Page 1: If your business was like the earth

If Your Business Was like the Earth…

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Page 2: If your business was like the earth

Biosphere (according to Wikipedia): The biosphere is the global sum of all ecosystems. It can also be termed as the zone of life on Earth, a closed system (apart from solar and cosmic radiator and heat from the interior of the Earth), and largely self-regulating. By the most general biophysiological definition, the biosphere is the global ecological system integrating all living beings and their relationships, including their interaction with the elements of the lithosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.

Biosphere=Customers’ Needs and Customers’ Relationships are the life of your business, without them your organization has no true purpose and becomes a barren lifeless place.

Copyrights (c) 2011-2016 Pragmatic Cohesion Consulting, All Rights Reserved

Page 3: If your business was like the earth

Sun (according to Wikipedia): The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System and is by far the most important source of energy for life on Earth.

Sun= Organizational Competencies and Capabilities are the most important source of energy that allow your business to fulfill your customers’ needs and maintain rewarding customers’ relationships.

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Page 4: If your business was like the earth

Atmosphere (according to Wikipedia): The atmosphere of Earth is the layer of gases surrounding the planet Earth that is retained by Earth's gravity. The atmosphere protects life on Earth by absorbing ultraviolet solar radiation, warming the surface through heat retention (greenhouse effect), and reducing temperature extremes between day and night (the diurnal temperature variation)

Atmosphere= Organizational Values and Principles create a sanctuary within which your business caters to your customers’ needs in a manner that reflects what ultimately matters to you.

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Page 5: If your business was like the earth

Cryosphere (according to Wikipedia): The cryosphere is those portions of Earth's surface where water is in solid form, including sea ice, lake ice, river ice, snow cover, glaciers, ice caps, ice sheets, and frozen ground (which includes permafrost). Thus, there is a wide overlap with the hydrosphere. The cryosphere is an integral part of the global climate system with important linkages and feedbacks generated through its influence on surface energy and moisture fluxes, clouds, precipitation, hydrology, atmospheric and oceanic circulation. Through these feedback processes, the cryosphere plays a significant role in the global climate and in climate model response to global changes.

Cryosphere = Business Goals and Objectives adjust and drive your business strategy to keep your products and services relevant to your customers’ needs. Copyrights (c) 2011-2016 Pragmatic

Cohesion Consulting, All Rights Reserved

Page 6: If your business was like the earth

Hydrosphere: The hydrosphere in physical geography describes the combined mass of water found on, under, and over the surface of a planet. The hydrosphere is intricate, complex, interdependent, all-pervading and stable and "seems purpose-built for regulating life.

Hydrosphere = Business Value Proposition spells out how your business’ products and services meet your customers’ needs and sustain rewarding customer relationships. Copyrights (c) 2011-2016 Pragmatic

Cohesion Consulting, All Rights Reserved

Page 7: If your business was like the earth

Lithosphere: A lithosphere is the rigid, outermost shell of a terrestrial-type planet or natural satellite that is defined by its rigid mechanical properties.

Lithosphere = Business Processes and Activities Is where the rubber hits the road i.e. how your business’ products and services come to life to meet your customers’ needs and sustain rewarding customer relationships.

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Page 8: If your business was like the earth

Copyrights (c) 2011-2016 Pragmatic Cohesion Consulting, All Rights Reserved


More to come…

The Earth’s Biosphere is sustained by the Sun, the Atmosphere, the Cryosphere, the Hydrosphere, and the Lithosphere which all interact with each other an form the earth’s Climate System!

In the meantime checkout our YouTube video about Business Models
