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spaceeditorialIt’s a new year, new start, new dreams, new ideas and this is our second edition. With the great response we got from our first edition, we are happy to say that we’ll be improving from our previous issue.

In this edition our writers have stepped it up a few gears. If you think the first edition was a good read, wait until you page through this issue.

Meet this edition’s contributors and get to know the ilaph’lam team of writers, stylists and fashion heads.On the designer front, we have mixed and matched styles to suit all tastes .We have a facebook page now where you can voice your views and opinions, and also mix with the right crowd. Remember to like our page.

In this issue we profile 3 models Andee (East London), Nez (Queenstown) and Lee (Pretoria). We also feature design houses like Saphokazi J Creations and Eclectic Vintage. You will know first-hand about the Zamxaka siblings, who will soon be taking over the fashion industry.Fashion designer extraordinaire Sibonile Xolo shows us his ready-to-wear range; featuring couture pieces. We also talk shop with the founder of BabyGuru.

We are always looking for models, stylists, fashion photographers and people in the industry. The magazine will profile and market you or your business for free. You can get in contact with all the designers in this magazine and remember to support their growing fashion houses\ brands. For more info contact us:email - [email protected] – 0836839877 (whatsapp) / 0844783782

Let us work together and take fashion to another level.Remember to invite us to your events and we will cover and review them in our next edition.

PS - For our next issue we will be launching our official website.



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Nathi Xinwa is a freelance

artist & founder of

Inga Magwentshu is a

personal stylist & fashion


Khaya Nqwelo is a


Kamalar NC Mgweba is a

writer & fashion stylist

Ngawethu ka Siphiwo is a

fashion designer & socialite

Anam Xinwa is a fashion

designer & the founder of

Mshotolo Inc.

founder & editor


fashion analyst

features writer


layout artist

“just some of my favourite things”


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thelookofsuccess:by Ngawethu ka Siphiwo

I salute all fashionistaz out there; hoping that 2013 is a fantastic, fabulous and successful year.We all need a good way to start off our year and our main focus this month is SUCCESS. In life you have to have a vision of where you want to be; whether it’s about being that perfect size, getting a change in wardrobe, dressing for success or even growing your own business. You name it, the secret lies in identifying then initiating.

The previous issue was an introduction to what can be expect from us regarding fashion and the arts. I will share insights and information on the ever-changing fabulous world of fashion.

GET BACK TO BASICS... We seem to always panic about our looks, which we feel define us (as well as our future prospects). While we are caught up in the small detail and differences we unfortunately close many doors and miss great opportunities. We get ourselves tangled in the past. We like to look back, where we start seeing a lot of failure and disappointments. 2013 is our year for self-transformation; where we focus on getting what is rightfully ours. We need to get back to the basics, so we can rebuild ourselves from the ground up. From the inside out and the outside in. The basics contribute towards our successes. So, let’s take a short left to a class on Art Basics 101.

This year I will ensure that our readers get only the best, and are also intrinsically motivated. That is why SUCCESS is our theme for this edition. After all, change is made by those who are driven.

Start Designing Your Ideal Future. Some will mould, others will craft. Engineers will engineer and painters will paint. We must all fight to put our art on the map but, we should be producing high quality products. Believe it or not you might have the best ideas but without the necessary tools and path then dreaming is as good as it will ever get. That idea will simply fade away. Everything begins with us, the artists. Therefore let success be our everyday language. We need to wake up and know success. We need to be bold enough to say; the future looks brighter t. Remember to be persistent and see your vision through! We only live once.

PREPARE FOR SUCCESS... Last month people were caught up in festive spirits where some still wanted an excuse to party thanks largely to the silly season.Some were brainstorming on what to wear to major calendar events as early as the J&B Met... because our focus is on SUCCESS this month. And so let us have a slogan that accompanies that: ALL THAT GLITTERS*


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From diamonds, to gold, from shinny to silky fabrics, and however you it. Don’t be afraid to shine. Keep it simple though. Less is more. A reasonable dose of glitter to glam up your wardrobe is healthy. Anything more than a sprinkle borders on suspect. This month is all about creating and capitalising on opportunities, being at the right place at the right time and dressed to impress.


must must haves:

I mentioned earlier that simplicity is the rule, not the exception. This is the time for women to highlight their best attributes. However when it comes to base; less is more. Sure, we all have flaws that we’d like to wish away. ............................................... Start with a little concealer, followed by an oil-free base and apply the final touches with a translucent powder. This will help you maintain a natural picture perfect look. This is also the time when you, as a woman can experiment with your hair; from short to long, depending on the shape of your face. For oval faces, short hair is currently a strong option, you can also never go wrong with a long weave or pony fashion to keep you through the season.


beauty tipsdark

skinned women:


THE SQUARE BAG is a classy work of art that every girl should own. choose a colour that best describes you.

STILETTOS shoes you can wear to cocktail parties or on a normal laid back day. you just have to be seen in them. they have a way of complimenting your pencil skirt.

JUMPSUIT an easy item to wear. looks good, big or small. for any occasion. dress it up with bling, or tone down with darker colours

OVERSIZED SUNGLASSES the sun is still shinning and what better way to protect your eyes in style


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next level clothingSibonile ‘Cbo’ Xolo

[email protected]



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next level clothing

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Thato Mwale [email protected]


eclectic vintage


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eclectic vintage

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Afrikan inspired dresses for her


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Motherland Style

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balancing the outer inner Inga Magwentshu

Personal StyleIt’s all about you. Yes, YOU.

Your style is a reflection of your inner self and so there are no real limitations to what it should be or look like. Simply put, personal style is at the discretion of each person, although a few points should be considered from the onset. It is always best when your style runs parallel to your lifestyle, your personality and your age. You need to be comfortable with your outer look, and it should appeal to you (before anyone else), because you must wear it and you should love what you see in the mirror.

But why does it matter if your personal style matches up with your lifestyle, personality and age ?

........................................ It makes it easier to juggle your wardrobe on a day to day basis, moving almost seamlessly from one activity to the next. From a business meeting to a work related gala dinner. From your child’s school activity to an outing with friends and family. Wouldn’t it be great if you only had to make minor adjustments from one occasion to the next? In short, a change of shoes and accessories or one more (or less) item to dress you up or down.

We are all different, and this is reflected in the many things we do; image is just one of these mirrors. It is unlikely for introverted personality types to have the same personal style as extroverts. Our personalities, activities, social circles, careers are different thus our styles must be customised to fit in with our lives. A style that does not reflect the inner self can

easily be uncomfortable, unflattering and a very agonizing experience.

What’s style it got to do with age anyhow? It’s no secret that most of us want to sustain our youthfulness for as long as possible, keeping the inevitable aging process at bay. At the very least I know I would like that. There are, of course, various ways one can explore in an attempt to stay youthful; a healthy diet, keeping fit, drinking plenty of water, taking your vitamins. Potions, muti and a few drops from the fountain of youth aren’t realistic measures at this point.Maintaining a positive and healthy image is vital to how we see and appreciate ourselves. Knowing your style and dressing age-appropriately, in relation with your lifestyle and personality will assist you to achieve that youthful yet mature, respectable, confident and stylish image that you want. Without any need to nip and tuck.

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some points to ponder: > is your style reflecting the true inner you?

> is the image your style portrays a reflection of your personality and how you want people to perceive you?

REMEMBER: It’s important not to fall victim to fashion trends but, use them as guidelines and inspiration to create your own style and look. Something that is undeniably and unapologetically YOU.


Inga is a La Mode Personal Stylist.

Motherland Style...

Afrikan inspired suits for him

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by Lady Kamalar

THE STYLISH,TRENDY &COPY CATS.Here we go again… wishing our dear readers a successful year, filled with blessings of prosperity, life and joy, sealed with love.

Let’s get right to it. Everybody has their own point of view when it comes to fashion trends and styles. Others like being stylish without following the trends, others will be stylish and trendy, some will be outright trendy and then there are those who will follow. The copy cats.

An individual’s uniqueness can be found in their style; clothing will tell you a lot about a person because it is drawn from within. .................................

There are those who are stylish and trendy; with a foot on both sides and thus have the best of both worlds. And they manage to not get caught in the murky middle because they have a strong identity. They know who they are and leverage what the world has to offer with what they have. Theirs is a timeless style.

It enhances their natural beauty. And rather than being an extension, their style is an expression of who they are. They manage to grow a stronger personal style as it becomes part of their identity.These are people that you should never try and keep up with. It would take great dedication and energy to try and emulate what comes naturally to them.

These are the people who set trends, even if they don’t mean to.

Then there are the trend freaks; a group with very little personal style and will define their identity by others. Theirs is a style that rooted in what is popular at the time and at all times. They wear anything and everything that’s in fashion without even considering

“these are people that you should

never try and keep up



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their body types or shapes if it’s in, they are on it.This is usually the case when you see a person wearing something that makes you think why on earth did this person wear this?

The most likely answer is a lack of a strong identity. This group don’t really know themselves (body type /style) but, they want to be relevant and wear whatever that is in; whatever makes them look and feel like they are stylish and on par with others. They are the reason there is a need for stylists in the world.

The non-identity copy cats are many and varied. Let’s look at three types.

The Followers are glued on what is popular or trending. They are likely to be followers in all aspects of their lives. In my view they do not know themselves well enough. It is a norm for them to portray another person with their lives, and most of the time they don’t even realise that is not who they are because that is all they know themselves to be. Their decisions are usually based on what would that person (the followed) choose to wear (do or say). This group basically don’t

live their own lives; they live other people’s lives and do the same with their dress sense. Nothing of theirs is original, let alone whether their dress sense is stylish or not. By themselves they are disastrous because they don’t know who they are and have no self confidence and so they go on translating other styles unaware.

The second group are the Enviers. They will buy and wear whatever the person they envy has on top of what they consider to be their style out of jealousy and envy.

The third are the Competitors. They will buy a similar dress to their competition and will go as far as buying a more expensive version. They will

“nothing of theirs is original, let alone whether their dress sense is stylish”

then ensure you know what the cost of the outfit is in comparison with another. They might even claim that they bought it first, when in fact they didn’t. Sometimes they lose sight of who they are because they get more concerned about other people who they compete with.

All of the copy cats have 3 things in common and that is jealousy, lack of individuality, and no self confidence.

This shows us just how much debt clothing, style and trends have in our lives. I don’t know about you but for me, without a doubt, being stylish is timeless and priceless. It’s putting your own stamp on yourself and saying hey this is me. Your personality and your confidence will shine through. On a lighter note it seems this year’s summer colour that is set to dominate early is lime. And I’m sure a lot of you trend setters have noticed too. *** Top Style Tip3 shades of deep blue jeans. Glam them up or wear them down. Be playful, it’s summer.


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sharp fedeIniaase



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by The Disgruntled Designer

The weave and wig debate has been going on for some time now. We have heard it all, from the proud weave sisters to the made-over wig wearers. I am not convinced by their answers though; that it’s easier to maintain.For me that is a load of steaming dung. It’s plain and simple; they want to be white because straight, Caucasian hair is next to godliness. But some will buy weaves that cost next to R300 and claim that its 100% Indian hair.

Which Indians are we talking about here? Not even human hair can retain the same shape for months. Come now people, let’s be realistic, it’s clear that you got synthetic material in your head. As for me, weaves have never looked natural on a black person, I do not care if you are miss universe or miss whatwhat.

These sisters of the weave will argue that white people also have extensions. That’s

a moot point as now they’re just changing the subject. The way I see it is that our sisters do not really love themselves or they really do not like what they see when they look at themselves in the mirror. That’s a shame as our sisters happen to be the most beautiful beings walking this planet today.

And now we have these wigs. Oh my sack, I did not see this coming. These hairballs are hideous. There is no nicer way of putting it. Some look like they have nests on their heads, others seem to be growing Amazonian forests from their scalps.

It’s a damn shame that such Nubians can be duped into falling for such cheap

mimicry and ugly fashion trends. But if it was up to me, anyone caught or spotted wearing a wig would be jailed, or fined at the very least. People should be free to follow trends though some aren’t suitable for others.

If the red-light-district-stripper look is your thing

what’s that sh!t on your head?


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then by all means go ahead and plant a neon sign on your head. No doubt some of you will disagree with me and say that I do not know what I am talking about but, at the end of the day it is my opinion and this is my column so just sit down and take it like a woman who should know better.

Until I can find something positive to say about weaves I will keep writing my trashy column but, if I was you I would not hold my breath.

Fashion is what I do and what I know, so I might be helping some poor soul with no fashion sense out there with these blunt words.

“some look like they have nests on their

heads, while others seem to be growing

Amazonian forests from their scalps”

This is my good deed for the year. Okay, possibly just for a month or two. I’m just another run-of-the-mill Samaritan with good intentions (half the time), so let us just run with this and see what happens.


what’s that sh!t on your head?

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fabulous fashion& the high life



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The J & B Met, one of South Africa’s biggest social, fashion and horse racing events, is hosted annually in the beautiful mother city (Cape Town). This year’s theme “Made to fly” certainly raised the standards and inspired the designers and the fashionistas that attended this glamorous event to soar higher than in previous years. From the most daring outfits to extraordinary hats, the Met is definitely the place to be for a fashionable experience.

words by Inga Magwentshu

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Orange Culture is more than a line, it’s a movement. A movement for men and women who do not allow clothes to determine who they are. It is a line for people who enjoy colours. The designer, Adebayo Okelawal has been involved in a broad spectrum of fashion since he started designing at age 10. His work ranges from styling and designing to journalism and writing. He has worked with magazines like 234next’s Elan, Fab magazine, Ynaija and websites like 360nobs; styling alongside partners BUBAAI.Celebrities like Mochedda, Makida Moka, Tiwa Savage constitute the network of some of the people he has worked with. He has also worked behind the scenes with designers

Adebayo Okelawal

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such as Ugoma Adegoke of Zebra Living and Kiki Kamanu. He acted as a revamp tool, designing for Onyx and Pearl in 2010.His designs under Onyx and Pearl have graced the runways of the ‘’Sahsay as you say’’ fashion show, ‘Make a difference’(MAD) show and in Calabar during the Christmas festival.

A graduate in business admin at the University of Lagos, Adebayo also manages a styling outfit; BUBAAI alongside Bubu (IAMISGO) and Aisha Bello. Since the inception of this freshly built label the young designer has taken note of it in media channels such as Bella Naija, one Nigerian boy, wow magazine, tw, genevieve thisday style, complete fashion, fab alen, moments with mo, MTVBase,, Style house files and the list goes on.

This is quite a commendable list for a label so young. Adebayo plans to take the label to immeasurable heights.

MODELS: Kwen and Kenneth


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VUYONGQASE & baby guru

Twenty one year old Vuyo Ngqase is a 4th year student at the University of Fort Hare (UFH) where he is studying BSc in Agricultural Economics. He is a seasoned event organiser and host, fashion lover and the founder of Baby Guru Fashion Modeling Project. The project was launched on the 20th of April 2012 at UFH, and has collaborated to host 3 successful fashion shows.

Baby Guru is a project which gives a platform to young and fresh upcoming designers.Vuyo, or Vee as he prefers to be called, organises and hosts fashion shows that also helps feature his models which he trains himself, while showcasing designer clothes.

Vee had this to say, when we met up with him…

I discovered my love for entertainment when I joined “fohahebe” (FORT HARE AT HER BEST); one of the biggest entertainment societies at Fort hare in 2011. I would always be the one drafting programmes and assisting in the organizing whenever we hosted shows. Still, that wasn’t enough for me. I tried my hand at Mcing the shows and immediately fell in love with the mic and the live audience. I have never looked back.

Baby Guru has paved the way for me; strengthening me and helping me to

realise my goals while opening doors to new adventures, as I now develop a greater interest for pageants.

In 2011 I had the opportunity of assisting to organize Miss/Mr. Fort Hare 2011. The pageant was hosted by the stunning Bonang Matheba, and this brought me closer to someone I adore and look up to, as I was the director of the show. In 2012 I assisted in planning Miss/Mr. Freshet 2012. Throughout these big campus events I gained a lot of valuable experience and I felt it was time to challenge myself to start my own thing. That is when the Baby Guru Fashion Modeling Project was born. This project opened many doors for me

i tried my hand at mcing and immediately fell in love with the mic and the live audience


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as people started to respect my work and actually wanted to be associated with my brand.

I have been approached to organise and host many gigs under the banner of Baby Guru. I also do a lot of judging in talent shows in and outside Alice.

2012 was just insane year, with studies and BG on another side. There were times were I would literally not sleep for days, because I was juggling two things I respect and love equally. I’d get people asking me where I get so much strength and energy, and I would respond that “if you eat right, exercise and pray… life becomes as light as paper”.

This year promises to be another year of even

greater blessings. I will be trying my hand at organizing my friend’s parents wedding in September. It’s something I’ve never thought I would do but, I take it as a challenge to learn from. I maintain that it was by God’s purpose for me to be at UFH, because I got exposed to so many opportunities.

“if you eat right, exercise and pray… life becomes as light as paper”


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In future I will try radio presenting because it calls to me (and I talk a lot). I will be taking Baby Guru to new heights, and collaborate to help others get to their dream as well.

Who knows… maybe in future I might launch my own fashion line through this project. Time will tell. Each and every year I feel a hunger to strive for more. It is a never ending craving.

Baby Guru is not a business, but a non- profit project aimed at uplifting and grooming young talent. In the future it will be a grooming and casting company, BG will help models achieve greater heights. But for now we are still starting out. Soon we will be a nation wide group, and then the continent.


“if you eat right, exercise and pray… life becomes as light as paper”

Vuyo’s contact details: [email protected] @VuyoNgqase (twitter)


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East London



3rd yr B.Sc Agriculture @ University of Fort Hare

do not quit before a miracle happens

Andisiwe Gxabalashe

“fashion is an extension of me; a way to express myself and it is art”{ }

andisiwe mkolo


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Lee / Dimplez





Office Management @ Damelin (Pretoria)

work hard and God will meet you halfway

Leatile Lee-Dimplez Teane

“dress to make a statement, not to impress”{ }

leatile teane










Lee / Dimplez





Office Management @ Damelin (Pretoria)

work hard and God will meet you halfway

Leatile Lee-Dimplez Teane

“dress to make a statement, not to impress”{ }

leatile teane


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Anezwa Amatolo Nez Sigenu

“do what is best for you and do to others as you would want done to you”{ }

anezwa sigenu


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saphokazi jcreations interview


Saphokazi Jikijela 0832904132

Patterns, scissors, fabrics and needles have always been an integral part of Saphokazi’s day dreams. Now that she has a collection to showcase to the world, even the sky won’t limit this young designer who graduated from Walter Sisulu University.She is now focusing on growing her brand; Saphokazi J Creations and is now ready to take on the world.

by Khaya Nqwelo

Q: please describe your designs

from your latest collection

A: My designs are fresh and

funky. You can wear one of my

garments in different events

such as weddings, Durban

July and cocktail parties. It is a

combination of colours because

when I was creating this collection

I drew inspiration from peacock

feathers, they are colourful and


Q: who is your target market?

A: Anyone who wants to look

thrilling and feel good at the

same time. I know my latest

collection is for leaner women but

I design for all shapes and sizes.

Q: what do you think of the

fashion industry in the Eastern

Cape, do you believe that things

can change in the province?

A: Fashion is not taken very

seriously in the Eastern Cape,

we do not always have to look

for job opportunities like others

but people look down on us

and usually don’t believe in us.

In other cities like Johannesburg

and Cape Town there are better

opportunities, so if you desire to

be a well known designer and

be recognized all over you have

to go to these places because

fashion is acknowledged there.

Q: what is your ultimate goal?

A: To be a well known fashion

designer, seeing my brand grow

is also something I am longing for

and to be an inspiration to every

young man or woman who wants

to be a designer.

Q: what challenges have you

faced so far?

A: at the moment I do not have

funds to support me with my

business, so things are a bit hectic

Q: where do you see yourself in

the short term?

A: Up and running and having

customers all over the world.

Q: what is your day to day


A: From early childhood I used to

sew tiny outfits for my dolls and

when I was in high school I used

to sew things for myself and for my


Q: is there someone you look up

to, a favorite designer, stylist or

maybe fashion icon?

A: Yes, David Tlale. He was the talk

and still is the talk of the fashion

industry. I grew up looking up to

him and loving his work.



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david tlaleIf you are looking for elegance and glamour in a garment, then David Tlale is the right person to contact. This South African designer has been climbing the fashion success ladder for some time now, and has he succeeded?

Well let’s mention a few things about him. He has showcased at the Cape Town fashion week /Africa fashion week/JHB fashion week, he has been nominated a few times and also is an award winning designer. That is just few on his list of achievements. It’s no wonder that he is on everyone’s lips. He is one creative individual.In one of his recent successes, he had his own show at the renowned New York fashion week and left the big apple screaming for more. His designs tell a story of a talented and ambitious being, every little detail on each garment is a master piece.David has made his mark in the fashion industry, in the business and creative arenas .We cannot wait to see what he has next up his sleeves. Time will tell.


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words by Khaya Nqwelo


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Thando ‘Tido’ Zamxaka 0732921881

Siyamthanda Zamxaka 0785343324

[email protected]

ceekar fashion


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the age of VINTAGE:Sometimes animosity creeps up on us like a night of load shedding. You can be a saint, samaritan or the angel Gabriel but, it is there, waiting for an opportunity to strike. Right now you might be green-eyed with envy over the girl next door’s style and good taste.It happens to the best of us, believe me. It’s not a crime to get inspired by the trendy neighbour and applying your own style to it. Fashion comes and goes, so make your own way, drawing inspiration from previous styles and trends.

I love fashion. Things are changing and moving in all directions every day. Today you might spot some sixties-styled garments back in store hangers and tomorrow the hangers might


be draped with the 70s. Fashion rotates, rolling from generation to generation gathering trends influences and history. You need to be conscious of what you wear all the time. stripes

Printed and striped garments are a must have these days but, be cautious with those stripes. Don’t fall into the trap of looking like a human parachute, look objectively in the mirror before walking off. You will also do well, as a general rule, to stay away from horizontal stripes as they will shorten and widen you.


If you want to dress up in prints, take care with those tops, dresses and blazers. Go for small subtle prints. If the prints are big, go for a pattern that is busy at the bottom rather than looking like a table cloth with full body prints.

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Sometimes sticking to one colour for your outfit will make you look taller and linear. Be creative and keep it simple at the same time. Remember to accessorise but, too many accessories will leave you looking like a Christmas tree, so don’t go overboard. This is the season to be adventurous so experiment more. Play with more colours and textures. Your own creativity should be your measuring stick to how far you can take something. Colours show the character and styles of a particular season; it is summer now and the colours are bright. Be vigilant. Know your colours and use them wisely.


Style, I believe, is something we can attain daily, not just on big days. Don’t forget that fashion is art; you are the designer and you author the story of each outfit. It’s your prerogative. Style is something that evolves naturally, it is who you are and I think all things should revolve around your style.

If you love dressing well and want to add charm and interest to your style, then vintage clothing is definitely something you should be playing with this season. I love the detail of old styles for their cute and contemporary feel, as well as the unique detail to each garment and accessory.

Truth be told, I am more of a 70s girl. I prefer this decade over and above the 80s for the colours, the subtle blend of tones and streamlined look which have set the

too many accessories will leave you looking like a christmas tree

“foundation for classy chic fashion. However, I also love that you can add an edge of class and be flirty with some of the 80s inspired accessories and clothes. Retro fashion and clothing is inspirational almost everywhere and it continues to influence the current fashion trends. Vintage never goes out of style. It is trendy, charming and timelessly stylish. Retro adds depth and realness to your style. While there will be a lot of fashion trends, a lot of them will evolve out particularly from 2012s fashion season. So play around with your favourite decade a bit. I assure you, you will find yourself neck high in the most chic trends, and you will fall in love with them.

So the next time envy, the green eyed monster, makes an appearance reach into the past and go vintage.



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start what cannot be stopped

light fires that shan’t be put out

be the voice that will not be silenced

be the hand that cannot be bound.
