Page 1: iiiiwooowoZooZoZrrrhhhhZe////;;;;iiiiznnznnz''''skkkk · the above bauxite bearing areas, only






















iiiiww oZooZorrrrhhhh eZ eeZ e////;;;;iiiinznnzn''''kkkk ''''kkkkkkkklllluuuu }}}}kkkkjjjjkkkk vvvvffff////kkkkllll =w ==w =kkkksaas ddddkkkk ffffoooooooojjjj....kkkkoooo fs ffs fpppprrrr {{{{kkkkssww ZZ ZZ zz ss ww ss ssaa

Ø­ ftyk {ks= dk fooj.k vf/klwpuk fnukad@ Øekad


cccckkkkDDDDllllkkkkbbbbVVVV 1 iwoorhZ

fcykliqj ¼orZeku dksjck]

tkatxhj&pkaik fcykliqj½ iwoorhZ ljxqtk ¼orZeku ljxqtk]

laiw.kZ ftyk fcykliqj rFkk ftyk ljxqtk ds rglhy vfEcdkiqj ,oa lqjtiqj

1071&6303@ XII] fnukad 5­2­1963

1. The State Government vide

notification no. 1227-826/XII,

dated 12.2.1962 had provisionally

reserved the bauxite bearing areas

of District Surguja and Bilaspur.

2. District Bilaspur and Ambikapur,

Surajpur Tahsil of Surguja District

are now being kept in reserve for

exploitation in the public sector

and the remaining areas are

declared as dereserved for bauxite. dksfj;k½

2 iwoorhZ ljxqtk ¼orZeku ljxqtk] dksfj;k½

iwoorhZ jk;x<+ ¼orZeku jk;x<+] t'kiqj½

laiw.kZ {ks= 3851&3506@ XII] fnukad 13­6­1966

In continuation of this department's

notification no. 1071-6303/XII, dated

5.2.1963, it is hereby notified for

general information of public that until

further orders no application for

prospecting licence and mining lease

in respect of the mineral "Bauxite" will

be entertained by the State

Government in the following areas:­

Entire area of District Surguja and


The whole of the area described

above is at present being kept reserved

by the State Government for being

worked in the public sector.

3 iwoZorhZ nqxZ ¼orZeku eas nqxZ]

jktukanxkao] dchj/kke½

laiw.kZ {ks= 2918&2875@ XII] fnukad 16­6­1969

1­ bl foHkkx ds vf/klwpuk Ø­1071&6303@12] fnukad 5­2­1963 rFkk Øekad 3851&3506@12] fnukad 13­6­1966 ds vuqlj.k esa loZlk/kkj.k dh tkudkjh ds fy, jkT; 'kklu ds vkns'kkuqlkj vkxkeh lwpuk rd ftyk nqxZ dk {ks= ckDlkbV [kfut ds fy, lkoZtfud {ks= esa dk;Z djus ds fy, lqjf{kr fd;k tkrk gS A

2­ bl [kfut ds iwosZ{k.k vuqKfIr@ [kfu iV~Vs ds fy, fdlh izkFkuk i= ij fopkj ugha fd;k tk,xk A

Page 2: iiiiwooowoZooZoZrrrhhhhZe////;;;;iiiiznnznnz''''skkkk · the above bauxite bearing areas, only










4 iwoZorhZ cLrj ¼orZeku esa cLrj] chtkiqj] dkadsj]

narsokM+k ,oa ukjk;.kiqj½ nqxZ

ds'kdky ckDlkbV Hk.Mkj

19&3@78@12] fnukad 19­6­1981

vf/klwpuk Ø­ 19&3@78@12] fnukad 4­4­1978 dks fujLr djrs gq, jkT; 'kklu ds vkxkeh vkns'k rd rglhy dkadsj] dks.Mkxkao vkSj ukjk;.kiqj ftyk cLrj ds 20º00' ls 20º15' ysfVV~;wM ,oa 81º15' ls 81º35' ykaxhV~;wM ds chp vkus okys layXu lwph esa n'kkZ, vuqlkj xzke ,oa Mksaxfj;k ¼lsVhusd½ ds ckDlkbV ds leLr {ks= jkT; [kfut fuxe ds ek/;e ls Lor% [kuu djus gsrq lqjf{kr gS A

Page 3: iiiiwooowoZooZoZrrrhhhhZe////;;;;iiiiznnznnz''''skkkk · the above bauxite bearing areas, only

~lfopal, the 4th Februar)· I % 'i- Magha 15, 1884 (S).

'!f. \f·Xl~~~i~i:t(~ )/q.--Usilf !iITTfrf WT ~ ·f;mr ;;nor t ·f.t; '5fi m-.:. if< .'~ . rft.\:rfr;;r, m~·.ef,·. ~~-. ~ 1!~ ~ . f::;i.,if.l frfl!f<l<:r ,;rCR ~r <r. m'1f<:'f<I ij',mr,t;, ;,rm~ ~,r, ifi'r tf~ # ~~ fr.r">Tri-r i ~~vr ,r,. "'o­'~Tq~,~ (~~)/\~, f~ ,c: .fq"Hf~ H.\,,;TU'fi°"itj t, ::tMf~· <JffT ~cfT frflf+r , 9 t \ ~, (Civil Defence Service

~ul~s, :i·9~.2). ~ f ;{lflt ~ l( i ) ~ J:fr:l'~ 1l ~>l'~ln" (I,,,.,~ ·* fi;r,r ~ ~rit.

~~ i Wlf'TI~ i ;,p1 ~ ~r ~W!,m~. ,srr • <f,Jlffi I 1!~ ffl'qcf •

Bhopal , tbe i utli Nm cmber 19G2.

No. ~:152-4990-XVl.--Con-igcndum.-In the lasL line ,-l'if . pa.ra ·1 of this Depanrnent 's Resolution ·:· o~ 6680-4990-XVI, dauu the l!lth September 1962. bn the ;umual report oi Labour Department for 1'959, published . at page 1818 of Part I of the ••Madhya. ·Pradesh Gaze tte .. , dated the 5th October 1962_, instead 9f the words "The President of India" read the words ·'The Prime Mini~ter of 1ndia".

Bhopal, the 28th January 1963.

No. 684-353-XVI.-Whereas the State Govem­msit are satisfied that public emergency and P.ill>lic .interest requir<: that services in all the

;Ho3pitals and Dispensaries ' and 'Fire Brigades'

·o~ting in the State of Madhya Pradesh should gedared as public utilitv service;

Now, therefore . in exercise of powers confen-ed lby. sub-clause (vi) of clause (n) of sectfon 2 of the Industrial · Disputes Act, No. 14 of 1947, the State Government hereby declares service in , Uie 'hospitals and dispensaries' and 'fire ~,3.des' in the State of Madhya Pradesh to be public · utility services for the purpose of the saicl Act for a period of six months from the da'.~ , of publication of this Notification in the official gazette.

By order :rntl in th e 11 :irne of th e Go ·crnor of \ far. h ya, ~_ra desh.

S .. S. JOSHI. Dy. Secy.

Bhopal , the 5th February l9G3 .

.No. 1071-6303-Xll.- The Stale Govern111e111 . ,: tdt.:

Notification No . 1227-826-XII, dated the 12th Feb­ruary 1962, had provisionally reserved the bauxite bearing areas of districts Shahdol, J abalpur, Surguja, Mandia, BiJaspur and Baihar tahsil of Balaghat dis­trict, in Madhya Pradesh, for State exploitation.

lt i; here_uy notified for general informatiou that out of the above bauxite bearing areas, only Shahdol and Bil.1spm districts, Dinclori tahsil of Mandia dis­trict and Ambi.k.apur and Surajpur tahsils of Surgu p district are now being kept in reserve for exploitation in the public sector, and the remaining areas . are declared at dereservecl [or bauxite. Applications' for the grant of tilineral Lu uccssion for bauxite l'or rhcsc · dercscrvcd :1re:1, will lie ,·n1cn;ii11cd 11u1,· Ii ; t it, ·

Collectors cu11cerned fru 111 Lb c 1 :-,Lh .\1:1\ 1 ~Li .; <)11-

wards. All prc1·iut1s a pplicatio11 , 11iad,· up 10 the 14th M;iy 1963 in respect of these derescrvc<l area s tor bauxite will be considered as cancelled. All

desirous should submit fresh application for the grant of concessiu n over l'he cTereserved area, detailed below:-

( 1) J abalpur district.

(~) Baihar tahsil of Balaghat district.

(~) Mandia district except Dindori tahsil.

(4) Surguja district except Surajpur and .'\.mbikJ­pur tahsils.

.By order :,rnl in th e 11a111c ul the Gover11ur of 7\fadhya Pradesh.

S. S. GI LL, D: SeL :, .

Bhopal, the 5th December 191..i!!.

No. 18766-1927-XX-l-62.-0n an applic.itio11 :llld II itlt the concun-ence of the person .;.cti11g in the adminis­tration of the .Ba, a11ti Devi Agarwal Silver Meclal Fund, the State Government in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (2) a.n <l (~) of section 5 of the Charitable Endowments Act, 1890 (VI of 1890), hereby directs that the following amendment shall

be made in the scheme of administration of the said Fund published un~er the Education Department Notification No. I 1581-1704-XX-I-61, elated the 23rd July 1960, and further fixes the date of publication of this Notification in the "Madhya Pradesh Gazette'' :is the elate on which the said scheme, as amended by this Notification , shall come into force , narnel;· :-


111 rlt(' Second Schedule t:o the said Nc,Lih,:111.ion i11 paragraph (2), [or the worcls "District lnspecu·ess o[ Schnols, Hoshangabad", the words "Principal , Gov­ernment Girls Higher Secondary School, Jr;1rsi", shall be substituted.

lh " rckr .i11d i11 tli e 11 ,1111 c or th e GoYe ri1 fJ r of Madliy:1 Pradc, l,,

DEVI 'i:\H\f. D y. Secy.

Page 4: iiiiwooowoZooZoZrrrhhhhZe////;;;;iiiiznnznnz''''skkkk · the above bauxite bearing areas, only

(t) ~~.~~-

( ~) f~ ~t:IT, ~Gl'T ~ ~ <tiT ~~cl ~-

~ ~~ . ij'~ ~ ~~ ~rnif mt ~rchrfif<fi ~ if ;i;tJr rn i Rli ~'Ulffii WT 'GfT ~T t ·

~ i U~tffti ifi <l'Jll' ~ (l1TT ~m-r~r~. ~ff. i . ~Tlri. "~ITT.

.r),:m,, f~ ~ ~ 4._<l' ~ t \ \ .

· ;rro'lj_ ii: efcrllR i ~~ ~ ¥c; ,i;' ~ ( ~ ) i ~1.e-'{UJ' i i, w mm cfi'T ~f~'ii.fT 'lfi. ~c;XHXo'<d,, f~,;T'-fi n iff, t t'' lfi'T ,;nr;;rr ~if{R ~~~\>I' i 'Sl'rf~ ~ iz~ro ~ flfi'q-r 'GfffiT !-

~~ ~ ~ ifi .fJll' {{ ~ ~~~.

((fl. "': mf, ~q·

~hopal, the 13th June 19 ,c

No. 3851-3506-XU.-ln continuation of tJ1is department's Notification No. 1071-6303 / XII, dated 5th· February 1%:1, it is hereby notified for ge neral information of public thar until further orders no application for prospecting licence and mining lease in respect of the mineral "Bauxite" will be entertain­ed by the Stale Government in the following areas:-

l. Baihar Tehsil of District Halaghat.

.a· Entire area of Distts. Mandia, Surguja & Raigarh.

The,whole of the area described above is at present being kept reserved by the State Government or being worked in the public sector.

By order and in the name of the Governor of

Madhya Pradesh.

S, K. SHARMA, Dy. Se9'.

~ f~m ('er'-~)

'Jfi. n'-3\-~oc;o-~'-fi-q-\t:;.--\il"fil' 1;,TlfflT 7'!lT<fT am \il°RT ifiT ITf ~ "in:ll';r<i~ <:R'T"'i'" (1;Tmem:uI) ", f;r,,i"'-fi ~ ~ lfR<. H.\c; if ~cT fvrftcT, f~i"'-fi ~t ifR ~t\c; <fiT 1;f"f@ il ;.;o,F.T 1;l'TlfflT mr ;;1T(T 'fiT IT{ f.p:.crft.rftlm fcrnftcT xr~xrr;r,:rr, af.T \il°R"fi'Tl:T i f,.:ri:r ~~irr>:r '.:ff.Tfucr 'fir ;;rrcrr t

+fv:f;f~~ i ;:f"<l'·TI<'f ,i .fflf ~ i:f~T 1;f~~f'!~TT,

~ - "'· "'· ~t(;{'f _ "3'Hef"fel'.


iil'Rf ll;fflfFT ~ ;;rm <f;T ll{ fq~fea f•Fifif. z t +fl"f Urf z t \ t; ifufm~~ lf "., ~ffl clff'<Ni:rr ~ct ~'fo,l'f <fir f;;r.:~ s~ ;;rRr if f~~r t ~ ~"fill ~1 ;;rrcfr F'f, fcf~TU~ f crqlf'f ,.:i ~i:l~

~ "STt¥ .ffi cF faq ,,:ifai:r an:rn t; ~<'fr{ ':frJ: ~ t \ c:;

a'-fi ~r <fr IT{ t

~ .rr ~"Fl'r ~r ;;rm) ~ f ii> ::m:f'llf. ~ oT- ;;f i ;:,f\z 1-:r~'-1 ,

f~~ if f~r.,..; ~ t >,f~\1 <Ji: ~ t \ c; q;'r {t~ cl'fii\ ,fr q,".

f ~ffi <!fr ;;i-f<f r t

1;l°TlT ~fr <:ff<;i<if, <:fl'ilT, ;,i-1,: P-TFr -g:rr !:lT°ifwr, ;c;ro'f. ::;i t

e-rll1 i m'+Tffi.<f;, <!fr ffll'l"r ;,th ;;rr'cf tT ti:l'f-Tcf i:rri:ih'F 1ffit<'fi

'liTf.:rifn:upr,f(fr1:1;'=l'm1:1i >,fflf~@·i· ii' a-1-z1·~ f.,~'f1 f. ::,ir -~e-~r m>;flf ~"f.,r ~cr1arcfr.:ur cf.T crr~ ~ ~-r ;;r ,-~,fr.

Bhopal, the 29th April, 1968-Vaishakha g, 1890-

No. 1176-.1w80-I-X-68--In continuation of the com­munique d a ted the 19th i\ifarch, 19Li8, iss ued by the

Commission of i\lungeli E11 4 u iry attd puuli sli cd i1,

the " Madhya Pradesh Ra jpat ra" (Extr~1r, rd in:11y). dated the 21st i\l arch 1968, the.: fo11u1,i11g ru111 111 u11i ·

que issued by the Comm ission 1s hereby pu bJishccl

for general inform at ion .

By order a nd in the name of th e Guvc.: rn nr ol Madhya Pradesh,

K. C. G RAJ A, Dy. Sec y-



In continuation of Communique dated 19th March

1968 issued by the Commission it is notified for in ·

formation of all individuals and associations in terest­

ed in the enquiry that the last date for filing Lhe ~tate­

ments relevant to the terms of reference has been

extended up to l:lth .J ulv I %8.

It is further notified that the date 29th April 19Li8 .

fixed for the preliminary sitting at Circuit House , Bilaspur is, hereby, cancelled.

Advance pu.blic notice of another date, its Lillie and

place to settle the procedure for the recording evi­dence and incidental matters pertaining to 1hc

enquiry and for fixing the date to rcc01·d ev i<l cnct· would be given later on.


R. J. BI-JAVE. Dated the 2.:mrl April 10li8. Conuni~ion of Enc!11ir y.

Page 5: iiiiwooowoZooZoZrrrhhhhZe////;;;;iiiiznnznnz''''skkkk · the above bauxite bearing areas, only

".l:11:cjlib.fc 'b~:t llit~

':t.m~ lli.Q ~ hll! ~ .illbrucn. ~ lll~.ts..t:uh

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.~ctG'"la, ~<si,:i, tr~-i:rc:, ~\1crn·1, ~~:ri~· . . GZ-.:rijq,

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Gf'(+fS-\l(T, Ucf<fU, ~T, '3'Gl~of~··, f~:;;:;t:T,Pi'q'<f,f I

~ " "·ri " , :,.::-,. ;._ off~t'f!G~t , '1iefiollf, 'if,'1:lffU, cfil{cfilct, ~t·,T.~7.:

it+ffr, ~~, .:rTri~. @~ri:r,~;c:r, +i'F~--.:r, .;cfTGT{T,

lf"(1Tl'cf, G,sn:~. t:JITn:s:T"©:S, ~f\'~1-:-1 1 ~· f.T), ~· <lrT,7T .;~m. ITTtt'<1 ~l+r.ft, ;TZ<Tl~i', <l;~p,r; ·, . if._~T, ~~T, ~ ... ~cm-r, ~';f)1:1, ~:fh·r,Y"T, ~~~,,,{1~-fr mm,~F- " '

ir,szm~ 1fr ~('! ,i rflll' ir ~T lil'~~T7,

~~~ ~ ~rf, ~'<ftf.
