  • 7/27/2019 IFFAsia Brochure 2013-English



  • 7/27/2019 IFFAsia Brochure 2013-English



    IFFAsia and XavierUniversity, Ateneo DeCagayan jointly oer theMaster in DevelopmentLeadership approved bythe Commission on HigherEducation (CHED), thePost Graduate Diploma inDevelopment Leadershipand Certicate in PastoralLeadership.

    This program is designed to help

    students o all backgrounds to

    develop their personhood and

    values, and equip them with

    proessional experience and skills

    needed to create positive change

    and infuence in their Asian


    The Fondacio institutes globally

    have molded young adults rom

    all backgrounds and various

    proessions engineers, doctors,

    IT, nance, journalists, education,

    health, agriculture, Church, NGOs,

    and social work.

    The program is recommended

    or all those who want to make a

    dierence, through their respective

    eld or proessions.


    To bring a new brand o Christian

    leadership and resh perspectives to

    emerging social realities

    To develop passion, knowledge,

    ethics and skills to make a

    dierence in challenging situations

    To inculcate critical thinking and

    creative approaches to lie, work

    and decision making

    Condent to initiate and manage

    social development projects on

    the ground with various stake




    Awarded by Xavier University, Ateneo De Cagayan

    The Fondacio institutes are schools oormation created and animated byFondacio in the our continents (Europe,Arica, Asia, Latin America). They work inpartnership with universities, institutions,and Church communities to build a newgeneration o young leaders. They seek

    to orm individuals rooted on aith andethics, human potential and an inormedunderstanding o their context.

    These young adults are trained to beresponsible o projects and missions,and take initiatives in Church andSociety. Ater the one year ormationat IFFAsia, they commit two yearsinternship in projects either part-time orull-time, and are accompanied in theirjourney. The goal is to set them out on

    their lie path or vocation.

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    To nurturelay leadersor a renewed AsianChurch and Society-IFFAsia proposes a holisticand integral approach toormation with emphasison Christian discipleship,community and mission.

    The ull-time program integrates

    our main axis o ormation

    which includes Human, Social,

    Spiritual/Theological, and Pastoral

    studies; combined with studies,

    eld experience, mentoring,

    team learning, and other new


    The program eatures a built-in

    2-year internship ater one year

    course in IFFAsia to develop and

    implement a project relevant to

    ones local context. The Institute

    will accompany the student in

    their respective countries.

    Upon satisactory completion

    o the examinations and 2-year

    internship on the ground,

    students will be awarded by

    Xavier University, Ateneo de


    Master in Development

    Leadership or

    Diploma in Development

    Leadership or,

    Certifcate in PastoralLeadership

    Program Overview

    January to December (in IFFAsia) +

    2-year internship on the ground.

    English classes begin from mid-

    September to mid-December the

    preceding year, every year for

    those who need it.


    Master in Development Leadership

    Post Graduate Diploma in

    Development Leadership

    Bachelor Degree

    Aged 20 to mid-30s

    At least two years work experience and

    ministry/service involvement

    Certifcate in Pastoral Leadership

    High School graduate

    Aged 20 to mid-30s

    At least two years work experience and

    ministry/service involvement









    Committed to ull the required two (2)-year internship,

    part-time or ull-time, with the sending organisation,

    local Church or community ater their ormation.

    Has a sending organization, e.g. an association, NGO,

    institute, local community, parish, diocese, Caritas, etc.

    Procient in oral and written English.

    Complete the entrance exam conducted by Xavier

    University successully.

    Willing to participate ully in all activities and projects

    proposed during the ormation year.

    Has the necessary physical and mental health to ollow

    the demands o the program.

    For urther details, you can download the Inormation Kit

    and Application Form rom the IFFAsia website (, or write to us at [email protected]


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    The ormation at IFFAsia builds the graduates, their leaderships and relational skills, helps them refect

    on acets o human lie, and bring positive initiatives to communities and public space. Graduates areencouraged to give their best and to be proessional be it in Church or Society.

    Career Training


    In my architecture training in Vietnam, I had courses on sustainable architecture and sociologybut it was only theory. With my participation in the IFFAsia Human/Social module, I begin tohave a deeper social understanding. It helped me very much rom the view o architecture. Tobe able to design highly ecient buildings especially public buildings such as churches, schools,hospitals knowing more about psychology and human behaviour is the best way to envisionthe use o the buildings.

    I can see the proound presence o my Creator and also appreciate the relationship betweenGod and man, and between humans. This ormation experience helps me to become moremature and responsible, a value that will benet me in my lie and work.Thien Vinh, Vietnam - Class o 2013Architect

    As a young graduate, I volunteered and joined a local grass root NGO doing relie projects or thevictims o the 2008 earthquake in southwest China in Sichuan province.I elt good in the beginning, but ater three years o service I did not eel that good.... When I wentor the ormation in IFFAsia, I learned Each human person is unique and original, and nobody has

    lived what we have lived.

    In July 2012, when I returned to my oce, though they were the same aces, same circumstance,

    Can anything good come out rom Payatas? (John 1:45-46).

    I was a person who didnt like to talk, not because I had nothing to say but I was not daringto express mysel especially to those whom I thought had authority over me. The IFFAsiaormation helped me to be condent and say to mysel I can do something and be someone,even though I come rom Payatas, a slum area with the largest dumpsite in the Philippines.

    Being poor instinctively led me to dream o studying in the service industry or IT. The ormationchanged me. I realized that my desire is more than just being in a hotel serving people or xingcomputers to earn a living. The studies opened my mind to so many realities in lie whichmade me see the importance o building ones inner sel & potential and infuencing a chain opositive changes and creating possibilities with others.Rodrigo B. Babiera, Philippines Class o 2009

    Formator-in-training, IFFAsia (currently pursuing degree in Psychology)

    I aced it with a dierent attitude this time. I respected my colleagues and appreciated their uniqueness. I am happy with whatIm doing now. I thank God or giving me this opportunity o going to IFFAsia and thank the people who

    journeyed with me.Anna Li Jue, China - Class o 2011

    Project Manager, Social Service Centre

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    Words from the Chairman, IFFAsia

    I am an accountant by proession. Ater my ormation in IFFAsia, I gave mysel ully

    to serve the youth in my diocese. It is a vast diocese. The team and I have to cover 4parishes which include 102 chapels and outstations. The distance can be as ar as 4 to

    6 hours drive and some have to use boats. We walk on rough roads to reach out to theyoung in the ar fung places and start a aith journey with them.

    It has not been an easy task. I know I am just a nobody who really wants to be asomebody or that someone. When they hugged me, they hugged me tight and when

    they call me Kakak Anna, they call me with so much love. They are the ones who keptme going, through that I experience Christ loving and encouraging me. I hope these

    youth know and eel Christs love like I did when I was in my ormation. I really believein the IFFAsia ormation.

    Anna Teresa Peter Amandus, Malaysia Class o 2010Director, Diocesan Youth Ofce o Sandakan

    The ormation in IFFAsia is an experience lived in a context o

    community and missionary spirituality. I personally endorse this

    program. We dont have yet anything as holistic as this. With the new

    partnership with Xavier University, one can even earn a Master Degree.

    This is not only or the Philippines but or the whole world.Bishop Joel Baylon, Diocese of Legaspi, PhilippinesChairman FABC Youth Desk, Chairman IFFAsia

    At IFFAsia, the ormation team, proessors and resource

    persons come rom a wide background, with regional

    and international experiences; rom community workers

    close to the ground to those who hold masters and

    doctorates in theology, sociology, business, philosophy,

    psychology, and education.









  • 7/27/2019 IFFAsia Brochure 2013-English


  • 7/27/2019 IFFAsia Brochure 2013-English


  • 7/27/2019 IFFAsia Brochure 2013-English



    Radio Veritas Asia CompoundBuick Street, Fairview Park

    1118 Quezon City, Philippines

    Tel: +63-2-9390011 (ext 1065)Teleax: +63-2-4284372Email: [email protected]


