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TICKETS ON SALE NOW for the 2nd Annual Integrated Health Conference (Formerly Known as The Cure to Cancer Conference) Join thousands of people dedicated to preventing,healing & reversingdebilitating diseases such as Cancer.


Discover the Leading Edge Research and Insights About Cancer and Its Possible Solutions When You Attend The Integrated Health Conference in San Diego.

The Integrated Health Conference Provides the Latest in Integrative and Alternative Solutions to Cancer from the Leading Edge Researchers, Scientists, Doctors, and Health Advocates on the Planet.

Discover some of the newest approaches holistic practitioners are using to assist people in healing their bodies naturally.

Learn the newest integrative and alternative approaches Medical Doctors are using to help patients heal their bodies of cancer.

Listen to the powerful stories cancer thrivers will share with you about how they beat cancer and maintained health



Life Beyond 100C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.



PREVENTION vs CUREMarcus Freudenmann




GRIEF & YOUR HEALTH Dr. Robert Dee McDonald, D.D.



GOING FOR IT! Living the life we were born to live and unlocking the door to greater health and wholeness. Sedena and George Capennelli


table of CONTENTS













38Magazine layout & graphics byJemma Brown

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NATHAN CRANE IHI Founding Partner, President

JEAN SWANN IHI Founding Partner, Vice President

Nathan Crane is a highly sought after lifestyle entrepreneur, speaker, filmmaker and bestselling author dedicated to helping

raise awareness around healthy living, sustainability, and living fulfilled.

From addiction, dependency, jail, and homelessness, to a profound spiritual awakening becoming a highly sought after international entrepreneur of personal empowerment, Nathan found his life’s purpose in helping people experience more health, joy, and fulfillment in their lives -dissolving harmful habits and mental attachments - and experiencing physical, mental, emotional, financial and spiritual transformation.

Nathan is the CEO of Integrated Health International - an organization dedicated to raising awareness around

Jean Swann is a leader in the Holistic Health Field, with a background in Print and Broadcast Journalism. Inspired to share

new paradigms with a worldwide audience, Jean is CoFounder of Integrated Health International, Editor in Chief of Integrated Health Magazine and Founder/Host of the teleseminar series The Wisdom Show. As a Board Certified Holistic Health Expert and member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, Jean maintained a successful health practice for almost a decade. Jean studied naturopathy at the International Quantum University for Integrative Medicine and attended

integrative and alternative solutions to preventing, healing, and reversing degenerative disease.

Nathan is also the Founder of The Panacea Community, President of Panacea Publishing, Inc. Director of Panacea Life School, and Producer of The Integrated Health Conference. Nathan is focused on assisting Billions of people to experience higher levels of health, happiness, and fulfillment through online and in- person educational conscious publishing programs and experiences.

Nathan enjoys spending quality time with his beautiful wife and daughter, growing organic food, and traveling the world sharing empowering solutions to living a healthier and more fulfilling life.

You can learn more about Nathan and his projects at

The Institute for Integrative Nutrition in N.Y.C. Jean is also a Licensed Spiritual Health Coach and holds certifications as a Quantum Biofeedback Practitioner, Reiki Master and ThetaHealing Practitioner.

Before embarking on a journey that involved many years of study in the natural healing field, Jean was an award winning print journalist and radio news anchor/talk show host at several radio stations and networks in the New York City market, including ABC, CNBC, Financial News Network, Bloomberg Radio and CBS’s 1010 WINS, the top rated all-news station in the United States. You can learn more about Jean’s work

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At Integrated Health International, we strive to increaseawareness of the best integrative, alternative and holisticapproaches to healing. From our annual live IntegratedHealth Conference in San Diego, CA. (March 20-22, 2015), to our annual online Cure to Cancer Summit, to our IntegratedHealth Mastery community, to this magazine, we presentexperts in the field who share strides and advancementsin healing using these approaches, rather than a solelyconventional, compartmentalized path. In this spirit, Dr. Bernie Seigel,M.D., a pioneer in healing of the mind, body and spirit, graces our cover this issue.

In this edition, I am grateful to present articles by two brilliant mentors who have made a significant impact on my life, as well as my understanding and experience of health. They are both leaders in bringing forth a new paradigm of health care to the world.

As one of the original students of Quantum University ten years ago in Del Mar, CA., I learned from founder Dr. Paul Drouin, M.D., that health emanates from a spiritual template, and moves in downward causation to the physical manifestation of disease. The university provides the study of holistic, natural and integrative medicine, wisdom from ancient healing traditions and quantum theory. I learned how discoveries in quantum physics have set the stage for a radical shift in the way health must be viewed and approached.Dr. Paul’s Quantum University has grown in the past decade to include more than 8,000 students in more than 50 countries. He is truly a leader in educating 21st century health professionals to bring this new healing paradigm to the world (page 6).

On a more deeply personal level, it was a blessing to to experience a healing session with Dr. Robert DeeMcDonald two months after the passing of my 22-year-oldson, Christopher last December. My healing was deep and profound, allowing me to move forward in my life without the heavy burden of grief. It has been a spiritually

transformational journey which would have been much more painful if not for Dr. McDonald’s compassionate, swift and effective healing.

What I have come to understand through studying Dr. McDonald’s Destination Method is that it is not events that cause our suffering, but our mind’s representation of those events. With a deep understanding of how the mind works, he has created an unparalleled method for changing the way our minds view events, and therefore changing the emotions we experience. In 12 years of studying holistic health and interviewing some of the world’s greatest healers, I have never experienced a more effective healing method.

In the midst of this holiday season, when many may be grieving the loss of souls who have crossed over to the other side, I encourage you to read Dr. McDonald’s article (page 28 ) and learn how it is possible to live in joy, even after souls we love dearly move to the next level of their evolution.

Despite the grief we all experience in life, there is so much to be grateful and joyous about. This holiday season is the perfect occasion for us to express our gratitude for you. We appreciate your overwhelming response to this magazine and to all of our work, as together, we create an environment of healing and compassion around the world.

MESSAGE from the editorJean Swann

Creating a New World of Healing and Compassion

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March 20th-22nd, 2015Town and Country Resort and Convention Center

San Diego, CA

Reserve Your Tickets

The Integrated Health ConferenceFormerly known as The Cure to Cancer Conference

Presented by Integrated Health International


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Although many studies have been performed on the benefits of alternative modalities such as homeopathy, and energetic and natural medicines, the conventional medical system and medical schools have been slow to adopt, integrate, and train medical doctors in these complementary therapies and approaches to healing. The primary argument that has been given is the lack of scientific basis and scientific explanation for how and why these modalities work.

Science defines the premise upon which our understanding of reality is based. The mainstream in health care has declared that conventional Western medicine is the only scientific medicine. Our current medical system is based upon a materialistic model incorporating Darwinist theories of evolution, Newtonian physics, chemistry, and physical (elementary particle level) anatomy, and physiology. However, through explorations and observations of the behavior of particles at the subatomic level, science has continued to evolve. Fifty years ago, quantum physics emerged as a new scientific standard and model for understanding reality and has revolutionized our society on many levels, sparking discussion of science vs. spirituality/consciousness and transforming the core of our society.

In my own practice, I saw for myself how effective an integrative approach to medicine could be and begansearching for scientific proof of why these modalities worked. I discovered the explanation through the science of quantum physics, which I believe can serve as the new scientific foundation for a truly integrative medicine, one which combines both Western and alternative medicine systems based on a platform of understanding of the new scientific reality as defined by quantum physics.

The curriculum I’ve developed for holistic, natural, and integrative medicine at Quantum University alreadyincorporates this paradigm of understanding reality based on the science of quantum physics and how it can be applied to healing. It is my hope that other medical universities will soon follow. It is also my hope that my book, Creative Integrative Medicine, serves to inspire healthcare practitioners, the general public, and anyone having to deal with health issues.

My book is a story about my own journey as a medical doctor toward creative integrative medicine. A family tragedy, the loss of my youngest brother at the age of 18 from an osteosarcoma of the skull, triggered my interest in studying medicine. Unsatisfied with the model of healing I encountered in medical school, I explored many other models of medicine that eventually led me to practice what is now called Integrative Medicine. I soon realized that for these complementary medicines to be accepted and integrated into our healthcare system, they must be scientifically recognized and become part of the curriculum in medical schools.

Redefining a form of medicine based on the new scientific model of understanding of the universe according to quantum physics will provide not only the key to solving the current healthcare crisis, but will also lead to a new vision of integrative health care based not on disease but on the full potentiality of the individual. Our understanding of the human body will expand to include the body’s subtle energy systems and their mental and emotional connections to the physical body. How the mind works will be explored from a nondualistic viewpoint, compared to the dualistic philosophy used today, which will open the door to creative new approaches to healing that have the opportunity to solve problems still unresolved by conventional medicine,specifically in the areas of chronic and degenerative diseases.

The tree of medicine must be transplanted into a new soil, where its roots can deepen and intertwine to reach a more complex source of healing knowledge and bring together all traditions of healing, ancient and modern.

A renaissance in medical education is presented in this book through the elaboration of a new university curricu- lum combining programs in both natural and conventional medicine, enabling us to tap into infinite fields of healing and broadening the frontiers of our perception of human reality.The concepts of Creative Integrative Medicine, such as those that I have presented in this book, will be the trigger for a healthcare revolution as they continue to be implemented.

Dr. Paul Drouin is a Canadian M.D., Homeopath, Acupuncturist, Doctor of Natural Medicine, Professor of Integrative Medicine and Founder and President of the International Quantum University for Integrative Medicine (IQUIM).

Creative Integrative Medicine… A Renaissance MedicineBy Dr. Paul Drouin, M.D.

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In 2006 I published LIFE BEYOND 100—Secrets of the Fountain of Youth, based on theoretical scientific benefits of a healthy lifestyle and successful natural restoration of DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone, calcitonin and 80% reduction of free radical production by stimulating acupuncture circuits I called Rings of Fire, Earth and Crystal. In 2009, I began measuring telomeres, the tips of DNA, which are essential for health and longevity. Ordinarily they shrink 1% every year of life, if you have good health habits! They shrink much faster if you have poor health habits. The ESSENTIAL health habits are:


Only 10% of Americans have all 4 essential habits! Indeed, if everyone just adopted these 4 habits, life expectancy would increase within about 25 years from 78 to 100! Not only is AVERAGE life expectancy shortened by lack of healthy habits, but many years of illness and poor health result from ignoring these essentials.

In 2009 I started a 5 year research project to increase telomere regeneration, applying at least 5 days a week human DNA frequencies of 52 to 78 GHz to the entire body 30 to 60 minutes daily, using a mattress topper called RejuvaMatrix®. These frequencies have been shown by nuclear physicists to be absorbed through acupuncture points and were the foundation of my research that demonstrated successful restoration of DHEA, calcitonin and reduction of free radicals, as well as restoring oxytocin and aldosterone, when added with stimulation of the Rings of Air and Water, respectively.. Thirty-four adults enrolled in

the study over the next two years and 70% of them have had growth of telomeres averaging 3 to 4% every year, instead of losing 1% every year.

By the spring of 2013, I had proven that 5 specific blends of essential oils could restore DHEA, calcitonin, and aldosterone, as well as enhance oxytocin and reduce free radicals. Four of the individuals in the RejuvaMatrix study switched to the oils and our telomeres have grown 4.4%, 3.5%, 2.6% and 9.9%, an average of 5.1% in this group! In fact, my own telomeres in only 5 years are 18% longer than they were initially,

a whopping 23% longer than ”expected” even with good health habits. The advantage of the use of the oils is that it takes only 2 ½ minutes daily and can be done even while traveling.

Although, I would not recommend using the Ring Oils without the essential health habits, the significant increase in telomeres with either the RejuvaMatrix or the Ring Oils is certainly a potential good beginning for Life beyond 100!

C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. is Founder and CEO of National Institute of Holistic Medicine and President of Shealy Wellness, LLC and of Holos Energy Medicine Education. He has 12 patents in the field of Energy Medicine, and has published 30 books and over 300 articles.

Only 10% of Americans have all 4 essentia l habits! Indeed, if everyone just adopted these 4 habits, life expectancy would increase within about 25 years from 78 to 100!

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My latest career is helping people heal their cancers. At 83, this is a wonderful blessing for me. In fact, it is the most fulfilling thing I’ve done in my life and I’ve done lots of things.

After researching cancer for the last 17 years, writing three books and 196 newsletters on natural cancer healing and recording 210 of my “How to Live Cancer-Free” hour-long radio shows, I feel I’ve learned a lot. However, I’ve learned the most from talking to over 5,000 people on the phone (all over the world in 68 countries) about their cancers. I feel compelled to get one particular message to you. Two facts have jumped out at me from those many phone calls. They are simply: 1) The most common cause of all cancers is root canal-filled teeth and cavitation sites (infected jawbone); and 2) Until a cancer patient gets rid of the root canal-filled teeth and cavitations, they don’t get well. You can take those two facts to the bank, folks.

Unfortunately, this knowledge I’m going to share with you is not widely known. Why is this the first time you’ve heard

about this (unless you’ve been reading what I’ve written, heard my radio show or talked to me on the phone)? Well, I’ll tell you. Doctors know nothing about this. I’ve asked each of the 5,000 plus cancer patients I’ve talked to on the phone the same question: “Has your cancer doctor ever talked to you about your dental history?” The answer, every time, is “No.” But even more significant, 99.6% of dentists are ignorant of the two facts above about cancer and root canals…or, they are “in denial” about it, like their dental professional societies, because of the fear of liability. If you knew what I know (and am about to share with you) about root canals and the degenerative conditions they cause, you would be tempted to sue the dentist who did yours, and you’d be perfectly justified. Believe me the American Dental Association (ADA) knows what I’m telling you here. They have a large staff of full-time lawyers whose mission apparently is to keep suppressed the connection between dental work and health.



By Bill Henderson


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A small cadre of dentists has courageously schooled themselves in how to detect and treat root canal problems and cavitations. These are not the “mercury-free” or “holistic” dentists you see advertised in the Yellow Pages. In fact, this small group operates “under the radar” because of the persecution their brave compadres have suffered at the hands of the dental societies and State Dental Boards. I know of 40 or so of these wonderfully qualified and brave dentists. Their names have been given to me by cancer survivors who have taken my advice and addressed their root canal and cavitation problems. These ladies and gentlemen are competent to help you. There are about 15 or so others worldwide who are capable of dealing with this problem. This number of 40 or so dentists in the U.S. is out of the 160,000 dentists and 7,400 endodontists (root canal specialists) in the U.S. alone.

Many people I coach postpone getting their jaw evaluated by one of these competent dentists. It is common to procrastinate on dental work. It is costly, usually not covered by insurance, and often painful. This procrastination or ignorance has cost millions of people their lives. If possible, I want to help you avoid that fate. First, let me explain why I feel this is Priority One if you have cancer.


Over 40,000,000 (40 million) teeth are “saved” in the U.S. alone every year by having a “root canal” done on them. This common name for this treatment is really a misnomer. The root canal in a tooth is the portion in the center of the tooth that goes down into the roots (usually two roots – sometimes three or even four). When a “root canal” is done by the dentist, he/she removes the nerve in the center of the tooth and the pulp which surrounds it. This nerve and pulp goes all the way down from under the “crown” of the tooth to the end of the roots in the jaw. This is usually done because the decay has penetrated the center of the tooth and a “normal” filling is impossible because it would press on the nerve and cause extreme pain. The “root canal” process itself has a reputation for being quite painful and frequently difficult.

When the nerve and pulp of the tooth is removed by this procedure, it is replaced with an inert substance – usually the rubber-like “gutta percha.” The dentist attempts to

sterilize the tooth before the gutta percha is inserted in the “root canal.” The object is to cut off the normal circulation of bacteria through the tooth and make it permanently sterile.

Unfortunately, this never works. I say “attempts to sterilize the tooth” because it has been proven that this is impossible. The tooth becomes a dead piece of bone in the jaw. The bacteria which were in the millions of tiny “tubules” in the dentin of the tooth (the portion between the enamel and the root canal) mutate into “anaerobic” bacteria. These are bacteria which do not require oxygen. Every root canal-filled tooth has them. No exceptions. They occur because of the structure of the root canal filling. It is impossible to eliminate them and they are 1,000 times more toxic than any other bacteria. In fact, the toxins they put out are in the form of a gas called “thio-ethers” which can easily migrate through the enamel of the tooth and down through the roots into the bloodstream. These toxins travel throughout the body, as do many of the bacteria themselves. These are responsible for most chronic degenerative conditions…not just cancer, but rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, lupus, ALS…. you name it.


The evidence of what I’ve told you above is overwhelming. Here are some examples.

• Dr. Weston Price, beginning in 1903, led a study by 60 prominent dentists. Their mission was to find a safe way to perform a root canal filling. In 1923, they submitted their 1,174 pages of research to the American Dental Association (ADA). The team’s conclusion: there is no safe way to do a root canal filling. Why, you ask, are 40 million of these done every year in the U.S. 92 years later? And why are they done exactly the same way they were in Dr. Price’s time? Well, it is mind boggling, but I’ll tell you. A key assumption of Dr. Weston Price’s team was something called “focal infection.” This just means that an infection somewhere in your body (your mouth, for example) can affect organs distant from it. This concept is taught in all medical schools now and has been for many years. At the time, however, it was controversial. The conservative heads of the ADA rejected Dr. Price’s team’s conclusions because they did not believe in the “focal infection” concept. You’ll find Dr. Price’s research summarized in a book called “Root

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Dr. K ulacz describes in detail the many people whose health he restored by freeing them of their dental toxin problems. “It is our opinion that the evidence clearly shows that many, if not most, signif icant diseases get their start in the dentist’s chair.”

Canal Cover-Up” by Dr. George Meinig, D.D.S., F.A.C.D. Dr. Meinig passed away in 2008. He was a prominent endodontist (root canal specialist). After he retired in 1993 from 50 years of practice, he discovered Dr. Price’s 1923 research report. He was horrified when he considered the thousands of people whose health he had ruined in his 50 years of practice by doing root canal fillings. As a “mea culpa,” Dr. Meinig wrote the “Root Canal Cover-Up” book and spent the last 15 years of his life trying to get his message out to people about how deadly root canal-filled teeth are. Here’s what Dr. Hal Huggins (see below) says about Dr. Weston Price’s research: “Dr. Weston Price and Mayo’s Clinic of 1910 to 1920 described finding bacterial

growth in root canals that could be transferred into animals and

create the same diseases the donor human had in

from 80 to 100% of the

animals. Heart disease, in particular, could be transferred 100% of the time. His research has since been suppressed by the various Dental Associations in the United States.”

• Dr. Hal Huggins, D.D.S. had his dental license taken away by the ADA in 1993. He had become too vocal and visible on the issue of the deadly nature of mercury amalgam fillings. Dr. Huggins was not particularly concerned. He had already begun his second career of researching dental toxins. He has discovered 82 different types of unique anaerobic bacteria which originate only in the mouth. Autopsies of people who died of “heart disease” have found 30 of these types of bacteria in the hearts of these people. They could

have originated only in the mouth. From 1994 through 2000, Dr. Huggins with Dr. Thomas Levy, a cardiologist M.D., attempted to replicate the research done by Dr. Price but with more sophisticated testing techniques. Dr. Levy told me in 2007 when I interviewed him on my web talk radio show that he and Dr. Huggins had studied “over 5,000” recently removed root canal-filled teeth. Every one of them was taken to the lab and tested. Dr. Levy said that every single one had toxins coming out of it “more toxic than botulism.” Dr. Huggins has trained about 200 dentists on the protocol that should be used to “clean up your jaw.” He told me in 2010 that he refers people to only six (6) of them. The others, he feels, do not follow his strict protocol adequately. For those on his list near you, you can call his office in Colorado Springs, Colorado (Mountain Time) at (866) 948-4638. You will find several articles by Dr. Huggins on the subject of root canals and other dental toxins at

• Dr. Josef Issels M.D. was a famous German cancer doctor. For 40 years, from 1947 until his retirement in 1987, Dr. Issels treated thousands of cancer patients. He is credited with being a “world renowned pioneer of integrative cancer treatment.” In 1993, he called Dr. Hal Huggins. In his broken English, Dr. Issels complimented Dr. Huggins for “picking up the torch” and trying to get the message about dental toxins to more people. Dr. Issels said that in his 40 years of treating cancer patients, 97% of them had root canal-filled teeth. Dr. Issels insisted that they get these teeth removed before he began their cancer treatment.

• Dr. Thomas Rau, M.D. is the head of the Paracelsus Cancer Clinic in Switzerland. This clinic has been one of Europe’s most prominent cancer treatment centers since 1957. For some 20 years, they have had, as part of their intake procedure for new patients, review of their jaws by the dental section of the clinic. Any root canal fillings are removed before any cancer treatment is started. In 2004, Dr. Rau became curious about the prevalence of root canal-filled teeth in his clinic’s breast cancer patients. He examined the records of the last 150 women who had been admitted to his clinic for breast cancer treatment. He found that 147 of them (98.5%) had one or more root canal-filled teeth on the same meridian (Chinese meridian system) as the original breast cancer tumor. The other three had cavitation problems.


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1) The most common cause of all cancers is root canal-f illed teeth and cavitation sites (infected jawbone); and 2) Until a cancer patient gets rid of the root canal-f illed teeth and cavitations, they don’t get well.

• Dr. Robert Kulacz, D.D. S. is (was) a prominent dentist in New York. Why do I say “is (was)?” Because in 2002, Dr. Kulacz published, along with Dr. Thomas Levy M.D., a great book called “The Roots of Disease: Connecting Dentistry and Medicine.” It is available on It is the best book I’ve found on the subject of root canals and other dental toxins. Dr. Kulacz describes in detail the many people whose health he restored by freeing them of their dental toxin problems. The primary theme of the book is stated in the Introduction: “It is our opinion that the evidence clearly shows that many, if not most, significant diseases get their start in the dentist’s chair.” Why the “is (was)?” Well, you can imagine how unpopular Dr. Kulacz became with the conventional dental community after this book was published. He was harassed and threatened to the point that he had to change his name and take his family underground. He abandoned his dental practice and took up another profession. Get the book!

• Dr. Dawn Ewing, N.D. is the Executive Director of the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine (IABDM). For a list of the practitioners who belong to this organization who practice near you, go to their website, Dr. Ewing has put together a 30-minute DVD describing with color pictures the most common dental toxin problems – root canal-filled teeth and cavitations. You can watch this video at She describes the root canal filling with an analogy. She says that if a surgeon took your smashed finger, cleaned out all the flesh and bone in it and stuffed it with straw, it would be a similarly ridiculous

procedure to stuffing gutta percha in a dead piece of tooth bone in your jaw. She calls root canal fillings “taxidermy.” Get smart folks. Don’t ever let anyone you know or yourself be talked into a root canal filling by a dentist. If you have any, please get them removed properly as soon as possible.

Bill Henderson has helped over 5,000 cancer patients in 68 countries all over the world heal themselves of their cancers for the last 16 years. He is the author of three best-selling books on natural cancer healing, including Cancer-Free.

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“The quality, therapeutic concentration, and affordability of a nutritional product can, and often does, mean the difference between lethargy and energy, sickness and health, and, quite literally, life and death. I don’t want anyone to be tired, sick, or dead because they could not obtain or afford the best possible product. Loyalties can be divided. I want to make it clear where mine lies. My loyalty is to those who want to thrive, and those whose life situation requires them to thrive. My loyalty is to the end user. My loyalty is to you. In my life now, and one day when I look back upon my life, that will have value to me incomparable to any amount of money, investors, or fame.”Dr. Jameth Sheridan – Doctor of Holistic Medicine (D.H.M.) and Hard-Core Herbal Medicine Researcher

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Breakthrough Treatment at the Frontier of Cancer Medicine

Six decades of statistics tell the grim story: conventional cancer treatments have failed in two fundamental areas: efficacy and selectivity. The poor “efficacy” is evident in the lack of improvement in cancer mortality rates over the decades, in stark contrast to other major chronic diseases. Poor “selectivity” towards cancer cells means that patients in real life continue to experience debilitating side effects that adversely affect quality of life, making the impact of the treatments often worse than the effects of the disease itself.

However, a new treatment is quietly ushering in a new era in cancer therapy that is shaking

up the status quo. This science-based therapy simultaneously targets cancer cells, awakens the dormant (or suppressed) immune system and leaves healthy cells untouched. Clinically tested on approximately two thousand patients, this treatment offers a proven promise of efficacy, selectivity and safety that has remained elusive in the existing spectrum of cancer treatments.

Big pharmaceutical companies consider this technology the wave of the future in cancer therapy. However, it is available now at a forward-thinking clinic in Baja California, Mexico – The Hope4Cancer® Institute.

By Dr. Antonio Jimenez, M.D. and Dr. Subrata Chakravarty, Ph.D.

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Rigvir® belongs to a family of tiny RNA viruses called ECHO viruses that were discovered to exist in the intestines of young, healthy children. During a fascinating research journey that started in the 1950s (download a free e-book for details ), the ECHO-7 virus, that was later named Rigvir®, became the center of interest in a Latvian research center under the guidance of the visionary Dr. Aina Muceniece.

Rigvir® is gifted with oncotropism, a natural property of certain viruses that view cancer cells as a homing signal, which they target with laser-like precision .Once inside the cancer cell, Rigvir® divides and breaks down the cell in a process called oncolysis (see Figure 1). It then infects nearby cancer cells.

Oncolytic viruses like Rigvir® affect approximately 10,000 cancer cells for every 1 healthy cell.

Rigvir®’s special targeting properties leave the patient’s healthy cells, tissues and organs unharmed. This translates to virtually no side effects and a sustained quality of life.

In a preliminary study that included 55 patients (78% of them at Stage 4) at Hope4Cancer® Institute we have found that 91% of our patients report sustained or improved quality of life following Rigvir® therapy. Rigvir® is unique among oncolytic viruses in its ability to exhibit its anticancer activity without causing any other disease. In a race to develop virotherapies, many pharmaceutical companies are genetically modifying highly pathogenic viruses (measles, herpes, common cold etc.) to accomplish their objectives. Rigvir®, on the other hand, is effective as a natural, non-pathological, genetically unmodified virus.


Rigvir ® has one more important ace up its sleeve. Cancer cells have an ability to cloak themselves from the body’s immune system, which explains why people with functional immune systems can still harbor cancer. Rigvir® unveils this hiding mechanism. The immune system can now detect and target the “visible” cancer cells, multiplying the effect of the therapy. The reactivated immune system also gets to work by eliminating toxic waste materials from cellular debris.

One of the biggest side effects of the existing standard of care is the dangerous suppression of the immune system, making the patient prone to secondary infections and even recurrent cancers. In contrast, by revitalizing the immune system, Rigvir® restores balance in a body affected by the chaos of cancer.


Clinical studies on approximately two thousand patients demonstrate doubling or tripling of 3-5 year survival rates compared to standard therapies, even for metastatic cancers without any harmful

Figure 1. Oncolytic Virotherapy: How A Virus Works as a Cancer Treatment

One of the biggest side effects of the existing standard of care is the dangerous suppression of the immune system, making the patient prone to secondary infections and even recurrent cancers.


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side effects. Figure 2 shows the image of a man with widespread melanoma with obvious results after Rigvir® treatment.

Figure 2. Advanced Metastatic Melanoma Cancer Patient Shows Radical Improvement Two Years After Rigvir® Virotherapy (Photo courtesy of the Latvian Virotherapy Center).

A variety of cancers have been shown to be sensitive to Rigvir® treatment as shown in Figure 3.

Fig. 3. Cancers Known to be Sensitive to Rigvir® Virotherapy.

Hope4Cancer® Institute ( ) is the exclusive provider of Rigvir® Virotherapy in Mexico and the only active center in the Western Hemisphere today, based on its unique relationship with the Latvian Virotherapy Center (

For more information, please download the free Rigvir® e-book at:, P.M.; Morozova, V.V., Babkin, I.V.; Baikov, I.K.; Netesov, S.V.; Tikunova, N.V. (2012) Oncolytic Enteroviruses. Molecular Biology 46, 639-650. Also see: Nettelbeck, D.M.; Curiel, D.T. Tumor Busting Viruses. Scientific American, October 2003.


Patients on Rigvir® have the unparalleled opportunity of enjoying a higher quality of life while undergoing the latest, state-of-the-art treatment. It is interesting to think that at the crux of it all is a virus – a type of organism that is better known for its ability to create havoc through its infective disease-causing potential. However, the fact is that not all micro-organisms are pathogenic, and many are essential for life. The use of Rigvir® to benefit cancer patients around the world is a story that strongly supports the fact that nothing heals better than nature.

Dr. Antonio Jimenez, M.D. is the Founder and Medical Director of the Hope4Cancer® Institute at its location in Baja California, Mexico. Over his 25 years of experience in natural and conventional medicine, Dr. Jimenez has

dedicated his life to the study, clinical research and implementation of non-toxic and effective natural strategies for patients with cancer and other chronic diseases. Dr. Jimenez is a Virotherapy Certified Physician by the Latvian Virotherapy Center. Hope4Cancer® Institute has exclusive rights in Mexico to treat patients with Rigvir® Virotherapy and is currently the only center in the Western hemisphere treating patients with this state-of-the-art standalone treatment.

Dr. Subrata Chakravarty, Ph.D. is the Chief Science and Technology Officer of Hope4Cancer® Institute. He plays a prominent role in the development and implementation of novel therapeutic protocols and technologies that

provide immediate practical benefit to Hope4Cancer® patients. Dr. Chakravarty has been instrumental in the launch, enhancement and popularization of Hope4Cancer®’s treatment programs, creation of patient support programs and information systems, and enhancement of Hope4Cancer® outreach campaigns.

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accumulation of stress factors our bodies can no longer handle. Almost everybody today is deficient in Iodine, Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin D3 and many other minerals, vitamins and nutrients. Due to bad dietary habits and depleted soils, these deficiencies can be just as lethal as toxins and heavy metal poisoning.

There are a large number of unspecific influences which can initiate cancer and many other degenerative diseases including radiation, water and fat soluble toxins, heavy metals, chronic inflammation, bacteria, viruses, mold, deficiencies, DNA damage, outgassing plastics, softeners, fragrances, dry cleaners, ongoing stress, EMF, acidity, leaky gut, food sensitivities, allergies, medication, even supplements and so on …

Everybody donates for the cure. People search for solutions when it’s already too late while nobody really tries to prevent the drama from happening in the first place.

Cancer is a long term build up which usually includes 2 or even 3 generations. It’s not the carcinogen we consume today that causes cancer but the amount of toxins, mutagens and teratogens that have already altered our DNA expression, poisoned our cell permeability and altered our body functions. Even homeopathic amounts of Mercury can manipulate the brain development in children and alter their DNA expression. Babies today are born with over 280 toxins already in their umbilical cord, with neuro-toxins in their brain and we wonder why cancer rates are exploding. The drama we experience today comes from a massive

Cancer is a word we are generally taught to fear in today’s society. We see it as a curse; a dead end street or just bad luck. However, education about cancer itself is scarce and people learn everything they know about cancer from the drama that unfolds in their close environment, reality T.V., blatant scare tactics from conventional medicine and what they hear about alternative miracle cures.

By Marcus Freudenman

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reduced to a minimum and all the money that is saved from finding a cure could be used for healthy energy sources, and life sustaining products to boost our economy.

The idea of a free preventative education program, where highly qualified and certified health / cancer coaches are placed in each city around the world has been presented to several health and charity foundations. We are awaiting their feedback very soon. If you would like to be informed about the outcome please subscribe to newsletter.

Marcus Freudenman is director and founder of the TRULY HEAL academy, author of Healing Cancer with Common Sense and the FREE CANCER GUIDE and producer of the documentary TRULY HEAL from CANCER.


In fact, almost any prolonged exposure to a stimulating or provocative agent can lead to the development of cancer. In today’s world the presence of these stimuli are sometimes very difficult to avoid and therefore everybody is exposed one way or the other.


The real solution to cancer is not the treatments with focus on reducing the symptom, but education at an early stage. Besides instilling health consciousness and knowledge about our bodies into our children from an early age, pregnancy preparation would be the next best place to start. One to two years before a couple plans to have children they could start a massive detox process which is accompanied by a sound supplementation and diet program in order to restore harmony and equilibrium.

Think about the ripple effect such an educational program would have on families, communities and a whole nation. In a very short time the number of cancer diagnoses could be

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Many years ago Elisabeth Kubler-Ross asked me to draw a picture for her to help me cope with my emotional issues as a physician that my education never prepared me for. I drew a scene which I created in my imagination during a guided imagery session. To me it had no mean-ing and I was stunned by the questions Elisabeth asked me which were so pertinent to my life.

For example she asked, “Bernie what are you covering up?” When I asked where that was coming from she said I used a white crayon to make snow on a mountain but the page was white and the crayon was not necessary. So what was I covering up? She was so right. That led me to go back to the hospital with a box of crayons and have my patients do drawings. I saw their intuitive and unconscious wisdom in their dreams and drawings and it helped us make treatment decisions and make correct diagnoses.

I have never met a doctor who has been told while in medical school that Carl Jung interpreted a dream and correctly diagnosed a brain tumor. I began to communi-cate with Jungian art therapists and share my work and learn from them. Medical journals said it was interesting but not appropriate and the psychiatry journals said it was appropriate but not interesting; a sad reflection on what is missing from medical training, holism.

I learned to listen to patients when they said they knew something was seriously wrong even if the tests did not reveal it I pursued the problem and biopsied lesions and invariably the patients were correct. I also know those who died when doctors told them they were too young to have breast cancer and they did not pursue their inner wisdom but were submissive and accepting of the doctor’s words.

To do well one must have one’s intuitive and uncon-scious wisdom agree with your intellectual decisions. What I mean is if you draw chemotherapy as the devil giving you poison but your doctor and intellect decide you should have it you will have every side effect in the book. The mind is very powerful and can be a great asset or problem. I know cases where people did not receive chemotherapy or radiation due to medical errors and not installing radioactive material after a repair of the radia-tion machine and the doctors did not realize it for a month due to the fact that patients all acted as if they were being treated because they believed they were. Yes, tumors shrank, hair fell out, skin became red and more.

The other side of the coin is that I received a call from a radiation therapist who said, “I thought our machine was broken because the patient had no side effects of treat-ment. Then I saw your name in the chart and knew it was one of your crazy patients.” That became an affectionate



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I would also add to make sure your doctor speaks to you in positive terms about your treatments and not just about all the side effects like the TV commercials tell you, and during surgery , so make sure they share positive messages then too.

term from doctors treating my patients. Anyway he said when he asked her why she wasn’t having red skin or other side effects she answered, “I get out of the way and let it go to my tumor.”

As a surgeon I operated on cancer patients who saw me and the operation as a gift from God. They woke up with no pain after surgery. I had to keep explaining to the nurses to stop writing patient refuses medication in their charts and write that the patient doesn’t require medica-tion for pain. I always remember a woman who underwent a mastectomy and that evening was sitting in the audi-ence while I was giving a lecture. I asked her what she was doing there. Her response, “The nurses said I was one of your crazy patients when I told them I wanted to attend your lecture so they tucked all the tubes under my dress and let me come.”

Again let me say your belief in treatment can by hypnotic and therapeutic while the opposite can be self-destruc-tive. When someone draws a picture with cancer crying and saying help me and it shows the patient wanting to stick a spear in her doctors for making her bald, ugly and horrible she has a problem.

Now how can all this information help you? You can learn more from my webinar at , but what you can do to help you make decisions is first to pay attention to your dreams and feelings. Years ago I had hematuria (blood in the urine) and my doctor friends were very worried. That night I dreamt I was running a cancer support group, which I have been doing for many decades, and as we introduced ourselves when it came to my turn they all said, “But you don’t have cancer.” I woke up know-ing the truth which tests proved true.

Now what can you do? You can draw a picture of yourself, your disease, your treatment and your white blood cells eliminating the disease. I say eliminate so you are not killing and waging a war and empowering your enemy (disease). A conscientious objector I cared for refused chemotherapy when the oncologist said, “Dave, I am going to kill your cancer.” His response was that he didn’t kill anything and he walked out of the office and lived twelve years doing his thing. In his imagery and drawings he carried his cancer cells away. Others have a block of

ice as the tumor and it melts away when the therapy is seen as God’s light.

Now if the drawing feels and looks good fine ,but if not then visualize the treatment and outcome as you desire it to be. Feeling well, good appetite, no pain or side effects, etc. and do it every few hours throughout the day. In that way you will program your body for success because it doesn’t know the difference between your imagery and the real thing. Tests and studies confirm these benefits.

I would also add to make sure your doctor speaks to you in positive terms about your treatments and not just about all the side effects like the TV commercials tell you, and during surgery , so make sure they share positive mes-sages then too. An example I will conclude with is the story of a woman who said she was about to have surgery for her cancer and handed me her drawing. It showed a black box with no one else in the room. She was lying on an operating table with only two legs supporting it. I told her to get another surgeon or not have surgery, but she wanted to stick with him so I told her to visualize the result she wanted. A week later she came in with a new drawing and it was beautiful. Full of color, many doctors caring for her lying on a table with four legs, her family waiting for her, God’s light shining into the O.R. and more. No problem now.

Look at some of the examples and you will see how God and Love can be present for some and the devil and hell for others. You have the potential so give it your best shot and you don’t have to be an artist and fear doing it wrong. Be a respant, or responsible participant, and not a sub-missive suffering good patient.

Dr. Bernie Siegel, M.D, originated Exceptional Cancer Patients, a specific form of individual and group therapy utilizing patients’ drawings, dreams, images and feelings in 1978. He is the author of 14 books, including Love, Medicine & Miracles, Peace, Love & Healing and How To Live

Between Office Visits.

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Turn On Your Cancer Fighting Genes

By Dr. Nalini Chilkov

Did you know that you have both cancer suppressor genes as well as cancer promoter genes in every cell?

Seven Potent Plant Chemicals That Talk to Your DNA

TO CONTROL CANCER YOU CAN:• TURN ON genes that stop cancer cells from developing and growing out of control

• TURN OFF oncogenes that promote tumor growth and allow cancer cells to thrive

• TURN ON genes that signal cancer cells to die

Powerful plant chemicals found in foods, herbs and spices do just that, turn genes on and off. That is why it matters what you eat and why plant chemicals are so powerful. Foods and herbs are literally talking to your genes.

Nature has provided these seven potent phytochemicals to turn off cancer cell growth, turn on cancer cell death and perhaps prevent cancer from developing in the first place.

QUERCITIN is found in red onions, red apples, berries, dill, cilantro, green tea, and gingko biloba. Quercitin turns on cancer fighting genes, signals cancer cells to die and enhances control of inflammation.

RESVERATROL is found in red and purple grapes and the medicinal plant Polygonum cuspidatum and its sister Pterostilbene found in blueberries interact with over 50 different genes that effect cancer growth and development, inflammation control, blood sugar regulation and longevity. Resveratrol and Pterostilbene promote brain health and heart health, turn on cancer suppressor genes and signal cancer cells to die.

CURCUMIN is found in bright yellow turmeric root, a sister plant to ginger. Curcumin interacts with over 100 genes related to cancer control. Curcumin activates

genes that inhibit tumor growth, control inflammation, stop cancer cells from spreading, control blood clotting, and signal cancer cells to die.

BERBERINE is found in the herbal medicines Chinese

Skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis-Huang Qin), Chinese Coptis (Phellodendron Bark- Huang Bai), Oregon Grape Root and Goldenseal. Chinese Skullcap is the most widely used herb in modern and ancient Chinese cancer fighting formulas. Berberine turns on genes that promote cancer cell death, inhibit

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cancer cell growth, control inflammation and regulate insulin and blood sugar. Berberine has also been used traditionally to fight bacterial infections.

SULPHORAPHANES and GLUCOSINOLATES are found in cabbage family vegetables, especially high in broccoli, broccoli sprouts and kale and Maca Root. Available in capsules as DIM, I3C and Broccoraphanin. This group of phytochemicals halts the growth and spread of cancer cells, signal cancer cells to die, provide antioxidant defense and enhance detoxification of toxic hormones and environmental chemicals.

HONOKIOL is found in Chinese Magnolia Bark, an herbal medicine used for centuries in Asia to fight cancer. Honokiol turns on cancer suppressor genes that control cancer cell growth and progression. Honokiol has potent antioxidant, metabolic and immune modulating effects. It is also known to modulate stress and anxiety and promote normal sleep.

All of these potent phytochemicals and herbs are available as nutritional supplements and some can be found in your cancer-fighting kitchen!

Disclaimer:Information and statements regarding herbal and dietary supplements are provided for informational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat,cure, or prevent any disease.

Do not use the information provided for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment.

• Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional.

• Before changing your diet or taking any medication or nutritional or herbal supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem.

• If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly.

• Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read in this article.

Dr. Nalini Chilkov, O.M.D. is the Founder of Integrative, author of the best selling book 32 Ways to OutSmart Cancer | How to Create a Body In Which Cancer Cannot Thrive and a leading edge authority on Integrative Cancer Care, Immune Enhancement, Optimal

Nutrition and Wellness Medicine combining BioMedical Science with Modern Chinese Medicine.

Dr. Nalini’s OutSmart Cancer Programs are recognized as the most comprehensive, science based, safe, natural programs for supporting cancer patients, cancer survivors and those who do not want to get cancer in the future to Get Well, Stay Well and Live Well beyond cancer.

For over thirty years, Dr. Nalini has helped thousands of people, many with serious and chronic illnesses achieve and maintain extraordinary health and longevity and is sought out by Award Winning Hollywood celebrities and insiders.

She is listed as a go to clinician in Suzanne Somers’ book Doctors Who Are Curing Cancer and How to Prevent Getting It in the First Place, has appeared as a cancer expert on NBC TV and been recognized by WebMD and Dr. Mehmet Oz’s as one of the Top Ten Online Influencers in Breast Cancer.

She writes a widely read blog on health and wellness and cancer prevention and cancer recovery for the prestigious Huffington Post.

Dr. Nalini’s clinic is located in Santa Monica (Los Angeles), California.

All of these potent phytochemicals and herbs are available as nutritional supplements and some can be found in your cancer-f ighting kitchen!

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By Cherie Soria

How do we enjoy the holidays with friends and family and stay healthy without feeling we are “depriving” ourselves of our favorite holiday fare?

This can be a key question for vegetarians, vegans, and raw food enthusiasts during the festive season. It can seem daunting, even a bit overwhelming, since the holidays are, since the holidays are connected with memories of the foods we’ve enjoyed with family and friends since childhood. Naturally, we would like to participate with our friends and family who often may not understand why we choose to shun some of the rich dishes we grew up enjoying. There is absolutely no reason why a health enthusiast can’t enjoy the holidays and feast on celebration foods that nourish body and soul!

If you would like to spend more time enjoying the holiday and less time defending your lifestyle and food choices, here are a few helpful tips for a positive solution to a common dilemma at this time of year:

• A good example is the best teacher. Since the holiday season is a time of sharing love and acceptance, remember that it is not the time to lecture or admonish friends and family.

• Shine your light on others. Your glowing health and good humor is the most effective way to communicate a healthy lifestyle and encourage people to want to choose healthier foods.


with Family & Friends!

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K now that the best way to inf lu ence people is to show up at every holiday gathering with a heart fu ll of love. It may take some determination to stay healthy over the holidays, but with a little forethought you ’ ll su rvive and thrive as you establish your own new holiday traditions!

• Eat at least one meal at home everyday, even just a green smoothie or a bowl of sprouted oatmeal with bananas and almond milk—a nourishing meal will help you make better food choices all day. • Add a green juice to build up vitamins, minerals, and maintain alkalinity.• When you go out to dinner, make sure you start with a fresh green salad and try to stay away from deep fried foods.

When invited to someone’s home, let your host know you’ll bring a special dish to share, and offer something delicious like a simple Waldorf Salad, a simple-to-prepare, blended soup, like Red Bell Pepper Chipotle Soup or an easy-to-make Pumpkiny Pudding with Pecan Crumble (see my recipes ).

Know that the best way to influence people is to show up at every holiday gathering with a heart full of love (and a few good strategies, like staying nourished and making the best possible healthy food choices to keep you from feeling deprived). It may take some determination to stay healthy over the holidays, but with a little forethought you’ll survive and thrive as you establish your own new holiday traditions!Here are several recipes you’ll enjoy sharing with friends and family during the holidays.


1⁄2 cup orange juice2 tablespoons cold-pressed flax oil1 teaspoon Dijon mustard1⁄2 teaspoon orange zest1⁄2 teaspoon onion powder

2 red apples, seeded and diced1 large fennel bulb, thinly sliced1⁄4 small red onion, julienned paper thin1⁄2 cup thinly sliced celery1 pound butter leaf lettuce, broken into bite-size pieces1⁄2 cup raw walnuts, roughly chopped1⁄4 cup pomegranate seeds*

1. Combine the orange juice, flax oil, mustard, orange zest, and onion powder in a large bowl and whisk to blend.

2. Add the apple, fennel, onion, and celery and toss well.

3. Place butter lettuce leaves attractively on a platter and heap salad on top. Garnish with walnuts and pomegranate seeds and serve immediately.

*Note: If Pomegranates are out of season, substitute dried unsweetened cranberries.

RED BELL PEPPER CHIPOTLE SOUP Yield: 4 cups (four 8-ounce servings)

3 cups seeded and chopped red bell pepper1 1/4 cups filtered water

1 avocado, chopped 1 tablespoon chickpea miso or light miso1 teaspoons salt1 teaspoon lemon juice1 teaspoon nutritional yeast (optional)1 teaspoon ground paprika1⁄8 teaspoon ground smoked paprika1⁄2 teaspoon onion powder1⁄4 teaspoon garlic powder1/4 teaspoon ground chipotle pepper1⁄8 teaspoon ground white pepper

1. Put chopped red bell pepper and water in a high-performance blender and blend until smooth.

2. Pour the pureed mixture through a fine strainer set atop a bowl, and press it through, using a rubber spatula to make sure all the puree is well strained and only the ground pepper skins are left. Discard the skins and return the puree to the blender.

3. Add the chopped avocado, miso, salt, lemon juice, optional nutritional yeast, regular paprika and smoked paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, chipotle pepper, and white pepper. Blend until silky smooth. Do not overblend or the mixture will become too thick and frothy. The soup should be creamy, like thin sour cream.

4. Add additional salt or chipotle powder, if needed to suit your taste.

5. Serve soup chilled or at room temperature.

6. Store leftover soup in a sealed glass jar in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.


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1. Bring the agar agar powder and water mixture to a boil, and continue to boil for 1-2 minutes, whisking occasionally, until the water becomes clear. Turn off the heat and allow the agar mixture to cool a little while blending the pudding.

2. Put the carrots, avocado, 1/2 cup water, coconut crystals, maple syrup, salt, lemon juice, and pumpkin pie spice in a high-performance blender and blend until creamy. Add the agar mixture and blend again thoroughly.

3. Put the pecans and cinnamon in a small bowl and toss.

4. Pour the Pumpkiny Pudding into individual serving dishes and sprinkle a little Pecan Crumble over the top. May be served slightly warm or chilled.

5. Store Pumpkiny Pudding in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Variation: Use the Pumpkiny Pudding as a pie filling. Pour the filling into your crust of choice and chill.

*What is agar agar?Agar (or Agar Agar), is a colorless seaweed powder that has no calories, no carbs, no sugar, no fat and is loaded with fiber. It’s free from starch, soy, corn, gluten, yeast, wheat, milk, egg and preservatives and is great substitute for gelatin. Agar agar can be used as a thickener or gelling agent in soups, fruits preserves, ice cream and desserts. It is available in health food stores, in supermarket that carry health food lines, in Asian grocery stores, and online.

Cherie Soria is founder and director of the renowned raw vegan culinary school, Living Light Culinary Institute. Cherie has written and co-authored several books on the raw vegan lifestyle including The Raw Food Revolution Diet, Angel Foods: Healthy Recipes for Heavenly Bodies, and Comiendo Pura Vida.


PUDDING1/2 teaspoon agar agar powder* dissolved in 3/4 cup water

3 carrots, chopped (about 1 1/2 cups)1 avocado, chopped (about 3/4 cup)1/2 cup water1/2 cup coconut crystals or evaporated cane juice1/3 cup maple syrup1/4 teaspoon good quality salt2 teaspoons lemon juice2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice

PECAN CRUMBLE1 cup chopped pecans1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

There is absolutely no reason why a health enthusiast can’t enjoy the holidays and feast on celebration foods that nourish body and soul!

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GRIEF:Grief is a deep sadness, a painful emotional response to a perceived loss, which is called bereavement. The sensations of grief are felt in the chest as an emptiness or concavity. A grieving individual, someone in mourning, may report feeling sad or that they are pining or longing for something or someone who is missing, lost or gone, and is now thought of as existing only in the past.

Specifically, you are in a state of grief when you feel a painful longing for something or someone who is no longer in your life, whether your loved one died or simply moved away.

Very broadly speaking, grief is the result of mentally representing a valued person, animal, place, thing, activity or dream as absent from your life, no longer present and available.


GRIEF AND YOUR HEALTH By Dr. Robert Dee McDonald

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Although studies have not shown a direct link between chronic stress and cancer, the medical community agrees that chronic stress compromises the immune system and therefore decreases the body’s ability to f ight disease and kill cancer cells.


The way you think of your loved one, what you mentally see and hear in your mind’s eye and ear, determines your emotional state. And since you can change your mind, you can change your emotional reaction. You can transform your experience from grief to gratitude.

WHAT GRIEF IS NOT:Grief is not anger, shock or trauma. These painful emotions commonly accompany grief, so I use different tools to help resolve them. Grief is also not a way to honor the one who has passed away, but thinking of the loved one with joy in your heart is. And grief is not a way to honor family and friends who have experienced the same loss, but sharing the genuine happiness that comes from resolving your own grief is.

GRIEF OFFERS A GIFT:Your ability to feel grief is evidence of your humanity and your capacity to love. That’s because we only grieve the loss of those people, animals and things that we truly value. All suffering offers us a gift. That gift is compassion. The pain you experience as you grieve the loss of a loved one is the basis of your ability to appreciate the pain others feel, which deepens your humanity. There is an emotional law: No suffering, no compassion. Compassion comes from the Latin “com”, which means “with” or “together”, and “passion”, which means to suffer. So if you have suffered from the loss of a loved one or for any other reason, you are given the opportunity to more deeply connect and emotionally commune with others. But, because compassion can only come to you through the pain of your broken heart, you may be reluctant to accept the gift. Nonetheless, the offer is made to everyone who grieves.

OBJECTIONS TO ENDING GRIEF:Objections to resolving grief are not uncommon. Even though grief can now be healthily resolved, not everyone wants to stop grieving. Many people believe that grief cannot be resolved at all. Others regard the end of grief as a kind of betrayal of the loved one, thinking something like, “If I feel good when I think of (him or her), doesn’t that mean that I didn’t really love (him or her)?” Some

want to preserve their grief as a way of demonstrating family loyalty. But most people continue to grieve for two reasons: They have not received the gift of suffering, which is universally known to be compassion. And, not having access to anyone who knows how to help them, they simply don’t have the means to resolve their grief.

GRIEF AND CHRONIC STRESSPainful emotions suffered for a prolonged period of time eventuate as chronic stress. Chronic stress releases adrenaline and cortisol, called corticosteroids, into your body. These stress hormones can be beneficial in the short-term, but if you are exposed to them for too long, you may experience high blood pressure, heart disease, muscle tissue damage, anxiety, depression, sleep problems, weight gain or loss, memory and concentration impairment, and much more.

Although studies have not shown a direct link between chronic stress and cancer, the medical community agrees that chronic stress compromises the immune system and therefore decreases the body’s ability to fight disease and kill cancer cells.

Grief is a very stressful and universally felt emotion. Everyone who is able to love, and lives long enough, will feel grief at some time in their lives. It is a normal reaction to the loss of a loved person, pet, place, thing, activity or dream. But when grief is unresolved, it can be a source of chronic stress and a damaged immune system. In fact, researchers at Yale University have found that prolonged grief had a greater negative impact on people’s lives than major depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. It therefore opens the door to a variety of unnecessary diseases, including cancer. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tells us that up to 90% of the doctor visits in the USA may be triggered by a stress-related illness.

The methods I use to resolve grief positively impact chronic stress and thereby strengthen your immune system. This extraordinarily powerful work gently guides you in a step-by-step fashion to mentally represent the lost loved one as present, here and now. It includes a profound process of integration that lifts you to the next level of conscious evolution.

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healthily resolved in such a short time. And because so many people simply don’t believe relief is possible, they don’t seek it.

Please keep this fact in mind: Recent research has foundthat 90,000 parents a year, in the U.S. alone, experiencethe profound suffering that follows the death of a child oradolescent. Of course their suffering is natural, normaland to be expected. But, to show that prolonged griefis unnecessary, I offer the following report from Jean Swann, Editor in Chief of Integrated Health Magazine:

“Dr. Robert Dee McDonald helped me, in one session, tocompletely heal the profound shock, trauma and grief Ifelt over the death of my 22 year old son. I experienceda life-changing miracle, only two months after Christopher left the physical plane. Before my healing, I didn’t think I would ever be able to feel joy again. I have studied healing modalities and spirituality for more than 12 years, and have never experienced a healing as effective as this. I want everyone suffering over the loss of a loved one, the way I did, to know that rapid and compassionate healing is now possible.”

MY METHOD:My most powerful method for resolving grief is called The Grief Resolution Ceremony. This extraordinarily powerful tool gently guides you to compare two different emotional experiences:

1) The pain you feel when you think of someone you are currently grieving, and

2) The happiness you feel when you think of a loved one you used to grieve, but now you feel fine when you think of him or her, almost as though he or she is in another room or at work or school at the moment.

It is important to realize that neither of the two loved ones is literally with you. The one you are grieving is not with you. The one you used to grieve is also not with you. Yet, you grieve the one and you feel fine about the other. The difference that makes the difference is the way you see them in your mind’s eye and hear them in your mind’s

THE RESULTS OF RESOLVING GRIEF:The goal of healing your wounded heart is to happily re-engage in the flow and joyous mystery of life. Your grief has ended when you are able to happily think of your loved one, and, at the same time, breathe freely, enjoy life, and love again.

HOW TO RESOLVE GRIEF:More than 30 years ago, I wrote my Master’s Thesis on unresolved grief reactions in survivors of suicide. At that time, no one in the professional psychotherapeutic community imagined that grief over the loss of a loved one could be resolved at all, certainly not in one to three sessions. But since I was feeling grief over my father’s suicide, I was deeply motivated to find effective and healthy ways to end my grief and then assist others in resolving theirs. After years of research and study, I finally learned the nature of the human mind. I learned how the mind creates, and resolves, every emotion, including grief. I learned how to help resolve grief, shock and trauma in virtually anyone seeking assistance. Today, I am happy to report that, by working with clients in 18 countries around the world, I have helped literally thousands of people end their grief.

My personal experience of grief includes the suffering I felt over the loss of my father, nephew and two cousins by suicide, two sisters and a brother, when I was a child and they were babies, my mother, at 85, my grandmothers, aunts, uncles, dear friends and colleagues. Naturally, I missed them and felt grief over their absence.Then I resolved my grief by the renewing of my mind.

Now, when I think of the loved ones who have passed away, I feel happy, connected, peaceful and loving. I do not miss them because I experience them as with me. To me, they are not lost, gone and in the past. Each one, as I think of him or her, is with me here and now. They are as present in my life as a loved one who has just stepped into the next room.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of people cannot imagine that such a powerful emotion can be effectively and

After years of research and study, I f inally learned the nature of the human mind. I learned how the mind creates, and resolves, every emotion, including grief.

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Dr. Robert Dee McDonald

• Creator of The Destination® Method, a Transpersonal Coaching Strategy

• Founder of The Telos Healing Center, with offices in the USA and Europe

• Director of Mental and Spiritual Wellness at The Center for New Medicine

• Co-Founder of and

• Internationally Known Trainer, Published Author, Frequent Guest on Radio and Public Broadcasts

© 2014 Copyright by Dr. Robert Dee McDonald. All Right Reserved. The Telos Healing Center Phone: 714-577-5717

ear. Because these differences are universally reported, irrespective of country, language or culture, it is now possible to resolve grief by learning how to change your thoughts and beliefs, that is, the mental representations that cause grief and disturb your peace of mind. In this way, your grief can be healthily, honorably and quickly resolved.

My work with grief, shock, trauma and unconscious conflict is designed to resolve chronic stress. It thereby strengthens your immune system, and supports you as you walk the Path of the Seven Virtues, which includes authenticity, humility, mercy, forgiveness, grace, wisdom and ultimately love.


Dr. Nalini Chilkov L.Ac., O.M.D.

Create a Body in Which Cancer Cannot Thrive!Get Professional Answers to Your Most Urgent Questions now: /outsmart-cancer-quickstart-guide

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Whenever I blog or post about mammograms, I always receive a few emails about how mammography saved someone’s life because they had no idea they had a tumor in their breast. Undoubtedly, there are a few success stories about mammograms. However, when you look at the big picture, mammograms, in general, may be doing more harm than good.

We know that radiation CAUSES cancer, so why in the world would we subject our sensitive breast tissue to compression and radiation several times per year? According to Cornell University’s Program on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors, “Female breast tissue is highly susceptible to radiation effects.”

In a study published in the British Journal of Radiology researchers found compelling evidence that low energy X-rays used in mammograms are “approximately 4 times, but possibly as much as 6 times more effective in causing mutational damage than higher energy X-rays.” In other words, the low energy radiation is causing DNA damage that could result in an increased risk of developing Breast Cancer.

The radiation and compression of Mammograms cause breaks in the DNA strands of high risk women and reduce the effectiveness of tumor-suppressing genes.A 25 year study of Canadian women from the ages of 40 to 59 concluded that “Annual mammography in

women aged 40-59 does NOT reduce mortality rate from Breast Cancer beyond that of a physical exam.” In other words, a self-breast exam is just as effective in detecting a tumor as a mammogram.

Personal and regular breast exams are a safe and effective alternative to mammograms. In 1985, the American Cancer Society admitted that “at least 90% of women who discover breast carcinoma discover the tumor themselves.” In a pooled analysis of several studies, women who regularly performed Breast Self Exams (BSE), detected the breast tumors much earlier and with fewer lymph node involvement.

According to the American Cancer Society, “By the time Breast Cancer is detected on a mammogram, a woman will have already had the disease for an average of 6-8 years.”

If you could detect cancer on a cellular level, BEFORE it appeared as a lump or a bump, wouldn’t you rather have that 6-8 year window to prevent the cancer from developing? You can with early detection.

The 7 Essentials is a step by step guide that I created as a result of my own personal healing journey and my 30 years in the Wellness Industry. The 7 Essentials takes the overwhelm and confusion out of preventing or healingBreast Cancer naturally. You can learn about the first six steps at ESSENTIAL # 7 – VERY EARLY DETECTION

1.) Thermography, also known as Digital Infrared Thermographic Imaging (DITI) offers the opportunity of very early detection of breast disease over and above self-breast exams and mammography alone.Is it 100% accurate all of the time? No. But neither are mammograms and self- breast exams.

Do MAMMOGRAMS Cause More Harm than Good?By Dr. Veronique Desaulniers

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If you could detect cancer on a cellu la r level, BEFORE it appeared as a lump or a bump, wouldn’t you rather have that 6-8 year window to prevent the cancer from developing?

Thermography’s key asset is that it seems to spot active pre-cancerous breast signs some 6 – 8 years before any palpable mass appears. Other than very early detection, DITI offers many other benefits. There is NO radiation, NO compression, NO pain, and NO touching.

Thermography is a non-invasive test of physiology that can alert your doctor to changes that could indicate early stages of breast disease. When used in conjunction with other procedures, the best possible evaluation of breast health is made.

A study conducted at the University of Louis Pasteur in France, research scientists concluded that “Thermography is useful not only as a predictor of risk factor for cancer but also to assess the more rapidly growing neoplasms.”To learn more about the benefits of Thermography and to find ACCT approved Thermography Clinics, visit the American College of Clinical Thermography.


The traditional cancer marker blood tests that are run for Breast Cancer are CA 15-3, CA 27.29, and CEA, a marker for the presence of lung, colon and liver, to see if the Breast Cancer has spread. Unfortunately these markers are not always reliable, since I have often seen women with active Breast Cancer with “normal” cancer markers. These tests measure less well-defined cancer proteins or antigens and tend to be inconsistent, being elevated only in the late stage of the disease.

A.) There are, however, many blood tests that can discover cancer at very early stages and can also help monitor the progress of specific protocols. One such test is the Cancer Profile developed by Dr. Schandl of American Metabolic Labs. The profile measures specific hormones and enzymes that cancer cells produce and has an impressive accuracy of 90-93% for Breast Cancer

B.) The ONCOblot Test can tell you IF you have cancer and WHERE the cancer origin is. After 20 years of research and analysis this test can detect cancer when it is smaller than the size of a pinhead. Now THAT’S early detection! With the advancement in technology and the science of epigenetics, we can be very grateful that there are technologies and screening tools that truly do support very early detection without causing harm to the body.

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, better known as “Dr. V”, is a #1 Best Selling Author and has maintained successful practices in the Wellness Field since 1979, Dr. V. is a Chiroprator who specializes in various fields of “Energy Medicine” such as Bio-Energetics, Meridian Stress Analysis, Homeopathy, and Digital Thermography. Her years of experience and research have culminated as “The 7 Essentials ™”, a step by step coaching program. www.breatcancer

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Healings Blueprint

By Dr. Brian Clement

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For 60 years and hundreds of thousands of people, Hippocrates Health Institute has been the epicenter of lifestyle change globally. When people arrive from around the earth to our West Palm beach, Florida campus, they each possess aspirations on how they will heal and improve their wellbeing. Although we are best known for bringing wheat grass and raw food to the world, over the decades we’ve evolved our understanding and embraced multifaceted, non-invasive technologies. Central to all recovery is a purposeful life; this is why each participant engages in psychotherapy on a voyage to find their nemesis and resolve its symptoms. In the past either traditional spiritual or new age propagation dispensed knowledge about the importance of our connection to all. Today cutting edge science is scientifically validating this fundamental truth. When providing living food with its natural bio frequency, it lifts the electrical hertz of weakened cells empowering them to fight off and relinquish disorder. Authentically establishing pure, unadulterated vision of a happy and successful future in one’s mind is the core instigator in healing. Intent in its richness literally changes the subatomic structure of matter sparking the degradation of disease, allowing the space for order. Expediting this change in atoms, we have for decades utilized electromagnetic cold laser, undamed, cyber scan, h-wave, etc. all directly opening and resolving the dysfunctional pathways of the biological and psychological self. Technology has so expt the body reaching the foundation of who we are, our etheric bioelectric person. Transforming as it is, when we reach the essential person, we can then systemically build from the bottom up a biological, psychological and spiritual future that is based on our inner connectedness with all else and the multiple universes. Our perception that all that is true can be seen, touched and felt is at best an illusion since it is what we do not capture (the invisible) that really governs all existence. Relevance will soon be dependent upon one’s ability to relinquish preconceived notions and embrace the majesty of the energetic system that is the engine behind all that we do. For the people that feel they need solid and visual input to trust, I will bring up one word, “love”. Although love is the greatest gift that each of us dream of, it is not mathematically verifiable or visible to the naked eye or even scientifically proven beyond

some failed attempts by some academics that incorrectly say it’s chemistry. When believing in love, one of the most powerful forces of energy that humans will ever experience, it is only one small step forward to know that it is transparency and absence of structure that really play a pinnacle role in your wellbeing, happiness and future.

Dr. Brian Clement, Ph.D., N.M.D., L.N. has spearheaded the international progressive health movement for over four decades. By conducting daily clinical research as the director of the renowned Hippocrates Health Institute, the world’s foremost complementary residential health Mecca, he and

his team have developed a state of the art program for health maintenance and recovery. His Florida center has pioneered a program and established training in active aging and disease prevention.

With hundreds of thousands of people participating in this program over the last half century, volumes of data have been accrued giving Brian a privileged insight into the lifestyle required to maintain youth, vitality and stamina. His latest book “Longevity” delivers cutting edge knowledge coupled with a common sense practical approach that will raise your level of health and happiness.

Brian’s progressive ideas on natural health, coupled with his vast theoretical and practical science experience, have provided him with the opportunity to conduct countless seminars, lectures and educational programs. He has traveled to more than 25 countries Motivating the public to take action to improve their lives. Most recently, he was commissioned by government-supported organizations to establish, organize and direct health programs in Denmark, Switzerland, Greece and India.

Brian has also written numerous books in which he explores the various aspects of health, spirituality and natural healing. His best-selling book, “Living Foods for Optimum Health,” has been acclaimed by Marilyn Diamond, co-author of the book “Fit for Life,” as “an important and eminently readable book for the new era of self-care,” and by Coretta Scott King as a “landmark guide to the essentials of healthy living.”

Dr. Brian Clement is Director of the Hippocrates Health Institute, the world’s premier residential health mecca offering its renowned life transformation formula.

Healings Blueprint

For the people that feel they need solid and visual input to trust, I will bring up one word, “love”. Although love is the greatest gift that each of us dream of, it is not mathematically verif iable or visible to the naked eye or even scientif ically proven.

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Living the life we were born to live and unlocking the door to greater health and wholeness.

GOING FOR IT!What if, like a fine wine we get better as we age? What if we are meant to bring together all the experiences we’ve garnered thus far in our lives into a rich unfolding of our best selves? What if the dream we are born to live is always alive inside of us, just waiting for us to connect with it and to really ‘go for it?’

By George and Sedena Cappannelli

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As is the case on any good adventure, many of us know that the passion and commitment we bring to the journey called our life is what fuels us and ultimately rewards us. Is it possible then that the blueprint for our existence is always within our reach, waiting to fly free from the fetters of some of the limiting beliefs that we have inherited from others and that overshadow the life we are born to live? These are some of the questions we ask ourselves and invite others to ask as well. And it is through answering these questions that we and others are rediscovering an unshakable faith in the value of singing our original notes in the great song of life and in this way living lives of greater health, wholeness and fulfillment.

Yes, fortunately for us and for the good of the world we are taking seriously our rite of passage into the second half of life and choosing to pursue our joy and empowerment rather than settle for sadness and marginalization.

This choice offers us the opportunity to heal ourselves

and also to model what is possible for others who may not yet have surrendered to the incredible

reservoir of support, inspiration and love that lies in that place within them where their dreams live. Indeed, as poet Mark Nepo reminds us, “In

deep and lasting ways, when we heal ourselves, we heal the world.”

This commitment to making life a unique adventure also allows us to let go of society’s obsession with youth and to acknowledge and welcome all of the stages of life, even the last. And in this new time, this territory where some say over half of our population will soon be 50 years of age and older for the first time in history, we can contribute to the writing of a new “third act” for humanity, a new third act that can be a time of rebirth, an adventure rife with new discoveries, and remarkable new opportunities; a time of enlivened ageing.

So what will your adventure be like? Will you be true to your dreams, learn from your stumbles, make healthy choices, celebrate your breakthroughs, and in the process, remember that it is never too late or too soon to live the dream that you came here to live? Will you live with greater courage and celebrate your precious gift of being alive, and in this way be an example for others – young and old alike - of what it means to be the best you can be?’

Hopefully all of us will answer these questions in the affirmative and in this way contribute to creating a more sane, healthy, sustainable and extraordinary world.

George and Sedena Cappannelli are leading experts on the second half of life, co-authors of the award-winning, Do Not Go Quietly, A Guide to Living Consciously and Aging Wisely for People Who Weren’t Born Yesterday and co-founders of AgeNation.


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Join our detox program today!

...with Elaine GibsonAlkaline Lifestyle Specialist

Juice Guru PractionerRestorative Health Coach

Simple Steps to Disease Preventon, Vitality and Youth

Do you ever feel like almost every day you hear about something new you’d like to try or experience; a yoga class, a recipe, a place to visit. And yet sometimes the options become too overwhelming and instead you stay stuck in the same old routines, missing out on all the infinite possibilities that could

shift your perspective and open your world. How can we know what the right thing to choose is? What if we don’t like it or we aren’t good at it? What if it doesn’t meet our expectations? Here is my answer:

“You never know until you try”

Before I was diagnosed with a recurrence of Stage IV Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, I knew nothing about the power of green juice and an alkaline high raw diet. Was it scary and intimidating to embark on this new lifestyle choice? Of course! Was I afraid it wouldn’t work and that I would hate it? Of course! But I tried anyway, and found that not only did my body respond beautifully by healing, but I actually enjoyed the new lifestyle. Yes, today I am even a total green juiceaholic! Ask my amazing husband Nevin and he will tell you that I have been known to brave 10 degree weather, at 6 am, and head to the store to pick up cucumbers for my morning green juice! My whole way of living has changed because I took a risk and tried something new.

Once I began making better choices with my new knowledge about food, water and lifestyle, not only did I feel better but actually lost 28 pounds and dropped 4-5 sizes!

Each day I try to challenge myself by including something I haven’t done before. Right now it is working on bringing more yoga into my routine. We have all have heard about the benefits of regular activity and I really feel terrific whenever I go, but often busy schedules get in the way and I don’t make it to class. My goal is to make yoga a priority.

In addition, I tried detoxing. In fact, I have begun to include a seasonal detox into my way of life. It is suggested that we detox 4 times a year, once with each season, to cleanse our bodies of the toxins that accumulate each quarter from environmental factors, stress and lifestyle choices. This also helps to strengthen our digestion. This is vital for optimal health, something we all strive for. Because seasonal detox is so very crucial to our ability to obtain and maintain a strong immune system, I have created just that, a seasonal program we call Renewed Living Detox. A simple, clean, whole foods program you will love. Talk about learning something new.

There is no time to waste when it comes to experiencing and enjoying optimal health. How can you expand your mindset and open yourself up to the amazing variety of joys and experiences the universe has to offer? I invite you to try something new today.

Elaine Gibson took control of her own health and beat stage IV cancer without traditional medicine. Today she shares her hard won lessons so that you can lose weight, overcome illness or increase your energy and create renewed optimal health.

NEWPOSSIBILITIES for Your HealthBy Elaine Gibson

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Learn about healing cancer and other chronic diseases at the Integrated Health Conference

100+ exhibitors/40+ speakers/entertainment/gala dinner/and more!

March 20th-22nd, 2015Town and Country Resort and Convention Center, San Diego, CA

Dr. Bernie Siegel, M.D.

Dr. Sunil Pai, M.D.

Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy, M.D.

Dr. Antonio Jimenez, M.D.

Dr. Robert McDonald

Pedram Shojai, O.M.D.

Dr. Jameth Sheridan

Elaine Gibson

Dr. Aubrey de Greya

Dr. Nalini Chilkov, O.M.D.

Liana Werner-Grey

Dr. Charles Majors

Dr. Norm Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.

Hyla Cass M.D.

George and Sedena Cappannelli

Reserve Your Tickets

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Enjoy More than 40 Uplifting Presenters Sharing Empowering Information on 3 Stages All Weekend Long!

March 20th-22nd, 2015Town and Country Resort and Convention Center

San Diego, CA

Reserve Your Tickets

The Integrated Health ConferenceFormerly known as The Cure to Cancer Conference

Presented by Integrated Health International