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  • 8/12/2019 IFM Chapter 3


    International Financial MarketsChapter: 03

    PowerPoint Lecture Presentationto accompany

    International Financial Management

    Dr. Samiul Parvez Ahmed, Assistant Professor, Independent University, Bangladesh

  • 8/12/2019 IFM Chapter 3


    To describe the background and corporate

    use of the following international financial


    Foreign exchange market,

    Eurocurrency market,

    Eurocredit market, Eurobond market, and

    International stock markets.

    Chapter Objectives

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    Motives for Using

    International Financial Markets The markets for real or financial assets are

    prevented from complete integration by

    barriers such as tax differentials, tariffs,quotas, labor immobility, communication

    costs, cultural differences, and financial

    reporting differences.

    Yet, these barriers can also create unique

    opportunities for specific geographic

    markets that will attract foreign investors.

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    Investorsinvest in foreign markets:

    to take advantage of favorable economic

    conditions; when they expect foreign currencies to

    appreciate against their own; and

    to reap the benefits of international


    Motives for Using

    International Financial Markets

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    Creditorsprovide credit in foreign


    to capitalize on higher foreign interestrates;

    when they expect foreign currencies to

    appreciate against their own; and

    to reap the benefits of international


    Motives for Using

    International Financial Markets

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    Borrowers borrow in foreign markets:

    to capitalize on lower foreign interest rates;

    and when they expect foreign currencies to

    depreciate against their own.

    Motives for Using

    International Financial Markets

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    Foreign Exchange Market

    The foreign exchange market allows currenciesto be exchanged in order to facilitate

    international trade/transactions or financial


    E.g. when travel abroad, people need foreign

    currency; A Local MNC need foreign currency

    when purchasing raw materials from another

    country (if the price is denominated in foreigncurrency); or export oriented firms receive

    foreign currencies and they need to convert

    them into local currency .

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    Foreign Exchange Market

    Who will perform this service: providing

    various currencies against another currency?

    Usually, banks hold various currencies and,

    when in need, they exchange their currencies.

    Bank maintains an inventory of various

    currencies. E.g. when export sector receives

    $/, they exchange it for local currency from a

    bank; that increases $/ balance in the bank. Incontrast, when an import-base firm purchase

    goods from U.S./England, it will purchase $/

    from a bank; and that will reduce $/ balance of

    that bank.

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    History of Foreign Exchange

    But, there must be an exchange

    rate at which various currencies

    would be exchanged.

    1.Gold Standard

    2.Agreement on fixed rates(Bret ton Woods Agreement)

    3.Floating rate

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    History of Foreign Exchange

    The system for establishing exchange

    rates has evolved over time.

    From 1876 to 1913, each currency wasconvertible into gold at a specified rate, as

    dictated by the gold standard.

    The exchange rate between two currencies

    was determined by their relative

    convertibility rates per ounce of gold.

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    Foreign Exchange Market

    This was followed by a period of instability,

    as World War I began and the Great

    Depression followed. The 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement (an

    international agreement) called for fixed

    currency exchange rates.

    During this period, governments would

    intervene to prevent exchange rates from

    moving more than 1% above or below their

    initial established level.

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    Foreign Exchange Market

    By 1971, the U.S. dollar appeared to be

    overvalued. The foreign demand for U.S. dollarswas substantially less than the supply of dollars

    for sale.

    The Smithsonian Agreementdevalued the U.S.

    dollar and widened the boundaries for exchange

    rate fluctuations.

    The exchange rates were allowed to fluctuate by

    2.25% in either direction from the newly setrates.

    This was the first step in letting market forces

    (supply & demand) determine the appropriate

    price of a currency.

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    Foreign Exchange Market

    Even then, governments still had difficulties

    maintaining exchange rates within the

    stated boundaries. In 1973, the officialboundaries for the more widely traded

    currencies were eliminated and the floating

    exchange rate systemcame into effect.

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    Foreign ExchangeTransactions

    There is no specific building or location where

    traders exchange currencies. The transactions

    usually conducted through commercial banks

    over electronic or telecommunication network,around the clock.

    The market for immediate exchange is known as

    thespo t market

    . The rate is known asspot rate.

    The forward marketenables an MNC to lock in

    the exchange rate at which it will buy or sell a

    certain quantity of currency on a specified future


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    Hundreds of banks facilitate foreign

    exchange transactions, though the top 20

    handle about 50% of the transactions. The Deutsche Bank (Germany), Citibank

    (U.S.) and J.P. Morgan Chase are the

    largest traders of foreign exchange.

    Foreign Exchange


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    At any point in time, arbitrage ensures that

    exchange rates are similar across banks.

    If a bank experience a shortage in aparticular currency, it can purchase that

    currency from other banks. This trading

    between banks occurs in what is often

    referred to as the interbank market. Within

    this market, foreign exchange brokerage

    firms sometimes act as middlemen.

    Foreign Exchange


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    Use of the U.S. Dollar in the spot market:

    U.S. dollar is commonly accepted as a

    medium of exchange by merchants inmany countries.

    Foreign Exchange


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  • 8/12/2019 IFM Chapter 3


    Banks provide foreign exchange services

    for a fee: the banks b id(buy) quote for a

    foreign currency will be less than its ask(sell) quote. This is the bid /ask sp read.

    bid/ask % spread = ask ratebid rateask rate

    Example: Suppose bid price for = $1.52,

    ask price = $1.60.

    bid/ask % spread = (1.601.52)/1.60 = 5%

    Foreign Exchange


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    The bid/ask spread is normally larger for

    those currencies that are less frequently

    traded. The spread is also larger for retail

    transactions than for wholesale

    transactions between banks or large


    Foreign Exchange


    NOTE: For our following discussions we will ignore the bid/ask

    differences in order to understand various complex concepts at ease.

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    Factors that affect the spread

    Spread = f [order costs (+),

    inventory costs (+), competition(-), volume (-), currency risks (+)]

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    Factors that affect the spread

    Order Cost: overall cost associated withan order to complete

    Inventory cost: opportunity cost

    Competition: higher competition results innarrow spread

    Volume (trading volume): Large quantity

    gets preferencial rate

    Currency risk: e.g. economic and political


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    Direct quotat ion srepresent the value of a

    foreign currency in dollars (number of

    dollars per foreign currency)

    Ind irect quotat ion srepresent the number

    of units of a foreign currency per dollar.


    Foreign Exchange Quotations

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    Foreign Exchange Quotations

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    A cros s exchange ratereflects the amount

    of one foreign currency per unit of another

    foreign currency.


    Foreign Exchange Quotations

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    Forward, Futures and Options Market

    In addition to the spot market, a forward

    market for currencies enables an MNC to

    lock in the exchange rate (called a forwardrate) at which it will buy or sell a currency.

    A forward contract specifies the amount of a

    particular currency that will be purchased or

    sold by the MNC at a specified future point

    in time and at a specified exchange rate.

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    Forward, Futures and Options Market

    Commercial banks accommodate the MNCs

    that desire forward contracts. MNCs

    commonly use the forward market to hedgefuture payments that they expect to make or

    receive in a foreign currency. In this way,

    they do not have to worry about fluctuations

    in the spot rate until the time of their futurepayments.

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    Forward, Futures and Options Market

    Example: Memphis Co. has ordered supplies

    from European countries that are

    denominated in euros. It expects the euro toincrease in value over time and therefore

    desires to hedge its payables in euros.

    Memphis buys forward contracts on euros

    to lock in the price that it will pay for eurosat a future point in time.

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    Forward, Futures and Options Market

    A currency futu res contractspecifies a

    standard volume of a particular currency

    to be exchanged on a specific settlementdate. Unlike forward contracts however,

    futures contracts are sold on exchanges.

    Currency opt ions contractsgive the right

    to buy or sell a specific currency at a

    specific price within a specific period of

    time. They are sold on exchanges too.

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    Forward Vs Futures

    Forward Contract Futures

    Customized to customer



    Used for Hedging Used for SpeculationNo initial payment


    Initial margin payment


    Negotiated directly by the

    buyer and seller

    Quoted and traded on the


    Only contracting parties

    are involved

    Clearing hose involved in

    the process

    High counter-party risk Low counter-party risk

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    $International Money Market:

    Eurocurrency Market

    As MNCs expanded their businesses during

    1960s &70s, international financial

    intermediaries emerged to accommodate their

    needs. Because the U.S. dollar was widelyused even by foreign countries as a medium

    for international trade, there was a consistent

    need (Short-run)for dollars in Europe and

    elsewhere. To conduct international trade with

    European countries, corporations in the United

    States deposited U.S. dollars in European


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    $Eurocurrency Market

    The banks were willing to accept the deposits

    because they could lend the dollars to

    corporate customers based in Europe. These

    dollar deposits in banks in Europe (and onother continents as well) came to be known as

    Eurodollars, and the market for Eurodollars

    came to be known as the Eurocurrency market.

    (Eurodollars and Eurocurrency should not

    be confused with the euro, which is the

    currency of many European countries today.)

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    Like the European money market, the

    Asian money market originated as a

    market involving mostly dollar-denominated deposits. Hence, it was

    originally known as the Asian dollar

    market.The primary function of banks in

    the Asian dollar market is to channelfunds from depositors to borrowers.

    Asian Money Market

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    The market emerged to accommodate the

    needs of businesses that were using (mainly)

    the U.S. dollar (and some other foreigncurrencies) as a medium of exchange for

    international trade. These businesses could not

    rely on banks in Europe because of the

    distance and different time zones. Today, theAsian money market is centered in Hong Kong

    and Singapore, where large banks accept

    deposits and make loans in various foreign


    Asian Money Market

    I t ti l M M k t I t t

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    International Money Market: InterestRate Comparisons

    The international money market rates varysubstantially among some currencies. This is dueto differences in the interaction of the total supply

    of short-term funds available (bank deposits) in aspecific country versus the total demand forshort-term funds by borrowers in that country.

    I t ti l M M k t I t t

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    International Money Market: InterestRate Comparisons

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    Eurocurrency Market Vs

    Eurocredit market

    Short Term Vs MediumTerm or Long Term

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    International Bond Market

    Although MNCs, like domestic firms, can obtain

    long-term debt by issuing bonds in their local

    markets, MNCs can also access long-term funds in

    foreign markets. MNCs may choose to issuebonds in the international bond markets for three

    reasons. First, issuers recognize that they may be

    able to attract a stronger demand by issuing their

    bonds in a particular foreign country rather than intheir home country. Some countries have a limited

    investor base, so MNCs in those countries seek

    financing elsewhere.

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    International Bond Market

    Second, MNCs may prefer to finance a specific

    foreign project in a particular currency and

    therefore may attempt to obtain funds where that

    currency is widely used.

    Third, financing in a foreign currency with a lower

    interest rate may enable an MNC to reduce its costof financing, although it may be exposed to

    exchange rate risk.

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    International Bond Market:Eurobond Market

    There are two types of international bonds.

    Bonds denominated in the currency of the

    country where they are placed but issuedby borrowers foreign to the country are

    called fo reign bondsor paral lel bonds.

    Bonds that are sold in countries otherthan the country represented by the

    currency denominating them are called


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    International Stock Markets

    In addition to issuing stock locally, MNCs

    can also obtain funds by issuing stock in

    international markets. This will enhance the firms image and

    name recognition, and diversify the

    shareholder base.
