8. This book is cool.

9. That gerbil is small.

10. The test was easy.

11. I hear a strange sound.

12. The sun is warm.

13. That dog is mean.

14. That mountain is big.

15. That boy is sad.

16. My paper is wet.

17. That girl is nice.

18. My brother is noisy.

19. She is mad at the bird.

20.That plant is pretty.

21. The frog jumped.

22. The lady laughed.

23. The plane was loud.

24.A turtle is slow.

15. “I like my dog,” said John.

16. “I love ice cream!” said Sam.

17. “I love my mom!” said Jill.

18. “I’m hungry,” said Fred.

19. “Can I come?” said Dan.

20.“Do you have my cat?” said Deb.

21. “I spilled my milk,” said Tom.

22.“Help me!” said Jim,

23. “Boo!” said Kim.

24.“Take a deep breath,” said Mom.

25.“Don’t eat so fast,” said Dad.

26.“Come with me,” said Tam.

27. “Eat your veggies,” said Cal.

28.“Shhhhhhhh,” said Jen.

29. “How are you doing?” said Dan.

30. “Hooray for you!” said Jan.

31. “My tummy hurts,” said Pam.

32. “I don’t like peas,” said Phil.

33. “When is your birthday?” said Ann.

34. “That is so soft,” said Jack.

35. “That mud is so squishy,” said Ben.

36. “ Let’s go swimming,” said Bob.

37. “Can you come play?” said Kit.

38. “I can’t wait to go,” said Kel.

39. “What’s up?” said Lynn.

40. “I’m finally done,” said Nan.
