Page 1: Ihr Logo WILL YOU STRETCH YOURSELF?. Your Logo Philippians 3:13-14 (ASV) Brethren, I could not myself yet to have laid hold: but one thing [I do], forgetting

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Page 2: Ihr Logo WILL YOU STRETCH YOURSELF?. Your Logo Philippians 3:13-14 (ASV) Brethren, I could not myself yet to have laid hold: but one thing [I do], forgetting

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Philippians 3:13-14 (ASV) Brethren, I could not myself yet to have laid hold: but one thing [I do], forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things

which are before,  I press on toward the goal unto the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Page 3: Ihr Logo WILL YOU STRETCH YOURSELF?. Your Logo Philippians 3:13-14 (ASV) Brethren, I could not myself yet to have laid hold: but one thing [I do], forgetting

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INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTIONStretching is a form of physical exertion in which a specific muscle group is deliberately elongated to its fullest length.

The dictionary says to stretch is to lengthen, widen, extend, or enlarge beyond the usual limits. That phrase “beyond the usual limits” is a key point.

Most of us may know what it means “to extend” and “stretch out.”

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Have you been at a dinner meeting or a celebration program?

When everyone sat down at a table with the sorts of food served.

The type of food you needed was way over on the other side of the table, and you politely requested for the food to be passed on to you and nothing happened.Everyone was talking and laughing as they began eating.

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You gave up trying to be polite and reached far across the table, s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g yourself to reach the food.That is the idea behind the word s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g on which we are focusing.We may have heard the expression, “This is really stretching me?”What do we mean when we say, “This (new job, course, project, problem, trial...) is really stretching me?”

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Stretching oneself is not comfortable. It takes us beyond our usual limits. It tests our true capacity.We don't like to stretch ourselves because it's painful and uncomfortable. Stretching is itself a challenge.When a muscle is regularly stretched - it becomes flexible, versatile, efficient, strong, and growing.

Stretching increases flexibility.Stretching increases flexibility.

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Stretching improves range of motion.Stretching improves range of motion.

Stretching can improve circulation and Stretching can improve circulation and efficiency.efficiency.

Stretching can relieve stress. It gives the Stretching can relieve stress. It gives the capacity to handle pressures of life.capacity to handle pressures of life.

We can stretch ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually by challenging ourselves to do ‘the hard things’ that make life ultimately easier.

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How can we lengthen, widen, extend, or enlarge our spirituality beyond its usual limits.


What have we allowed to set the usual limits on our spirituality?What are we allowing to dictate the usual limits of our spirituality?How can we stretch out our spirituality so that it encompasses all areas of our lives?

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Stretching ourselves is not comfortable – physically or spiritually. It takes us out of our comfort zone. We must get out of our comfort zone.

What area of our lives do we need to stretch?

Our comfort zone is a breeding ground for stagnation, so God will occasionally require us to stretch.

He will not ask us to stretch farther than we can.  However, He will have us stretch as far as

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He knows we can.  He knows our capacity and He knows we can.1 John 5:3 “3 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome.”

1 Peter 1:15-16 “15 but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; 16 because it is written, ‘YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY.’”

Plants thrive in light.  They need it for the

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photosynthesis process to turn carbon dioxide into food. But did you know most plants need the challenge of darkness in order for them to bloom.

Similar to most plants, God designed us in a way that we need the stimulation of new challenges in order to grow. 

The challenge of the Lord is for us to pull out The challenge of the Lord is for us to pull out of our safety zone where we feel comfortableof our safety zone where we feel comfortable

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and to see things entirely differently than we and to see things entirely differently than we do, growing in ways we could have never do, growing in ways we could have never imagined, and finding strength we didn’t imagined, and finding strength we didn’t know we had.know we had.

Consider in Matt 14:28-33, when Peter was standing in the boat on Sea of Galilee.

He saw Jesus walking on the water and he said, “Well, Lord if it is really you - command me to walk - come to you,” and Jesus gave him a

We stretch ourselves in We stretch ourselves in obedient faithobedient faith

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stretching exercise.He gave Peter a one word sentence. Jesus spoke and said, “Come.” That is the word of the Lord for Peter.Now, it is up to Peter to decide whether or not to obey.Peter might have been uncomfortable but he obeyed.

He stepped out of the boat. That is the stretch of faith!

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Peter stretched, and he walked on water.He gave Peter a one word sentence. Jesus spoke and said, “Come.” That is the word of the Lord for Peter.Now, it is up to Peter to decide whether or not to obey.Peter might have been uncomfortable but he obeyed.

He stepped out of the boat. That is the stretch of faith!

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It is very important that God asks you to stretch because that will make your stretch a stretch of faith.When God asks us to do something, He knows we can because His word is built with power.He knows we can tap from His limitless power. There is no scarcity.In Ephesians 5:18b, Ephesians 5:18b, He said, but-instead- be filled with Spirit. There is no measure.

It is as much you can It is as much you can not as much as He can.not as much as He can.

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All we have to do is to stretch our faith to respond. Some Christians are satisfied to do the bare minimum.

Others reach a certain level of spiritual growth and are content to stay at that level. God wants us all to stretch ourselves to grow more and more and becoming more mature in Christ and the Holy Spirit.

A church with mature brethren is always strong

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and stable. Let us all resolve “to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ” (Ephesians 4:15).As a Christian, your capacity to stretch is a lot more than you may realize.God knows your capacity, and He is going to stretch you so that you become flexible, versatile, efficient, strong, and growing. Even, in knowing more about His word...God wants us to stretch ourselves.

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2 Peter 3:18 “18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.”

Most times, we think we don’t have the capacity to listen to, study, understand and apply what God says in His word., Do not let the Bible classes designed by the church be your limits of studying God’s words. You can study by yourself – with others – sound biblical research.

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We limit ourselves in what we could do with God’s wordsBut Peter says, the more you stretch yourself to know more about God, you grow in respect of salvation. 1 Peter 2:2 “2 like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation.”2 Timothy 2:15 “15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.”

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In Exodus 14, Moses finds himself (with the Israelites) next to the Red Sea.Pharaoh and his powerful army were behind them. This was a challenging situation - no one was comfortable here.

We stretch ourselves in using what We stretch ourselves in using what God has given us for His workGod has given us for His work

In verse 15 - 16, The LORD said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. Raise your staff and stretch out your

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hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground. This was a stretching exercise!This was a stretching exercise!So many of us, will complain that the church is boring and the things to do to make the church lively, we will not suggest it.We will not apply it, we will not pray over it…we are not stretching ourselves.Some will say, the church singing is poor – singing practice – we will not attend. If we do

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attend – we will not humble to learn what is being taught, we will not give our hearts to praise God...we are not stretching ourselves.We only want to engage in prayers only at the time the church has scheduled for prayers, fasting and all-night sessions. We want people to always pray for us but we do not want to remember others in prayers. We are not stretching ourselves.

We want to pray only when we are facing

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problems – we are not stretching ourselves.

Sometimes, we will say there is no love. In visiting others, either we do not visit or if we do - we are selective and discriminative - – we are not stretching ourselves.

In benevolence, we are only self-centred...we are not stretching ourselves.

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We need to stretch ourselves to learn how to relate well to people.One of the great needs in society is to learn how to get along with other people. Although the technology for communication continues to improve, people seem to get worse at communicating.

We stretch ourselves to relate well We stretch ourselves to relate well with otherswith others

We must not sow strife or suspicion.

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We need to get rid of bitterness, malice, evil suspicion, gossip, rumours, lies, hatred, envy, pride and embrace love, understanding and maturity in dealing with others.

We need to learn to love people. In the Lord’s church, we need get out of our comfort zone, stretch ourselves in establishing positive relationships with others.We have a tendency to want to be with people we know, the crowd with whom we feel comfortable.

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We must be friendly to all. We must stretch ourselves to learn to love people and get along with others.When we fail to do this...isolation, distrust, lies, tension, hypocrisy will grow in our midst. Many will fall spiritually, and others will not be aware because we do not stretch ourselves to relate well with to others.

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CONCLUSIONCONCLUSIONLife is absolutely filled with unexpected twists and turns that present us with challenges at each bend in the road. Our ability and our commitment to moving with the current while opening our hearts and minds to all the solutions the Scriptures has revealed about life and godliness help us to stretch ourselves as God would want us to.It is only when we resist the flow that we stress, drama, and problems overcome us.

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It is only when we resist the flow that we stress, drama, and problems overcome us.

When we shift our focus into the limitless realm of possibility, previously unseen doorways divinely open before us and reveal the treasures that are linked together with growth and positive change.

As long as we are focused on narrow, limited views on life and living, we cannot and will not see solutions.

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Solutions are discovered when the mind is open, the heart is available, and the Holy Spirit is leading the way.

God is asking us to stretch in situations which force us to move past our comfort zone in order to move in His will.

We don't like to stretch ourselves because it's painful and uncomfortable but it is through this ‘discomfort’ and ‘stretching’ that we become stronger and grow.

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When we stretch ourselves we look back and realize that it is our challenges, not our comforts that make us stronger, wiser and better. What you may have thought was once hard becomes easy because you had stretched yourself. Paul said I can do all things through Christ I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.that strengthens me.We must allow ourselves to be stretched.  Being stretched physically, mentally, spiritually and is necessary if we desire to stay productive and vibrant.
