
California Association of Licensed Security Agencies, Guards and Associates

California Security Offi cer Training Program© CALSAGA and Practical Education Services

Module III.A

Post Orders & Assignments4 Hours - Elective

Authored by Ralph F. Brislin

Edited by CALSAGA

California Security Offi cer Training Program

CALSAGA Security Offi cer Training Program

Module III.A - Post Orders & Assignments

Table of Contents 2

Course Outline and Syllabus 3

Company Policies and Procedures 6

Site Specifi c Training & Site Orientation 7

Equipment 12

Emergency Response Issues 15

Lost/Found Articles 17

Other Post Duties 20


New California Security Offi cers with Registrations (guard cards) dated on or after July 1, 2004 must receive 40 hours of training as follows:

• 8 hours “Powers to Arrest” prior to an Offi cer standing post.

• 16 hours of training within 30 days of issuance of registration, 8 of which must consist of two four-hour courses from the mandatory modules and 8 of which must consist of elective courses.

• 16 hours of training within 6 months of issuance of registration, 8 of which must consist of the remaining two four-hour courses from the mandatory modules, and 8 of which must consist of elective courses.

This course module, titled “Post Orders & Assignments” is part of the CALSAGA Security Offi cer Training Program. CALSAGA certifi es this module as in compliance with Business and Professions Code Sections 7583.6 and 7583.7 and Title 16, Division 7, Article 9, Section 643 of the California Code of Regulations.

This course corresponds to module III.A of the BSIS Course Outline. This is a elective course under the Course Outline and satisfi es the requirement for 4 hours of training under the elective section of the Security Offi cer Training Laws and Regulations.

The purchaser of this module is licensed for unlimited use of this material at their own facility. The purchaser may print or otherwise reproduce the module as he sees fi t for use at this facility only. It may not be transferred to or shared with any other facility. A facility is considered to be one Private Patrol Operator, one Private Security Training Facility, or any other one facility authorized by the BSIS to provide training under the Security Offi cer Training Law.


California Security Offi cer Training Program

III.A Post Orders & Assignments – 4 hours

Course Outline & Syllabus

Learning Goals

• The offi cer will be provided with an understanding of company specifi c or site specifi c post orders for their company or job site.

• The offi cer will be provided with an understanding of the basic training required to function properly while on post.

• The offi cer will be provided with an understanding and working knowledge of all equipment necessary for the security offi cer to perform their task.

• The offi cer will be provided a basic understanding of the procedures to implement during an emergency.• The offi cer will be provided a basic understanding of the legal liabilities of their actions and personal

conduct while working as a security offi cer.• The offi cer will be provided information on the recording and safe storage of lost/found articles.


A. Site Specifi c Training/Site Orientation (Note that your employer or job site will likely have specifi c Post Orders that should supercede any information herein.)

1. Reporting on-duty procedures 2. Review with relief offi cer of signifi cant issues/events 3. Review of on-site Post Order/Instructions 4. Preparation of DAR (Daily Activity Report)

B. Equipment 1. Review of CCTV Monitoring equipment 2. Review and inspection two-way radio, telephone and any other communication devices 3. Review of fi re alarm control panel, weather radio and other emergency equipment 4. Review of Intrusion alarm control panel and access control systems 5. Inspection of elevator or fi re exit monitors to ensure operational.

C. Emergency Response Issues 1. Review of Emergency procedures 2. Identify facility personnel on-duty who serve as EMTs or emergency response team members 3. Review emergency notifi cation call list

D. Liability Implications1. Review of all instructions and training checklists to ensure all security personnel have received

adequate training and understand post order instructions 2. Issues related to negligence and malfeasance to be discussed.



California Security Offi cer Training Program

E. Lost/Found Articles 1. Review of procedures to follow when an item is given to security personnel. 2. Documentation and witness verifi cation 3. Proper security of the items 4. Periodic inventory and review of lost/found articles 5. Credibility issues involving failure to properly document the items

F. Other post duties as required, including review of: 1. Escorts of client personnel before and after hours 2. Parking/traffi c enforcement and notices 3. Energy management duties, lighting and water monitoring and control


California Security Offi cer Training Program

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California Security Offi cer Training Program

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It is important for security offi cers to know the pro-cedures for post orders for each specifi c employer, and for the job site post orders specifi c to the location each offi cer is assigned. Your employer will review these procedures with you as part of this training. The materials in this module outline some basic and common procedures for the security industry. In all cases, the policies and procedures for post orders and assignments of your specifi c employer and the specifi c site to which you are assigned will super-cede procedures in this manual. If you have any questions, ask your supervisor!

Your supervisor will likely provide you with addi-tional “on the job” training at your fi rst posting and review your post orders with you. In any classroom instruction before your posting, you will likely be provided with the forms, procedures, and other common forms used by your company.


When in doubt, your company’s policies, proce-dures, and post orders will supercede any generic rules that are presented in this module.

When in doubt, ask your supervisor!

California Security Offi cer Training Program

CALSAGA Security Offi cer Training Program • Module III.A - Post Orders & Assignments© CALSAGA & Practical Education Services • Version 2/27/2006 • Unauthorized reproduction prohibited



Once the individual hired to work as a security offi cer has been provided with all of their pre-employment, offi ce indoctrination and training, it is time to report on-duty at the site where he/she will serve. As a practical matter, it is wise for the offi cer to leave for work with more time than the usual allotted time. This will provide the offi cer with the time necessary to familiarize himself/herself with the location, handle any watch change-over duties, and minimize the chances of being late due to unforeseen traffi c congestion.


Every security company has a unique on-duty reporting system. The following are examples:

1. Signing an attendance sheet that denotes the time one arrived and departed from the facil-ity.

2. Placing a telephone call into the main or branch offi ce via a local or toll free number. Often this information is recorded by a secretary or person acting as a dispatcher.

3. An automated system in which the offi cer calls a toll-free number and is asked to provide their employee identifi cation number. The time is automatically entered into a computerized time and attendance data base. The same procedure is followed when the offi cer reports off-duty at the end of the shift.

4. Use of a two-way radio to communicate with a dispatcher or supervisor reporting on and off-duty.


Reading for a Purpose

Look for these key words:Post OrdersDARCCTVNegligenceMalfeasance

Look for answers to these questions:1. What should be included in the review between offi cers at shift change?2. What should be included in the DAR?3. What procedures should be followed for a found item? A lost item?

California Security Offi cer Training Program

Notes No matter what type of system is used, the objec-tive is the same - proof of coverage. The contract security company is contractually required to prove and document that all offi cers reported on-duty in a timely fashion and that the security post was never left unattended. When report-ing on-duty, the security offi cer is either to be in a clean and wrinkle-free uniform prepared to assume his/her duties. Or if lockers are provided for offi cers, he/she should arrive to work in advance of starting time in order to have enough time to change clothes. A security offi cer should not report on-duty and then leave to change into his/her uniform!


After reporting on-duty, the arriving offi cer should meet with the offi cer to be relieved so that he/she may be briefed on any event or incident that occurred during the previous shifts. Often, an event such as an electrical power failure, false alarm, water leak or some other maintenance related event has occurred. It is essential for security offi cers to communicate with one another. Whenever one security offi cer is unaware of a situation or event that, in the opinion of the client, all offi cers should be aware of, the credibility of the entire security offi cer operation is called into question. Most signifi cant events should be documented in writing.

Generally, offi cers assigned to different shifts at the same post will utilize “pass along logs” to ensure that appropriate information is passed from offi cer to offi cer and shift to shift.

For example, it is not unusual that when a group of visitors arrive at the facility for their presence to be conveyed to security via a telephone call to the security offi cer on duty. Failure to properly note such a change in the normal routine could prove to be extremely embarrassing when the visitors arrive.

The following are examples of incidents which should be communicated from one offi cer to another:

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California Security Offi cer Training Program

Notes1. An employee will return to pickup their personal vehicle left on site.

2. Lights have been left on in one section of the facility for a specifi c reason, and therefore should not be turned off.

3. A special delivery is expected for a part that the maintenance department is anxiously awaiting.

4. Human Resources has just suspended an employee who has not yet left the premises. Once they have left company property, they are not to return.

5. Another security offi cer needs to be contacted due to the client's request for extra coverage. The relieving offi cer is to attempt to reach the person at home.

No matter the situation or event, all communication that is considered essential or important needs to be communicated to the offi cers arriving for work. This information should also be documented in writing, and that the information was communicated to the relieving offi cer.


As the relieving security offi cer is coming on duty and after the departing offi cer(s) has left the site, it is always a good idea to make a thorough review of the existing post orders or written instructions. Generally, these post orders will not change signifi cantly from one day to the next, but a quick review is essential if a section in the report indicates that information is to be communicated quickly due to a change in procedures.

Instruction and training in the post orders for any new job site is one of the most important types of train-ing that any security offi cer can receive. It is imperative

CALSAGA Security Offi cer Training Program • Module III.A - Post Orders & Assignments© CALSAGA & Practical Education Services • Version 2/27/2006 • Unauthorized reproduction prohibited


California Security Offi cer Training Program

Notesthat you receive proper and adequate training in your post orders from a senior offi cer, post commander and/or fi eld supervisor.


The Daily Activity Report (DAR) is the written documentation that security personnel have performed their duties in the appropriate manner during the course of their shift. The fi rst item to enter on the DAR is your name, date and time of the shift. This information should be printed neatly in black ink. The fi rst notation of the report should indicate the time on duty, assuming the duties of the relieving offi cer. The following additional information should be part of the DAR:

* Name of offi cer relieved

* Notation of obtaining keys, card access de-vices, etc.

* Time of all patrols

* Notation of any unusual observations after fi rst patrol

* Number of personnel/vehicles on site

* Doors/windows open or unlocked

* Coffee pots operating

* Equipment that is out of service

* Pickup and delivery times of parcels

* Condition of security equipment

* Time of offi cers' breaks

* Unusual phone calls

* Alarm notifi cations (type of alarm and time)

CALSAGA Security Offi cer Training Program • Module III.A - Post Orders & Assignments© CALSAGA & Practical Education Services • Version 2/27/2006 • Unauthorized reproduction prohibited


California Security Offi cer Training Program

Notes* Notation of any incidents

* Off-duty time

* Name of relieving offi cer

* Notation as to the keys and equipment given to arriving offi cer

Security offi cers should always refrain from complet-ing any part of their DAR in advance. While boredom may sometimes encourage such a practice, it should be avoided at all times.

Again, the post orders and assignments for your spe-cifi c job site can and may vary widely from these examples, and from post to post. Review your post orders and if you have any questions, ask your supervisor. Proper training in the completion of your DAR by a responsible supervisor is essential to the successful completion of your duties.

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California Security Offi cer Training Program


Security offi cers will also have to review security equipment upon arrival at work. Most of the checks and inspections that are required are routine. However, it is important for each offi cer to conduct his/her own inspection of the equipment entrusted to them for their shift. Eventually, a problem will occur with equipment, and if security offi cers are not consistent in the documentation of these inspections, it will be diffi cult to determine the person who was on-duty when the equipment malfunctioned if and when an issue arises.

We live in a world in which gadgets are an increas-ing part of our life. We all like to play with the latest equipment. This may be fun at home, but at work, an of-fi cer should NEVER “play” with equipment.


While not every security post utilizes CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television) equipment, most sites will have some sort of camera system. The older, more traditional CCTV equipment consists of a group of cameras, which allows for several camera monitors to be viewed simultaneously. These systems will often use a videocassette recorder, often a time-lapse VCR. While a time-lapse VCR looks very much like the video recorders found in most homes, the time-lapse capability allows for as much 168 hours of video to be stored on one video cassette. Often, the security offi cer reporting on duty may be required to rewind a tape, change a tape or simply ensure the recorder is properly operating. Review the responsibilities for the care and changing of video cassettes with your immediate supervisor.

Over the past several years, video cassette recorders have been replaced by digital recorders. Digital recorders resemble a desktop computer in appearance and utilize a disk storage device, to digitally record video. Most of the time these systems will require little attention from a security

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California Security Offi cer Training Program

Notesoffi cer. Digital recorders, depending on their size, can store up to several weeks of recordings before the recorder begins to reuse or "tape-over" existing video.

Some CCTV equipment, such as cameras, can be moved or adjusted by security offi cers. PRIOR TO MOVING ANY CAMERA POSITIONING be sure to, check with your supervisor! Many locations have their video recording systems programmed to record in a certain manner and at certain times. If a security offi cer unknowingly moves the position of these cameras, serious problems may occur as a result.


Many security offi cers will have two-way radio communication while working. Upon arrival at the facility, care should be taken to ensure the radio works properly and a fully-charged battery is readily available. A radio check will determine if the signal is "loud and clear.” Telephones are often readily available. Security offi cers should ensure there are no operational issues with the telephone system. Special attention should be given to cellular phones to ensure that they are charged and their signal is strong.

As with any other equipment utilized by security offi cers, proper care and storage of communication equipment is required to ensure proper communication ability exists if it is required. If an offi cer discovers any problem with equipment, he or she should immediately notify a supervisor.


Review of on-site post emergency equipment (such as fi re alarm panels, weather radio and any other emergency equipment) is often a tedious but required task.

No matter how much training is provided to security offi cers during emergency training, emergencies usually occur infrequently. As a result, many security offi cers will

CALSAGA Security Offi cer Training Program • Module III.A - Post Orders & Assignments© CALSAGA & Practical Education Services • Version 2/27/2006 • Unauthorized reproduction prohibited


California Security Offi cer Training Program

Noteslack the experience of participating in actual emergency situations. This lack of experience may mean that a security offi cer is not fully familiar with the proper procedures and instructions for using emergency equipment, resetting alarms, etc. The diligent security offi cer who checks emergency equipment daily will become very familiar with its use and be better prepared during an actual emergency.


High-rise buildings will usually have elevator monitors located usually at or near the security post located on the fi rst fl oor lobby. Depending on the age of the elevators, automatic controls may exist that simply require a security offi cer to note their status. Elevators can be placed on automatic timers to coordinate their operation during non business hours. Other types of elevators may require manual manipulation of controls by security personnel. Each facility is unique. These responsibilities need to be reviewed in your post orders and with your immediate supervisor.

Elevator controls will also be integrated into a facility's fi re notifi cation system. When an alarm is initiated, over-ride controls will return all elevators to the ground fl oor and will not permit their continued use unless a fi re department emergency key is inserted into the control panel located inside each elevator's control panel.

Emergency or fi re exit doors should always be locked from the outside preventing unauthorized access from the exterior of the building. Alarm panels with illuminated and audible alarms will signal when a door has been opened. When beginning a shift, security personnel need to inspect the control panel to ensure it is functioning properly. In ad-dition, while conducting a patrol of the facility, all exit doors should be closed and the alarm panel reset, if necessary. With no-smoking policies in effect in most workplaces, many of these exit doors are used by smokers during scheduled work breaks. Security offi cers need to understand the particular restrictions on the use of these emergency exits.

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California Security Offi cer Training Program


Security personnel will generally have primary responsibility for initiating an emergency evacuation and contacting 9-1-1 emergency personnel. In addition, security personnel will often be asked to monitor emergency notifi cation equipment and direct emergency services personnel to specifi c locations.

In fact, in recent years, public safety offi cials have increasingly praised the role that private security offi cer play in helping emergency responders get information when they arrive at the scene of an incident, such as where a fi re is, where the fore control panels are, and how to get to certain locations in a building if one accessway is blocked.

A security offi cer should review all emergency re-sponse issues at the beginning of the shift to ensure they fully understand their duties and responsibilities. These responsibili-ties include: knowing who is responsible for implementing the emergency response plan, ordering an evacuation of all personnel, and awareness of all other employees who may have been be given special emergency response duties, such as Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT).

Finally, security offi cers should locate and review the emergency contact list. If it is determined that names and phone numbers have not been recently updated, an Incident Report noting this should be submitted to the security supervisor.


Security personnel should receive the necessary and adequate training in order to effectively discharge their responsibilities. Documentation of this training in the form of written training checklists signed by the security offi cer and their trainer is strongly advised, as documentation of such training can help shield from liability. Failure to receive the proper training and/or failure by the security offi cer to conduct his/her self appropriately in an emergency, can

CALSAGA Security Offi cer Training Program • Module III.A - Post Orders & Assignments© CALSAGA & Practical Education Services • Version 2/27/2006 • Unauthorized reproduction prohibited


California Security Offi cer Training Program

Notesresult in serious liability issues for the security offi cer, his/her employer and the company with whom they contract.

A charge of negligence against a security offi cer and his/her employer may be claimed if the offi cer "failed to act" during an emergency. A charge of malfeasance may also be claimed if a security offi cer acted or responded in a manner that was improper due to the lack of knowledge and understanding. In both cases, security offi cers could be faced with being summoned in a civil lawsuit. Proper understanding of the responsibilities of security personnel with adequate training will usually minimize the likelihood of these lawsuits.

Negligence: absence of due diligence, failure to conduct oneself with due regard to the safety and rights of others.

CALSAGA Security Offi cer Training Program • Module III.A - Post Orders & Assignments© CALSAGA & Practical Education Services • Version 2/27/2006 • Unauthorized reproduction prohibited


California Security Offi cer Training Program


Every security department has a unique procedure concerning lost and found articles. No matter the policy, it is critical for security offi cers to follow the policy explicitly and to document all facts surrounding the property. Typically the following elements are part of any lost and found policy:


1. When a security offi cer is given property that has been found, an Incident Report should be written containing the name, address and phone number of the person who found the items.

2. All contents of the item should be counted and inventoried (if possible with the person who found the item as a witness). If a billfold or purse has been found, the contents of the bill-fold, including the amount of cash (the number of ones, fi ves, tens, etc.) should be inventoried and all credit cards, driver's license, etc. also accounted for.

3. The lost items should be placed in a container or clear plastic bag that can be sealed with the date, time and offi cer's signature placed on the top of the container.

4. Some security departments may have another offi cer from a Control Center come to pickup the item(s). Again, all items should be counted and documented by two persons, preferably security offi cers.

5. Whenever found items are stored for safekeep-ing, the process should again be witnessed by at least one other person.

CALSAGA Security Offi cer Training Program • Module III.A - Post Orders & Assignments© CALSAGA & Practical Education Services • Version 2/27/2006 • Unauthorized reproduction prohibited


California Security Offi cer Training Program

Notes6. Security offi cers should never retain found items and fail to notify a superior in the hope or assumption that the person who misplaced the property will come to retrieve the items that same day. When anything of value is turned into security, notify a supervisor or other security personnel, employer, or client, as soon as possible and document all items! This is for your own protection as much as anything else, so that you can never be accused of pocketing found items.


When employees or visitors report lost or stolen property to security personnel, it is necessary for the offi cer to obtain as much information as possible regarding the property. This will include color, size, shape, model number, value of the item, last known location, time discovered missing, etc. Security personnel should document all information on an Incident Report form and notify the appropriate supervisor immediately.

If an item is found within a few hours of the fi ling of the loss report, security personnel should again obtain all required information in order so that the integrity of the person or the security offi cer who located the missing item cannot be in question.


Security personnel and their departments or employers who do not have a thorough and effective lost and found policy that is understood by all will likely have their integrity and credibility questioned when an item that has been found, turns up missing. This can occur due to the sheer volume of lost and found items (i.e. at an amusement park) under the control of security. Nevertheless, if an employee or visitor learns that their property, while under the physical control of the security department, turns up lost

CALSAGA Security Offi cer Training Program • Module III.A - Post Orders & Assignments© CALSAGA & Practical Education Services • Version 2/27/2006 • Unauthorized reproduction prohibited


California Security Offi cer Training Program

Notesor stolen later, serious damage can occur to the credibility of the security organization. The honesty of every person working in security may be questioned.

Lost and found property should be inventoried on a monthly basis by at least two people (preferably excluding the offi cer who originally found the items). Lost and found property should be properly stored and secured at all times and, if possible, under CCTV surveillance.

CALSAGA Security Offi cer Training Program • Module III.A - Post Orders & Assignments© CALSAGA & Practical Education Services • Version 2/27/2006 • Unauthorized reproduction prohibited


California Security Offi cer Training Program



Security offi cers are often asked to provide escorts to and from parking areas. Often the security offi cer will be escorting female employees. A concern may arise as to the benefi t of a female security offi cer escorting a female employee if they were to be accosted. However, statistically, the likelihood of a physical assault is reduced by 50% when two people are walking together, regardless of gender. These escorts are usually routine and seldom involve a physical confrontation. However, if an employee has requested an escort due to the existence of a restraining order involving a domestic dispute, the likelihood for a problem is greatly increased.

When providing escorts, notifi cation to another security offi cer or call center is recommended. If this is not possible, the security offi cer needs to note in the DAR the date, time and name of the person who requested the escort. During the actual escort, security personnel should be professional, courteous and sensitive to the fact that the person they are escorting may not want to engage in conversation. Walk just to the right or left of the person and just slightly ahead of them, paying particular attention to avoiding physical contact. Also, never accept a tip or gratuity from the person you are escorting!


Security offi cers may be required to direct traffi c on client property, issue parking tickets, and generally enforce parking regulations. Keep in mind that security offi cers are not police offi cers. Never engage in verbal confrontations with people who are ignoring your traffi c directions or requests. Follow the guidelines detailed in your post orders and document all such issues.

CALSAGA Security Offi cer Training Program • Module III.A - Post Orders & Assignments© CALSAGA & Practical Education Services • Version 2/27/2006 • Unauthorized reproduction prohibited


California Security Offi cer Training Program


Security offi cers may be required to monitor heating and cooling systems, turn on parking and/or facility lighting, deliver mail, fuel vehicles and perform many other duties not directly related to security. Be mindful of the fact that your employer has usually agreed to such duties or requests. All these responsibilities should be carried out in a professional manner and in accordance with the written post orders for the site to which the security offi cer is assigned. If a security offi cer ever has questions about whether non-security duties are appropriate for a post, they should contact a supervisor.

CALSAGA Security Offi cer Training Program • Module III.A - Post Orders & Assignments© CALSAGA & Practical Education Services • Version 2/27/2006 • Unauthorized reproduction prohibited


California Security Offi cer Training Program


The California Association of Licensed Security Agencies, Guards and Associates (CALSAGA) has con-tracted with nationally recognized security offi cer train-ing expert Ralph Brislin to produce most of the training materials for compliance with the AB 2880 Security Offi cer Training Law. The law is set to take effect on July 1, 2004.

Ralph Brislin has been active in the security industry for nearly 30 years. He earned a BS degree in Law Enforcement from Eastern Kentucky University and a Master’s in Public Affairs from Indiana Universi-ty. He has taught college courses at Indiana University, The University of Akron, Lakeland Community College and Eastern Kentucky University. He has been a Certifi ed Protection Professional (CPP) since 1982.Prior to being engaged by CALSAGA, Brislin authored The Effective Report Writing for the Security Offi cer, The Effective Security Offi cer Training Manual and The Effective Security Supervision Manual.

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